Thanks very much for joining us my guests today here in the studio are Soraya Sarhaddi nelson from k c w radio maine who says the results show how disconnected American Voters are from the jhumpa and from politicians pollsters and journalists. Also with us is mostly secret freelance journalist and currently a fellow at the American Academy here in burlington he argues that a deadly pandemic mumps of racial of people and scandal after scandal have done little to diminish trumps popularity at the polls and a warm welcome to to Matthew Carney chief europe correspondent for politico who believes whoever wins in the end the result shows that neither candidate or party has a clear convincing mandate. Thank you all 3 for being here great stuff id like to begin with you Soraya America has voted to what one leading financial broadsheet cold a big us election that resolves little about seemed like an option fad description of where we do you agree absolutely and it could become pounded depending on the congressional make up going to be very hard to get anything done and there are just so many varying narratives or varying agenda you know its going to be very hard for the next president to be able to latch on to those especially this joe biden who has said that hes going to bring the country back together show what why are we still waiting for a result the heart of it is because its an historic turnout i mean the numbers are just huge including the mailed in ballots which of course have depending on the state have some time left before they can be counted so all of that when you have a system that is largely handled by volunteers in 50 different states with 50 different systems you know it takes time to count them up whos going to win. The tough question. We as we speak now. Biden has taken taken back michigan wisconsin. And appears poised to win. Nevada and arizona he seems to have the clearest path towards 270. 00 Electoral College votes about a clear path but it is a system that doesnt really appear to work for europeanize why is it so complicated. We have to look to the firm as the constitution for that i think but we have an Electoral College system. That for whatever reason is weighted toward parts of the country that are less populous and so it often does happen that. The greater number of people vote for the candidate who has the fewer number of Electoral College votes and weve seen that in previous elections i think i just want to run the question by you why you know why is this is them still in place the Electoral College nobody really understands its in the postal vote isnt it is a sort of an opportunity to coal for old you know well i think a couple things 1st of all i would argue that the Electoral College system does work and has worked for over 230 years it has happened in the past it happened in 2000 and it happened in 2016 that the candidate who won the most votes did not win the election but the point of the Electoral College system is to have a regional balance in the country and its important to remember that the United States is twice as big as the European Union in terms of its geography its a country of 300000000 people more than 300000000 people and they wanted to avoid a system the framers didnt i think that they could sort of sense this was going to happen back then even that the country was going to expand westward and they wanted to avoid a situation where you had Large Population centers determining who was going to run the federal government it is its a federal system like germany and they tried to create this balance barack obama won 2 terms as president with the Electoral College and with a majority of the votes and i think that if joe biden wins. Today were in the coming days that this talk about doing away with the with the Electoral CollegeElectoral College will probably dissipate i think that the big problem this time was because of the pandemic you have many more mail in ballots than we normally do thats one problem the other problem is that the president of the United States is aggressively so why should he come. Any of these medals this is so fascinating diagram but it you know youre giving the impression that all is growing and rosy in the u. S. A couple of days after an election where were still ringing about hands and saying where the heck is this going you know what i think it is normal in the american system and i think its not normal to europeanize as as you said its not but the fact is that the responsibility for elections in United States lies with the 50 individual states and they are allowed to structure those elections in the way that they want there are a surprise said mainly volunteers who are working here to count the votes it is actually i think its very positive for democracy because it is a grassroots effort and when when people see as we saw this morning in my home state of arizona sort of groups of people out in front of the building where theyre counting the votes waiting trump flags and you know theyre carrying guns is a lot of people in arizona do anyway that you know tends to to worry a lot of european viewers i think american viewers and a very good news but i do think that it is also maybe a little bit part of the kind of circus atmosphere that often surrounds american elections well i dont agree about the Electoral College i do think that that will remain a Sticking Point as somebody who is a california voter i mean i feel disenfranchised frankly by the system that is very antiquated that was created 2030 years ago and i think with the with what weve seen with this election with the mail in ballots the overwhelming you know the ability to do voting in different ways on that because the idea was behind the Electoral College was to make sure that all states were represented but you can reach the voters now were not talking about going by horseback to you know some polling station god knows where you know fighting all kinds of dangerous elements although there are still dangerous in some places nowadays when you want to vote but but i do think that there are going to i mean that theres going to be pressure to end this i really its just a very strange system when you have a popular vote that goes for a candidate and then they still cant be elected because the electoral. College system is what prevails ok just one second i mean i think it is fair to say that the complications of the system would possibly what prompted President Trump to come out and make his extraordinary speech claiming to be the winner of the poll lets listen to that and then talk about that a little bit. We want the law to be used in a proper manner so well be going to the u. S. Supreme court we want all voting just. We dont want them to find any ballots at 4 oclock in the morning and add them to the list ok. Thats a very so. Its a very sad moment to me this is a very sad moment and we will win this and we as far as im concerned we already have. Most of your take on what was going on with the president and what was his message. What i hear from the president s words is someone who has path to victory has narrowed but who seems intent on riling up his base to do god knows what to preserve. His voice in the Public Discourse as biden kind of interest closer closer to victory. Theres a lot of talk among journalists and pundits about framing the narrative and a lot of people have been saying it theyd see it sort of framing the narrative of. What socratic narrative is not how it feels to you i mean the president comes out and says you know he almost himself declares himself would have since when does one guy choose their president of the United States we talk about challenges to democracy a kind of a naked appeal to stop counting votes of american registered voters does seem to be leaning to me towards. Kind of authoritarian. Kind of rule various things that hes done to to kind of stoke violence at the polls to to call out people who. To show up at the polls with with their arms on display appears to me to be something that is that is a guess totally against what we consider a working democracy. A president ial clue in the making some say regardless of whether donald trump you know wins another term in office or not its not cheap talk is that extreme talk i think its expel the bit extreme i mean i do think that the United States has systems in place to prevent one man from sort of staying in the white house i mean even though we may see that the visual putting up of barriers around the white house i thought that was very symbolic i mean maybe it wasnt intended that way but maybe it was intended that way but i honestly dont think that i mean you know he donald trump talks the way donald trump talks thats part of his appeal you know hes seen as a leader by his followers and i think thats meant for them when he says that whether it even lets say for a moment he does want to stay and will stay no matter what i dont think those around him are going to allow that to happen because of the institutions including the Supreme Court well i agree and i think its interesting that he actually referred to the Supreme Court in that clip so even he respects the authority of the Supreme Court here i dont believe at all that the Supreme Court is going to just rubber stamp whatever he wants it to do and its not even clear what he would be asking them or what he would be challenging and again its worth remembering that this situation is not in his hands now its in the hands of the states where these ballots are being counted its their authority the federal government has no authority over them loses the count is he going to go i think youll go absolutely hell go and i think. It will be as easy as that because even people in his own party the leader of the republicans in the Senate Mitch Mcconnell said of course were going to have a normal transition of power just like weve had since the founding of the republic theres no reason to think that we wouldnt do that and i think that many republicans actually the sort of Establishment Republicans would be happy to see him go you know i mean they they they dont seem to be particularly happy with his with his style either and the other thing is that theyve already got most of what they wanted they have control the Supreme Court now they have control more or less of the federal judiciary i think they would be more than happy to see the back of donald trump interesting lets try and capture the mood of the time by listening to 4 american voices. I there are some order president i think you know. This despite all. Credible gobby i am very frightened for america im very right i love our democracy i love america and i dont it has nothing to do with the party i just want somebody to look after an argument thats very important. Chump and doing nothing for us so that hes going to have anything more on the control than what. Trump does i followed voted for the greatest president in history donald j. Sharon. The best president s in history donald trump what saw his signal achievements. Changing the way president s talk i mean i dont know hes been hes been able to shake up Transatlantic Relations hes been able to to bring back some of the jobs that he said he was going to bring up i mean i dont want to sound like a trump defend him but but he has definitely left a mark on not just america but the world and i dont think thats going away i mean its not being swept away into the trash bin of history as monica hesse wrote in the Washington Post but thats why people also vote for him because of these accomplishments which i think you know often get get lost in the interest of america and the accomplishments you had a plural plurality of a compass months that im interested yeah i think this is you know exactly why his voters are coming back why his base really wants him to remain he cut taxes dramatically. He he also did away with a lot of regulations that was good for the Business Community he raised military spending dramatically these are all things that he promised to do in the campaign of 2016 hes taking a tough stance on trade with china now we have might all think that these are not good policies or many many people might think that it you know that these are are are are wrongheaded but this is exactly what he promised to do and he he followed through also promised to bring the deficit down to 0 and that hasnt gone so well because the country has a higher debt than it ever has mostly to feel comfortable with and with a lot. Its difficult for me to to hear those accomplishments and not think about. Children of migrant families who were separated at the border and not think about. Trumps kind of open acknowledgement of White Nationalist groups and i think about the kind of voice of some voices of voice of support that he gave to White Nationalists and charlottesville theres just so many things that i see as a point. Really that make it difficult for me to to. To consider those policies as as were supporting the right yeah im more inclined to mosey said i mean i think that yes while he did bring more spending to the military what hes done to nato for example and moving of troops and even like with afghanistan this forcing through of the peace talks that are not necessarily going anywhere i i think thats a real you know issue or problem and so i dont think that the changes hes brought i mean you know that with the tax cuts and everything thats fine he has done that he has made a change that i think we will feel for for many decades to come but i dont think that these werent necessarily successes this is that this is a subjective analysis and im just saying objectively speaking if youre trying to understand why so many people have voted for him why you know essentially half of america is still supporting donald trump its because when they look at what he did and i forgot to mention the judges on the court this was a huge thing for his base that he managed to put 3 new Supreme Court justices into place who are going to you know take a much different view of issues like abortion potentially and other things that are really core to the to the christian base i mean ill give you this Supreme Court but i dont think its objective analysis to say that afghanistan is falling apart or that the deal with iran the situation with iran is somehow better you know its better im saying this is exactly what he promised to do he said that he wanted to get out of iran dealers signaled that he was going to get out of the iran deal which he did and im not saying whether that was good or bad but he also said that he wanted to end the socalled endless wars he hasnt managed to do that but he has kind of voided an escalation in both iraq afghanistan and iraq and he hasnt started any new wars so i think its worth remembering you know if people are wondering especially in europe well how could anybody vote for this guy well look at his record look at what he promised to do and you might disagree. His policies and you might think that you know he did a lot of other bad things but if you look at what his base wanted and what he promised his base he delivered for them leading german correspondent came out the other day and said that he has done much more for peace in the middle east than barack obama for example well thats not a very you know high bar to be honest so. I just want to talk about so i just want somebody to look after america and to look after our democracy that was what woman said and those were just out of that report with those 4 statements and im just intrigued to know and well talk about that now is that somebody who could heal America Joe Biden lets watch this report 1st of all remember talk about joe biden. Joe biden was the youngest candidate ever elected to the u. S. Senate in 2009 obama named him his Vice President as my biden or a man with decades of political experience. As a president ial candidate hes presented himself as the antithesis of trump. We choose hope over fear unity over Division Science over fiction and yes truth over lives ill be a president will stand with our allies and friends and make it clear to our adversaries the days of cozying up to dictators is over its estimated that nearly another 210000 americans could lose their lives by the end of the year. And nothing no more. Lets just set partisanship aside and the politics and fall of the science bad job of a president to hear. Most and can job i mean hell america. Does america need joe biden to hail it. This is the role hes being cast in yeah i look at the returns as they exist right now with with joe biden with about 70000000 votes and donald trump about 68000000 votes and see a very stark divide. That is perhaps beyond what what what joe biden can do to heal i mean i see joe biden as a palatable kind of figure who many kind of diverse groups could unite around but he does not strike me as someone who is. Strident or or or visionary or even kind of truly progressive so i do i do wonder if you is often described as a man of great empathy. That that goes a long way coming from where weve been in the last 4 years someone who was able to kind of understand that other human beings have to have feelings and needs and this is kind of not entirely driven by you know personal ambition. That will certainly make a difference but but still that divide seems so great that i that i wonder i really wonder. If. If