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A controversial nude citizenship law just weeks ahead of its national elections. We find out what it means for muslims in india and high time and says new kind of as laws come into effect here in germany. But i want to smokers celebrate. We look at what the partial legalization means and is against the law and terry march. And welcome to the program syria, officials say, and theres really air strike has destroyed part of the rims diplomatic compound in damascus. The ranch revolutionary guard says what of its senior commanders was killed, along with several officers in the suspect. It is rarely airstrikes a Foreign Ministry spokesperson into iran says, is considering its response and punishment for the attack. This is whats left of the rain in conceal it in damascus. Officials say, and these really s stripe on the building code, several people including members of the runs is lumnick, revolutionary god, what do we strongly condemn this criminal act carried out by the zionist enemy, which led to the death of some innocent citizens who are passing by the streets and so again, we emphasize out position, besides our brothers in the Arabian Embassy and the atlantic republic of veronica. And we can assure that syria and the islamic republic, dont forget the enemys sort of yeah. What did you want to go to . Some of the last one, the other home among the dead is pretty a general mohammed res. As a haiti he was a top command in the elite codes for us, the for an operations of these. Why make revolutionary god . These riley nutri hasnt commented on the attack there. Israel has been increasing its operations against iran linked forces in syria since the october 7th. How much terror attacks iran says it reserves the right to retaliate. Ive got, we told you before, the zionist entity knows very well that such crimes and any kind of crimes will not remain without response as rescues kind through the rubble for survivors or body use concerns over a rapid escalation of violence in the region. A rising of more, im joined now by macro rob, a lecturer at the American University of a root. Thanks for being with us. My problem, this is real and it did indeed. Thank you. If israel did indeed strike the rating of diplomatic compound in damascus, id sure to be seen by to rub as an escalation. Why . What is real . Take this step now. And i think this has a number of messages. Primarily, its kind of a preemptive, move to the mind it on. What does it, what does impulse to actually cross . There was an engagement because the strike comes at the heels of a strike by one of it on some of the show to the port city. Its very unfortunate you, youre not the same time. I think that the target to people club own it kind of ongoing role in the conflict it in their support and the management of it on you in a network of militias or any potential or down there with all of this out. And because of that, the whole government anyway will not stop at anything to protect itself, even if this would require prompting a kind of footage and a conflict. You mentioned the attack on these really naval base, that was less than 24 hours before the attack on the diplomatic compound in damascus. The that attack on the naval base was claimed by the Iraqi Islamic Resistance backed by around you see a connection there. The most certainly in this part of the world, theres no such thing and then your new proxy. Most people view these entities as direct click amended by the russian guard. Certainly in the case of 11 on his below the under the direct command of the iron t. C. Even yesterday, one of the most prominent people who were targeted was the chief of stuff off the gc, both in lebanon and syria. So any way is it, or is the periods of but the same time, also preemptive, because i think that the moving of new hardwood or more skated weapons to it. Onion, proxies in the region might be extremely dangerous to visit, and this is why i think that the targeting yesterday or the pushing it on you uncomfortably. Because we know for the fact that over the last 2 years, many it on you and targets have been hit in syria, but never to the extent that it has involved with a kind of different wants to confront. Like what happened yesterday in damascus . The r o g c, of course being a rainy and revolutionary guard corps. Now alongside the ongoing war in guys, were seeing attacks in syria, lebanon, jordan, the rack, the red sea, and yemen is this conflict spinning out of control as well. I think that we already have spun outs controlled because october 7, despite the fact that people assumed that this wouldnt just be to out, i think the most is where it and it on or any kind of an open confrontation. The problem here is an interNational Community, beautiful, particularly by that, and this patient hasnt taken any right steps in the right direction by actually getting the idea of beast rather than using and using military means at their disposal. Of course, even after that the challenge of how much is dealt with in syria and is it, its our insight is very and by this time i think that is it a, it and the National Community it has to do with the i dont. And as long as it on is allowed to support and to extend its network of malicious, i dont think that this instability in the region would come anytime soon. What is it that youre proposing that the interNational Community do in its dealings with you around to address the situation . I think one has to be reminded of the problem with it on it, but it does not really function and it puts contin work on. The problem is not only it on a new kid, a webpage, but rather its militias into eddie. And this is why any return and this is something i actually do endorsed that we do have to engage in dialogue. But we also should not let us off the hook by dealing with it as a kind of a modem and state. Whereas in fact, it has all of this and it shows that we mentioned over the interview. So anyway, i think that the, it on your reasoning should be called out for its continuous use of flip. A flip ends, thats what this of mass destruction, but rather of non state actors uh to, to solve it kind of instability in the region. Only when we address this my initial concerns, i think thats the reality can be on the, the background. Thank you very much. For talking with us, i was like a robot assistant professor history at the American University. They re now the Food Aid Organization world central kitchen says 7 of its team members and guys ive been killed in is really airstrikes, according to causes from us run health industry, the bodies of for, for an aide, workers and one palestinian were brought to a hospital in the town of darrow, by the australia as Prime Minister as confirmed the death of Australian Aid worker is only frank common. Shes seen here on the left and a world kitch world. Central kitchen video posted last month. And israel says its investigating the incident as it continues its operation and gaza in response to the mazda october 7th terror attacks. Australian Prime Minister anthony albany, easy says it has given this reaction astray. I expect full accountability for the depth of id with his, which is completely unacceptable. Id workers and those doing humanitarian work in the data. Oh, innocent civilians need to be provided with protection. I a c. W, correspond to Rebecca Richards in jerusalem to tell us more about this incident as well as you just mentioned, terry wells central kitchen has said in the statement that 7 of his team members were killed in an a. Legit is really as try. Uh, it says the team was traveling in a d, a. D conflicted zones of an area that was supposedly comparatively safe to other areas. It wasnt in a, in direct conflict. But it wasnt a direct complet going on at that time. It says it same were into um with vehicles and one soft skin vehicle. The end of the vehicles were labeled with weld central kitchen on. Now the world central kitchen says that it is going to pause its humanitarian efforts, and there is more aid from that organization expected to arrive in gauze. And so its not clear how that may now be distributed. We know that its, it was, it unloaded 100. 00 tons of 8 and that there is more on the way so no, no, no clear messages about how or if that will be able to be distributed. So a very serious situation that will have why the ramifications certainly for the people who were desperately waiting for that aid in northern gaza. Of course, these a deliveries were just a drop in the ocean, but of every drop in the ocean helps when were looking at a population thats facing simon. Other 8 organizations to, of course, are looking at what just happened there. Could this end up having an impact on the provision of humanitarian aid in gaza as well as ive just touched on . That certainly could. I mean, you know, were already seeing very little a getting into northern garza was saying, you know, theres a report by the Us State Department that came out last week saying that in fact, northern gauze and pots of northern guys are already in simon. They believe where other parts of the strip could be facing some simon, and then suddenly are in facing severe food shortages. So the fact that this may hold for him to this much needed in getting to those areas where people are facing salvation is of course a concern. And as you see the, the world central kitchen now posing its operations and taking stock, wondering where to go. Other organizations might indeed, uh, you know, take the same measures if its not safe for they work as even when there has been discussing and a have been working with the military to try to ensure a safe passage. If that is still not possible, then i think we might see might well say 8 organizations taking a different brewton, perhaps posing what little operations theyre able to undertake us. It is rebecca. Thank you very much. That was our correspond to Rebecca Richards in jerusalem. The elders here in the news network is close to being shut down in israel. The is really parliament passed a new law on monday, allowing the government to band for and networks perceived as a security threat. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused victoria broadcast, are actively taking part in the from us lead october 7th terrorist attacks. Israel is parliaments that connects, it has cleared the way for the government to hold out to save it from broadcasting. And israel at the shut itself is this for at least 45. 00 days. God, i need go back to many. I got the bill preventing a foreign, broad, costa from humming state security was accepted in the 2nd and 3rd reading and will be entered into low peek gunners. Lets say a friend who israel has long had a rocky relationship without just eva, accusing it of biased against israel. The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu labeled to that Service Shuttle and its sweet and accuse the organization of humming is rarely security out just the area code. Thats a quite dangerous and ridiculous lie. The United States says its consent about israels decision. Ill say were just with, with respect to others, 0 obviously we, you know, i think its well known that weve not always agreed with all of alexs years coverage, but its a new organization that we engage with. What we will continue to make clear is that we support the work that the free pressed us to get. Top base news channel is one of the few. Its National Media outlets to remain in gaza after the october 7th terror attacks. Some of it stuff and the relatives ive also been among the victims of the well catch up on a few other stories making headlines around the world today. Former us President Donald Trump has posted a 175000000 dollar bond in his new york civil fraud case birth thing, the seizure property. In february, a judge found him guilty of over valuing his wealth to get cheaper loans. Hes appealing the verdict, which includes a total fine of 454000000. 00. A free was president and says replace to 6 ministers after they abruptly resigned amid the scandal thats become known is rolex gate. Over the weekend, police rated the home and office of present dina, blah, to as part of a probe into a house you obtained a collection of luxury watches. We want to insist she purchased them with her own money in the mexico is the latest country to evacuate. Its citizens from haiti as violence there continues to search or gain control about 80 percent of the capital. Now, lawmakers have struggled to form a Transitional Council to select a new leader after haitis Prime Minister step down. Last month, india has implemented a new citizenship law just weeks before general election. The bill was 1st passed in 2019 and provides a fast track to naturalization for minority religious groups from neighboring afghanistan, pakistan, and bangladesh. However, it does not include muslims who make up the majority of the population of the 3 countries. The citizenship Amendment Act headline, dormant since deadly protest in 2019 only to be inactive. Now, as the country heads to the poles, dw manero chodron reports. Its remo done, and the streets of shaheen bug in delhi are buzzing with festivities after a long day of lasting in 2019. The muslim majority area became a hot spot in the protest against the citizenship amendment at or c e. For short. We made us most of a little over 4 years ago spent days and nights at this exact spot, leading one of the biggest protest movements independent india hudson. Someone plays a broken wrench that im back. It was a pleasure at a resort and gave speeches in 2019 c. E. A. Make changes to an existing law to grand foxtrot citizenship. To undocumented migrants from 6 religious groups, including hindus and christians. From 3, mostly majority neighboring countries, focused on found the beach and have gone its done. Mostly migrants were not included in the provision. Any religious persecuted coming to be coming to india. What i said it does for gets them into binary support that much when you say it, but it wont be a good solution. But a couple of times thats the point where i have the lesson. So see, it is totally slumber for me. At the salt lake tribune, the critics call c e in the us post religion based citizenship test and the initial step of a larger agenda there are fuse that it could potentially be used to expand most lives identified as Illegal Immigrants to collectively targeting with them. Im very sorry, its again via supposedly the Secular Center that can get that relieving. Is there a hidden agenda . We need melancholy, a bgp leader and Supreme Court advocate. According to koli, the c a is not active listening, but its simply about helping minority non muslims in the region of or for a muslim who wants to be an immigrant, always has to seek citizenship. You will say that i should be false track when hes coming from a muslim majority country and who has the option to go to 50. Other countries which i handle doesnt have a stick. It doesnt that is discriminatory then today in diet goals and fathers. But critics of the, at main themes below is discriminatory and that using religion as a baseless positive and ship violets of fundamentals right to equality. We spoke decal shanks into an advocate, specializing in constitutional law. He told us that citizenship amendment at still face is a number of legal challenges. The question is whether or not the amendments actually boss constitutional muster. And that are already partitions, which are being listed before the Supreme Court to anticipate in court. We decide on the constitutionality of this act, back in shining buck us. It is what he is concerned, that the government might is too much to see with the planned, National Logistics of citizens or n o c. For sure, the propose to just to would make a list of all legal citizens in india and put dye Citizenship Rights even more closely to religion. Really like it possible that the human cannot see. Because that a huge door to slims. And we get on site is building any anything that you can imagine for now, aust, with is clinging to the hope that india is highest gold will strike down any low linking citizenship to religion, to data over 200 petitions challenging the c e. Have been filed, stick deeper into this now with on that a month. Hes a political analyst and journalist and joins is from deli, welcome to the program. Im out help us understand this why his Prime Minister modis government chose to implement this highly controversial law. And thats a question that actually only they can answer um, but to be blunt, uh like a lot of uh, a center, right. Or authoritarian parties in politics. A lot of dog wrestling happens just before elections because that house polarized supports and it benefits particular parties. This happens in countries around the world and the body is beach if he is particularly good at the drawing, some polarizing content just before elections because it benefits a how would you describe the mood among india is Muslim Population right now, especially given the decision to implement this law right, but its a little hard to talk about the person population as a whole. You have to think of it that is approximately 200000000 people across the breadth of this country. But on the whole, but the indian listens are wanting, is to avoid any thing that uh, that paints them as a target. And this particular law is seen as something of especially if its tied to a national center, a nash certification of registration, that it will to particularly pick and choose out muslims as of people who can be targeted. And that fear is something that i mean for any minority anywhere in, in the world. And you see this, i mean, when you saw this in the us with black lives matter, when you give extra power to the course of a political apparatus, particularly the police to check people, you know, to stop and press all of this, always a impacts of repressed minorities, im not sure. So a very strong load like this, which can be used broadly, is the fear, particularly for poorer muslims would have been recourse. Now we heard in, in the report we heard the argument in the report that the and the new law is not meant to be as lama public. That it would simply be helping minority non muslims in the region. Can you make sense of the argument . Well, theres 2 parts of it. Uh, what is that a must live by the way. Do is on the also allow a included in that, but theres very few jews applying for citizenship and theyre the one that muslims are not allowed to be fast track. But the other question is you have 3 countries, what this law applies to and thats a problem aside, bucks done. And bond with dish in india is actually hosted far larger publishing or records from she loved got port tom uh and from uh from to bet uh the tibetans, um from my end like the row here refugee is considered the most persecuted refugee is in the world um, how come the largest number of refugees are not reflected in the uh, the countries for which the largest number brokerages are coming in and into india are not reflected. What the question really is, what is the logic of this law . And it isnt, it doesnt seem to have anything to do with any current trend of refugees in india. Okay. Im afraid were gonna have to leave it there about a month in the political analysts, consultant, rider journalist, thank you so much for talking with us. Thanks. So much, but now germany has partially legalized cannabis for recreational use. Adults can now possess up to 25 grams and probably can grow up to 3 plants of home. The decision has divided public opinion, critics point to health and regulatory concerns. Germanys conservative opposition says it will revoke the law if it regains power, or out of berlin. Beer garden guests arent worried about the new policy. So i need lots of people should decide for themselves, so they will be well informed and can do it within the space during like smelling and the others have the same problem when people smoke tobacco. And also i mentioned often, but there are rules to, for the partial legalization. For example, smoking around children is not allowed. But regulating these restrictions may prove complicated. You have one over that we dont want to regulate, know, i guess. And we rely on mutual respect, but i think the sage club has outdoor space for some, 2000 people. But management says cannabis is controversial in a, hes always talking to the regular customers. Tell the policy around a joint till the time that wouldnt be good. Thing. I would use my right to intervene. Im hoping to hop on. Now adults can grow up to 3 marijuana plants, but theyre still banned in Community Gardens to decrease the cost is simply because lawmakers have linked us permission to grow cannabis to the home to the place of residence. And this is generally not the case for a lot of them gotten anyone over 18 can now cause this up to 25 grams of cannabis outside and 50 grams at home. Beginning in july, smokers will be able to legally by weed from so called cannabis clubs, and after 2 years, the thirtys will examine whether miners have been adequately protected. And if the legal ization of cannabis reduces drug related crime, youre watching dw news. Just reminder, the top story were following for you this, our syria is blaming israel for an air strike that destroyed the rims consulate in damascus, resulting in death sent injuries. Ranch revolutionary guards is a top general, was among the dead, is really military is not commented on the attack. And the Aid Organization world central kitchen says 7 of its employees have been killed in central gaza in an alleged is really a strike. The come us run Health Ministry in gaza says the bodies of for, for an aid workers and one palestinians were brought to a hospital in darrow last. Israel says its investigating the washing dw news. Im terry martin. Thank spring with us the in the Little Britain in the dawn you fed up with the chaos of rex it in britain. This economic crisis more and more brits are moving to frames. But new beginnings can be tricky. A story of language barriers, bureaucracy, buckets, not friction. On dw respect, its all about a walk in waves and texting nature. Thats why sandra, respecting nature, studying aids, i think its about being up to date with coming tardy is technologies. Training for the e co way of life, the environment magazine, the co op in 60 minutes on the w, the little guy. This is the 77 percent. The platform for advocacy, the issues and share ideas, the, you know, or the side that will be a not a great to catch and then topic applicants population is really fast. The young people clearly have the solution. The future is 77 percent. Every weekend on dw, the the, the new lot take off the phone. These regions of france are steep, tradition and history. But theyre changing as a growing number of brits move in, drawn by the beauty and the lower cost of living at all. Okay. Comes on as well. So you guys have a good weekend just by the new arrivals are buying up and renovating properties. But cultures often clash, for example, when it comes to lunch breaks, just dont get that. But 12 oclock, everything is

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