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Every tendency to deepen, because the internal political struggle in them will reach its peak in the next year, because it will be, well, very tough elections, such between directly, almost irreconcilable camps, so thats all, i repeat once again, its a difficult situation, and ukraine has no right to make a mistake here, im talking about our relations with the same poland. And several other such false steps, we have no right to make any more mistakes, and we must now very carefully calculate our forces, human, financial, economic, what we are capable of ourselves, what we are capable of in the conditions of decreasing support from the west, which we are scenarios, because anything can happen, and we cant just, well, there will be no support, when we put our paws together, no, we will fight, but then, well, fight, it will already be a completely different fight, and it is necessary to understand what goals we then set for ourselves, and then the goals will simply be preservation, survival, and before that we also need to prepare, we need to be ready for any scenario of the development of events, well, because predicting them, as you can see, is very, very difficult, thank you, mr. Oleksiy, for the conversation, it was oleksiy goncharenko, peoples deputy of ukraine, friends , we work live on the tv channel, and also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching now. Us on youtube and facebook, please like our video so that it is promoted in the trends of these platforms, and take part in our survey, today we ask you about this, are you waiting for the russians to shell the Energy Infrastructure of ukraine, yes no, please , write your comments under this video, what do you think about it, how are you preparing for the autumn and winter period, which, as the leaders of the ukrainian state predict, will be difficult those, well, please write questions to our guests, if you have them, if possible, we will ask them to our guests. Next, we have a veteran of the russianukrainian war, a former platoon commander of aidar yevgeny dykiy, mr. Yevgeny, i congratulate you and i am glad to see you on our air. Good evening, glory to ukraine , to the heroes, glory, so yesterday was allukrainian atakams day, the first atakams were tested in ukraine, the New York Times writes that ukraine received about 20 atakams missiles. Beating has been banned in russia, writes the publication, but even the version of the missile limited to 165 km range is enough to reach almost all the main bases of the Russian Federation on the occupied territory of ukraine, said associates of the publication in the us government. According to you, mr. Yevgeny, what would be the ideal number of attackers in order to change. The situation on the russianukrainian front, because 20, and whats the difference 20, 20 missiles why discuss, why discuss our hutels, when they are in no way related to the moguls, well, excuse me, what the hell is the difference, how many would be ideal, and in order to to understand, to understand what ukraine can do with 20 missiles, because to do 20, to make 20 hits, thats what you can really do with 20 missiles. And this, and this is not enough to, and it is not obvious , well, the New York Times writes, writes about the fact that these missiles are enough to reach almost all the main bases of the Russian Federation, but it does not say that to hit all those bases, no, well, even if its exactly 20 hits, attacks with a pretty accurate thing, but thats about something else, they mean that by territory that 165 km is enough to reach almost all bases, which by the way is also not true , to be honest, the concept is almost essential in this case, it almost does not include simferopol, sevastopol, kershni, feodosia, i. E. Northern crimea with dzhankoy everything is captured, actually within this radius, well, of the territories that we currently control, all of mainland ukraine is occupied, indeed all of it falls, but the piece of crimea is quite large, it does not fall within 165 km, that is, even, even the statements that are potentially available to us all the bases, not quite true, but less so, the main thing is that i generally honestly say that no. New york times is angry, thats putting it very delicately, of course i understand that freedom of the press is one of the key values ​​of a democratic society, i understand , that to a certain extent we are fighting, even in particular for the freedom of the press, but in my somewhat naive idea, the freedom of the press also implies a certain responsibility, and well , to be honest, i really want to just take people by the throat who have received any what information, everything, it is immediately needed for the whole world to spread the word, because they have one interest in life to entertain their readers, and the fact that we are supposed to be allies who are provided with weapons, and the fact that by disclosing the exact number of these weapons, even such a small exact number, they gently so to speak, they set up this ally, and this is simply behind the back of the free american press, that is, they, they got an interest, and they just joyfully already reported. that we only have about 20 attacks, that is, no matter what we hit, and i think i hit it very painfully, the first, at least the application was very successful, two airports at once, where they have nine helicopters, two airplanes, an antiaircraft complex, unmeasured equipment, this, well, its just a brilliant application, but the main thing is that now the muscovites know that no matter where we hand, but we just have to count and after. Hits, then you can catch your breath and understand again that the dangerous zone is not 165 km from the front line, but only 70, as it was until now, by the way, putin obviously had this in mind when he commented on the transfer of atakams to ukraine today and invited biden to the millionaire, lets hear what said putin, if the war is lost to russia, why would they supply attackcoms, let them. All other weapons are taken back with an attack, they sit down for pancakes, come to us for tea, if the war is lost, what will we talk about then, why an attack . Ask him this question, its funny, the United States of america has a small number of these missiles themselves, because they are already switching to the new prsm missile, if i m correct, i call this missile, it flies at a range of. 600 km, but this does not mean at all , that this rocket, which flies at 165 km, will be produced by the United States of america, and we will still need longrange missiles, including the german taurus, but , let me clarify, yes, according to the new 600 km missiles, they are not there yet, well, they are still making them, here they are the rivers will be over in three years, and in the meantime, unfortunately, the American Army itself is piecemeal. All the atakams they have, because there is a certain paradox here, in fact, these new missiles are still under development, and the old atakams are no longer being produced , but there are exactly as many as there are in warehouses, but there are no new ones they do, and thats why, unfortunately, its a limited resource and the us army itself makes sure that they have exactly this resource, because suddenly tomorrow they all have to fight for taiwan with their comrades, and thats why, while they handed over 20 missiles, well, we have certain expectations. That there will be more of them, well, but in any case there will be more of them, well, not next to each other, its a pity, but, but can the germans block our needs with longrange taurus missiles, and why arent they doing it now, why so for a long time, olaf scholz, who, by the way, was in israel yesterday and got caught in an airstrike there anxiety and had to feel for myself what shelling is like, but of course, it is not the shelling that is in ukraine. And i didnt feel everything that we feel, why germany constantly slows down the transmission of taurus, and i didnt use the word germany by the way, because in fact, all of germany, except for one person, has long been in favor of transferring taus to us. Well, olaf scholz remains the only one of the german highranking officials and politicians who are against this, no, well, what is the truth, if we look at the sociological polls of the germans, the picture is different there, much worse for us, but if. We if we are talking about the german political community, then in scholzs native party, and his colleagues in the government, and the opposition in the parliament, they have all been literally lying for a long time, give these ukrainians taurus already, nothing terrible will happen, there will be no mythical escalation, nothing putin will not do something that he is not already doing, but personally, olaf scholz is still afraid that if he passes, putin will do something, but still yes, there is a certain hope that the same story will happen as will become, but scholz categorically blocked leopards, until biden in the end, well, excuse me for such a term, well, after all, he didnt go crazy , it literally. Looked like this, and he promised us 31 abrams, which actually arrived only now a year later, but he publicly promised us 31 abrams , but after that, scholz had no choice but to give us the leopard, so there is hope that this information, that we have officially received it, will become the last straw, after which they will come to us. Today, mr. Yevgeny, putin, while in kinna, said that 31 military space aircraft could forces, of the Russian Federation, will patrol the black sea with daggers, and said that there will be regular patrols in the neutral airspace over the black sea, and the dictator says that this is not a threat, that is what i am saying now, what does this announcement mean and to whom it is directed, to the west. Of course, another bluff, another horror story, well, this time its also a horror story, well, extremely unprofessional, i understand that a Flight Attendant is not a pilot, you know, i m not a pilot either, but theres no need to be deep here an expert to know that the concept of a mig31 with a dagger patrols anything is nonsense, here is a mig31 to which a dagger is attached, burning fat. Just in small amounts and it cant stay in the air for more than an hour, usually its a minute, it takes off, it launches and comes back, so to say that this plane will patrol something, well , okay, lets buy popcorn , lets see when it will fall into the sea, and eh, this is according to you another bid increase by putin, or whoever it is, from the same series as this beautiful picture from the alleged a nuclear suitcase, or a mockup of a nuclear suitcase, but which was demonstratively carried across the hall so that it could not just be on all the cameras, on all the screens, it is this it is it it is from the same series that what they are going to withdraw it now the actual ratification of the nuclear agreement, about nuclear tests, and maybe even after that, something is going to happen right away on the territory. On the new earth, the unfortunate, there were 50 or so vybuks at the scoop, but for the last 40 years, this poor arctic was resting, well, im afraid that again it will be invented, again, this is all from, from this one series, they are trying everything, that is, apparently, they themselves are very afraid, and therefore their main bet is not on a real win in this war with us, but only on the fact that to frighten the west, so that the west will be frightened and stop us, well, you mentioned those suitcases that were carried behind putin in beijing, well, you know the story that one of the officers carries a Nuclear Weapon in a suitcase, and the other a suitcase, where they are being collected, well, that , what putin uses to go to the toilet, so it is not known there that in those, in fact, there were or nuclear buttons, you know, i would even assume that both of them could have ot2 , quite even, but the picture was made, from a technical point of view, just like that, it was carried behind him through the whole hall under the cameras, there was no need, it it was clearly the production itself. So, at the time when these suitcases were being carried and showed the whole world that he had a button, a nuclear button, conventionally speaking, gundyaev, the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox church, said that the Nuclear Weapons of the Russian Federation were created under under the patronage of seraphim of sarovsky, and, as gundyaev said, russia remained free, independent thanks to Nuclear Weapons. In the Nuclear Center under the auspices of reverend seraphim of sarovsky, honestly, i cant fully understand , did they take relics there, where they created the atomic bomb, or what, what in general, kirill says, he understands that he has to support putin, that he is a classmate, a coaggressor of this war, but i cant to the end, its more than just supporting putin, in fact , its much deeper, you know, in the distant year 1982, here is a russian writer, the dissident, volodymyr voynovich, published the novel moscow 2042. And there was such an image of the mitrozanpolit father of the stars. At the time, it seemed absolutely grotesque, but in fact, as often happens, the writer simply sensed the trends much earlier than the rest. And now this trend has finally been brought to an absolute level, now we actually see this kgb agent gundyaev in reality, that is, in the role of the mitrosampolite father of zvezdoniya. Nuclear orthodoxy, thats for real. It is absolutely logical that the final stage is the one that foreshadows the absolute collapse of this one putins strange, whimsical country, this crazy hybrid of the soviet savva and some tsarist one, and maybe even to petrovskys russia. Well, by the way, you said about vainovovich and about the past of the soviet union, it is clear that this church, which is and is represented by a branch in ukraine, continues to work, and the network that is managed by gundyaev, putins accomplice in this war, a person who blesses russian soldiers for killing ukrainians, it was and remains there 10,000 parishes, or how many they have throughout ukraine, a big, big network, tomorrow the Verkhovna Rada of ukraine should consider the issue of banning or limiting the activities of the branch of the Russian Orthodox church in ukraine, in your opinion, who and why not. Wants to ban or transfer this church to another status or give an ultimatum to this church, that she should reregister and break ties there with the moscow church, who, who, who does not want to give them an ultimatum to reregister, this is absolutely the wrong way, because, excuse me, the kgb has a long tradition of working undercover, if they will have to to reregister, they will reregister, they are already officially called the Ukrainian Orthodox church, not the Russian Orthodox church, although never. Excuse me, they have not ceased to be, just one of the departments of the Russian Orthodox church, and i do not know for what reasons someone will vote against this law, but one thing is obvious to me, that the deputy who will not vote for the ban tomorrow should not really think the orthodox socalled church in ukraine , er, in fact this person works in russia, but she herself may even be aware of this, she may think that she or. There for freedom of speech against the intervention of the state, there is still a lot to think about, but in fact , anyone who does not vote for the ban tomorrow, we can put a fat, fat tick on the otaku a person works for russia, objectively, regardless of evidence or not consciously, but here it must be very clearly understood that the question of her freedom of speech, the question of religion, freedom of conscience, has no relation, no. Relation to the question, the Russian Orthodox church is not a religious organization in the sense in which is meant when talking about freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, whether or not to ban this church is not a question of religion, the Russian Church , if not always, then at least since the time of peter i, at least, was not a religious organization, but a religious department within the russian state now lets not discuss the prepeter parts, different estimates are possible, but at least from the moment when peter i dissolved the moscow patriarchate and instead introduced a holy synod, which, excuse me, was appointed simply by royal decrees, in the same way as, for example, the artaltsei collegium, or another department of the russian government, since that time the Russian Orthodox church is not a church, it is one of the departments of the russian state, and it is the only department of the russian state that is still is functioning on our territory, and until we stop this functioning, we have no chance to truly free ourselves from russia, we have no chance to win this war, and so on, we cannot win this war, we cannot colonize anywhere until we have 10,000 parishes, these are direct branches, institutions of the department of the russian government, what we are talking about, in general, this, this is approximately, you know, from the same series as if during the second world war, that is, in the phase when the germans and the soviets checked, if, for example, all party cells of the National Socialist Workers Party of germany were openly active on the territory of the ussr, or vice versa, on the territory of. The reich , the cells of the cpsu were absolutely openly active. This is exactly the same thing. There are 10,000 cells directly subordinated to russia on the territory of our state. The state, and here you also need to understand that these things are obvious to you and me, but even you see, in ukraine they are still not obvious to everyone , lets say, these things are very unclear in the west, but there they really believe that if something is called a church, it means this is a church, which means it is a religious organization with believers, with faith and so on, well, they dont care about the fact that in russia in general yes. Its all the same, that peace is war, love is hate, so war is a special military operation, and not a war at all, so they believe that if on it a state institution is written church, which means that it is really a church, not a state institution, and therefore, when our war is over, we will not have a chance to grow this infection, we will not have a chance to actually clean this pus, because then we will be persecuted through the european courts, through the european parliament, who will not understand at all what they actually stand for, but they will think that they stand for freedom of conscience and expression, but only during the war we have a unique chance to really tear out this abomination, what a this gangrene, in fact, which permeates the body of our country. Thank you, mr. Yevgeny , lets hope that tomorrow the Verkhovna Rada of ukraine will make a historic decision, it was yevhen dyky, a veteran of the russianukrainian war, a former battalion commander, aidar. Friends, we are live on the channel, also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube, please like this video, or it was trending on youtube, and vote in our poll, we today we ask you about are you waiting for the russians to attack the Energy Infrastructure of ukraine, yes, no, please write your comment under this video. We will be in touch later. Diplomat oleksandr khara, expert on foreign and security policy. Mr. Oleksandr, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you on our air. Good evening, mr. Serhiy, mr. Alexander , today was supposed to be a decisive day for the near east, for the future near east, because there was supposed to be a quadrilateral meeting in jordan with the participation of the president of the United States, joseph biden, but yesterday the rocket hit the hospital in the sector in the sector. Gases and this meeting was canceled, joseph biden flew to tel aviv, said that in fact, there is no evidence that it was, there was a shot from the israeli side, and he said that by chance the alel ahliye hospital was accidentally hit by palestinians, palestinian radicals around this hospital, here is this shot that rang out in the hospital. Which is in the gas sector, how, how he changed the balance of forces, literally in a day, indeed, sometimes there are such not very remarkable events, of course its a remarkable event because people died, but i mean, given the general horror that has been happening for several days in israel, it can radically change something, by the way, this is a favorite tactic since the time of the kgb, the socalled bifurcation point , when you can make an effort and with this operation of influence change the course, well, if not history, then at least the politics of a certain state for a long time, and of course, what is happening now in israel, i am not talking about the sacrifices of the israelis themselves and the suffering that they experienced , citizens of this state, then the most affected after them is the Palestinian People themselves, since their, shall we say, prospects of obtaining. Statehood, their prospects in the end , to start living normally in peace and develop their own, their nation, they are once again defeated, since actually this terrorist attack on the israelis, it broke that peace treaty, or shall we say, the agreements that the United States, saudi arabia and israel were going to make. It is clear that now is not the time for saudi arabia to go against the flow and general hatred towards israel, which has always been there, but also the understanding, even among the leaders of neighboring arab states, that they would follow saudi arabia if everything went well, i mean a rapprochement with israel and then some positive developments in the issue of statehood, the palestinians. And the most important thing that won this war and is winning now is, of course, hezbollah, because it has a large. Number of supporters, it is clear that those families who lost relatives and friends will raise their children in hate israel and prepare a new war, the second point, they will have the opportunity. to control the political situation and absorb the money allocated by other arab states, i am sure that the Russian Federation also plays a certain role there, and of course iran, which destroyed, not only this triple agreement, this third agreement with israel, saudi arabia and the United States, in fact, that the situation should change radically, that iran should be restrained in the region and that an antiiranian coalition was formed, so to speak, of course, that this shot that took place, and by the way, the americans say that their, or rather, the intelligence, or the community, said that it was rather a shot, that is, actually by hamas themselves, and they rely on data, that is, sind intelligence, i. E. Signals intelligence, intercepts, militant conversations, but you understand that after. Lets say stories, different stories, including how the American Intelligence Community convinced the International Community that iraq had Nuclear Weapons, they limits, and of course, this legitimized the invasion of iraq by the United States and members of its coalition, of course, which the arab countries and the global south do not believe in, this is imposed on the resolution that was passed literally half an hour ago in the security council. Uon, its interesting that the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom abstained, everyone else supported, a resolution calling for a ceasefire and, well , humanitarian, this, improvement, improvement of the situation, of course, that this resolution and the voice of the United States will be used by the Russian Federation and china, in order to show primarily the arab world and, of course, africa. That the United States of america has a double position, on the one hand, they are trying to draw everyone into the antirussian coalition , showing that russia violates International Law and that pressure is needed on them, and on the other hand , they turn a blind eye, in fact, to similar actions that committed by their ally israel , which is given carte blanche, although by and large Tony Blinkens visit, or rather two visits, and president bidens visit, this is on the one hand. Support for an ally, on the other on the one hand, this is an effort to keep this ally from getting worse, joseph biden told his wizav, that is, Benjamin Netanyahu , that he should not be guided by resentment, as in the days after 9 11, these two endless wars in the United States have caused something, and of course we know that these two wars in afghanistan and iraq actually undermined that international system. One that was formed after the collapse of the soviet union, and they dealt a powerful image blow, and actually not the desire of the americans, especially republicans now actively participate in Foreign Policy and support ukraine, including, it is based on the fact that they do not want to play such a role as a global policeman, so what is happening in the middle east is an unfortunate thing for those who live there , god forbid that this conflict flares up, with the involvement of hezbollah, and then iran, because it will be a global, oil shock, and most likely, this means that this conflict will spread further, but it is clear that this is evil, she formed, they use the unfortunate palestinians in order to justify their ideas of dominance and the challenges of the United States to the west as a whole, of course, that this situation will not be resolved in the coming weeks, thats for sure. Thank you, mr. Oleksandr, we have irina sampan on the phone now, this is my colleague , she is in ashkelon, in israel, irina, good evening, good evening, and please tell me what the Current Situation is in israel, especially against the background of , which happened yesterday, and this rocket that flew into a civilian hospital in the gaza strip, what is happening now on the territory of israel and in particular. Skilonia, or are shelling, does hamas continue shelling the territory of israel, are rockets coming in the middle of the night, from hezbollah, that is, what is the general situation in the city . Well, first of all, this explosion really happened at the hospital, i was then in zdorota, this city is even closer to the gas sector to the border

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