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Nashville, a 43 increase in murders. And murders are up 39 in kansas city, 36 in new orleans, 39 in chicago, 32 in houston, 27 in new york city. And murder rates in most of those cities are only rising higher. Each of those ten cities run by a democrat mayor. But rather than focus their outrage on the failed democratic leadership of this country, the leftwing National Media peddles the fiction that responsibility lies elsewhere. Somehow with the president , Law Enforcement. And the remedy is to allow anarchists, black lives matter activists and leftist activists to destroy our National Heritage and defund, of course, our police departments. Philadelphia murders have increased 23 through june, and rather than demand more policing in philadelphia, black lives matter seeks the total abolition of the Philadelphia Police force within the next five years. One of the things that were demanding is the defunding over five years to the complete abolition. So we dont want to see any police in our community over the course of five years. And the five years gives time for the community to begin to build what is needed instead of police so that we, were not looking to leave any kind of a vacancy around the issue of safety. If there is violence happening, by the time the police arrive, that has already, you know, occurred particularly in neighborhoods like, you know, poorer neighborhoods and in black and brown communities. So the police is not really a resource for preventing that kind of crime from happening, just a response. Lou well, just north of the white house d. C. Has dedicated two blocks to black lives matter. Never mind that protesters have violently clashed with police, tried to tear down statues and have done so in many cases and have also set fire to and vandalized st. Johns episcopal church. Last night eight people arrested in the area known as now black lives matter plaza. So much for peaceful demonstrations. One black lives matter protester attacked another black man for supporting President Trump. [inaudible conversations] oh lou well, there is a bill of rights, just apparently the left doesnt think its still operational. D. C. Isnt the only city to pay tribute the black lives matter with murals in the streets. At least 19 other cities have done so as well. And for what reason . Its a decision that habit gone over well hasnt gone over well with some of the citizens of those cities and towns. In martinez, california, a couple spent their 4th of july painting over a 165foot black lives matter mural on a city street. Marxist art, if you will. Now those two have been charged by the contra cost that County District attorney with a hate crime. Their painting over a mural receiving greater condemnation from the left that has painted obscenities on national monuments, torn down statues commemorating americans like frederick douglass, queue lis sis s. Grant and abolitionists. The lefts selective outrage evident also in how its responded to nfl quarterback drew brees who during an interview last week said he disagreed with those who would disrespect the american flag. He said he would stand for the national anthem, and he had to apologize for such radical expressions. Activist athletes from the sports world denounced brees, forcing him to apologize. This monday eagles e wide receiver delaware shop jackson took to social media to post antisemitic speech attributed to hitler and praising antisemite louis farrakhan. What was the reaction from the left and all of those outraged professional athletes . Nary a word. To the radical left, standing for the flag a much bigger sin than being an antisemite. Another member of the radical left is minnesota congresswoman ilhan omar. Defunding the police not enough. Absolutely insufficient. No, she is calling for a fullfledged dismantling of the american political system. We cant stop at criminal Justice Reform or policing reform, for that matter. We are not merely fighting to tear down the systems of oppression in the criminal justice system, we are fighting to tear down systems of oppression that exist in housing, in education, in health care, in employment, in the air we breathe. As long as our economy and political systems prioritize profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequality. So we cannot top at criminal justice systems. We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it. Lou well, oppression that produces congressmen hike like ilhan omar, for example. As the radical left tries to tear down the very foundation of the country, the Supreme Court today gave President Trump another victory, a major victory. The court ruled 72 allowing employers to refuse on religious grounds to cover contraceptives under obamacare. Over the past few weeks, the Supreme Court has sided with the president on a number of major issues including speedy deportations, border wall funding, the Electoral College and rights for religious schools. President trump today welcomed mexican president Lopez Obrador to the white house. The president hailed the relationship between the United States and mexico, and he said it has never been better. The relationship between the United States and mexico has never been closer than it is right now. And as the president said a little while ago, people were betting against that. They were actually betting against that. But its never been stronger, never been closer. Were doing a tremendous job together. Were cherished friends, partners and neighbors. Our cooperation founded on mutual trust and Mutual Respect between the two of us and between our two countries. And we honor the great dignity of both nations. Lou our first guest has been in attendance at the meetings between President Trump and mexican president Lopez Obrador. Joining us tonight is the National Security adviser, robert obrien. Robert, its great to have you with us, and this is an extraordinary moment. Give us a sense of how those talks have gone, and at first, if you will, just the atmosphere and the tone between these two men. Well, thank you for having me, on, lou. Its a very warm day here in washington, and the warmth here outside the white house is matched by the warmth inside. The meetings have been extraordinary liquor yall between the two president s and the two delegations. Were making a lot of progress, but president Lopez Obrador and President Trump really hit it off. You could see that earlier in the rose garden, and we have a great relationship with mexico. As the president said, its never been better. And what a fantastic visit by the president s. I know you talked about monuments earlier. One of the nice things is that president lopez if obrador, earlier this morning, went out to the Lincoln Memorial and placed a wreath in front of abraham lincoln. What a gesture of friendship and respect from a socialist president down in mexico, to come up and honor president lincoln that way. We were very pleased to see that. Lou and he expect president share Something Else and the president share Something Else, its not often given much attention at least in the leftwing media, and that is both men are populists and believe strongly in their responsibilities to the people rather than, if you will, the commercial interests of their respective nations even though both are pursuing better times for all as a result of their efforts to get more people employed. One of the things that most people have ignored here, robert, as you know, is that these two men are operating as partners as we have never seen in all of the time that i have been covering both mexico and the United States. And that goes back to shree salinas in the first bush era. This is an extraordinary thing. And, by the way, i, frankly, am astonished that the White House Communications department, the trump administration, the Trump Campaign doesnt make more of the fact that these two men are operating as coequals in battling the cartels, drugs and building a new trade relationship. No, 100 , lou. When you said they had something in common, i thought you were going to say they both liked baseball. Its a custom to bring a gift for the president , and the president returns the gift, they exchanged baseball bats today. So the president signed and gave a custom Louisville Slugger to president hoe e pez obrador, president Lopez Obrador gave the president a beautiful bat manufactured in southern mexico. And theyre both baseball fans as well. Youre right about the partnership, i mean, nobody thought this would be possible. President Lopez Obrador said this, he said people wouldnt believe this. But when you look at what President Trump has done, hes built a wall. Immigration is down dramatically. Part of that is the wall, part of it is also because the mexicans have deployed 27,000 troops to their border. Why have they done that . Look, they dont want human traffickers on their board, narco traffickers on their border, they dont want Illegal Immigrants from conflict zones on their border, so weve got a lot in common with mexico. And, of course, a lot of folks in the media would ignore that. But president Lopez Obrador and President Trump are working together as partners, and i dont think weve ever had a better relationship. And as you just mentioned, youve been following this for a long time, lou. Lou indeed. And its nice of you to point this out, lou. [laughter] since you were 12. [laughter] lou god bless you for bailing me out. The fact of the matter that both countries have an immense investment in one another. The fundamental idea behind nafta when it was first created, and i was this for that moment as well there for that moment as well and series of moments, the United States felt if we were to be enriching anyone, we should enrich our neighbors first; that is, canada and, of course, mexico. And that is precisely what has happened. Now this is a more mature relationship, and the president is bringing greater balance. And Lopez Obrador is working to insure that the cartels meet their appropriate fate. Has there been much discussion about those cartels and what both countries can do to rid this hemisphere of them . Well, the cartels arent just in mexico. With respect to mexico, bill barr, our attorney general, has been down to mexico city a couple times the last several months, and ever since those terrible murders of the American Family in mexico, theyve extradited a number of cartel figures to the United States, have been cooperating closely with the doj and with attorney general barr. The other thing were doing which mexico truly appreciates is the president deployed naval and coast guard assets and soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines to the eastern pacific down near baja, california, and the caribbean. Lou right. And were interdicting tons and tons and tons of cocaine and marijuana, well over 2 billion in street value over the past three or four months. Some of those drugs were actually going to mexico, so so were doing a favor for the mexicans and to ourselves as well and stopping those drugs from coming in, primarily from venezuela. Again, thats another area of partnership, interdicting drugs coming from the narco reregime in venezuela. Lou any new initiatives between the two leaders that you can tell us about this evening . Well, i think one of the things that weve been doing, im not sure its new, but a lot of people dont know about it. Mexicos been hit hard with covid, we have, and the president has been grateful to the support weve given. Weve sent down over, i think, 600 ventilators to mexico to help with their icu capacity. Both companies are sharing knowledge that theyre gaining regarding the covid virus. So were working to come out of covid which came from china, out hit the whole western hemisphere, and were working together to come out of that covid crisis and strengthen both the mexican and american economies. And, again, were blessed to have neighbors like canada and mexico and have a great integrated market here in the western hemisphere. As we move our supply chain home from china, mexico e and canada will play a big role, so its important to us. Lou robert obrien, good to see you. Thank you for being here. Turning now to wall street, the dow up 31 points, the 11 points, the s p up 25. The nasdaq hitting a new record close of 149 points on the day, the 25th record close of the day. Volume on the big board picking up to 5 billion shares. Crude oil settling at 40. 36 a barrel 86 a barrel, and retailer Brooks Brothers filing for bankruptcy because of the impact of the china virus. The retailer closing 51 stores as it seeks a potential buyer. Brooks brothers has 500 stores worldwide. A reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. My e new book, the trump century how our president changed the course of history forever, available for preorder now at thetrumpcentury. Com. Up next, Goldman Sachs with a dark forecast of what to expect if joe biden were to be the unthinkable, that is, elected. Rnc chair ron that mcdowell Ronna Mcdaniel joins us here next. Ronna, im sorry about that. Ronna mcdaniel next. Stay with us. At the investments, which we cant control, and lets now look at our goals. In other words, we only want to take as much risk as is necessary to achieve our goals. In other words, we only want to take as much risk i am totally blind. And non24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442142424. Weve always put safety first. And we always will. For people. For the future. And there has never been a summer when its mattered more. Wherever you go, summer safely. Get zero percent apr financing for up to five years on select models and exclusive lease offers. Lou breaking news now, antitrumperd former National Security Council Member Alexander Vindman retiring from the u. S. Army, never being promoted to full colonel. Defense secretary mark esper supported his promotion. The president did not. Vindman was a key witness, if you can call him that, that was the intention at least, in the radical dems sham impeachment effort last year. During the hearings vindmans supervisor at the National Security council, tim morrison, expressed frustration at vindmans dismissal of the chain of command. Vindman reported his concerns with a call between President Trump and ukrainian president zelensky to the National Security council s attorney rather than his superior, and he had only, well, a tepid influence on the whole farcical proceeding. Tammy duckworth has given President Trump an ultimatum to either promote vindman to full colonel or she would block the to motions of more than a thousand senior army officers. With we know what happens when you give leaders ultimatums. Meanwhile, duckworth and other radical dems have been utterly silent after a top general in the middle east, frank mckenzie, says no american troops died from the reported and, by the way, unconfirmed russian bounties in afghanistan. The World Health Organization now supporting chinas plan of an outbreak of the bubonic plague saying that the communist government is doing just a great job. Theyll soon have to walk this back liking Everything Else theyve said about the china virus and the Chinese Government and its handling of the coverup and the origin of the china virus. The w. H. O. , you remember, claimed there was no humantohuman transmission of the china virus. Youll remember that they also declared delayed declaring that the china virus had set off a Global Pandemic despite the fact that it was obviously a pandemic. And theyre now saying they first learned about the virus from the internet, not from Chinese Communist government officials. Secretary of state pompeo says the w. H. O. Pattern of corruption is why the United States has been withdrawn from the if w. H. O. By President Trump. This is an institution that got it wrong on sars, it got it wrong on ebola. The United States had to create its own system, pepfar, to do the work to prevent and come up with solutions to the hiv aids program. We did that, the United States did that. Finish the or World Health Organization has a long history of corruption and pretty. And politicization. Lou well, breaking news now, a republican pac is spending 2 million to air an ad in wisconsin on joe bidens history of lying. Restoration pac focusing on biden lying about his education and his 1988 president ial campaign. Biden claimed he had three degrees, he had a full scholarship to law school and graduated at the top of his class. Not so. Biden will also hurt the economy, says none other than Goldman Sachs. Hardly a bastion of republicanism. A Goldman Sachs report says that the biden tax plan would cut s p 500 earnings by 20 a share. That is not good. Joining us tonight is Republican National Committee Chair Ronna Mcdaniel. Ronna, great to have you with us. I a really, i have to say Goldman Sachs has just handed you and the Republican Party and the president an immense gift for your advertising against joe biden. 20 a share is a significant [laughter] a significant down, down move for any market. It would be disastrous. Your reaction. Well, i think Goldman Sachs is right, and i think the market recognizes this, and the American People should recognize biden would be a disaster for our economy. Hes never held a job outside of washington. Hes never started a business. He has no clue what hes doing. If he will bankrupt this country. Hes already talked about the fact that he would raise taxes, get rid of our energy independence, sign on to the green new deal. Today he said he would direct funds away from the police. He would be an unmitigated disaster for this country, and americans will be poorer for his leadership if he does elected what were going to stop, lou, because were going to reelect President Trump. Lou you need to get ahold of kanye west. [laughter] he got really confused in one of his latest pronouncements saying President Trump was in a bunker. It was of a little confusing. Hes going sort of the way of joe biden. Finish its biden who spends all of his time in the basement bunker in his home, not the president of the United States who is in front of the American People up close and personal more than any president in modern history. Absolutely. I mean, biden is hidden, hes not taking tough questions from the press. That is his whole campaign strategy. The less you get to know me, the better ill do. Im so excited for these debates. I cannot wait for them to go toe e to toe. And, of course, the president has not only head through this pandemic by getting the testing and the ventilators ramped up, he put our economy in an unprecedented position before this, but hes also showing the path forward. We can be healthy and safe, but we can also open up our economy and start working again and campaigning again, because we have to start moving forward. And biden is stuck in his basement shivering in fear. Lou yeah. Ronna, if you would, stay with us through this quick commercial break. Weve got a hard break coming at us. I want to continue with a few issues with Mitch Mcconnell and the Republican Party. Ronna mcdaniel on the other side of these commercials. Please stay with us. Devin, did you know geico is now offering an extra 15 percent credit on car and motorcycle policies . Ok . Thats 15 percent on top of what geico could already save you. So what are you waiting for . Dj khaled to be your motivational coach . Yo devin remember to brush in a circle motion. Thank you. Dj. Khaled. Tiny circles, devin. Do another one. Another one. Is this good . Put in that work, devin. Dont give up. Geico. Save an extra 15 when you switch by october 7th. Save an extra 15 ptogether we can make real change happen. We are rotary. We are people of action. Get involved today at rotary. Org action lou were back with the chair of the Republican National committee, Ronna Mcdaniel. And, ronna, let me can you this. Let me ask you this. Youve got a lot of, several campaigns whether its the tuberville sessions, the contest in alabama, whether it is collins in georgia and kobach out in kris. In kansas. They dont have the support of the Republican Party, they dont have the support of Mitch Mcconnell. Whats going on and why in the world arent you supporting winners . Thats, i guess, the question. Why is there this confusion in the Republican Party when you need to keep a majority . So the rnc doesnt get involved in primaries, and i think theres wisdom in that because it allows you to bring lou for crying out loud, ronna [inaudible] lou mcconnells spending 2 million against kobach. Im sorry . [inaudible conversations] i mean, hes trying to kill the frontrunner in the polls. Yeah. Lou is whats the deal . So whats the deal . We stay neutral, we bring everybody together after the primary to get the winner across the finish line. We want the voters to make the decision, and mitch has a different philosophy, and thats his choice. Lou well, hes got the same philosophy. Tuberville is proamnesty, he is on the wrong side of a number of issues. The president has endorsed him nonetheless but did cancel a Campaign Rally with him. Kobach is as conservative as he can be and, frankly, stands pretty tall amidst the field that is arrayed against him despite mcconnell and his rino money. I mean, this is just the Party Looks Like hell to the american voter. Well, its but, lou, if we waste money heres the thing. And its tough. If we spend money in these primaries, we may not have money for the general, and weve got to cope the senate. Keep the senate. The candidates are to raise their own money and run their own race, and thats part of vetting the good candidates, getting through, winning these divisive primaries or competitive primaries, and then we get them across the finish line in the general with. But we have to win the senate. So our money has gone to the ground game. Were in all these ballot ground states, the Battle Ground states, and were ready to keep back the senate, win back the house and reelect the president in november, and that is what our focus is. And if im getting involved in all these primaries, i will Waste Resources that will eventually help us keep those goals in mind of winning the keeping the senate and winning the presidency she. I wish i had unlimited funds, then id get involved lou i was asking you to get ace hold of Mitch Mcconnells right ear and kind of twist it. [laughter] thank you so much. Great to see you, as always. Ronna mcdaniel. Tomorrow night, a special interview with the chief of staff of the white house, mark meadows. Hope youll join us for that. And coming up, a reminder to repreweorder my new book, the trump century. You can preorder a copy at thetrumpcentury. Com. Coming up next, the department of justice handing over new exculpatory evidence for general michael flynn. Kt mcfarland and sara carter instead of trying to decide should i invest in stocks or not . Meaning, are stocks going to rise or not . , lets instead stop looking at the investments, which we cant control, and lets now look at our goals, which we can control. In other words, we only want to take as much risk as is necessary to achieve our goals. We need to protect the money thats there. And that says you should be investing in. Lou breaking news now, the department of justice has discovered new exculpatory evidence in the persecution of general michael flynn. This is more exculpatory evidence. It just keeps bubbling up from the department of justice. Including notes from peter strzok. Joining us tonight, kt mcfarland, former deputy National Security adviser to President Trump, sara carter, investigative reporter, fox business contributor. Great to have you both with us. I want to start, first of all, kt, right now we have two carriers in the south south chia yes. Lou we have a phase one deal that was historic in january which now is on life support at best. Yep. Lou your thoughts about what is going on in the relationship between china and the United States. Well, President Trump isnt backing down. I think this is whats so important for people to realize, that the chinese are trying to use the pandemic. They plan to come out of this in two or three years time having supplanted the United States as the dominant superpower in the world. And one of the ways theyre trying to do it is by seizing control of the South China Sea and basically turning the worlds most important maritime trade route into an internal chinese play. Thats why its to important that President Trump has reinforced, made the message very clear in sending the two carriers, the two carriers into the South China Sea. Were not leaving the South China Sea, guys. Were not leaving the pacific. And President Trump continues to stand up to the chinese, which is so critical right now especially as were struggling with a chineseorigin pandemic. Lou and were getting almost zero reporting from u. S. Sources on the South China Sea where military exercises are also being undertaken by the pla, the chinese navy. What is that about . Well, you know lou kt, what is that about . Well, i think whats lou its not a good news story . [laughter] its not a good news story for the Mainstream Media because if it is a good news story for donald trump. Hes standing up to them. They dont want to talk about that. They want to talk about schools should never open, oh, the American Economy is in the papping, oh, this is so horrible in the tank. They dont want to talk about a Strong National leader who is standing up for the interests of the United States. Lou and they dont want to talk, czar a rah, either about the fact that Christopher Steele, the exmi6 agent who concocted the russian collusion dossier and created all sorts of fiction to the consternation, obviously, of everyone who cares about truth being ordered by a British Court to paw off the businesses that were remarked on in his dossier. Thats right, lou. I mean, i think that was a great segway. Of you know, going from china to Christopher Steele, because overall were seeing a Mainstream Media that is refusing, like kt said, to report the truth. And what we know now is that in london chris or if steele was basically hammered by a magistrate ordering him to pay over 22,000 to each of the defendants involved in the case of his dossier which has been completely debunked. You know, Christopher Steele should be even so much more, because when you think about this, its not just a piece of paper with a simple lie. This basically put our nation for the last four years, Christopher Steeles democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton and everybody involved in this has really created divisiveness in our country. They lied about general flynn, he lied about carter page, he lied about everybody that was involved in the dossier. And now whether or not Christopher Steele will have to make any kind of statement here in the United States, i mean, he is obviously not going to want to do that. But we know now for certain that this dossier debunked. Unfortunately, so many peoples lives including kts, including general flynn, everyone else have been turned upside down by these lies. Lou and not one of the is s. O. B. S is in jail right. Lou nor does he or she look like theyre headed in that direction. Kt, i want to go back to china. The amount of money being sent by chinese immigrants back to china without mostly untaxed right. Lou were talking billions and billions of dollars. Were talking about Christopher Wray who says that the fbi doesnt need any help in dealing with the espionage of the i chinese and surveillance and the chinese and their Cyber Attacks in this country. All of which have gone without response by the United States and which is costing us somewhere around a half trillion dollars a year that the chinese continue to steal. What in the hell going on in this government . You know, its just stunning to me because President Trump is is the first guy who stood up to the chinese, and hes not backing down. Hes not backing down no matter what happens. And to have the director of the fbi, who i think, you know, i think hes got a lot to answer for, frankly, on why the department of justice and the fbi have not pursued investigating the investigators as they should have done. Why the fbi never attorneyed over that ex turned over that exculpatory lou yeah, thats one side, but im talking about National Security here. Im talking about china. Im talking about a damn fool sitting in front of congress and saying that hes not worried about a half a trillion dollars in the theft of u. S. Intellectual process property. Hes got plenty the people to take care of that. Thats not true. Lou meanwhile, the fbi doesnt do a damn thing about Cyber Attacks or the thing is, you know, this is a really big deal because the next war not going to necessarily be fought with aircraft carriers and missiles. Its going to be fought this cyberspace and with economic tools. And the chinese are developing those tools, and the intellectual property theft continues. And for the director of the fbi to i say, oh, thats not much of a big deal, you bet its a big deal because what are they stealing . Theyre stealing r d that costs us trillions of dollars, lou. Lou sara . I just wanted to go lou sara, you get the last word. [inaudible conversations] i was just going to say a what kt is saying is absolutely right. Research and development, our theft of intellectual property, lou, is something that we have to focus on when it comes to china. And remember this china is taking advantage of the chaos now and the divisiveness in our own country. This is what the dems continue to instigate, so nations like china, russia are taking advantage of that and taking advantage of this time to expand their reach in the world. We have to be able to put a stop to that. It is a National Security risk for us, and its something that needs to be investigated. Lou yeah. And somebody should tell, should tell mark esper, the head of the department of defense, that, you know, we do have combat photographers in all of the branches and that if the National Media wont cover Carrier Task Force in the South China Sea, that he sure as well should be doing so. Great point. Lou thank you both. Appreciate it. Up next, the radical left waging an allout war against our government, our institutions, our democracy. We take that up and more with former civil rights activist bob woodson. Hes with us. Well, its wednesday. Hes automatically here. Stay with us, well be right back. I like liberty mutual. They get that no two people are alike and customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. What do you think . I dont see it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Weve always put safety first. And we always will. For people. For the future. And there has never been a summer when its mattered more. Wherever you go, summer safely. 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Hes the founder of the Woodson Center which helps residents of low income neighborhoods. Bob, great to see you. Same to you, lou. Lou when we last talked a week ago, i mean, things are not getting better. If anything, theyre getting worse. We have ilhan omar talking about effectively destroying the american system, the american way of life. We have the toronto blm leader talking about whites are subhuman. The list goes on. The violence in the cities and more young people are dead. And we have some of the most ignorant discussions on television imaginable when they talk about tearing down statues and tearing down this country. What is the antidote . Well, first of all, lou, its ridiculous that a virginia legislator has proposed that we reduce assaults on Police Officers from a felony to a misdemeanor. What is that a all about . Lou yeah. But we are in crisis. The very people who are supposed to be social justice warriors are demeaning the police and margin withallizing them x. As a consequence, its resulting in more black deaths. We have more blackonblack murders in the major cities in the last fourth of july weekend than weve ever had in the nation. This is a crisis. And theyre being destroyed by people who are supposed to be their champions. But it goes beyond that. I was upset that the kip school is a group of Charter Schools over 25 years has served 100,000 black kids. And theyve been an oasis for these families seeking a decent education. And their model used to be hard work and be nice and emphasize academic e excellence. And now they have just concluded, they changed it. Their leadership said that those values diminish the significant effort to dismantle systemic racism and places the values on being compliant and submissive and supports the illusion of meritocracy. This is coming thats like these children are drowning, and theyre being saved by people who assault them, their saviors. So this is where this unraveling of this nation is occurring in the culture. But if it can occur among a very valuable institution, i hope that this leadership will rethink this surrender to the race grievance mob, because thats what it is. But the solution to promote resilience. Lou without question. Yeah. But when you lou in corporate america, i want to get your im sorry, go ahead. Yeah, go ahead. Go ahead, lou. [inaudible conversations] im sorry, lou. Lou exactly what i was no, thats exactly what i was going to ask you about. I mean, i cant believe the number of corporate boards that are deciding to give money to a Marxist Organization that means to destroy the Nuclear Family which youve been talking about as the foundation of those who are in poverty in our inner cities in particular. Its their foundation for the future, to restore the family to them. Which, by the way, as you have also pointed out, the history of the africanamerican in this country at one time was based on a strong Nuclear Family. It just stuns me that theres so much ignorance based on ideology in boardrooms and executive suites as well as, you know, the mobs that are taking our streets. Bob, id like you to comment on that when we return with this quick commercial break. Weve got a hard out. If you would deal with that when we return, id sure appreciate it. Youll appreciate what bob has to say, i guarantee it. Well be right back with bob woodson. Every time a fund manager sells a stock it triggers a Tax Liability for you. And the higher the turnover the more you have to pay in taxes every year. Thats why you want to own low turnover funds. The less you pay in fund fees, the less you pay. Lou were back with bob woodson. Bob, very quickly, your thoughts on what can be done to restore the families and our inner cities and in our low income neighborhoods . We must learn from our past. For 100 years black families prospered because of their Christian Faith and their Nuclear Family. They understood that the best antidote is disrespect is performance, best response to oppression is resilience there are examples, contrary examples of resilience that is reflecting of our old values applied to a new vision. We must stop funding black lives matter, invest in the indigenous agents Healing Community from the inside out, from the bottom up. That is what we must do. Lou wonderfully said. Thank you so much, bob, we appreciate it. I Love Learning the kip, knowledge is power group. Work hard, be nice. Those are words for the ages. Thanks so much, we appreciate it as always. See you next week, bob. That is it for us tonight, bob. Thank you for being with us. Tomorrow night white house chief of staff mark meadows joins us. My new book we recommend to you, highly, the trump century. How our president changed the course of history forever. It is available for preorder at the trump century. Com. That is the trump century. Com. Thanks for being with us, well see you here tomorrow. Good night from sussex. Maria good thursday morning, everyone, thank you so much for joining us. Welcome, im maria bartiromo, thursday july 9th, top stories 6 00 a. M. On the east coast. Protecting americans data from china. Secretary of state mike pompeo saying the u. S. Will take action to make sure Chinese Communist party cannot Access Private information through social media accounts and telecom services. President trump ready to take additional action against china. We are taking a look at what to expect. Coronavirus cases on the rise, arizona, california, texas and florida among the states still seeing cases surge. Markets this morning are lower, looking for some direction this morning, take a look at the

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