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Stimulus check. Also you ahead, marias interview with trey gowdy. Is john brennan doing damage control, against the backdrop of the 2020 election, now just 57 days away. Coming up, marias exclusive with Peter Navarro on President Trumps second term agenda and why he believes the president s tough on china policies could win him a second term. Well hear from gordon chang on the china challenge and why he is taking the pentagons new report on beijings military very seriously. All that and more as we look ahead on sunday morning futures. Charles first, the white house and congress temporarily averting a gunfight shu governmn friday, Vice President mike pence said he hopes that this will allow lawmakers to focus on the Coronavirus Relief package when they return to work next week. Joining me right now, republican conference chairman, senator john barosso. It didnt get a lot of fanfare. It was a big hurdle, just how much momentum can we expect out of that and this very elusive agreement. Its an important thing to do. We need to do just that. Ill tell you, charles, we need to keep the government funded, functioning, but ill tell you, ill believe it when i see it. Its not beyond nancy pelosi to play politics with this. Weve been at this point before where democrats just want to add more money to the federal debt with more spending. We need to end Government Shutdowns permanently. Ive introduced legislation with a number of my colleagues, the end Government Shutdown act, so there would never be a Government Shutdown again. It is the common sense thing to do. Charles i know of theres been dozens of these shortterm agreements, right. So it would be welcome. But in the meantime, it would be more welcome if americans had that security of at least one more fiscal package, that bridge that was created by federal funding, the swift actions of the white house resulted in aa macing things with our amazing 24eu7bg things with our. We saw more of that on friday with the jobs report. Unemployment rate, 8. 4 . Three months ago, i was hearing 20 for the rest of the year, honestly. No one looked at this number. 1. 37 million jobs. If you dig into the numbers, because there are two surveys, 360,000 jobs for black americans, 170,000 for asian americans, 1 million new jobs for hispanic americans. Weve got this momentum. But i think some in congress, particularly on the republican side, may be taking it for granted, not realizing it was their swift action that helped this and now is the time to add more fiscal stimulus. Well, these are blockbuster numbers, charles, it is part of the Great American comeback. I think its terrific, 10 million new jobs. The experts were all wrong. They said we would be at 16 unemployment. I think this is a function of the leadership of President Trump and what the republicans have been focused on doing. But also, the integrity and hard work of the American People who want to get back to work. We still have a ways to go and a vaccine will make a big difference for that. We have a targeted package that the republicans want to put forward to help people get back to work. Theres paycheck protection money in there for our Small Businesses to continue. I expect Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi to block that. You know, its almost as if the democrats think theyll do better in the election if more people are suffering. Charles, you heard joe biden say he would shut down the economy again. Charles, thats the thats a mindless thing to do. Thats not what we need to do as a path forward for america. He is so wrong on this. We need to continue full speed ahead, the vaccine and reopening the economy slowly. Charles and to underscore your point, President Trump doing what he can as congress more or less i hate to say it, but feels like theyre fiddling around right now. The executive order with that 300 payment from the federal government, 45 states have taken him up on that. Theyre going to kick in an extra 100. Thats temporary. The government, the administration found that money and pulled it out of fema. There is a sense of urgency. It wasnt necessarily a political story per se, but Nancy Pelosis blowout, the visit to the hair salon without the mask and the subsequent woman losing her business over all of this, can that create a sense of urgency . If someone like a nancy pelosi with a reported fortune of 114 million can go to the salon, get a blowout, not wear her mask, while americans are living daytoday, moment to moment of praying for additional help, can that get us closer to the finish line . You know, it really should charles. But this is nancy pelosi. One rule for her and one rule for the rest of america. Im just not surprised by this. Im not surprised that she has attacked the single mother of two who owned the salon, who is likely to go bankrupt as a result of the fact that we dont have additional paycheck protection money. So to me, this is nancy pelosi cruella deville, saying no to paycheck protection for businesses all around the country, at the same time telling one Small Business they should open but only open for her. This is a sign of contempt for american workers. Charles there feels to be also a certain kind of irony that the democrats are insisting on a lot of money for states, many of these states had already been fiscally irresponsible, run up unfulfilled pensions, programs to welcome people into their states and cities that are poorly funded and now most of them are many of them are actually still shut down. They exacerbated the problem. The number of Small Businesses in california that have needed to tap into the payroll protection plan, for instance, is enormous. Yet you have places like new york where theyre on the verge of putting out almost every Restaurant Owner in new york city, california still wont open completely up. Youve got a lot of places that are ebbing whif acting on schoo. Theyll need more money for these states. Does that create an impasse. How do you get around that . How do we make sure as american taxpayers money is used for other things they were reckless about . Thats right, charles. Thats why republicans have a targeted piece of legislation to get people back to work, get kids back to school and get the vaccine out to people all across america and thats what Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi continue to block. Because they have this trip to fantasy island, a 3 trillion bill. A trillion of which, charles, onethird, has nothing to do with coronavirus. Its all of the things that youve listed. It includes Environmental Justice and direct paychecks to illegal immigrants. Thats just the tip of the iceberg. Republicans are never going to be able to win, north should we try to win a bidding war with nancy pelosi or chuck you schumer. Were going to continue to focus on the things we need to do to get children back to School Safely and get more businesses open all across the country. Thats part of the Great American comeback. Charles senator, you mentioned the vaccine a couple times in an interview. Kamala harris seemed not to be sure of whether or not she would take one if it was you approved on november 1st. And of course such a decision has been downplayed or shot down. Everyone understands that the key, the ultimate key to us getting back to 100 where we were is a vaccine. What do you make of the politicalization of a vaccine that would be approved before the election even though its gone through all of the rig of ors that nor rigors of a normal vaccine process. It was sped up but it checks all of the boxes that you would check for any drug approval. Let me say this about Kamala Harris comments. This is somebody who has campaigned to take Health Insurance away from 160 million americans who get it through work. This is someone who has campaigned to have Taxpayers Fund Health Insurance for illegal immigrants. This statement about the vaccine is her most irresponsible statement of all. Im a doctor. Im very encouraged by where we are with the vaccine. This is moving forward at warp speed. Were in stage three trials. Multiple vaccines look like theyre going to work. Were working on plans to get these to the states so that our healthcare workers can get them, the most vulnerable can get them, people with preexisting conditions. The vaccine is the path forward for all of america and yet what we see is its not just Kamala Harris 77yearold joe biden said he wasnt sure if the vaccine was safe or real. When it comes to this vaccine, joe biden and Kamala Harris are absolutely wrong. Charles, ive written a piece on foxnews. Com about just how important it is for all of us to get the vaccine and to make sure that the scientists continue to work at this rapid pace. Charles someone i heard this saying in the last few months. Trust the science. Trust the scientists. Im not sure who said it. It seems like a lot of folks who its trickled off their lips, are now saying we may not trust the scientists if it means it could hurt us in the election. Again, that would put a lot of american lives at risk if my opinion if they were to really shoot this down. I agree with you, charles. When you talk about the upcoming election, to me this is the most consequential election in our lifetime. You take a look at what the differences are versus the issue of jobs and the Great American comeback we have under President Trump versus joe biden who said he would shut down the economy again. With regard to taxes, joe biden is ready to go with 4 trillion of additional taxes. And then just take a look at Law Enforcement and where we are there. The democrats who want to defund the police, republicans want to defend the police. So all across the board, charles, when it comes to our of freedoms of speech, of religion, Second Amendment rights to own and bear arms, the fundamental difference is so stark and thats why i support President Trump and will vote for him for reelection for president in 2020. Charles senator john borosso, its always a pleasure to talk with you. I really appreciate it on this labor day weekend. Great to be with you, charles. Charles straight ahead, marias exclusive interview with white house trade advisor Peter Navarro on joe bidens china problem and why he believes President Trump is the better candidate to take on the chinese come t fiftcommunist party. Thats next. When you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. But when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. So, when you get a check. You can deposit it from here. And you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. You can save for an emergency from here. Or pay bills from here. So when someone asks you, wheres your bank . You can tell them heres my bank. Or heres my bank. Or, heres my bank. Because if you download and use the chase mobile app, your bank is virtually any place. Visit chase. Com mobile. Maria welcome back. My thanks to Charles Payne who will be back in a moment with more breaking news later this hour. Thifirst, the china challenge as the ccp reups its endorsement of joe biden claiming his presidency would be, quote, good news for beijing as he, quote, represents u. S. Liberal proestablished elites and is more reasonable than President Trump according to the global times. What would this mean for everybody else here at home in the United States . White house trade advisor Peter Navarro was among the first to warn viewers about bidens beijing problem. He joins me right now. Its always great to see you. Thank you for being here. Great to be with you. Maria so lets talk about this staterun media. Youve got the global times saying that they think joe biden will be a better pick to run america than donald trump and then youve got this most recent threat coming from the south China Morning news which basically taunts the United States with its handling of huawei. This most recent tweet from the head of the global times says that if the u. S. Keeps pokeing huawei, then maybe the chinese officials will not export the medicines that are so vital to america. We know that more than 70 or 80 of our active ingredients in prescription drugs are made in china. Your reaction . Economic security is National Security. Thats one of the principles of the Trump Administration and what we learned from this china virus pandemic, maria, is that we have to bring our medicines home, our medical supplies and our medical equipment and the Chinese Communist party is just putting an exclamation point to that when they threaten us. And if we bring those jobs back onshore as we have been doing, we will create great jobs at great wages but also protect the American People from the Chinese Communist party. So thats a very provocative action theyre taking. Were no stranger to seeing that. But i think it was interesting that in the same week both dancing with the stars nancy pelosi in the rotunda said that joe biden was the preferred candidate of the Chinese Communist party and then the global times comes out effectively with their endorsement. What would that 3450e7b fo meane American People . We know that it would mean devastation in the midwest, our Blue Collar Workers just getting hammered. We lost over 70,000 factories over 5 Million Manufacturing jobs and it was because joe biden likes made in china, donald trump came along in many ways because he said, hey, thats not good. Thats not right. Im going to fix that. And so what President Trump has been carefully doing is putting in place a wide range of policies, whether its lowering the Corporate Income tax to bring investment onshore, steel and aluminum tariffs or buy american and most recently, speaking of those medicines china wants to bully us with, the president signed an executive order that will essentially enforce buy american rules and promote advanced manufacturing of pharmaceuticals right here in the good old of us of a. Beijing biden versus made in America Donald j trump, i think thats one of the stark differences between the two sides and its really interesting, maria. If you watched back when with the Democratic Convention or you watched cnn or msnbc which are effectively propaganda or of begans for the democratic party, you never hear them talk about where the virus came from. They wont say the word china virus. If you try to say it, they cancel you. And the reason is, the whole Biden Democratic Party strategy is its a dangerous one for them and for us because its predicated on being able to blame Donald J Trump for the pandemic. My view is the only president in the world who is responsible for killing over 180,000 americans, putting 40 million americans out of work and costing us trillions of dollars is the unelected president of the Chinese Communist party, in china, xi jinping. Maria i want to ask you about Capital Markets. Some people say that Capital Markets are funding a lot of this activity in china to begin with and then i want to get your take on the president s second term agenda. Lets take a short break and then weve got a lot more with Peter Navarro in just a minute. Peter navarro in just a minute. Were looking ahead this morning i need it so bad dont call it a hobby. Its way more than just a job. This is how we live every single day. Can we go and play . roaring of engines i needed to try needed to fall i needed your love im burning away i need never get old you know limu,g after all these years im burning away its the ones that got away that haunt me the most. [ squawks ] cause youre not like everybody else. Thats why Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. What . Oh, i said. Uh, this is my floor. Nooo only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. So youre a small businor a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. Powered by the largest gig Speed Network in america. But is it secure . Sure its secure. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. Maria we are back with Peter Novarro, coming to us from the white house of. Peter, lets talk about china and the u. S. Capital markets. There was another chinese ipo that went public about a week ago, this is chinas answer to tesla, an electric vehicle maker, trading in the United States. Theres a lot of movement here to stop Chinese Companies from getting away with not reporting their true accounting. Senator kennedys bill. I want to talk to you about whether or not the United States is in fact funding china with its open door policy for Capital Markets, even if many of those Companies May be working with the Chinese Military to create weaponry that who knows at some point could be used against the american military. Well, the answer, maria, sadly is yes with a big exclamation point to it and this president , President Trump, has been taking very strong action in terms of sanctioning Chinese Companies that are involved in things like the concentration camps or abuses in hong kong or you huawei trying to steal effectively our information and infiltrate our networks. So financial sanctions, visa sanctions have been very effective so far. But you point out what is the other problem here, which is the continued flow of capital from the United States, particularly our Pension Funds, into companies that support the Chinese Military efforts, that support the human rights abuses. And that and also, through to defraud investors because they do not abide by accounting standards. One of the things that really troubled me over the last couple of years was this guy names ben mang. Hes a chinese citizen here, citizen here, but he was part of a thousand talents program, which is a conduit for spies for china and he served for two years in the Chinese Government in the division which is effectively they charge of currency manipulation. The next thing we know hes in charge of one of the biggest Pension Funds in the world, a california employees pension fund and he started je jettisong american and other stocks and loading up on chinese speculative companies. He had to resign from there. Thats the kind of thing where right now because of the way our stock Market Indices are organized and required, theyre literally forced to buy the stocks of Chinese Companies that effectively are part of the Chinese Military industrial spying human rights abuses concentration complex. So that needs to be dealt with and we this president is the toughest president ever on china and that issue was certainly one that people are looking at. Maria what will be the president s priorities if he is reelected, peter. First of all, its bringing home the domestic manufacturing of our personal protective equipment, medical supplies and medical equipment and as were doing that, fill up the Strategic National stockpile in a way which makes it not just bigger but smarter. So thats like step one. The second step has to do with testing. Weve done a miracle job in terms of rapidly increasing our Testing Capacity but the more important thing, maria, is what weve just begun to do which is deploy these small pregnancy test type point of care tests which are cheap, economic and we get them out to people with a quick result. So thats going to be part of it. The fourth is therapeutics. Things like remdesivir, convalescent plasma. And finally, this whole thing with the vaccine horse race development, we should have a vaccine in mass production for half a billion doses by the end of the year. So that beat the china virus, thats essential. On the jobs front, we know that the president was the best jobs president in the history up to the point where the chinese walked in here on january 15th without telling us about that virus. We know that that china virus hammered this economy. We know which person, biden or the president , can get us back through the policies like deregulation, tax cuts, getting that Energy Sector going and all of that. So thats important. Maria i was really go you ahead. Maria i enjoyed ive got more. Maria the lineup of things the president talked about in terms of his second term agenda including some of those economic policies that really lit a fire under this economy back in 2016 and back in 2017. Peter, its great to have you this weekend. Thank you so much, sir. You take care of yourself, maria. Maria Peter Novarro joining us. Coming up, trey gowdy is with me with his dec expectations for jn durhams criminal investigation and who he thinks will be who is usaa made for . Its made for this guy a veteran who honorably served and its made for her shes serving now we made it for all branches and all ranks whether they served one tour or made a career of it. We also made usaa for military spouses and their kids usaa is easy to work with and can save you money on auto, home and renters insurance. Become a member today. Get an insurance quote at usaa. Com quote usaa. What youre made of were made for you do you know he if the bureau ever relied on the steele dossier as part of any court filings, applications, petitions, pleadings. I have no awareness. Did the cia rely on it . No. Why not . Because we didnt. It wasnt part of the corpus of intelligence information that we had. Maria that was trey gowdy grilling john brennan back in may of 2017. Gowdy was one of only two gop congressmen along with John Ratcliffe who saw the redacted documents in the trump russia investigation as well as the Hillary Clinton investigation, the email probe which the fbi was conducting simultaneously. Trey gowdy joins me now, a fox news contributor, and author of a new book, it doesnt hurt to ask. Youve done that so well over your career. We appreciate you joining us this weekend. Good to see you, trey. Yes, maam. You too. Thank you. Maria where are we . Were waiting on the results of the criminal probe from john durham. We watched you interview john brennan back in 2017 where he said he didnt use the dossier at all. Whats your take on the arrangement of the cia and the fbi and who is culpable here for using this piece of information, which we know was just hearsay, made up in a bar, as evidence or reason to get a warrant to wiretap carter page and the Trump Campaign . Well, we certainly know the fbi is culpable. You dont have to take my word for it. Michael horowitz is not a rockribbed republican, he was nominated by barack obama and unanimously approved by the u. S. Senate. Hes hardly a partisan. The ph take fisa court dinged t. Everyone who looked at the fbis conduct in the fall of 2016 said they didnt meet the basic expectations. I like to pivot to the fall of 2015 or earlier in 2016, who was driving the engine, who was driving the train then, im hoping durham can tell us how this whole narrative i get that russia was trying to attack us. I get that. The narrative that somehow that the Trump Campaign was complicit or conspiring with them, where did that start . What is the evidentiary basis of it . And i think durham im not going to prejudge what hes going to find. I think it will be a mixture of the cia and the fbi. Maria okay. Because you make really an important point for our awed jens to understand because up audience to understand because up until now the fbi keeps telling us and they told you to your face we started an investigation into trump in july of 2016. But trey we know theres all this activity early in 2016 and certainly from what ive been able to glean from it and report, it certainly feels like they were sending informants at Trump Campaign people to try to entrap them so that in 2016 they could come up with these reasons for arresting them. I invite your viewers, do this thing in three parts. What happened before the summer of 2016, with pap don papadopou, where did it start and the investigation signed off by peter strzok in july of 2016 and view separately the fall of 2016 with carter page, theyre hopelessly interlocked. You need accountability at every one of those three stages and youve got to view them in three stages or at least i think thats whats most productive. Maria so its interesting, because when you look at whether youre a target or a witness, john brennan seems to be doing some pr around his interview with john durham. Hes telling people, well, im not a target. Im a witness. I mean, there is concern that john durham is dragging his feet. How come we havent heard from durham . And walk us through being a target versus a witness and what john brennan is saying now. He just interviewed with john durham. Yeah. I mean, those are words that the bureau and the department throw around. My experience as a pros you cue tore is your take prosecutor is your status can change in an instant. You can move from being a witness to a target. I understand the pr machine wants us to believe hes not a target. That status can change. Youre one document or one false statement away from going from one to the other. So with respect to durham, my expectation is that he is going to access documents that ratcliffe and i never got to see, hes going to access documents that the fbi never shared request congreswith conge the definitive accounting of what happened. Whether or not there will be more indictments or not. I dont know. I like to assume there will not be. That puts me in a small minority. Im assuming the clinesmith indictment will be the only one. I would liken it to second clinton. She was not indicted. When the jury in 2016 met they did mete out punishment and accountability. Recordless whether brennan, comey, strzok or page or baker or anyone else suffers a criminal consequence, the jury has a chance in november of 2020 to weigh in and say you know what, you didnt meet our expectations for Law Enforcement. Were going to mete out the punishment, whether or not theres an indictment or not. Maria yeah. But you can imagine some viewers looking at this system and saying there are two different systems of justice. I mean, you oversaw the investigation into the Hillary Clinton email scandal and i mean, look, when you look back at that, there were 30 plus thousand emails which were destroyed. I mean, i call that obstruction. There was a meeting two days before Hillary Clinton was to get an interview with the fbi, a meeting on the tarmac in phoenix with Hillary Clintons husband and a sitting attorney general, Loretta Lynch met with him on a private plane. People found out about the meeting and they said we were talking about the grandkids. I mean, come on. So i ask you you this. Is there any way at all that for example the Chinese Communist party, knowing their espionage, knowing what theyve done, is there any way they did not know that a sitting secretary of state and sitting president , barack obama were communicating in an unsecured server and were they breaching and looking at those emails in china . You raise a lot of good points. Lets go back to jim comeys july 15t 15th press conference d look at the drafts of his speech and the fact that he had included the likelihood, the probability that a hostile foreign country had accessed her server and then he decides to edit that out. So you point out the discrepancies between the way President Trump was treated and the way secretary clinton, you barely scratched the surface in the discrepancies. I mean, think about sending the questions ahead of time. The department of justice let her know ahead of time. They decided you ahead of time she wasnt going to be charged. The defense briefings, look at how they briefed her versus how they briefed or did not brief President Trump and the one that staggers me, maria, is the allowing of fact witnesses to sit in on her interview. She had a Small Law Firm. A Small Law Firm sitting with her and yet they cant be bothered to let general flynn have a lawyer present. So theres a lot of discrepancy. The thing i would just caution your viewers, i know your expectations are high, i know youre disappointed. We as a culture, youve got to have a criminal statute, youve got to have evidence beyond a reasonable doubt but narrowly avoidinavoiding indictment canne the only way we mete out punishment in our culture. Maria trey gowdy joining us there. There. Charles payne will be when you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. There. Charles payne will be but when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. So, when you get a check. You can deposit it from here. 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But day in, day out, the threats that we face from china are significantly greater and i think thats clear in anyone that sees intelligence knows that and anyone who says otherwise is just politicizing intelligence for their own narrative. Charles that was director of national intelligence, John Ratcliffe, speaking exclusively with Maria Bartiromo last week in his first interview since being sworn into the office on may 26th. Our next guest warned viewers about beijings global ambitions, gordon chang is a senior fellow, the author of the coming collapse of china. Good morning, gordon. Obviously, you have been up front and center on this, a lot more than anyone and now it seems like everyones catching up to your warnings. Its the irony of this of course, youve got to wonder if its too little too late. A report out from the u. S. Military this week that china now has a larger navy than the United States. China has more air Defense Missile systems, more land based missiles, essentially secretary of state mike pompeo said america was asleep. This is more than just an embarrassment, isnt it . This is a serious threat. This is a serious threat, charles. You refer to the pentagon China Military report which is an annual report. It was alarming this year. They were more realistic. By the way, china has whole classes of missiles the United States does not have and the reason is that we were in the inf treaty which prohibited intermediate range missiles. China was not a member of the treaty. Therefore, it developed missiles that can hit u. S. Navy ships. So clearly we have a long way to go to even get to parody with china in some classes of weapons. Charles to my knowledge, President Trump took us out of that you arrangement and i remember when talks that he was going to do that came up, the media went nuts. They were like its another agreement with the world and were lacking leadership. Its nuts because we sat there and watched china become a military power on par and in some cases beyond what we even can provide right now. Youre absolutely right, charles. You know, we should not have been in the inf treaty when china was not a party to it. This is not the early days of the cold war, the 1980s when inf made some sense. Youre right, the media did go nuts about this because they said oh, President Trump is with drawing from the world. What he was doing, he was permitting the u. S. Navy to develop the same class of missiles that china had. So weve got to understand, multilateralism is great when all the countries in the world are part of it and when they want to be. China right now is going on its own and weve got to defend ourselves. Charles of course weve got 10 nuclear submarines. Apparently they have larger ones in development and theyre able to use technology stolen from america that maybe could mitigate the power of our nuclear ships. This is an emergency. Theres Something Else i read, gordon, its in Nature Magazine of all things. The seven key universities in cha stina tear b t the mit m m th he haveonoioicamimi h withhe. S iversiessi,tieshi blos b by b b ndnd fm f01m3 2013o01010154 254f scesntsces sennd eenotelogyteers, wers,hae dveen th jthnt jlyointit whe a all all a ofhe tnf inf imanfti i thatha we ther and tt we dcover,cove th get tooake back tack t counisis chinesenesese military. Es. And wan wan w have he pla, peops Liberation Army researchers in the United States. Trump administration has revoked their visas. Thats a very important step. Also of, charles, we have Companies Like google with Artificial Intelligence partnerships in china. Now, nominally, the parties on the other side of those partnerships are civilian but because of chinas Civil Military fusion, which is a doctrine that xi jinping, the chinese ruler has been ruthlessly enforcing, it means everything google does in china gets pipelined to the Chinese Military. Were gigging them giving them the technology. This is hideous. Charles . Its absolutely amazing. Gordon, i want you to hang right there. Were going to have more with you in just a minute as we look im hector. Im a delivery Operations Manager in san diego, california. Weve had a ton of obstacles in finding ways to be more sustainable for a big company. We were one of the first stations to pilot a fleet of zero emissions electric vehicles. The amazon vans have a decal that says, shipment zero. Were striving to deliver a package with zero emissions in to the air. I feel really proud of the impact that has on the environment. But were always striving to be better. I love being outdoors, running in nature. We have two daughters. I want to do everything i can to protect the environment to make sure they see the same beauty ive seen in nature. My goal is to lead projects that affect the world. I know that to be great requires hard work. You can adjust your comfortst on both sides. 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Xfinity x1 just got even better, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. No strings attached. Charles were back with gordon chang. I want to transition to whats happening in hong kong, the whole world was watching it felt like the hong kong activeists, were building up some some of momenmomentum and then the covi9 hit and it was transferred elsewhere. It seems like china with the world not watching has become more aggressive ive. What are your thoughts there . It certainly has. It has used the new National Security law which was imposed on june 30 to take people off the streets and also to attack local media, especially apple daily, which is the prodemocracy newspaper there. The Hong Kong Government has postponed for a year elections that were supposed to take place today for the legislative council. And instead, there were protests today and the police basically arrested protesters for protesting the deferral of the elections. You you know, i dont know if theres ever going to be elections in hong kong again, charles. Charles wow. Well, speaking of the elections, the global times which is essentially the mouth piece for the Chinese Government, the communist government there, endorsing joe biden, saying he would be, quote, smoother to deal with than President Trump. Smooth sounds like a euphamism for easier no problems, a lot of things. The trend of the Chinese Communist party and propaganda has been to unseat President Trump. From what we can say from their troll farm and bot operations, they also meant to disrupt trump and weve seen tiktok being used to aid the dirty tricks campaigns against trump. So really theres been a concerted effort which has been across the board, is unprecedented, its greater than anything that russia may have done in 2016. Charles youve got to wonder if any of these folks cheered the fact that tiktok might have tricked some Trump Supporters earlier this year, maybe have some egg on their face, understanding now as the world has rejected tiktok that its just nothing more than a way to steal our information. I want to stick on the cultural things. Before the break we talked about universities. Chinas influence is growing significantly beyond there, particularly in hollywood. And hong kong there is a major boycott against the recently released mulan. Apparently the lead actress there, shes expressed support for the police, perhaps support for the crackdown and now theres a boycott not just of the movie but of also disney. In the meantime, i dont think americans realize how much power china has over hollywood these days, gordon. Well, it certainly does. Because of course theres a domestic filmgoing audience in china and Hollywood Studios want to take advantage of that. So they have changed the content of movies in ways where you know, you see these big action thrillers where the chinese step in and save the planet at the last moment. Thats no coincidence. They are doing this because beijing demands it and the Hollywood Studios comply. Charles whats particularly despicable, you have a lot of folks in america, actors and actresses, who are against American Police forces, who are who really are pretty active against their disdane for our of Law Enforcement here but wont speak out bought whats happening in china. Thats really unnerving. Thats certainly also true for nba stars as well who express support for china. When they talk about racism in the u. S. , they support the Chinese Government which is conducting genocide, mass detentions and concentration camps, institutionalized rape, thats clavery, slavery, thats going on in the north northwestern part of the country. Charles gordon, you always give it to us straight. Thank you, my friend. All right, folks. That does it for us, sunday morning futures, im Charles Payne in for Maria Bartiromo. We will see you during the week, making money, 2 00 p. M. Eastern time on the fox business network. Folks, have a safe and very healthy labor day weekend. So youre a Small Business, or a big one. You were thriving, flourishing, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Time to think, plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with powerful connectivity. Serious and reliable internet that lets you go bigger and better, with more sharing, more making. Whoa. More that. More talking. The entire time, you got this okay, less talking and more doing. All driven by the largest gig Speed Network in america. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. But what if no ones in the office . Bring the office to them. But is it secure . Sure its secure. Okay, sounds great. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. To see you right here next week or he is lou good evening everybody. President trump today hitting another key swing state as we approach two months until election day. President trump this hour will be in western pennsylvania, the state for new polling has the president all tied up with china joe biden. Rasmussen has the President Biden with 46 support in the important battleground state of pennsylvania. The same poll shows President Trump with 27 support among africanamericans in pennsylvania. That is an increase of 19point

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