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is 100% drug free and is not habit forming. call 800 for one 730 773 800 for one seven thirty seven seventy three . >> trust your guide to relaxium . same . >> it's time for our cnn unsane segment where we exploree headle the stories behindws the headlines. >> and for that we turn to fox news contributorcontri and authf the forthcoming wisemen who found christma s, raymond. arroyo. all right, raymond, the democrats seem to be appearingall at a lot off concerts at odd moments of late . yeah, look, this is all a hugele distraction from what's really happening for people with no discernable singing talent. these politicians are booked more venues than live nation. biden held a big eltonouse john concert at the white gause. he even gave the otherhe rocke e man a middlet man . that but it was this bizarre momenti that i think even took elton by surprise. >> look at the singer's face. bn please go away. it's all his fault. we're spending six billion in

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