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Policy. When we host the summit of democracy early in my administration, to rally the nation, to defend democracy globally, to push back the authoritarianism, it will be more important to shore up our own foundations. Theres no longer a bright line between foreign and domestic policy. Every action we take and our conduct abroad, we must take with american Working Families in mind. Advancing the Foreign Policy for the middle class has to center on economic renewal. Thats why i immediately put forth the American Rescue plan. Pull us out of this economic crisis. Thats why i signed an Executive Order strengthening our buy american policies last week. Its also why i worked with congress to make farreaching investments in research and development of trans formidable technologies. These investments will maintain jobs and ensure all americans share in the dividends. If we invest in ourselves and our people, if we fight to ensure American Business is our position to compete and win on the global stage, if the rules of International Trade are not stacked against us, if our workers and Intellectual Property are protected, theres no country on earth, not china or any other country on earth that can match us. Investing in our diplomacy is not something we do because its the right thing to do for the world, we do it in order to live in peace, security and prosperity. We do it because its in our own selfinterests. We strengthen our alliances, we amplify our power. We disrupt threats before they reach our shores. We create new markets for products and reduce the likelihood of instability, violence and mass migration. When we strengthen Health Systems and far regions of the world, we reduce the risk of future pandemics that could then ten our people and our economy. When we defend equal rights of people the world over of women and girls, lgbtq individuals and indigenous communities and people with disabilities, the people of every ethnic background and religion, were also ensuring that those rights are protected for our own children here in america. America cannot afford to be absent any longer on the world stage. I come today to the State Department and agencies old and historic as the nation itself, because diplomacy has been important to america to right its own destiny. Its the vicious of plan to help prevent the world from floundering on the wreckage of war. The fashions of Eleanor Roosevelt that had the audacious idea of universal rights that belong to all. The leadership of diplomats of every stripe doing the daily work of engagement, created the very idea of a free and interconnected world. Were a country that does big things. America diplomacy makes it happen. Our administration is ready to take up the mantel and lead again. Thank you all and may got bless you and protect our troops, our diplomats and Development Experts and all americans serving in harms way. Thank you all. Martha so there you have it. About 25 minutes in length. President biden speaking about the threats that america faces from our enemies abroad. Laying out his plans to reverse an egregious Foreign Policy of America First. A lot to break down. Also this hour, were waiting the house vote that could strip Marjorie Taylor greene of her committee assignments. She made an impassioned plea. Well show you what she had to say. Bret baier will join us with that and Brian Kilmeade and the shifting story of what aoc experienced during the capitol riots. And a showdown in chicago as the mayor says shes had enough hoff what some are equating to child abuse keeping kids in isolation and out of their schools. She has heavy words for the Chicago Teachers Union best known recently for their dance video. Well talk about that coming up with bill bennett, Dan Henninger and jason riley. More on the implications of the Teachers Union and parents over return to school. Also, were going to begin by circling back to what you just heard. Former Deputy National security adviser to the Trump Administration and marc thiessen, aei scholar and fox news contributors. Welcome. Great to have you here this afternoon. Good to be with you. Martha there wasnt a lot of discussion about Foreign Policy throughout this campaign. Usually theres a debate devoted to Foreign Policy. We never saw that happen. At this point, americans are getting a sense for what Foreign Policy will look like under the Biden Administration. We got the first glimpse of that today as the president laid out some of his thinking at the State Department in his first speech. So lets start with you. What is the headline here in your mind . Back to the future, i guess. The Biden Administration will be just like the obama administration, just like the bush administration. Theyre going to go back to relying on international organizations, going back to underwriting the Security Commitments of our allies, to underwriting the economy of our competitors when we can no longer afford it and they no longer need it. What i heard my takeaway from this, america youre getting out the checkbook one more time. Youre going to pay for everybody and by the way, we cant afford it, so were going to have to borrow it. Guess who were borrowing it from, china. So if im in beijing, im having a pretty good afternoon. Martha i just want the control room to let me know if we have the President Trump sound bite from when he gave a similar speech. Because some of this sounded a little bit like he was talking about an America First policy for a moment here. Heres what President Trump said and i want to hear what President Biden just said about middle class Foreign Policy. Watch this. Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on Foreign Affairs will be made to benefit American Workers and american families. We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries, making our product, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs. No longer a bright line between foreign and domestic policy. Every action we take in our conduct abroad must take with american Working Families in mind. Advancing a forry policy for the middle class demands urgent focus on economic renewal. Martha he talked about manufacturing in the United States, marc. Sounds to me as if theres some poll testing on America First. Sound like that is at least one of the Catch Phrases that will be implemented by the Biden Administration or they like the ideas behind it. First of all, every american president is their job is to protect american interest. Thats what the purpose of american Foreign Policy is. I dont think joe biden is in any different in that. We may disagrees the ways to do that. There was a myth that trump was some sort of a Rabbit Isolationist that was pulling back our borders and pulling us back in our borders. He talked like that but his actions were different. Think about the world that he inherited from the obamaBiden Administration. Isis had a caliphate in iraq and syria. Syria was using chemical weapons against their own people. Iran was on the march across the middle east. What did he do . He doubled down and drove isis out of their caliphate, he enforced obamas red line in syria, launching strikes twice. He put sanctions on iran, moved the u. S. Embassy to jerusalem and israel and recognized israeli sovereignty on the Golan Heights and succeeded in achieving not one, not two, not three but four arab israeli peace accords. Thats through a policy of peace through strength. So the idea that somehow were that America Trump Reoriented american Foreign Policy to a more insular Foreign Policy is wrong. Maybe his rhetoric why that was but he was a very successful internationalist in the tradition of republican president s going back a long time. So i just think its a myth. Martha one of the moments you know, k. T. Better than anybody that all of the governments Around The World listen to this speech. They try to read the tea leaves of it and what kind of message hes sending. Here he is talking about russia and the opposition leader, navalny and he has been a real threat to vladimir putin. Watch this. Clear to president putin, in a manner different from my predecessor, the days the United States rolling over in the face of the russias aggressive actions, interfering with our elections, cyber attacks, poisoning its citizens are over. Martha what do you think, k. T. . How is that read . You know, great words. What are the deeds . Hes talking about china. Were going to stand up to china. What does that mean . Youre going to have International Meetings . Standing up to russia . What about President Trumps increasing rebuilding the american defenses . What about the singular oh and then there was trumps economic policy. Energy independence. That was bankrupting russia, like iran and making america competitive in manufacturing. They just rolled that back. In two weeks, theyre going to Return America to dependency on middle east oil, going to guarantee american economics and manufacturing is not going to be competitive and guaranteeing very high oil prices. So the words sound terrific but the actions dont match the words. Thats the problem ive had all along. President trump said a lot of stiff. Silly stuff. But look what he did. He stood up to russia, ukraine, stood up to russia financially and stood up to china and said to the europeans pay your fair share. And we want a Reciprocal Trade Agreement around the globe. Im not sure where joe biden goes with this except a lot of Job Opportunities for diplomats because theres going to be more meetings. Doesnt seem theyll have any leverage, which is what you need with negotiating. Negotiating without leverage is begging. Thats the position well be in. It comes down to the test. The tests are what is before every president of the United States, right . You have to see how the new president responds to those tests and challenges. Well see how he does and where that goes and have you back. Thank you very much, marc and k. T. Great to have you with us today. Also breaking right now, Marjorie Taylor greene is one of more than 200 gop house members. Shes gotten a lot of attention lately and shes become a household name. Now the Democratic House campaign arm claims that she represents all republicans. Shes using her controversial past statements to sweep the whole party with her views. Qanon, a Conspiracy Theory born online took over the republican party. Sent followers to congress. Martha so today the member that prior to her election posted qanon support and other wild Conspiracy Theories said this. These were words of the past. These things do not represent me. They do not represent my district and they do not represent my values. Heres what i can tell you. I am beyond grateful for this opportunity and ill tell you why. I believe in god with All Of My Heart and im so grateful to be humbled, to be reminded that im a sinner and jesus died on the cross for me. Martha joining me now, Michael Walls. A lot to talk about. Hi, martha. Martha lets start there. This ad that basically sweeps all of you with the same brush that Marjorie Taylor greene has manteled upon herself with her prior statements. Did you find her persuasive today in what she said on the floor . I want to be clear. I do not agree at all with her past statements. I mean, they were nuts, particularly when it comes to parkland, when it comes to 911, which is very personal to me as a veteran. But she has said several things. I think very genuinely. One those were those were statements of the past. Shes not made them as a member of congress and she disa vows them. She said so in front of the entire republican conference last night privately. She said so again today publicly on the floor of the house of representatives. And you know, if you look at what pelosi is looking to do, stripping her of her committees doesnt hurt anyone except her voters. That sent her here to represent them. That is really a crux of the issue. This is an issue for the voters of georgia to decide, not nancy pelosi or anyone else. Martha, look, if thats her standard of past statements or past deeds are pelosis standards, lets look at, for example, Florida Democratic Congressman Hastings who was impeach as a federal judge before he came to congress, but the voters of South Florida sent him here and now hes on a very powerful committee, the rules committee. Its the double standard that is also at play that has given a lot of us some serious heartburn. Martha shes given a lot of serious material to her detractors. No doubt about that. I watched a number of videos today. Its no surprise that the democrat political arm is going to try to paint all of us with that brush. At the end of the day, when i stand before my voters, they know where i am on 911, they know where i am on parkland and other things. Thats the crux of it. Thats for Georgia Voters to decide. Thats her ultimate boss, We The People and our founding document. Martha so will you vote to allow her to stay on those committees, congressman . I dont think stripping her of her committees changes anything. So yeah, i will, at the end of the day. In 19 months, the Georgia Voters can decide again whether she continues to represent. That should be the ultimate arbiter. Martha what about representative liz cheney of wyoming . Shes been under threat of losing her Leadership Position. A solid overwhelming vote to maintain that position. Did you vote for her to maintain her Leadership Position . I completely have told her this, completely disagree with her on the impeachment issue. Theres no due process. We still havent had a few investigation and still learning things that happened way before the president s speech. Literally, martha, ive seen shoplifters get more due process than what the president of the United States just received. I completely disagree with her. Im glad that we had this vote. Im glad that she clarified that what she was doing and voting on was her position personally, not her position in leadership. What last me so frustrated is that while were dealing with all of this, representative greene, representative cheney, the democrats are killing energy jobs at the stroke of a person, on the verge of passing another 2 trillion when we still have one trillion unspent, changing the way we vote. Biden Just Announced a Supreme Court commission to reform the Supreme Court. You and i should be talking about that. Instead, were talking about what we call in the army this circular firing squad. We need to be united against those bad policies for the country. Im glad were moving forward. Martha i hear you and look forward to talking about that in the future. I want to press you on the vote on liz cheney. You said you disagreed with her impeachment vote. Did you vote to allow her to maintain we took our own votes. That was not a public vote. We should keep it that way for everybody there. At the end of the day, she is we have a leadership team. Kevin mccarthy was strong in asking us to keep that leadership team. We just gained over a dozen seats in the house, on the verge of having to majority in 22 and Leader Mccarthy was really adamant on that, on trust him, trust his team and be focused on getting the majority back. Representative waltz, good to have you here. Thank you. Thanks, martha. Martha lets bring in bret baier, anchor of special report. Obviously all of this goes to The Deep Division in the gop. I mean, one of the reasons this is a big story with Marjorie Taylor greene and with liz cheney is that, you know, everybody is picking sides on the future for the party here. Your thoughts on this vote that one that hasnt happened yet for greene and one that did for clay any. Yeah, good afternoon. Youre right. Its about putting a bet on the future of the party as they get ready for 2022 and beyond. I listened to congressman waltz. Theres criticism about Leader Mccarthy, the way he handled this. One in that if you look back to representative steve king from iowa who he did yank from committees based on something he said and did. He did not handle that the same way as he handled Marjorie Taylor greene. His evolution or qanon, Leader Mccarthy has said that qanon doesnt have a place in the republican party. When explaining this behindthescene caucus to not move on this, he said qanon, i dont know what that is. So theres criticism from senator romney and others on how its been handled. Martha you know, theres a Popularity Poll that came out today that showed that Kevin Mccarthy and Marjorie Taylor greene enjoy some real popularity among republicans across this country. Liz cheney was at the lower end. That is what has all of these members not necessarily wanted to talk about how theyre voting on this issue. Although they might find what she said abhorrent, they understand that shes somebody that is speaking to a lot of people in this country and a lot of them have been open to listening to some of this stuff online themselves. Its very sensitive. It is. If youre going to have a statement that says qanon doesnt have a play in the republican party, they have to stand by that and act like it. On the cheney side, it was smart to call for a vote. That was a big moment for liz cheney as far as the caucus standing up and saying, even though it was a private vote, secret ballot, that she did have the confidence of the caucus and now shes entrenched in that leadership role. Martha what about the fact that that vote was 160 something voted in support of liz cheney, that voted to impeach the president and yet when there was a public vote on the impeachment, there were only ten republican members that voted in favor of that. Does that same something about the underlying feelings of the other members . Yeah, i think a lot has changed since january 6. A lot has metastasized as far as what the party is going through itself to try to figure out the future. Now theres this battle. I tell you, qanon is not going to be in the battle. I think theyre going to shut that down. Even Marjorie Taylor greene is going to she didnt go really far on the floor, she will disavow her statements. Martha thanks, bret. Good to see you. You too. Martha congressman alexandria ocasiocortez taking to social media for a dramatic retelling of the capitol hill siege. Just bang, bang. Bang, bang, bang, bang like someone was trying to break the door down. This was the moment where i thought everything was over. Martha the bang bang bang was coming from the capitol hill police. Some call her frightening ordeal overblown. Brian kilmeade is next. Stay restless with the icon that does the same. The rx crafted by lexus. Lease the 2021 rx 350 for 429 a month for thirty six months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Do you have a Life Insurance policy you no longer need . Now you can sell your policy, even a term policy, for an immediate cash payment. We thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. But we quickly realized that we needed a way to supplement our income. If you have One Hundred Thousand dollars or more of Life Insurance you may qualify to sell your policy. 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Newdays va streamline refi lets you refinance without having to verify your income, without getting your home appraised, and without spending one dollar out of pocket to get it done. It is the quickest and easiest refi theyve ever offered. Martha congressman alexandria ocasiocortez says she thought that she was going to die on january 6 as rioters stormed capitol hill. Some critics point out that aocs office is not in the capitol building. She says at the time she didnt know who was trying to pound their way in to her office. Conservative commentator Candice Owens tweeted this. On a day in which Alexandria Smallett posed and spreading lies about children in cages faking her murder was the next step. Now the Democratic Congress woman said theyre manipulating the fact that most people dont know the layout of the capitol complex. We were all on the capitol complex. The attack wasnt just on the dome. Fox and friends cohost Brian Kilmeade weighs in. But for, Trace Gallagher has more. Lets begin with the context here. Congressional offices are in the cannon building. 3 miles from the capitol dome or about a tenminute walk. The offices are accessible through underground tunnels that connect to the capitol. The same tunnels lead out to the street where Members Of Congress were told to evacuate after pipe bombs and Molotov Cocktails were found. Lets listen to alexandria ocasiocortez on monday describing what she says happened. Watch. I jumped into my bathroom. I closed the door. I just keep hearing bang, bang, bang. I opened the door when all of a sudden that i hear whoever was trying to get inside got into my office. I just hear where is she . Where is she . This was the moment where i thought everything was over. I mean, i thought i was going to die. Remember where she says bang bang bang . Gop Congress Woman nancy mays whose office is two doors down from alexandria ocasiocortez told fox news there were no rioters in cannon. Watch. Im not going to discount the trauma. I felt the events that day. They were traumatic. Ive been very strong and vocal about that. I felt like my life was in danger. These are things ive said. I sent my Children Home early that week because i was worried about violence that might transpire january 6. But at no time were there rioters banging to get in. Alexandria ocasiocortez said she didnt know in the Police Officer was there to help her or hurt her. Ocasiocortez says he was looking at her with a tremendous amount of anger and hostility. So far no comment from Capitol Police on the accusation. Remember, the new york congresswoman also accused ted cruz of almost having her murdered. Alexandria ocasiocortez has taken on those that used maps to show the layout of the capitol, cannon and the layout concerning the capitol. She claims they dont give the whole picture but they are widely available for anybody to look at under architect of the capitol, which has the acronym aoc, martha. Martha thanks, trace. So lets bring in Fox And Friends cohost Brian Kilmeade and also what made America Great on fox nation. Season 6 comes out next week. We look forward to having you here. The one thing that is overwhelming when i watch that long we showed a bit of it. It was a very long rendition of her experiences. You know, i agree with nancy mays. It was a scary day. I dont take it away from anyone that they were fearful in that moment. But it always come down to sort of its all about her, you know . Its all about her trauma and what she was undergoing. That was a capitol hill Police Officer that i would imagine and i havent heard anything to the contrary was there to make sure that she was safe. It is Pretty Amazing its all about her. I harken back to your previous guest, Michael Walls in which theyre looking to pack the Supreme Court or pretend to have a commission. And meantime, 30,000 people lost their jobs in five days. About the time were to start a an impeachment trial. Now we have to go back to january 6 on how it felt to be alexandria ocasiocortez because she was not the center of this. When she came out and when ted cruz offered like an open hand to say hey, lets take a look at what happened on wall street. Lets she if we can get together in this, we both agree the little guy is getting steam rolled. She said well, you tried to murder me. And Candice Owens going after her on twitter, she came out and put together a series of pictures that it was photo shopped. I dont know. Was she wearing the same out fit in an empty parking lot looking at to would beseparated families at the border . Remember, she said she saw those things when she toured Border Facilities that nobody else off. Now turns out a Police Officer had a hostile look to themselves, didnt introduce themselves. You spend more time in washington than i did. I have never seen an undercover Washington Capitol Police Officer. Martha as i said, we tonight have any evidence to the contrary to make sure that that person because she has a high profile, that she was okay. Nancy mays went on to say this today. Watch this. All i did is state the facts. Ideal with reality, not facts or fiction. I said there were no rioters in the hallway. She lost it today. She doesnt deal in reality. She hasnt done that today. Martha it would be nice to see a thank you to the capitol hill Police Officers that were under a lot of duress and stress and the head of their unit faced in what was widely perceived as a lack of preparation for that day. That guy was on his own and trying to protect her. Last thought. My final thought is, i watched sandra and John Interview Congress Woman mays. You cannot watch that interview and say theyre both right. She came off believable. She said that didnt happen. I listened to Congress Woman mace that i never met. Interviewed her a couple times. You look at that layout, both stories cant be tree and im leaping to the South Carolina republican to be 100 correct. Nothing to lose. No threat there. That is a big thing. Martha shes the first woman graduate of the citadel, nancy mace. Brian, thank you. Great to see you today. Great to see you. Martha so chicagos mayor, did you see this today . Really big turnaround for Lori Lightfoot. Talking about how angry she is at the Teachers Union and that children are suffering at the hands of their obstructionism. We are failing those children by not giving them the option to return to school. Failing grades. Depression. Isolation. So much more. Martha these things are very rile. Bill bennett, Dan Henninger and jason riley next. Student loans dont have to take over for the rest of your life. With sofi its possible to get them paid off and start new. Its totally normal to have constipation with belly pain, straining, and bloating, again and again. No way. More exercise. More water. 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They refuse to go back to work despite the science that says that they can safely go back to work. Shes done millions of work on the buildings to get them ready since last summer. She says shes done. She finished. Watch this. Let me emphasize again that time is running out. We need our kids back in school. We need our parents to have that option. This difficult time, black and brown kids that look like me coming from situations that i came up in are struggling and are failing. Were failing those children by not giving them the option to return to school. Failing grades. Depression, isolation and so much more. Martha the union telling parents today we love your children, we desperately want to be back in classrooms with them but were not willing to accept the illness and death a reckless reopening will inflict on our city. That after the union posted this video of teachers in their respective homes and bridges and outdoor places doing interpretive dance to express their feelings about reopening schools safely. I dont know what that does to help any kid learn what they need to learn at home or to have any interaction with human beings. Zippo. Lets bring in our panel. Former education secretary, bill bennett. Deputy editor for the wall street jenner, Dan Henninger. Those were thoughtful words. In the past, shes blamed the Trump Administration for everything. But today she had a different tone, i thought. Im glad that mayor lightfoot has run out of patience with the Teachers Union. Ive reason out of patience with the mayors of big cities like chicago a long time ago. Theyve been joined at the hip with the Teachers Union for decades, martha. They share the blame for what is taking place right now. Everything she said today she could have said four months ago, five months ago because it was true back then. Whether you look at chicago or San Francisco or new york. Inschool transmissions from all the evidence we have seen are minimal. Five cases in all of San Francisco. So to me its a reminder of the grip that the Teachers Union have on education. I hope it changes peoples attitudes towards how much power weve given the unions to control our Public Schools and particularly the vulnerable populations that the mayor was talking about have been hurt the most by the actions of the Teachers Union and the Big City Mayors that they work with all of these years scratching one anothers back. This is a fight in the Democratic Party between those unions and the politicians that they support. Martha its disgusting on a lot of levels. When she talks about bill bennett, the kids that suffer the most. A lot of kids have the ability to switch over to a Catholic School or to be home schooled by parents that have the luxury of staying home. The kids that she talked about, the black and brown children of her city are the ones that are suffering the most. I dont know how they make up for this lost time. Yeah. Thats supposed to be the people the Democratic People cares about the most. They have an indefensible position in chicago. I have a long history of the chicago schools. Theyve had the problem for months. Will we get criticism from this white house or president . They will not because of the influence and power of the Teachers Union here. The mayor talked about struggling and failing socially, economically, emotionally. Suicide rates are up. Drug use is up. Kids want to go back to their lives, for gods sakes and theyre not being allowed to. I whatnt to say one thing about something that is neglected. I heard parents say i dont blame the teachers. You should blame the teachers for this. So many of the Teachers Want to come back but some want to do this interpretive dance them. The Teachers Union is made up of teachers. If they dont like the policy, they can change it, this may be a moment where parents stop and pause and say, what is with these people . Do i want to send my children to a school where people of this Point Of View are running it and perhaps with the curriculum martha its a great point. Keep in mind that a lot of the Teacher Unions have tried to keep Charter Schools from opening and proliferating. Charter schools have been an amazing opportunity. I want to play this from Michael Bloomberg that wanted to be the democrat president of the United States. Heres what he had to say about this. Watch. The president has to stand up to the unions. The Teachers Unions . Yes. The Teachers Unions. The teachers say i dont want to go back because its dangerous. We have a lot of city and state and federal employees that run risks. Martha dan, what do you say . Well, Mike Bloomberg foot the good fight when he was mayor of new york. Even he could not defeat the unions though he did help open Charter Schools. This is a crisis for the Public School system right now. Were getting enrollment figures. They are really quite startling. Enrollment in california has dropped by 155,000. Theyre down in new york city 43,000. Some schools have lost more than 10 of their population. Down 45,000 in virginia. Parents are pulling their children out of these schools and enrolling them in private schools, Learning Pods and micro schools. Yeah, theyre mostly white liberal parents. But critics will say, this is simply going to create more income disparity. Where were those critics 30 years ago when black and hispanic parents started pulling their children out of Public Schools and put them in Charter Schools . So this is the crisis brought to the surface now. Now you have even people like Lori Lightfoot beginning to recognize it. Martha you know, joe biden as a candid and i assume he will stick with this as a president spoke out about Charter Schools. He said that stops on my watch. You know, this is remarkable. Action we keep pointing out for kids that cant afford the alternatives, the Charter School is the only other option that they have. This president is telling them that hes not going to expand those opportunities. Yeah, its unfortunate, particularly because these schools are so popular with black democratic voters. I saw some recent data in new york state. Best public elementary and high schools. 20 of the top 30 came from the Success Academy Charter School network in new york city. Most of those students in those schools are black and hispanic. So you see the learning gap closing. The black white learning gap closing. Yet joe biden wants to turn us back on them. That is unfortunate. Martha i think youre all so right. This is a moment and parents are making different choices where they can. And i think theres a lot of pressure from a lot of democrat voters that dont like the answers to the Public School questions here. Gentleman, thank you very much. Great to have you here. Great panel. Thank you. So hunter biden has a new book that is set to come out within his fathers first 100 days. Michael goodwin on what he calls the Family Pattern of cashing in on the biden name. Thats next. Research shows that people remember commercials with exciting stunts. So to help you remember that Liberty Mutual customizes your home insurance, heres something you shouldnt try at home. Insurance is cool. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. If you have. Moderate to severe psoriasis,. Little things. Can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats Plaque Psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea,. Nausea or vomiting. 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We learned that President Trump will not testify under oath as part of his impeachment trial. That is according to jason miller, senior adviser. There was a request for him to appear. His attorneys have shot that down. They said he was not responsible and will not be appearing at the trial next week. Meanwhile, the white house is commenting on Hunter Bidens memoire, this is called beautiful things. It hits the shelves right before President Bidens 100th day in office. Heres jen psaki talking about this. It was announced by Simon And Shuster this morning. I have a statement from joe and jill biden and their personal capacity as his parents. They admire hunters strength and courage to talk openly about his addiction. This is a personal book about his own personal journey and i will leave it at that. Michael goodwin from the New York Post and author of the recent piece biden Brood Cashing in on his presidency. So having just written that piece about his brother, the attorney using the biden ad that ran on inauguration day, what was your reaction about hunters new book . Here we go again. They didnt waste in time, did they . Joe is no sooner in office as you reference the Frank Biden Ad came out from a Florida Law Firm and here we have now Hunter Cashing in again. Beautiful things. Look, hes clearly been an addict and suffered throughout his life with addiction problems. I think the real issue here, the beautiful things are the deal hes scored Around The World, Piggybacking Off of his fathers position. Joe biden knew about it. We know he knew about it despite his denials because of what was on hunters laptop and other information. So theres this stick in the eye to the American People that hunter biden is still out there. Thankfully hes being investigated by the fbi. That is a whole other issue. What is going the happen to that investigation now that joe biden is president . Martha this is Simon And Shuster publishing this. Its worth pointing out that they pulled the plug on senator hawleys book because they Department Like his reaction to the election and wanting to contest elements of the election. Theyre okay that hunter biden is under investigation for his taxes and a lot of things on that laptop that might might some publishers think twice. And how will this book be used . Will it be a test of loyalty to joe biden to buy the book . Will there be mass sales . The opportunities here for the very kind of corruption that the biden family has engaged in throughout the last decades with members of the family getting these contracts, wherever joe went, hunter went along. So did frank and so did jim in many cases. We know now from Tony Bobulinski that joe himself was going to get a secret cut of a deal with the chinese firm. So this is really running deep in the family. Martha thanks, michael. Good to see you. See you soon. So more of the story after this. 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