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[national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] will straight to a fox news alert, israel preparing for a full scale Ground Invasion of gaza as the idf confirmed troops and tank it is are already involved inside the hamascontrolled area. Rachel overnight an israeli airstrike reportedly killed a top hamas official believed responsible for last weeks deadly attack. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issuing a stark warning to the terror group. [speaking in native tongue] translator we are pounding our enemieses with unprecedented force, and i stress this is only the beginning. Our enemies have only just begun to pay the price. I will not detail our plans, but i will tell you this is only the beginning. Pete the Israeli Military extending the window for people to evacuate Northern Gaza to 9 a. M. Eastern time, is so just three hours from now. Two routes are currently open to allow Palestinians Safe Passage Out of gaza city to the south. This as the u. S. Officials are reportedly negotiating to allow u. S. Nationals currently in gaza to evacuate at the rafa Border Crossing into egypt. Right now we know hamas has at least 120 host ams and are responsible for hostages and are responsible for killing at least 1300 israelis and 27 u. S. Citizens. Will now lets yet to trey yingst live on the ground in Southern Israel morning. Trey. Reporter hey, guys, good morning. We could just with hours away are from this Ground Operation or into gaza. Cover night and this morning we have seen a variety of points, a form of Staging Points for these troops in the southern part of israel. Tanks and apcs, Infantry Troops being guarded preparing for their orders to ultimately move up and go to the line of departure and then enter what gaza with that assault that is expected to be announced by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. There are a number of tanks and different can units deployed not just to the northern part of gaza, over the border where we are here, but also throughout the border area along the strip. This is going to be the a multifront assault. We counderstand according to officials in israel, they will hit a hamas hard from multiple different directions. And this comes as rocket fire continues into southern and central the israel. Today Air Raid Sirens sounding in tel aviv. We saw some of the rockets coming off the strip and in total more than 5,000 rockets have been fired by hamas and Islamic Jihad since this Massacre Start on saturday morning and then the war that erupted aftera wards. You mentioned the Gaza Evacuation that is continuing, israel extending that win toe to allow the safe window to allow the safe passage. We do understand that they will be able to make it to the second largest city in gaza, and already sources Inside Gaza City telling us thousands are heeding those warnings by the israelis. Theres a real understanding that in the coming days the israelis will not only ramp up airstrikes, but launch that ground assault. A scene last night along the border, we were watching as the israelis In The Dark Of Night pounded the gaza strip. Every so often youd see A Flash Of Light in the distance hitting different hamas positions, and as we have learned this morning, two top officials have been targeted by israeli strikes over the past 12 hours. This is one of the individuals that was responsible for planning the the massacre that left more than 1300 dead on saturday morning and also a Company Commander from an elite unit inside hamas. So we do know this is going to be a continuing operation and, again, all signs point to this kicking off in the next few hours or even the next day. Guys, back to you. Pete trey, what do we have any updates on status of hostages as this invasion is imminent . Do you have any sense they have a better idea of where they are, how they might play into this invasion . Reporter so we just got one update when it comes to hostages, and that has to do with something we learned last night. An Israeli Military official telling fox news there was an operation yesterday for the israelis to conduct small raids inside gaza, so they sent in tanks and Infantry Troops to do a limited operation, gather swell, and we intel, and we do understand at least according to some reports try and retrieve the bodies of some hostage as that a went in. Now, we werent able to confirm that information independently, but we do know they were trying to get information regarding these hostages. They may be trying to identify if any are being kept mere the border so when that initial push goes in, they could try to rescue some of these people. But the concern is the majority of them are held within the tunnels beneath gaza, and it will take a concerted effort not just to hold the territory in gaza, but then to to enter the tunnels and figure out if theyre able to rescue any of these individuals. Rachel trey, are you hearing anything about how theyre prioritizing rest daying the hostages you rescuing the hostages versus this invasion . Because i guess just sitting here, im thinking if they invade, if they go do this Ground Invasion, the life of these, the lives of these hostages are going to be in worse danger. Reporter absolutely. Look, as israel continues to hammer the gaza strip with not only airstrikes but also artillery and naval support, on the ground we are talking about a massive operation here. You hear that jeep going by in the distance filled with soldiers. There are thousands of Infantry Troops here along the border. There are tanks, apcs. When they really face the pressure that we understand they will face in the coming days, the concern is they could use these hostages as bargaining chips, as negotiating chips. And weve seen what isis did in the past rachel yes. Reporter israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wanted to make clear that hamas is worse than isis. You saw what isis did to hostages, we can only imagine what will be done to these individuals. Will really quickly, trey rachel talks about this as though i think accurately theres a timeline on rescuing these hostages. Weve heard President Biden talk about The Americans being held hostage. Do you or have you seen any sign of an american presence in israel, American Military or diplomatic for that matter on the Ground Presence in israel . Reporter other than the defense minister, no. The defense secretary, lloyd austin, making that visit trying to send a message. But there has not been any sort of u. S. Military presence here along the border. There are american weapons that have been provided in the past to the israelis. We counderstand there are also these flights coming in to military bases with very specific requests, two examples, one has to do with the Missile Defense system, the iron dome, and the batteries or that are used to basically deploy across this area. And then the missiles used to shoot down the rockets coming from gaza. And the second has to do with small diameter bombs. The israelis need more support when it comes to this because they understand they also could run low on supplies as this conflict appears it will be, at minimum, a weekslong war. Guys, back to you. Pete at minimum. Trey yingst, thank you so much for your time this morning. Rachel thank you, trey. Pete yeah. You can only imagine the the calculations going into what theyre going to do down there. Rachel i saw the video of the little babies being held by the terrorists. It was so mindblowing, so sickening and, of course, i im thinking about that. Im going, what happens to those babies if theres a Ground Invasion . I mean, its unthinkable. Will its also listening to trey talk about one of the top terrorists who helped plan this attack already having been targeted does highlight the intelligence capabilities which always, to me, i find it impossible the went unnoticed. Theres a New York Times report talking about this thing had been in the planning perhaps over a year with camps set up in lebanon with forces there syria with, iran and hamas all training in preparation, and i just dont know how that flies under the radar of intelligence in in the United States or israel. Rachel i couldnt agree more. And, by the way, we give 3 billion a year to israel, and i think theres a lot of questions about huge, massive Security Failure with. Pete a ott lot of that is about to be utilized. They purchase a lot of americanmade weapons. Theres a lot of fingerpointing going on amongst them. Heard from some top israeli officials saying, hey everyones pointing at each other, but this is on the defense and Intelligence Services who should is have seen this, and if they did, didnt alert civilian authority to that, but thats one view of it. And ultimately, at this point trying to identify where hostages are, where the enemy is a herculean task. In large part not because of of whats above the ground, but because of whats below. Heres a basic schematic, but it gives you a sense of the complexity of the Tunnel System inside gaza. I dont think thats the right graphic. But theres another graphic that shows the thats the road, by the way, one of the roads northsouth that evacuees are attempting to leave. By the way, before we theres the Tunnel System right there. If you look up knot, thats north, thats gaza city where most of the hamas headquarters are. They say there are 300 miles of tunnels underneath gaza. You effectively have a Tunnel City Underneath that makes clearing that area really difficult because if you clear something above ground, you may think they have, but you havent below ground with, and they could fill it back up with fighters or hide hostages. Of i dont know whether to be heartened or concerned about the fact that we havent seen Hostage Videos yet. You know the famous isis videos we saw . Hopefully theres things happening underneath the surface and behind the scenes were not aware about, but heres another just basic sense of the amount of depth that theyre willing to go to in order to hide these tunnels. Rachel pete, youve been inside these tunnels but on the israeli side . Pete correct. Yeah, in 2018 i was on the israeli side but not far from gaza at all, and the Israel Defense forces gave me a sense of these terror tunnels. Take a watch. A portion of. But so here we are just roughly 700 meters from the gaza border inside a tunnel. Translator its a terror tunnel. Hamas large part of to build this kind of structure. Pete so every day its part of your job to find more terror tunnels. We found [inaudible] three tunnels. Pete youre finding them right now as hamas continues to dig under the gaza strip into the israeli population. I want to get a sense of its like to fight in a tunnel like this, because you in the infantry, youre usually outside of different conflicts, youre underground but this is a whole different its a psychological challenge. Pete im cramping up and sore already, and weve been in here for, what, two minutes . Just imagine the difficulty of fighting in a tunnel like this but also the ideological dedication of the radical islamist enemy thats willing to spend months and months and months and months underground picking away at the soil, putting in steel, putting many lights, pumping in air just so that they can kill innocent civilians. Will pete, i know you saw that from the israeli side. Im curious if youve come to understand that Tunnel System is certainly what were seeing on the screen from you is essentially a transport system. Its a passageway. But once you get in there neither gaza, is it more extensive . Is it bunkers . Is it places for longterm stays for either a terrorist or for hostages . Pete yes. So its barracks, its meeting rooms, its places for people to eat and sleep and stay and live for long periods of time. They can pump oxygen down there, electricity. So the system is not just tunnels inside gaza, its entire underground cities, prisons is what, you know, it could also be. And what you saw there were the tunnels that hamas has been building for decades to tray to get into israeli territory with the biggest fear of those that live in the south that in the middle of the night hamas may just spring out of the ground and is suddenly be in your backyard which is why what happened a week ago was the biggest nightmare rachel i have so many questions about this. So, the first, this is not cheap to do this. So you wonder where, how where the money comes to build pete a hamas decides to use humanitarian aid. Rachel exactly. So from a fighting point of view, it looks pretty narrow. What does that mean for the fighting . Pete thats just one of them. There were tunnels with vehicler vehicles to drive through. Of it was a race against the idf. Theyd build a tunnel, the israelis would discover it and blow it up, and theyd build another tunnel. Thats why it brought to mind the radical islamist ideology to never stop and the thirst to kill jews. Will speaking of that thirst to kill jews or at the very minimum hatred of antisemitism, we did see a lot of that yesterday as hamas called for a global day of jihad, a day of rage all across the world. And the United States was no exception. We saw this in the streets of New York City, you saw it on American College campuses throughout the week, and you heard essentially the sentiment in their own words. Sara carter was out there, and she talked to people who took the part in this global day of entry had. How do you respond when people say, hook, these babies were beheaded, some of them were burned to death, there were children that were killed . Why, why not speak out against that and then, you know, protest later . Why protest now . Because theyre already killing hundreds of lives right now even as we speak. And were protesting until something ends, something stops forus. Do you think its going to ever stop when you well, the problem is as long as gaza is led by a terror organization, i dont see any different. Do you care about the babies that were beheaded they were never beheaded. That was a madeup story how do you knowsome. Thats not are true, thats [bleep] show me the pictures now. Youre a lying [bleep] if youre full of [bleep] they did not kill their babies. That is [bleep] so no babies no validation of that whatsoever. There is no proof of that. Netanyahu is basically running his own [bleep] narrative of what he wantses to excuse how does this end . Killing and genociding and holocausting all the palestinians its its a shame that hamas in the middle of New York City and say every, every day this is crazy, this is crazy. I dont understand how the American People dont afraid for this [inaudible] one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. Dont forget it. Rachel that was in times square, correct . Pete yeah. Rachel that was in times square. So, again, or i saw the video of the babies being rocked to sleep and held and pacify if by terrorists. Pacified by terrorists. That is the most sickening, as a mother, frightening image. I was i dont understand. Pete that was hamas attempt to look like they were rachel it didnt work. It made me so scared. Pete just murdered their parents, and now youre you know, this is where we live in a world where we dont even have objective facts. And trey yingst has been into these neighborhoods, into these places, looked into the camera and said ive been in these kibbutzes, ive seen the bedrooms, the children, where the Maas Can Kerrs have taken place massacres have fake then place. There are plenty of times in war where narrative and propaganda occur, no doubt about that. Rachel 100. Pete in this particular case, considering the amount of cameras trained on locations, its t hard to believe people deny that. Will i think its true the first thing that dies in washington is the truth. Rachel yes. Will weve had this discussion on the couch, and its quite honestly a discussion you wont hear many places. I actually dont begrudge Vladimir Zelenskyy or ukraine engaging in propaganda da. I dont begrudge any combatant in a a war using propaganda. Their job is to fight with every ounce for their tribe. What i begrudge is our leaders whose job is to do the best we can to find the truth of not cutting through propaganda. When it heard from this particular if line you heard from protesters on the fight thats happening online whether or not babies were beheaded, it is essentially splitting hairs between the fact that babies were undoubtedly killed. Rachel and kidnapped. Will i dont know what is true, what is confirmed, what is not, the Biden Administration has not conifer firmed confirmed on that particularly narrow slice of the story. Its not a narrow slice of the story to say in fact pure terror and savagery unleash ared on a population. That is true. If. Pete yeah, that civilians were target in their homes intentionally is objectively true. Rachel yeah. Pete and by trying to make the whole argument about beheading of babies, they excuse away the entirety of it. Rachel and really the onus is on the protesters to make the distinction between support for hamas and support for the state of israel. And they have not done that job themselves. And so its really on them pete its certainly on them when the hamas leader, the one Who Perpetrate Thed these attacks, calls for the day of jihad and people follow. Its almost like if the that head of isis said she rachel and it ended in several stabbings and one killing at least in france of a teacher. So its something that needs to be considered. Pete yeah. Well, you can join the Fox Corporation in supporting the israeling Emergency Fund in association with the united jewish appeal, just scan the qr code here on donate at ujafedny. Org. Will youre looking live at gaza city. Israeli forces preparing for a Ground Invasion. Pete retired air force general Robert Spaulding joins us next with his insight. Murk. More for less. Because the only thing better than deals on quality appliances is the quality time that follows. Shop hisense appliances now, only at lowes. My active Psoriatic Arthritis can make me feel like im losing my rhythm. With skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, im getting into my groove. uplifting music along with significantly clearer skin. Skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. And is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. Skyrizi attaches to and reduces a source of excess inflammation that can lead to skin and joint symptoms. With skyrizi 90 clearer skin and less joint pain are possible. Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. 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You know, iran really wanted this so they can create anger in the middle east and spark a Wider Regional War, and i think youre going to see next is going to be something going on in asia. Were in the second cold war. Pete so you believe regardless of israeli actions therell be another front in the north from hezbollah and iran wants that, and they want a wider conflict and then opportunities for other countries. Well, i dont with even think t its going to stop with an attack from hezbollah. I think, you know, iran wants to spark a Wider Regional War and, of course, i think china benefits from this because theyre supporting both russia and iran and north korea. So this is something that i think we have to get, you know, be expecting to expand beyond not just the middle east, but into asia as well. Pete do you think its ine evident bl that this expands, or is there a way in which israel and or the United States could prevent that from happening while also exacting the justice necessary for what happened . Yeah, i so the first cold war with lasted several decades. I think were just in the beginning stages of it so, yes, its going to spread. And where it spreads, i think, really depends on, you know, chinas strategy. And i really, i cant tell you, but i do see that this is, its going to grow. Pete so this imminent Ground Invasion which our audience is looking at right now, is this a manner in which it would be conducted that would change the outcome youre talking about as israel looks at entering into the gaza strip . Well, i think what the palestinians are going to be focused on is creating as much anger about the attacks, so they want to get civilians killed, they want to use them as shields, and then theyre going to use that as propaganda to spark a Wider Regional War. Thats essentially what theyre trying to do. Pete so if you were overseeing whats going on in gaza, what would your directive be . What would your strategy be or as you looked to implement it, what would your advices be to the israelis . Well, i think first of all you have to really shut down any communications coming out of there. Youre going to have to expect that these videos are going to get out, and theyre going to be used for this. And i think it really starts to, you know, focus the attention on the platforms that this information is spread on. And understanding that its propaganda. If you look at what russia and china are putting out, for example, theres a great cartoon they just put out that shows the western media basically, you know, portraying the palestinians as the bad guys when in reality its israelis. So this is about propaganda, and so this is going to be a cyber war. Its going to be a digital war its going to be an information psychological war, and thats whats playing out on twitter and all the other platforms right now. And the whole thing is designed to spark anger at the west and to really say that the western morals are bad. Pete no doubt. Real quick, general, you wrote the book, war without rules. How do you fight an enemy which doesnt play by the rule, which we know hamas does not . Well, i think we have to start to isolate, you know, our society and those of our allies and partners away from the totalitarian regimes like russia, china, iran and north korea. Weve integrated china into our Global Trading system and to our Global Information system. We have to start to break them out and recognize their entire goal is to undermine our society from within by changing the minds of young people. You know, 30 of young kids today get their information from tiktok. Thats a Propaganda Machine for the Chinese Communist party. So we have to understand that this is a different kind of war. Pete you are exactly right. This will come town to an Information War down to an Information War as the bullets start flying. General, thank you so much for your time. Thank you. Pete all right. We have now a live look at gaza ahead of the likely ground assault. A number of americans are potentially being held hostage in the territory by hamas. Joe biden saying the white house is working like hell to bring them home. Were going to do the everything many our power in our power to find them. Everything in our power. Were working like hell on it. Pete Army Combat Veteran and tennessee congressman mark green joins us next to react. To jump into the fun and join in the celebration. To help get you ready, your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of Affordable Care with an epic anniversary savings event. Right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and xrays. 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Call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. Ask your doctor about breztri. Will back with a fox news alert, the idf confirming they killed a top hamas official believed to be responsible for orchestrate thing last weeks deadly attacks. Pat pete and evacuations underway in Northern Gaza as the Israeli Military keeps two routes ahead of a Ground Invasion. The deadline less than three hours away. Rachel u. S. Officials are reportedly negotiating to allow u. S. Nationals to evacuate the gaza strip at the are ra a fa Border Crossing into egypt. The administration is scrambling as a at least 17 americans are feared to be held hostage by terrorists in gaza. To those Holding American hostages in gaza you say what . I say were going to do everything in our power to find them, everything in our power. And im not going to go into the detail of that, but theres were working like hell on it. Pete that instills confidence. Our next guest knows all about fighting the War On Terror firsthand, gop congressman served in afghanistan and joins us now. Congressman, thanks for being here. I mean, 17 american hostages is a big number in the middle of a war zone. What should we be doing and what will israel be doing . Well, first, we have to identify where they are. Of by the way, thanks for having me on the show. Thats going to the take ground intelligence, signals intelligence. Once we find where they are, youve got to build sort of the operational, tactical plan and then execute a hostage rescue. Its the hardest thing to do. And in gaza its exponentially harder. This is going to be a very tough mission, but we have to go get em. I agree with your comment too there at the end of the little segment you played on the president. I mean, if we need to be much stronger, return them within 72 hours or we will go to war with hamas and destroy every one of them too. Well join israel directly. I mean, they cannot hold americans. That cannot be tolerated. Rachel i agree with you, congressman, on that point. Its really important that we let everyone know that american citizens will not be used in this manner. If however, how concerned are you about this conflict expanding beyond, beyond what were seeing right now which is horrible enough and the involvement potentially of the United States . How important is it that we not get to that point . Well, i mean, very clearly the Northern Front is a big concern with hezbollah and in syria. There are Iranian Forces that support the syrian government, the curve president there current president there. So we do have to be concerned. But iran because not want to push saudi arabia any closer to israel. And this sunnishia axis that has sort of developed, this bipolarring axis in the middle east, i mean, iran has to be very, very careful about that. So im not sure, im not as convinced that thats going to happen. But it kind of all depends how it plays out in gaza. If israel gets significantly weakened, they may take advantage of it. Will congressman, i want to move to domestic politics not totally the unrelated to the world events, and that is the House Speaker. Steve scalise has withdrawn his name from the race for House Speaker. Jim jordan has been put up, but he seems to be far short of the necessary votes at this moment at least. What do you anticipate . I mean, theres other names that are being suggested and thrown around out there the as well. When and who will be House Speaker . Well, when, i think monday well know a lot more. Jim has been working very hard to meet with the 55, i think it is the, that have cede theyre a no vote said theyre a no vote for him. And Speaker Mccarthy put his thumb on the scales pretty significantly when he said jim jordan will be our next speaker. Were going to work it to out over the weekend and well saw see you on monday. I anticipate a lot of the holdouts will join pretty quickly. Its all going to come down to whipping those last votes, and if that doesnt happen, therell be another round, and i know in that next round theres a pretty large group of folks that have all said theyre interested. Will all right. Pete so another round, should it not happen here rachel ray really quick, what is the hesitation among those holding out with jim jordan . Whats the main concern that youre hearing in. Some of it is just animosity because the eight, some of them were Freedom Caucus members and so theres, you know, the mccarthy folks who were really solid with kevin are just angry at the fact that eight people are sort of, with the way the rules are set up, you know, pulling everyone around by the nose is what ive heard said to quote with a colleague. So its its frustrating and that animosity is being taken out on their guy, jim jordan. Pete cant minimize the interpersonal side of the whole thing. Rachel its super porn important. Its all about relationships. Pete no doubt. Thank you very much. See ya. Rachel thank you. Pete youre continuing to look live at gaza city. Break down how Hamas Terrorists gained the weapons to start this war coming up next. Im sam morrison. My brother max recommended you. So my best friend sophie says youve been a huge help. At ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. Our neighbors, the garcias, love working with you. Because the advice we give is personalized, hey, john reese, jr. Hows your father doing . To help reach your goals with confidence. My sister has told me so much about you. Thats why its more than advice worth listening to. Its advice worth talking about. Ameriprise financial. Hi, im michael, ive lost 62 pounds on golo and i have kept it off. Most of the weight that i gained was strictly in my belly which is a sign of insulin resistance. 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Enroll now at your chm dot org pete were back with a fox news alert, israels Ground Request invasion of gaza is imminent this morning. Will one of the biggest questions is how the terrorists were able to the acquire their weaponry in such large scale, so lets go off the wall to explore the weaponry and muscle behind the horror and terror that we saw last week in Southern Israel. And it always comes back in the beginning to iran. Pete so the Biden Administration may for strategic purposes be wanting to downplay the specific involvement of iran in these attacks, but even they wouldnt deny the extent to which iran has been front and center, even though irans a shia one and hamas is a up sunni terrorist organization, its the proximity of the gaza strip and their willingness to the wage that jihad that has iran interested. Whether its tunneling through the infrastructure, smuggling weapons that otherwise would look like legitimate means and a in a lot of times aid, they find a lot of ways to get weaponry into hamas. Will that New York Times article talking about how long this has been planned and what we saw take place last weekend. And, pete, im curious, you talk about what came in through what seems like legitimate means through the sea or through tunnels. Were going to talk about missiles and overwhelming power in a minute, but a lot of the damage done was with rifles. It was with guns. What kind what are we talking about . Ak47s . Pete ak47s, rpgs, we also saw m4s, a lot of that came from our own stocks in afghanistan. So the ability of iran to import weapons large and small, theyre got a sophisticated network, and heavy been able to do it for a listening time. And then youve got the recycled material. You hi, oh, were going to send water pipes to help with infrastructure. Well, they get turned into with missile silos. They use the rubble or other previous scrap metals to turn them into weaponry. Will ill will on that note, one thing thats important is theres so many nations i including the United States that the sends humanitarian aid to palestine, and all of that almost is turned into, essentially, the war effort. I saw a video of bags used to send food that are essentially bunker bags for hamas, and theyve got the country of japan em emblazoned all over it. Pete or think about how much metal you might use to upgrade your Electrical Grid that you could also upgrade your tunnels, thats how hamas is operating. Will lets move forward lets talk about, you know, greater scale. The missiles that we hear so much about, pete. Pete yeah. I mean, theyve got it started for many years on smaller missiles that had a limited range. So you had really Southern Israel is who had to be aware of what hamas threat. Now youre hearing alarms in tel aviv and jerusalem because theyve acquired more and more longer range missiles. It used to be a North Problem with hezbollah, now its that hamas problem. Will 46 miles, 93mile radiuses. As weve laid out, israels not a big country. Pete and youre also talking about bigger and bigger warheads in that case so more and more damage. Will israel has the iron dome, this is how that system works. Ill start at the beginning of this, pete, the enemy fires the rocket from somewhere inside of gaza or the west bank. By the way, Sophisticated Firing System . Pete it doesnt have to be, right . In fact, the initial reports are that hamas shot off hundreds of dummy rockets to try to engage with the iron dome so that more sophisticated missiles would come later once ammunition had been spent out of iron dome. So any type of missile can be identified. Will a Radar System Defects a missile has been fired and at that point a Control System begins to calculate. Pete heart. And these are all mobile, so you can move the iron dome around to protect certain square miles. Its not just a missile hitting a missile, this graphic isnt necessarily graphic. Its almost more like a buck shot out of a shotgun will youve essentially got a Bullet Meeting A pete its a bullet that becomes a shotgun spray. Doesnt have to be point on point perfect, got to be area close enough that it will take out that missile thats in the air. You also have another system called davids sling which is for more sophisticated, longer range rockets and actually a third system as well that israel employs to try to protect its people. Will all right. And, by the way, speaking of those rockets, you can take a look. The rockets from hamas have improved over time. A lot of those celebrations, i think, you used to see were over the fact that, oh, my gosh, we hit something. 22 , 18 this is hitting in urban areas and doing serious human damage this in israel. Thats improved, as you can see, to about 50 . Pete Better Technology means more accuracy, and theyre always trying to get around the defense system, no doubt. Will all right. Right now smoke begins to fill the skies above gaza city. Likely ahead of a fullscale invasion. Pete its ongoing at this point. Meanwhile, propalestinian protests break out on College Campuses here at home. The disturbing trend straight ahead. Hamas is violence, but we have to understand that these people have been under occupation for 75 years. Y ag a perfect kings hawaiian slider. Tastes good too kings hawaiian slider sunday. The only way to sunday this isnt just freight. These arent just shipments. Theyre promises. Promises of all shapes and sizes. Each, with a time and a place theyve been promised to be. A promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. Choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more can be overwhelming. 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So, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you. Learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. There is a propaganda going around about 40 babies being burned alive and slaughtered, whatever. That was obviously prop propaganda. I think in this case certainly what hamas did is violent, but we have to understand that these people have been under occupation for 75 years. Rachel some disturbing comments yesterday from from a propalestinian protest at a college in New York City. Far from an isolated incident, scores of similar rallies have broken out on campuses across our country including many socalled Elite Universities like unc, ucla and harvard. So whats behind the growing antiisrael and some would say antisemitic sentiments on College Campuses . Here to react is the coauthor of stolen youth, bethany mandel. Its so great to have you on this morning. So ive been watching this unfold, first, let me get your reaction and then we can kind of unpack this a little bit. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, what we just heard was holocaust revisionism. We have foreign journalists on the ground in israel who have seen these decapitated babies in person. They volunteered to go into these kibbutzes and look at these bodies. Theres nothing at play here but holocaust revisionism, and this is no way possible for us to prove to them that there are dead babies who were massacred in their beds to these people. They dont care about jewish lives. And the fact that this is happening on our elite campuses, the fact that these are supposedly e the people who are the most educated in america really speaks volumes to what we call education in america. Rachel thats a point that that i think is really interesting. I think i blame the students less than i blame the universities that are churning out student thes who are looking at everything students who are looking at everything through this marxist point of view, oppressed versus oppressor. How much of to onus is on our Education System versus the students . I mean, im not going to give legal adults a pass here. They have the ability to open a computer or and look at these photos themselves. If theyre not able to process information, if theyre not able to understand that dozens of foreign journalists and the president of the United States is all Ine Dependently confirmed that there were babies massacred, i dont know how to prove it to them. Obviously, i blame the universities, but these are cults who are excusing the maas adults who are excusing the massacre of civilians in their beds. Rachel is it possible for students to be propalestinian or palestinian sympathizers and not be antisemitic . In other words, could they have done a better job of saying, listen, i am anti9hamas, i disavow everything theyve done and yet, you know, is have sympathies towards the conditions for the palestinians is that where they went wrong in your view . Theyre putting images of the people who were flying in on paragliders on black lives matter chicago. Theyre calling them freedom fighters. It is absolutely possible to say i deplore innocent life being lost on both sides, but you have to put the responsibility for that initially here on hamas. Rachel have you ready anything, bethany, about how much of this is home grown American Students versus foreign students . Because ive heard a lot of talk these days that there is no limit on foreign student enrollment, and i wonder how much is being fomented by that. Honestly, a lot of what im seeing, a lot of these interviews are idiot marxist, leftist students. Of course there is a foreign element at play here, but theres a lot of stupid white kids from connecticut. Rachel yeah. Who probably couldnt find israel on a map, theres no doubt about that. Bethany, i really want to thank you for joining us today. I did see the Video Footage of the children being handled by terrorists and rocked supposedly and cared for. I know you and i both are bonded by our big broods with, and my heart is hurting for those children, and i hope these hostages are all released, especially the innocent children. Thank you for joining us, bethany. All right. Trey yingst is live in Southern Israel with the very latest next. Stay with us. Meet the portable blender we can barely keep in stock. Blendjet 2 gives you icecrushing, big blender power onthego. So you can blend up a mouthwatering smoothie, protein shake, or latte wherever you are recharge quickly with any usb port. Best of all, it even cleans itself just blend water with a drop of soap. What are you waiting for . Order yours now from blendjet. Com before they sell out again [female narrator] five billion people lack access to safe surgery. Thousands of children are suffering and dying from treatable causes. 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