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The United States isf the biggest devil behind all of this. Theyre just evil today, a day of rage in the middle east. In other words, it was wednesday. Embassies under assault, rockets screaming through the air. It was the perfecty day for a trip to israel. The president landed Hug Netanyahu and then almost fell asleep. I asked the Secretary Of State what he and i work in the senate to write something for hible]m and said your own line that i think is appropriate. He sained its not. We lead not just going to waitim later, taking too much time. But biden only met with netanyahu today. The rest of the Arab Leadersesse snubbed him. We give these people billions and they snue restb us no respe. But after a double espresso, biden took the podium and, remar in fairness, delivered touching remarks about what it mean s to lose a loved one. He said he stands with israel now anw and forever. But then he handeda the palestinians a check for 100 million. Today, i am also announcing 100 million in new u. S. Funding for humanitarian assistance in both gaza and the west bank. This money will support more than 1 million displaced in conflict affected Palestinians N , includingstinia Emergency Needs in gaza. If hamas Divertsnsinclud Or Stes the assistance, it will have demonstrated once again that they have no concern for the welfare of the Palestinian People in a way. And if Hama S Steals the money. Come on, man, biden just bought terrorists a fresh arsenal. Were a bunch of suckers. What are the arabs giving them . F nothing. The most any Arab Nationving T is givinheg the palestinians 4 million. We give them 100 million. Were fundin 10g both sides of. War. We give israel money. We give iran money. We give the palestin e handso be money. Hunters got to be getting a cut. So a biden hugs bibi. Falls asleep, writes a Checkt To Hamas and then tells israelza ,dont turn gaza into a quagmire like bush did in iraq. After nine 11, we were enraged in the United States when we sought justice and gotmi justice. We also made mistakestakes. S. I know the choices are never clear or easy for the leadership. Theres always cost, but it requires being deliberate and an honest assessment about whether the path youre on will achieve those objectives. The vast Ave Majority O of palestinians are not hamas. Hamaf pas does not represent the Palestinian People. Biden votedresent for the irw and now hes telling israel, dont be stupid like i was and do your best to kill terrorists, not civilians. Thank you, joe. Great advice. He should have told them, don t leave leave the weapons behind so terrorists cant have them like we. Iin afghanistan the the president then said, our Defense Department confirmed that hamas rocket hit the hospital, not israels. Yet the president never mentioned radical islam. Edhe never uttered a single word about fanatical muslims. Bent on ethnic cleansing. Never touched it. Skippe d right over the root causes. Also never mentioned iran. Ir biden is trying to soft bital Iranian Involvemenan because his administration has been letting iran get away with murder for years. To his credit, President Trump had demolished isis, Assassinated Soleimaniway and pulled out of thwithe new dl and slapped crippling sanctions and hat countrys energyr fo ser. He had great relationships with the leaders of saudeas witi arabia, egypt, jordan and turkey. All the major arab players. And israel was cutting deals with these arabs. And now the deals are on holdw h because of iranian mischief. Ey and biden isnt going to be able to put this back together. Hes just not. Biden was so angry aftert th getting snubbed by theis arabsb and being greeted with rockets and riots and Hospital Hoaxes that he snapped at binder on the plane, ride home, watch. And bernie were very blunt with the israelis on the need to get humanitarian aid to gaza or what exactly . On everything. [laug so, you know, i was veryhi blun about the need to support getting humanitarian aid to gaza, get it to gaza, and do it quickly. All right. He wasnt going any more to the hospitals. May i pull down . Oh, so prime time isnt really t sure what the trip accomplished symbolicallytrip a. It was a victory for israel financially. It was a victory for hamas. Del and this obviously delayed israels Ground Campaignay isr k gaza. The mideast looks even more chaotic than it did before biden arrived, which is quite quthe accomplishment. Joining me now is Special Forces veteran joe camg mep. Can you say anything that biden accomplished over bed there besides symbolism . No, jesse. The only thing i think that he accomplished was confusin g our allies and emboldening our enemies. Like you pointed out, he hande d 100 million essentially to hamas. At the same time, he says, hey,e israel. Dont go too hard on these guys. Dont ovh, act and go after them after they murdered, you know, nearly 2000 of your citizens. Biden also refused bi the facte like that there are likely american hostages being heldricd right now by the very same people. He jus t handed 100 million to you. And also, he refused to address iran. He refused to address qatar, were giving money to the qataris. The qatari givins are hosting the hamas leadership and iran still has the money that biden gave them. So, really, again, are allies are completely and totally isolated in our enemies, are emboldenedlate because of no just bidens policies and actions, but also this horrible trip that he just took over there, maybe the 100 million to hamas was just a down payment for the ransom. To idea whats actually going on. But what do you feelameric about these Guys Snubbing the president . Im an american. I don. T like it when leaders snub the president , but hes getting snubbed a lot. I Believeheg Snubbe the mexin president snubbed him or we had some summit in california. Me. They snub he gets snubbed all the time. Why dont they respect this guta . You know, jesse, when were weak at home, wek at become vere weak abroad. And the first thing that biden did was he opened up our bordero. How can you take a country seriously that has a wide open southernu ta c border and is alg fentanyl to kill its citizens . The democrats in the congress, like my opponent, joe biden, they open up the border. Theyre allowingo our citizens to be killed. And at the same time, we have this disastrous Foreign Policy from the afghan withdrawal to blundering through ukraine, th to escalate the situation over there, killing off u. S. Energy independence. So that allar the worst actors in the world are in control of the world. Economictrol of e worl market, g the dollar. Theres really no reason for theretoeaders to takg the us seriously. As much as it pains me as an american to say. Considerine usg how much money e give to these middle eastern nations, we neede to strengthen our borders, strengthen our nation so that once again were taken Seriousl Stry on The World Stage and get these democrats out of power because theyre destroying orld our nation. Are we ever going to have peace in the middle east . Im beginning to think t when m dead, its going to be just itke its always been rockets and riots and its never goings to stop there, is it, joe . To a certain extent it wont. But look what President Trump did with the abraham accords, allowing the israelisid and the Gulf Arab States to come together to form a peace and an alliance against iranian aggression that was puttingaggr us on the right path, and thenes also not being afraid to useut force, like taking out all ofd isis, taking out kassam. So maybe wheto usen necessary, but avoiding these endless wars and always supporting our greaat allies like israel. This is what must happen in order for us to have any degree of peace in the middle east and stability back here at home. All right and, joe, thanks s much for joining us. Thankth you. Palestinian terrorists bombed their own Hospitald Yesterday and then blame the jews. It was like an islamic justice. Smollett fake hate crime. This was a hamas hoax that anybody with a brain could figure out except democrate s in the media. And just like every fake hate crime and hoax, they ran with it fast. The New York Times printed it like a hamas press release. E 40 minutes after hamatmber oon, hamas came ouxp with a nice round, even numberss of casualties, 500 killed. Kill New York Times ran with it. Ths disinformation. Correspondent got dupedby the by disinformation from terrorists. Cnn who wont even takee trump events live because theyre afraid he might Say Something inaccurate. Didnt hesitate here. Terrwhat the terrorists said is fact. So the American Media blew it. A arab leaders canceled meetingsit with biden and islamic mobs stormed embassies. The israelis had to gtho on v and say, guys, are you kidding me . I only wish the other side and are not necessarily necessarily criticizing cnn, t but i am. I only wish other media wouldi hold the other side. Arty hamas, a party to a conflict to the same professional standards of scrutiny and not retomatic, they say report that this was an Israeli Strikpe on a hospital. And i think that what were seeing around in the area now, reporte s of marches and demonstrations and riots and violence mucmonstrath of tht is because of the how should we say, hasty reportingons. And jumping to conclusions. Hasty thats a nice way to put it. Esse hanot only had the israe out Surveillance Video and Communications Intercepty is proving hamas fired a rocket at their own hospital, the Pentagonroved Ha briefed bit theyd independently confirmed it. And by the watal. Y, the rockety didnt even directly hit the hospital. It came down in the parking lo t, but the damage had alreadydy been done. In lebanon, mobs were tear m gassed for closing in on the u. S. Embassy in berlin, muslims blasted police with fireworks in turkey. They set mcdonalds on fire. It was a big mac attack caused by reckless reporting. R hasty and this is afters years of the media lecturing us about the dangers of disinformation, braggin ag about how they have editors and fact checkertors s, they published every hoax, the laptop, the lab leak, collusion, the covington kids. If you even wonder where the our moneys going in ukraine, they accuse you of pushing russia propaganda, they say. Elon musk allows antisemitism to rage on twitter. And what are these . So called professional journalists . Do they push antisemitic terroris t Propaganda All Overjourna the world . Theyre fueling hatredthey and then they call you a hater. Thielle davidson, senior fellow, center. The mideast and Internationasenior Fellol Ll us now. Our erielle, whyaw is the press so quick to swallow hamas propaganda . Its pretty incredible, bill. Thank you for having me. This evening, jesse. So first, i wanted to add fuels w the fire here and just say, look, the New York Times, the washington post, r theyre saying that they got their information from, quote, the Gaza Ministrom they of healk do you know who controls the Gaza Ministry of health . Nohamas. Exactly. And so whats more, even addingc salt to the wound is the fact that youre having entities like the the United Nations and even sitting members of congress are magnifyingittin bad reporting. And so you have to ask yourself, well, wh y is this happening . And ill say it clearly here. Now, i do believe that the mainstream media, as well as certain members of congress on the lef cleart, they have an agenda. They want to create a moral equivalence between hamas and israel, because in their minds and in their narrative, it cant possibly be the cas e that israel is not the villain. Israel has to be the villainlain that is their entire worldviewme when it comes to the middle east. And theyre not willing to adjust their priors, not even when theres so much evidence showing to the contrary that this rocket came from islamists. It came from palestinian islamic. Jiha there is evidence, like you pointed out, intercepted phone calls. We see Video Footage that was actually on al jazeera, whichag is an arab news station. So its frankly absurd. Al jazeera is more accurate than New York Times. I loves it. Correct. I it. So you remember jussie smollett, when all of a sudden you hearan new yod and you wer. Wait a second, he went out for food at two when it was like three below zero. What is it, maga country in chicago. And you knew you knew it was a hoax, right . You knew it was a and its the same thing with hamas t ,like the New York Times has been covering this conflict for decade s. Weve reported how the hamas fighters staged these videos where they, like, pick up some baby and then like Crawl Overbaby a rubble and blame isr. This is what they do. T hesi they didnt they didnt hesitate at all. T. Didnall. But it also shows you how impenetrable their propaganda is to the truth. No matter how much evidence you show them, they will continuee to disseminate this propaganda. Where was Rashida Tlaib today . She was out on the National Mall declaring that israel had bombed a hospital in gaza, where, as you pointed out, no, it was a a parking lot. And no, the deaths, thankfully, were not in the hundredswere. E they estimates are now saying maybe several dozen. Its not clear yet. But still, the fact that we have a sitting member of Congress Going around and disseminating hamas propaganda because she is carrying water for a terrorist organization, hamas should be treated like isis. If there were any other member of congress during the war war on isis, who is disseminating o isis talking points, they would be the object of censure. They would be calls to have her remove talouldd. Her own party would have her removed. But i think what its showing us nowis showi, the fact that y arent Seeing Blowback from pelosi and others, is thatfe those is a feaarr on the left of angering those in their in their more crazed bas more. And its frankly despicable and reprehensible. It sur de is. It sure is. And that leads me to my next segment. Thank you so much, erielle. Thank you for having me. And now Everybody Knows the Hospital Explosion was a hamas hoax pinned on the jews. Everybody except the squad. Omar still accusing israel of war crimes for blowing up a hospital that was blown up by hamas proceeded to lead a full 20 4 hours after the hamas Hospital Hoax had waen debunked by her own president of all people is still siding with terroristro ,continue to watch w people think its okay to bomb a hospital with children. So we have to speakn the truth we can to stoptruth. Allowing people to police pol our words, to target what weic say. A member of congressss who flies a palestinian flag outside her office, who has access to classified information, is pushing debunkeder Terrorist Propaganda from time. Understand shes a. Palestinianamerican, shes a muslimamerican, and she represents a districsht with a. Large muslim population. We get that. But this is too much. Ad and ilhan omar, who had to be removeo bed from House Foreign Affairs and was censured for ridicule jews, is anybody looking into thesey women . A Random American was arrested and sentenced to prisos n for posting a meme about hillary clinton. W but were just going to ignore t the hamas caucushe. And now the squad the is threatening the president. Gs and to my president , to our president , im not going to forget this. And i think a lot of people are not going to forget this. And thats its not its not a its not a threat. It is it they think were joking. Yeah, im going i think the white house and everyone thinks. Inks that were just going to sit back and let this just continue to happenue to. Its not a threat if you sayn its not a threat afterwards. Thats how it works. Just a t ask fat tony. And the squad had whipped the crowd into a frenzy. Next thing you know, they march right into the capitol for 3000. Rs would the protesters would have kicked their feet up on the speakertheis desk, but we dont have a speaker. And earlier in the day, hamas sympathizers obstructed an official government proceeding. How man y was due to be creditworthy and why . How many children need to ben wi killed . Our families are dying. I meanll you kill. , these are d. We need a ceasefire now. We need a ceasefire now. Ceasefire. The ceasefire. Implementation. Now. Stop [shouti. Stop saying anything. Israel from the israeli side, ea im not saying the hamas carcass mob was apparently too much for john fetterman, the pennsylvania senator now forced to dress like an adult, started thinking like an adult. Kind of funny how that works. And he criticized the squad, thin them disgraceful. But House Minority leader Hakeem Jeffries is of the mindset here. No evil, see no evil. Theres two of your colleagues, congresswoman tlaib and omar, who have tweets up saying that hamas is to blame for the Hospital Attack in gaza. Te should they delete those tweets, tweets . Democrats have a hamas problem and wants the Northernte Front opens up. Theyll probably have a hezbollah problem too. Suddenlyas are being exposed fol flirting with terrorists. Congressman already calling for the release of millions of dollarsproble to hamas. Youre a federal property getty. The congressman already regret calling for the release of millions of dollars to hamas. You really cant do that already. Do you regret calling for the release of millions of dollars . So hamas, you really sort of, oh, dont challenge me or ill have you arrested. Thats the move you make when you canu u cant defend Yourse Look What Biden is doing to trump. Hale trumy mcinerney is the cohost of outnumbered. How concerned ho are youu seri seriously about taliban . Omar im very concerned. They are standing up forterr terrorist Rashida Tlaiorisb gets to go home and her nice cozy bed this eveningd an and up undr the covers, ilhan omar getso to do the sameth. You know who doesnt get to do that . The gazan children who were killed by hamas terrorist g for,ey are coverin you know, who doesnt get to do that. Jesse fearma a nine month oldmh boy. Google him now. Yoi, aka feaoldr type in hostae and you will see a picture of a beautiful little boy a smiling, holding a Pink Elephant with yellow ears. That little boy isnt having his diapers changed by terroristpinks. W that little boy isnt getting fed. A ither are rosss. And aviv, a five year old and a threeyearold. Beautiful girls in pink dresses who are now in the hands of hamas. Ilhan omar rashid. Y ge its lieb, Hakeem Jeffries, who wont denounce them. They get to slee p in their bed tonight, snuggle with their children if they have them. These kids are the victims. So too are the guys and children who they wonte th condemn. The Hamas Terrorists are indiscriminate. They targee gat palestinians, they target israeli children. And i dont want to hear it fromrget the radical left and the sympathizers and joe biden, who has yet to denounchildren. E. Tlaib had to have known that it was a hamas hoax by that point in the afternoon. So she ra dn with the lie. Why do you think she rane with a hamas lie, didnt she . Did she just want tot to push a lie . What was that chilie . C . Chea she cares about scoring cheap political points. How ruthless, how terrible that you care about a political point so much that you are willing to lie, to deceiveu ar on the backs of e children. That is the sad truth. And weve heard karim jeanpierre here denounce some of the words from the podium from these individuals. But i want to hear it from i the president of the United States, the sam waneiden president who called ilhan omar very smart in 2021, the samellen president who called Rashida Tlaib a fighter in 2021. Its great that hes standing with israel, at least in word. Well see an action. But if thi s have been President Trump, id have reporters running to make sure there was a version from the president of the United States. Yeah, bidens got to clean up the hamas Caucus One Way or the other. Hes got to do it, got to clean it up. Doesnt look good. All right, kelly, thank you so much. T thanks, jesse. Ha child brides marrying your cousin and violent fetishes. A prime Time Investigation into the palestinians who start your day with nature. Meet the Number One Pharmacistay recommended vitamin and supplement brand. And supplement brand. . Hi. Er did you know that every load did y be worthhat every load as much as 300 . And your clothes just keep getting more damaged . The more Times Brand N you washm down. It protects fibers doing more than detergent alone. Se e . This one looks brand new. It saves me money. Im starting to like downy. Downy saves loans. Do you have Trouble Hearing Conversations . Are you constantly asking loved ones to repeat themselves . Do you miss out on discussions or talking with friends . Then you would benefit from Nano Hearing Aids. Dont waste thousands of dollars on expensive hearing aids or settle with the frustration of cheap amplifiers. 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Water and can spread serious diseases. Get the facts at pest world dot org. Jes se the palestinians are a broken society. Arab w theyve been the pariah of the arab world for decades. O none of their arab neighbors want anything to do with them. They jusrst want to use them as political fodder. Arab leaders have said that Fon Refugeesn re are incompatible with their culturesfu are. H th psychologists who studied the palestinians in gaza say the population is plagued by severe psychic metric disorders. Child brides are prevalent throughout palestinian neighborhoods. On top of that, National Medical journals estimate that nearly half of marriages are between relatives. This has led to significant medical deficiencies. Ideology. I mean, with the palestinians, i a lot in common with hamas. A recent Survey Foundre a that most palestinians Desire Arme Uprisinge Ous against the jews. Political violence is supported. Wiping israel off the mapn is literally in gazas founding charter. This would be like article three of the u. S. Constitution llin calling for the complete destruction of mexico and the mexicathe den people. Biden is soft pedaling this. The vast majority of palestinians are not hamas. Hamas does not represent the Palestinian People. Not to be cliche, but itss a little more complicated than that. Thats why giving these e people 100 million and then flying planeloads of them into new york may not be kosher. Prime time respects and loveflys all people from all cultures. And we have no interest in harming the Palestinian People. But its important to scrutinize exactly what were dealing with here. Joining me now, Army Specia Le Ar Forces Veteran and chief editor at Middle East Forum, jim hansen. Jim, tell Mem Hans A Little Bit about the culture there. Ll, the founder of the Middle East Forum, daniel pipes, wrote a book about it, and he calls it rejectionism. Its the entire culture is built aroun d the idea that jews are the source of all evil. And the stat. E of israel is an abomination. And you can see that in the way they indoctrinate their children in their Education System evil. To hate s and consider it their holy duty to die as disposable weapons, trying to wipe them out and push them into the sea. Its truly sickening. So the leader of egypt says that this culture is incompatible with his civilized society. What exactly does he mean by that . The culture that hamas has put in and that Islamist Groups around the world follow is so abominable that any decent person should be able to loo ak at it and judge it as deficient and unacceptable. Ficiencythe fact that we try top the palestinians a pass on this ,when they prove time and time again theyre willing to do the most horrific thingshorrif slaughtering, and killinicgd women and children. And somehow israel is supposed to go aheachd and just acceptthm this and we stop them from doing what they truly need to do, which is what any nation with that on their border would do, and wipe hamas oute completely. Shamao people are saying the palestinians are oppressed, are they oppressed by israel or are they oppressed by hamas . There you have it, jesse. They are oppressed by hamas oppe and to the extent that some of them dont want it, thats unfortunate. Of the onl but the only way to e that is to allow israel to do b what needs to be done. Ne the Middle East Forum started the israel victory project sixty years ago to make sure that israel push hamas out of power. Make sure theyre not there. And that way, children in gaza, children in the west bankan and israeli children can all grow up not fearing that the terrorists are allowed to proliferate in their midst. So we know whats goinghappen to happen if they go over to egypt or jordan. The peopl i ge there dont wt them. What happens if we fly planeloads of Palestinian Refugees to new york . What would that look like . Woul pd they assimilate . They havent assimilated anywhere. There is no place where youve brought in people whose entire existence is based around a genocidal idea that jews dohae not have a right to exiswst. M . Where are you going to put them . You know, i mean, there is no placthere e on earth where thata should be safe. And we, as the civilized nations, have an obligation to do everything we cae cin to support wiping it out wherever possible. Wher, that happens jesse to be in gaza and it happens to be hamas. So if you go into Gazainto And N Root Out Hamas and then you kind of do, what do you leave to oversee gaza . Do the palestinians pour back in . Does hamas pour back in and buil dos pod tunnels . What does this all look like . D moreyeah, if that was an easy answer, i think it would have been done already. I think the only way this works and im not going to make policy for the israeliw th government, but i dont see how they can not have some sort of Military Occupation Form Ise short term until a way can be found to keep the islamists out of power and to ensurela that whatever palestinians want to have a Civil Society get a chance to do that. I dont think its going to be easy. T at it but you cant do anythingl you go ahead and dismantle the Hamas Terror Enterprise completely. Well, the president doesntst call it the Hamas Terror Enterprise. He just calls it the other called i team. Listen to what the president said today about israels arch. Enemy. Im deeply saddened i and outraged by Th We Explosionh at a hospital in gaza yesterday. And based on what ive seen, ite appears as though it was donene by the other team, not you. But theres a lot of people out there. Im not sure. So we got a lot of and overcomee a lot of things. How does that Phrasing Siw Di with you . Thats disgraceful, jesse. This is not a Soccer Matchisrael between israel and the palestinians. This is one team trying to slayy everyone. Do you want to ging too back toe Munich Olympics . You know, this is not something that happened early. This has been going on for 75 plus years. Stop. And its time for it to stop. Wa there is no way that we can allow it to continue. And no one should be telling israel to have conditi a cease fire until they have made that part of the country and that region safe for their people. I agree 100 . Jim, thank you. I agre always a pleasure. Ing on well, the left is now matter. Smileck lives well tell you why. He cel thiebs is your season to smie is and discover the moments that matter, to jump int celtin. That matter, to jump int celtin. The fun and join in the celebration to help get you ready. Your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of Affordable Care with an epic anniversary savings event. 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The International Fellowship of christians and jews has launched an urgent response acroently ne by this violent attack. Our teams are on the ground acrossonly 45 israel delivering lifesaving aid. Your urgently needed gift of only 45 will help rush food, water, medicine and emergency supplies for jewish families that have nowhere to turn. Time is literally running out. What we need you to do is to act now. Please call 1800 9454616. Scan or go online now. It was the Summer Of Love and black lives matter was rampaging. The mostly peaceful protestsl killed about two dozen people,pl torched cities and racked up 2 billion in damage. They up 90 millionp do donations and most of it went missing. Blm destabilized this country and the world was watching. Even a hamas warlord exploited George Floyds death. George floyd put infamous in egypt. A man had your own story. Amadou diallo there, of course, if you had your ownle year of george floyd, you might have had enough. And yet another law had delivered the injury and laststd week, blm posted a prohamas image paragliding Terrorist T Swooping in to butcher kids, but apologized and said they do not support hama ds and we believe them. Hmd m. The first ever black miss israel is now calling out bl. M, saying theyre all hypocrites. Remember, you scream in the. Street. E. Breath i can breathe. Hamas is isis. Pray for us. S is pray for israel, because we can break a tie and cause a forum. Is israel j and a human rih activist. So what exactly changed your opinion with black lives matter . Hey, jesse. Thank you for having me here tonight. I just saw that poste here. Ou you know, as you said before, thth the soldier, with the terrorist that can to kill israel and israeli citizens. And for them, not just for themn supporting palestinian, th for Them Notkayian saying anything. About 1004 hundred civilians who were murdered by by the hamas and for them, not saying anything about woman abs by the terrorist, for them not saying anything when hd they heard that they slaughtering babies in israeln and they say they care about black people, they say they car e about human rights. What about my rights as an in black woman in israel . You know, in israel is huge black Jewish Community here. And i thought black lives matter is in israe here. L to. Aci sove i was shocked by their response but that they didnt say anything about this. And do you think black livese matter is a frau dod . I think they are hypocrites. They support because if you support humans. Right. Supposed support you supposedyor to stand with israel, youre supposed to Say Something about it. So for me, they dont represent, you know, a black lives matter as they dont they dont care. , but the top hamas warlord says hes just likee george floyd. Well, you know, hamas, they are theyre organization that nobody should support. And listen t. They are the new. They are Bloodthirsty Monsterss who come to their innocence, civilians, houses and murdero ce they come to their festival, to Music Festival and in gaza strip and murder a young, beautiful, you know, israelis. And nobody should support hamas and nobody should listen to them. And for for the word justuppn coming in saying that they are supporting this organizationg , they need to know that they are supporting the killing of innocent, helpless civilians. There is now, help in now in ga, hostages. F you know, i am a mother. I know you are a father, too. Th atcan you imagine that somebody will come to your house and go to our child bedroomthem and burn them alive . How the world ca aliven be okay with this. How the world can support this kind of evil. This what . I dont understand. It is evil. And im glad you use thi jess because a lot of people are afraid to use that word. And this sense is you have to call it what it is. And its evil teaching. Were you trained to be in the military when you were in israel . Yes, i was officer in off the Military Army and israelihe army. Have you considered, you know, going back therese he and doing your duty . Ou i will always do whatsy my country need me to do. I will my country and i will protect my son. Good. I love that. And we should do that here. In the United States. Mandatory Military Service that would make this country lu. A lot better. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you for having me. Well, Breaking News in lebanon doesnt look goodmini doesnt look goodmini providing for your family is as. Top priority. But what happens when you need Affordable Health care . Christian Health Care T networ could save you up to 40 today. As a member, you can chooseport your provider without network restrictions. Sign up at your convenienceamede with our anytime enrollment. 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What does it mean to slide what does it mean to slide into someones dms sounds like a lot of fun. Okay, were not ready for thatsu as a team. You bun well get there. It might be a fruit emoji, n theyre talking about fruit. Oh, progressive can save you from becoming your parents. At pamsbut we can save yon you bundle home and auto with us. Do you really think we need 47 photos . A fun dinner at pam . Yes. No. When you cant watch. Listen. Get the latest News Business and News Headlines on sirius xm. Anytime, anywhere. Fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening from the oval office. The president s address to the nation speaking on the wars in i health. Org to educate yourself on your family. Risk for prostate cancer. Reds o hundreds of angryf people took to the streets near the u. S. Embassy in beirut after hamas falsely blamed israel blowing up their hospital. More embassies of western countries in the middle east were targeted and the State Department is now warnins g u. Si citizens not to travel to lebanon amid the growingn amd of a second front. Of opening up in israels war with hamas. Steve harrigan is live from beirut with the latest. Rld wi. Steve. Jesse, it was an angry crowd of several hundred outside the u. S. Embassy. They were hurling rocks, also hurling molotov cocktails. The embassy was never breached. No Embassy Personnel were hurt. But one building near the Embassd Moloy caught on fire they also cut through razor wire and removed a security barrier. They were only pushed back by Lebanese Security on who hurled cans of tear gas, as well as using waters top cans to push those protestersus back. The u. S. Embassy has authorized nonessential personnel to leave the country. And then really, thats just the start. Saudi arabia has told its citizens to geonnel tot out, thd kingdom telling its citizens to get out and getting out ommight be getting more difficut as some airlines stopping flying in and out of lebanon,rls including lufthansa. Jesse, back to you. Sall right, steve, thank you so much. Remember what happened with Natalee Holloway . But we just found out out. Boy, do i get bad press. The six part story only fox nation can tell. It didnt go into new york to expand its fathers empire. He in to deal with his own. What kind of is that . He ought to be ashamed if hes draining the swamp. When i make promises, i keep them. No dream is too big, no challenge is too great. I want to make America Great again. I got old john trump. Fox nation gets crucial insight into the war on israel. Timeline of terror. This isnt going to be days. This isnt going to be weeks. Its going to be months ahead. Who is hamas . Hamas showed no mercy to these people. They dragged women through the streets of gaza. Who is Benjamin Netanyahu . Hes calling for a unity government. And he said that israel will secure its borders. The war in israel in three shows. Timeline of terror. Who is hamas . 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There are hundreds of American Citizens currently trapped inside gaza. Prayers on both sides are urgently needed. Stay with fox news continuing coverage. The fox news alert. It took almost 20 years, but Natalee Holloways murderenr ,joran van der sloot, has finally confessed. National Correspondent Matt Finn has the latest. Who was an exceptionally raw and emotional day in court toda y, nearly two decades in the making, Johan Van Der Sed to 20 yearsnce in prison for extorting Natalee Holloways mother best. And as a part of his pleaf hi agreement, he gave a gruesome confession. Van der sloot claims he was kissing natale wase on the bea in aruba. It tried to take it a step further and she said no. She ended up meeting him in thei. He then thn kicked her in the he and smashed her face with a cinderbloch a k and then dragged her into the ocean by himself. A short while ago, i sat down with beth holloway. She tells fox she thinks this confessionbeth is accurate in pu because it was corroborated Bee Fbilygraph and multipl teams. And she says she feels victorious even though ihet is hard as it is and shocking. And when you do Finalld Y Get Ty Real answers as to liat happened to your love getd one, like with natalee, the not Knowine Hollowg is worse than nt owing is more torturous than you know, the knowing is there was a powerful moment duringl the holloways Victim Impact Statement when she mentioned van der sloots own. D and then she looked van der sloot in the face and told him, ane, you look like. K like she revealed to us she felt like van der sloot, two two Pressure Points that she had to press, thinking about his own daughtersure pois, his own appearance. Her killer is pretty much only into themselves. So i fel t like those would lik be maybe my to kind of like just off the cuff, you know, i just kind of like had just do it. And Jesse Van Der Sloot claims he found and is a differen t person. Natalee holloways body was never found. Nad this confession is likely not going to change that. Bodjesse, thanks, man. Thats all for tonight. Ve but first, i want everybody to checkrybody to Ch Out Brad Bs new book, to rescue the constitution, George Washington and the fragile american experiment. Te i didnt get a chance to talker about his book the other day becausy bee of the breaking new. In israel. We didnt think it was appropriate, but we wanted make sure everybodys aware of the book right now. And its doing great. And speaking is t. Of bret, tomw night at 8 00, fox news is going to have live coverage of president Bidens Oval Office addresscoveragef pr. Its going to be about the war in israel and the war in the middle east. Our very own bret baierea and Martha Maccallum will be anchorinstg you there. So i will see you on the fivell and then i will see you on you friday on, the five and on Jesse Watters primetimey. At oclock as well. Sean hannity is up nexton th have a great night, everybod

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