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On the east coast on a friday it is march 8th, and this is fox friends. President biden finally invoking laken rileys name at last nights State Of The Union. But, not without saying her name incorrectly. Lincoln, lincoln riley, an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal. Lawrence senator katie britt sounded off in the republican response. President biden proudly proclaims that bidenomics is working. Goodness, yall, bless his heart. Lawrence the senator from the great State Of Alabama will join fox friends with an exclusive. Ainsley back in the kitchen. Brian put him in, coach. We introduce a 5yearold Basketball Coach taking the internet by storm. Hes fantastic. Youre not going to believe the video when we qu cue it up. Joey fox friends starts right now and remember, mornings are better with friends. Ainsley President Biden giving his third state of the Union Address last night, laying out his agenda and shifting his focus to the november election. Lawrence the president Touting Bidenomics and Climate Policies while barely mentioning the border. Brian Madeleine Rivera with what was and wasnt in the speech along with the structure. Maddy . The president s tone was defiant as he tries to quell voters concerns about his age, Mental Acuity and whether he has what it takes to run the country for ghor four years. His 67minute speech was an owning salvo ahead of what is expected to be a tough and bitter rematch against former President Trump. Though he never mentioned trump by name, he referred to him as his predecessor at least a dozen times. The president opening his remarks by drawing contrast with trump on ukraine as he tried to stress that democracies around the world are on the line. Overseas, putin of russia is on the march, invading ukraine and sowing chaos around europe and beyond. If anybody thinks he wonhewill stop with ukraine i ae you he will not. The threat to democracy must be defended. On the border the president is trying to flip the script on republicans and he slammed trump for his rhetoric on immigrants. And if my predecessor is watching, instead of paying politics and pressuring Members Of Congress to block the bill, join me in telling the congress to pass it. I will not demonize immigrants saying they are poison in the blood of our country. Trump was not the president s only target. He rebuked the Supreme Court for their decision to overturn roe v. Wade. Look, its a decision to overturn roe v. Wade the Supreme Court majority wrote the following and with all due respect, justices, women are not without electoral power excuse me, electoral or political power. There were disruptions. The president was interrupted by a gold star father steve nicuy whose son was one of the Service Presence killed during abby gate. He was arrested by capitol police. [shouting] biggest increase in history. While democrats praise his energy, republicans say his speech was partisan and divisive. Former President Trump saying this was an angry, polarizing, and hatefilled speech. He barely mentioned immigration or the worst border in the history of the world. The president and other members of the administration will fan out across the country in the coming days to drive home his State Of The Union message. Guys, back to you. Ainsley what stood out to you last night. Lawrence i dont know what tools or strategies they used for the president. I hope they continue to do it because as New York Post says he is alive. Ainsley like frankenstein hes alive. Lawrence look, i think the whole thing of joe biden unifying the country, well, thats dead. There was no unity line in that they attacked republicans. And, you know, brian, you have done a better job in making the case for ukraine than the president has. I dont know why he started a speech when you have americans struggling when it comes to the border, the economy. With ukraine first. Why not put that closer to the end or in the middle of the street. He seems to think thats the number one priority for measures. I just dont get it. Joe. Joey i have a question about that, too. Brian, i think you are a good one to jump in on this because it look like he started his speech really talking to what would be his base and he needs to know what his base is because he has gone so far left that that moderate, y uncle joe basis isnt there anymore. Ukraine, roe v. Wade, and january 6th. If you ask me, that really puts a Dividing Line on ukraine. It says hey, ukraine is in this basket with roe v. Wade, januard exclusively the left cares about it kind of did a disservice to it if you ask me. Brian yes. For the people that think ukraine needs the money on the right you put him in a terrible position. Number one if you are going to start with it and you know how into it i am and people at home dont want to hear me talking about ukraine this is the beginning of the slow takeover of Eastern Europe and The Next Step is going to be more and more serious and soon nato. Having said that his best argue. Is 80 of the money you are asking for Congress Stays in america. Go ahead and buy it from ourselves. You send it over. We replenish our stocks. If you were serious to defense you dont propose to congress that you give 1 increase in defense spending. That is not the message. I will also say this. You started with trump. You ended with trump. And you really want to make this if i close my eyes and say where is this speech coming from i would say its the floor of the dnc. Was he fired up . Yes. Was he yelling the whole time . Yes. Did i appreciate being screamed at for an hour and a half, no. You just nailed it. There is no more you could possibly say that he is a unifier. When he was at the border last week and he says im going to ask my predecessor to join me or i will join him. Pretty good line even if he doesnt mean it. Pretty good line. He left that. Ainsley when i turned on the tv last night and he goes up to the podium, he starts yelling and screaming and at times he was speeding through that speech where some of it you couldnt understand. And i was watching sean hannity last night and he called him jacked up joe. [laughter] then i noticed when Marjorie Taylor greene, when she was wearing the tshirt that said say her name. She was talking about laken riley. Poor little laken riley who was killed by an illegal immigrant, illegal immigrant charged with her killing. Then he stopped. He held up that it looked like a pen that you put on your shirt. A button. And he mispronounced her name and called her lincoln instead of laken. And then the gold star dad we just saw that moment when he stands up and he is screaming remembering the abby gate. Remember the u. S. Marines. His child was killed at the abby gate. It was 67 minutes of an address. And he didnt mention the border until 40 minutes in. And he really sets the bar low. Because when we turn on the tv last night we wanted to see if he could make it through. Lawrence this was the reaction, ainsley, when he finally brought up the border. In november, my team, again, serious negotiation with the Bipartisan Group of senators. The result was a bipartisan bill with the toughest set of Border Security forms we have ever seen. Oh, you tonight think so. [crowd boos] oh, you dont like that bill, huh . That conservatives got together and said was a good bill . Will ill be darn. The Border Patrol union has endorsed this bill. The federal Chamber Of Commerce yeah, yeah. You saying no, look at the facts. [laughter] [cheers] i know you know how to read. Im told my predecessor called Members Of Congress in the senate to demand they block the bill. He feels political wind he booted political win for me and political loser for him. Its not about him. Its not about me. Id be a winner not really. I [heckle ler] boos] Lincoln Lincoln riley, an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal, thats right. But how many thousands of people being killed by illegal . To her parents i say my heart goes out to you having lost children myself. [shouting] i understand. Lawrence no parents that are out there that understand what it means to have your kid killed by an illegal. The second thing, i am so sick of him always comparing the death of his children any time theres an american that is trackly killed, he has to stop doing it. He doesnt know what it feels to have an illegal kill his child. And hes never met with any of the angel parents as well. So, i mean, this was a moment. This was a unity moment where he could say listen, it was a bipartisan bill. The Laken Riley Act that was just passed today, im going to sign it. I encourage my party to go along with it. He didnt do that either, brian. Brian theres two things. He decided crime is his weakest issue right before that would be the border. He has taken both. He is like yeah, im strong on the border, you guys dont want to do it. Crime, look at the stats. No one believes either one of them. He just hopes we have shortterm memory loss. Also, i forgot about this. Opening up he is fdr clearly talking to jon meacham and talking to historians. Wow, is he going to talk about china and russia . Thats interesting place to start. No, he is talking about russia and republicans. Wow your fight sat home. You are comparing Fascist Japan and fascist hitler germany to russia and republicans . Thats your from front battle or russia and donald Trump Supporters . Ainsley joey, it was interesting to watch Speaker Johnson behind him when he talked about guns. He said trump well, he said my predecessor. He never mentioned word trump. He just talked about his predecessor 13 times. He said trump was proud that he did nothing and Speaker Johnson rolled his eyes. He talked about the pandemic. My predecessor failed. Speaker johnson was just shaking his head. Lawrence more people died under covid under covid under biden than President Trump. Brian with a vaccine. Joey talk about guns and the border. Border something important to me. I have spoken to laken rileys family. I think she was done a disservice from heckling in the crowd and the way he responded her memory deserves more than that. Ainsley her parents were invited and couldnt go because they are still grieving. Brian they need time. I agree with you by the way Marjorie Taylor greene, i dont need her screaming. Its not it it adds to the chaos. Joey we will bring in alabama senator katie britt to bidens state of the Union Address. She didnt hold back. What you saw was the performance of a permanent politician who has actually been in office for longer than ive been alive. The American Dream has turned into a nightmare for so many families. Just think about laken riley. President biden finally said her name but he refused to take responsibility for his own actions. President biden proudly proclaims that bidenomics is working, goodness, yall, bless his heart. Brian that was a little of katy brits rebuttal last night. The alabama senator joins us right now for a fox friends exclusive. Senator, thanks so much for the quick turn around. I appreciate it. Great job in your delivery, the structure of the speech, especially because had you to adjust at the last minute to what the president would say along with the changing dynamics in the chamber. Your thoughts about his speech and the reflecting on yours . You know, its exactly what we thought it would be, and thats that he didnt talk about things that real americans wanted to hear, that hardworking people wanted answers to. Things that we talk about around this Kitchen Table every single day, he failed to mention or failed to give the time they deserved. I thought the anger and bitterness, what seemed to be some type of rage was unbecoming of the president of the United States. And t unfortunately he used none of our time to bring america together. He used divisive language and put every party in their corner. Lawrence i enjoyed you telling the man from texas bless your heart we all know what that means in the south. What do you think the party goes from here . Because so long they have painted donald trump as the ultimate divisive figure. Now you got the president United States did not extend an olive branch to your party or the republicans and the American People. What is the path forward for republicans . Well, obviously, President Biden is not interested in bringing people together, and hes also not interested in creating real solutions. I mean, what we saw last night, i think is just more and more of the same. And thats why we talked about things that matter. I mean, President Trump left us with the most secure border that we have ever had in our country. And then we walked through last night in my response the things that President Biden has done to actually undo that. You know, he sits back and says that none of this is his fault. Guys, it absolutely is. In the first 100 days he had 94 executive actions that he took to undo what President Trumps policies. He came in, he halted deportations. He said we will not be continuing the construction of the border wall. I mean, thing after thing, he said we are going to give amnesty to millions of Illegal Migrants that are here in this country. And what that does is that serves as a magnet to bring more and more people here. And the truth is the American People are paying the price. We are seeing it from every corner of this country. We are seeing it in the devastating tragedy that were talking about today with laken riley and the loss of her life. I cant imagine as a parent the things that they are going through. You think about the parents whose children have died. Fentanyl poisoning. Enough is enough. And the president needs to assume responsibility. He knows how to do this. President trump laid out a road map of how to secure our border and make our country safer, but he refuses to do so. Ainsley you talked a lot about the economy. I wish we had seen more focus on that last night. Talked about working at your dads Hardware Store and your moms dance studio. 60 of americans are living paycheck to paycheck. And he talked about snickers bars before he even talked about the border. He also was rebuking the Alabama Court over ivf and 9 high court, the Supreme Court over roe v. Wade. Listen to this. History is watching another assault on freedom. Joining tonight is Victoria Beazley A Social Worker from alabama. She scheduled treatments to have that second child the alabama Supreme Court shut down ibf treatments across the state. My predecessor came to office to determined to see roe v. Wade overturned. Hes the reason he it was overturned and he brags about it. Look at the chaos that has resulted. Ainsley whats your response . Well, first, lets talk about the economy real quick. Yesterday, when i had gone to the Grocery Store and actually picked up my children from school, i thought he doesnt get this. Hes not signatures in these carpool lines. Hes not checking out the Grocery Store seeing the prices go up. Hes not pumping gas and seeing that go through the roof. So he just doesnt understand what real families are dealing with and with regards to ivf the uncomfortable truth here is that the Alabama Legislature has acted. They have acted to protect ivf and absolutely very quickly. And governor ivey, i think that paper was not even on her desk three seconds before she signed it into law. That legislation was signed into law. So they acted because they know we know, President Trump knows that ivf is prolife and profamily. And they made sure to protect that for moms and dads all across our state. But, obviously, he didnt expect alabama to act so quickly and so firmly and likely they didnt have time to rearrange his speech because that may have messed him up just a little bit. Joey senator, before last night you were probably known for being exceptionally young for the body youre serving. In Mitch Mcconnell Just Announced he is going to step down as majority leader. And i know a lot of americans that look at like the Freedom Caucus in the house. Man, the senate always folds. Get in Bucket Battles and shutdowns. And republicans in the senate go astray. We see that two or three johns are going to put their name in the hat. More Heir Apparent than the changing of the guard. Where is the energy for something dinner . Wheres the energy in the house . Does that exist in the senate at all and will that have a say in this race . Oh it absolutely exists in the senate. Im really proud of my freshman class. We get together, you know, often, frequently to talk about these things, to talk about where we want to see the party go. Where we want to see the senate go. And what we need to be doing for the American People. And one of the things that you just alluded to is actually doing our job. I am so sick, it has been over seven months we finished all of the appropriations work there in the senate, yes, Susan Collins and patty murray came together and we finished that at the end of july from our full committee. But, yet, Chuck Schumer did nothing to actually move those bills across the floor. We had one attempt and then Everything Else has been about over 100 days before he put one appropriations bill on the floor. And yall, we are seeing stuff like that and we are frustrated because when we dont do our job in the United States senate, in the United States congress, the American People pay the price. So, you think about how far we are in to this fiscal year, with absolutely no funding being allocated, its irresponsible and we must do better. So, we want to see a leader thats going to get us back to doing our job and well be asking tough questions. And seeing who can rise to the occasion. Brian yeah, senator, the problem is he wants an omnibus so he did his job, senator schumer. Absolutely. Brian you understand and i know you know, this without Senator Sinema and manchin if you guys are not in the majority, that filibuster is gone. And with the democratic president , you might not even recognize this country. You are absolutely right. I think there is a lot at stake and this election and i think thats why we need everyone doing everything. We must not just hold the house but we have got to take the senate. And we are poised to do that because we are right on the issues. We are moving forward in those ways. But, taking the senate back is going to allow us to protect america and then, obviously, were going to get President Trump in the white house. Lawrence roger that. Senator, thank you so much for getting up this morning. Congratulations on giving the response yesterday. Thank you all. I appreciate it for giving me this opportunity. Brian pressure on her shoulders. Im in kitchen now. Kids are in bed. I have a speech to give to the country. Seemed so natural. Ainsley she said she and her husband were watching the speech together. Im thinking is he on The Other Side of the camera watching his wife they are in their kitchen. Brian why couldnt do my home studio i couldnt get my kids to stop barking. I could not keep people out of the kidnapperren. Lawrence its a little tough. Brian go over to carley shimkus. Carley do you know what i was thinking about the kidnapperren . Is that really her kitchen or a set. Really her kitchen she is in the same room right now and now im like she has got a really nice kitchen. I want that. Brian product player. Great to have your book back there. Carley more news to get to, guys. Talking about an interesting nugget. George santos attended President Bidens speech last night. This was the first time he was back on capitol hill since he was removed by his colleagues last year for allegedly misusing campaign funds. Santos is planning to run for congress again against g. O. P. Congressman nikola let that who was one of the members who led the charge to remove him from office. Utility provider excel energy says its equipment may have sparked the largest wildfire in texas history. The company did not provide specifics but State Investigators believe the deadly Smokehouse Creek fire was caused by power lines. More than 7,000 cows have been killed in the wildfire that are now 74 contained. And take a look at this wild video showing a Tyler Falling off a United Airlines flight just after takeoff in san francisco. The plane that was originally headed for japan was safely diverted to l. A. That tire though oh, boy, look at that, crushing several cars in the airports employee parking lot. The United Airlines spokesperson telling fox news digital the aircraft is designed to land safely with missing or damaged tires. But, a full set is preferred. A House Committee voting unanimously to advance a bill that would ban tiktok from the u. S. App. Stores and devices unless the beijing based bytedance, which owns the Company Sells it. Lawmakers say the platform is a National Security threat. Tiktok is encouraging users to flood lawmakers offices with calls urging them to vote against the bills. Tiktok issuing this statement saying quote the government is attempting to strip 170 million americans of their constitutional right to free expression. And new York Attorney general Letitia James was met with a chorus of boos during a speech at an fdny ceremony. [cheers] [boos] [applause] [boos continue] oh, come on. Were in the house of god. [boos] first, simmer down. Carley that cant feel too good. People in the crowd shouting trump. This comes after james lawsuit against the former president that resulted in a judgment of over 450 million owed. Those your headlines, guys. Lawrence i love it. [laughter] carley i heard you say good when i was reading. Brian make sure to dvr our show thank you so much carley because you want to see her read it again. Now. This. Ainsley malaysian Airlines Flight 370 disappeared totally disappeared 10 years ago. Brian i dont think cnn covered it at all. Next guest followed the case from the beginning his theory on what might have happened, next. 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Ainsley its been 10 years since the mysterious disappearance of the malaysian flight 370. The plane had 239 people on board and still missing despite largest and most expensive ocean search ever. Just this week the malaysian government said the possibility of reopening the search for the doomed airliner is on the table. Jeff wise is an Aviation Journalist and the cohost of the deep dive mh 370. His podcast. And he joins us now. Good morning to you. Hey, thanks for having me. Ainsley what do you think happened . Well, listen, for a long time the assumption has been that this plane must have been taken by the pilot on a suicide Murder Mission into the southern ocean. But they didnt find the plane where the Satellite Signals indicated that it must have gone. We have to open up inquiry and think what else could have happened to this plane. Ainsley right. On the podcast we revealed rd yesterday we revealed something Pretty Amazing a researcher at the University Of Texas named todd humphreys. Is he a very respected investigator. He said there was actually a Cybersecurity Vulnerability that this plane had, which most planes dont which would have allowed somebody on board of the plane to hack that signal to make it look like he it was going south into the ocean when it really went north how would they do that. 77 boeings First Electric airplane if you get down through unlocked hatch at the front of the Passenger Cabin, youve got access to the entire Control System of the entire airplane. And this plane was made at a time before people were really worried about cybersecurity and it has no passwords. No security. Youre in that room you have root level access to everything. Ainsley you were telling me in the commercial break when they found the debris tell the folks at home what you said because this is fascinating. So when this debris started washing up i have an article in the new York Magazine that ran yesterday, when this debris washed up it was covered in little criticals barnacles they were excited we know how they grow we can study the animals and tell us where these pieces went into the water. When they looked closely they realized these things had only been growing for a couple months. That means there was a year long gap between the Plane Disappearing and this stuff going into the ocean. The question is where were those pieces in the meantime . Ainsley that is weird. Your theory is someone on the plane hijacked the system, crashed the plane somewhere, and then how did the debris get in the water if it crashed on land. Well, probably it didnt crash. I mean, the idea is if you have this Cybersecurity Vulnerability on the one hand and this debris that didnt seem to go in the water for a year on the other, that implies that somebody hijacked the plane, took it north, and then later took pieces off it and put it in the water. Ainsley so you think this plane could be somewhere in like, what . A garage or hanger . The data actually tells us where the plane went. It would have gone if it went north it went to kazakhstan. And quite close to a Russian Space port, actually. Ainsley my gosh could the people on board still be alive. Conceivablably. Ainsley okay. Theres a piece of evidence that would indicate otherwise there was a Satellite Phone on the plane and Malaysian Airlines actually called the plane twice hoping that someone would pick up and tell them where it was. Nobody answered that call. There was a phone in the Passenger Cabin that somebody could have picked up. The fact that nobody none of these 237 people picked up the phone. Ainsley were really out of time. Really quickly who do you think is responsible for this . Russia. Ainsley why do you think that. Four months later the russians shot down one of the 16 mh Malaysian Airlines 777s that exist in the world. There is only 16 Malaysian 777s out of a global of 16,000, 18,000 planes. What are the odds, right . Ainsley wow. They were this was in crimea happening 10 years ago. People say why would the russians do this . Everyone was look at crimea and looking at illegal annexation of crimea. When this happened the whole world stopped paying attention to that and started paying attention to something elms. If you dont like the conversation, change what you are talking about. Ainsley yeah. Deep dive, mh 370 is his podcast if you want to learn more about it and read the new yorker. Thank you so much for coming on this. Is fascinating. Gold star dad of a Service Member killed in that withdrawal in afghanistan. Look at his picture. He was interrupting bidens speech last night. [shouting] biggest increase in history. [shouting] ainsley pete hegseth called the exit from afghanistan botched from the very beginning and hes next. St a bet. And my dignity. Of t be paying for that yourself. So, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem. Like me. Hey, im walking here i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms. With my Psoriatic Arthritis symptoms. But just ok isnt ok. And i was done settling. If you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. Rinvoq is a oncedaily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. Relieve fatigue for some. And stop joint damage. And in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. Rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. 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The year before i took Office Murder rates went up 30 . [shouting] 30 they went up. [shouting] the biggest increase in history. [shouting] brian what was going on there the would go star dad yelling remember abby gate state of the Union Address last night. His son was slain lance nikoui one of the 30 soldiers killed during the disastrous exit from afghanistan in 2021. The president hasnt even sat down for a briefing about what went wrong. Here to react is fox Friends Weekend cohost pete hegseth. A lot of things to talk about in the 66minute address. We thought you would want to talk about that. Do you understand the frustration, im sure, pete . Pete oh, no doubt. You know, i was watching like everybody else, couldnt quite tell what he was saying at first. I heard marines. But then when you play it back, yes, absolutely, abby gate, u. S. Marines, this is a dad who when he hears Joe Biden Say and he said it. This came shortly after this. Joe said the world is safer off the world is better off, you know, america is safer since i took office. And this dad is sitting in the balcony saying, what . The taliban is in charge. Ukraine has been invaded. You know, iran is closer to a bomb. China has moved i mean, there is nothing about the world we live in right now safer or more stable. And his son was killed and effectively ignored by the Biden Administration for political reasons. So i cant imagine being in that balcony and, you know, taken out because the rules of the house. But, he is speaking for a lot of americans that say were not going to forget that we know what youve wrought on the world, joe. And its not making us safer. Brian right. Joe biden didnt have to pay for that politically because we had the midterms after the worst disaster in American Military history. And in the midterms was not a red rout. They lost the house. Slim margin in the senate. But he walked away feeling like it didnt matter to the American People and i guess that adds to the frustration, too. Keeping with Foreign Affairs another place you know quite well is israel. Lets go over to gaza where the president of the United States, to his credit, did not call for a ceasefire, despite congresswoman the two Congresswomen Cori Bush and tlaib both wearing holding up signs that say ceasefire now. But he is going to build a port and start delivering aid to gaza. Your thoughts . Theres a truck load of problems with this, brian. They say they are going to build a port outside of gaza without utilizing american boots on the ground. The navy is going to do it. Got to get close enough to deliver the aid. Which puts american troops, american sailors in a vulnerable position. Then you have to distribute the aid. Ultimately, who is going to maintain it once its on land . Hamas will, if not physically then psychologically take control of how its distributed. You could argue you are giving aid to hamas through this process. Israel is being told sit down, were building a port in gaza now. This will change the game. This is a craven cave to his hard left who is making a lot of noise. Maybe even delaying him to his speech if you were watching the beginning because of the protest in the street. Is he scared of them. Scared of a few voters in michigan and a few voters in minnesota have ho have a very radical and different view of americas leadership. And you saw it last night. Brian yeah, absolutely. When benny gantz gets invited here looks like he is trying to turn the page on netanyahu. Its not his business to effect their government. Finally tiktok, a bill is moving through the house right now that would force tiktok to sell their company. Bytedance owned by china or face a ban. This legislation will trample the First Amendment right of 170 million americans and deprive 5 million Small Businesses of a platform they grow great jobs. Thats tiktoks response to the legislation. What are your thoughts about this approach . Pete its about time. It passed the committee 50 to nothing. It looks like something thats going to have some energy if the senate chooses to actually take it up. Bytedance would have to divest and if they dont, then theyre effectively not allowed to do business in the United States. Long overdue. We are poisoning, you know, this brian, we are Pumping Garbage into the minds of her kids coming from our enemys h. Q. Maybe congress will show the guts to do it. Well see. Here, brian, real quick, stepping back, overall. Watching the socalled d. C. Media react to the speech last night. They are all saying it was spirited and feisy. Bidens back. I heard grandpa yelling at me with a lot of sentences that mushed together in a hyper partisan way. I actually dont think it will land very well. Especially iindependents inthe. 8 months from the election and this is how you are framing the other guy. Brian 100 percent agree. I will add. This at least pretty clear is he going to finish this race. He had to show up so no one would jump in at the last minute for democrats. Pete exactly right. Brian gavin newsom keep your gel on stay in california. This is going to be his show. We know what this fight going to look like. Pete i agree. Brian watch him over the weekend 6 to 10 00. Cutest thing you will see all day a little coach with a Big Personality. Coach c. V. And his dad. Look at this. He will join us next. Hope he doesnt call a timeout. [. There you go. And now im winning again. Blueemu is the powerful relief i need. Shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. Right now you can get a free footlong at subway. Just buy any footlong in the app and get one free. Just scan the qr code and Enter Promo Code flbogo. It only works from The Other Side of the screen, buddy. You still got a land line in your house. 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Overnight along the southern border, a big group of migrants apprehended by texas dps in eagle pass. Our very own Griff Jenkins is live at the border in eagle pass with the latest. Griff . Griff yeah, good morning, joey. And the spring surge showing no signs of slowing down. Lets look right at this video we shot just moments ago. You can sees a we are speaking right now, they are processing this group of migrants. They crawled over a box and encountered by texas dps and the Texas National guard. About half of this group is venezuelan, joey. And that matters because theyre concerned about gang affiliations. Now, let me show you some images of tattoos of the Tren De Aragua Gang we talked about it yesterday. They are the most violent gang in venezuela. You can see the identifications of train train from ar arawg go. Violent crime cases we are seeing play out including laken riley remember the brother of the accused killer laken riley. The brother suspected of being a member of that group. Meanwhile the texas officials are trying to slow things here. Yesterday, we encountered Texas National guard confronting a group of migrants right where we are standing telling the migrants in spanish to go back to mexico. Listen here. [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish] griff illegal to cross that river he says. We also encountered one interesting individual wearing a very interesting tshirt. We talked to him. Here is what he told us. [speaking spanish] [laughter] griff let me in. Sort of says it all, joey. Just one final note. And that is with the venezuelans, whats so difficult is we dont have a Repatriation Agreement to send them back. Ice agents Tell Fox In Fiscal Year 2023 they encountered more than 335,000 venezuelans of which only 834 were sent back. Joey . Joey wow, thanks, griff. All right, carley, over to you. Carley more news to get to. A Road Rage Shooting on a florida interstate all over a tossed water bottle. A truck driver from virginia was arrested after shooting at another trucker. The victim says he stopped after the suspect pulled alongside him and threw a water bottle into his truck. Whether the victim started driving again, the suspect chased him, firing shots. He is now being held without bond, thankfully no one was hurt. And here is some news that a lot of people dont want to hear this weekend. Its time to spring forward into Daylight Saving time. The concept was introduced by Benjamin Franklin in 1784. We want to know what you think of Daylight Saving time. Email us at friends foxnews. Com. Those are your headlines and a little history lesson. Lawrence, over to you. Lawrence end it, carley. Carley i agree. And now i dont know what im going to do with brock. Theres a lot of considerations when you have a baby with sleep. Lawrence thanks, carley. Carley car you are welcome. Lawrence tiny coach with a Big Personality and is he going viral. There you go. Lawrence joining me now is 5yearold christopher and his dad reggie, the Boys Varsity Basketball coach in north carolina. Coach, thanks so much for joining the program. Thank you all for, this everything this morning. Lawrence christopher, how long have you been coaching . How long have you been coaching, man . For 2024. Lawrence so you are a new coach. And how are your players reacting to you being so young . How do they react . What do you tell them . Lawrence lets get you in, dad. Happy friday every day is game day. Lawrence every day is game day. [laughter] lawrence so, coach, you brought your son into this. How are the players reacting toward it . They love him. They embrace him. They actually, you know, sometimes i think they listen to him more than they listen to me sometimes. But its just amazing to see how he is talking to them on the sidelines telling them, you know, keep your head up. He gets on his brother all of the time who is a 14yearold freshman and he goes come on, can you do better. You have got to stay consistent. Amazing to see how they react. Had. Lawrence this is friday couldnt give me and my Office A Pep Talk so we can make it through the weekend . A pep talk. A what . Talking about the big time player. Tell him what do you tell them. Big time player make big time plays and big time game. Lawrence yeah. Coach christopher, do you hope to be a coach in the nba one day . Yes. Oh. We got invited to coach. Allstar game . The allstar game. Lawrence thats what im talking about, coach. He just got invited to coach at the High School Allstar game he got that invitation yesterday. So we actually had it but he asked me he said well, does that mean you sit on the bench and i got to stand up or i do do you stand up and i sit on the bench . I said you can stand up and coach, man. Lawrence i hope i get to play for you one day, coach. Thank you so much for joining the program. All right thank you very much. Yawferl have a happy friday. Lawrence see you all. Take care. Lawrence skip the fries, carley asks new yorkers about a 25. 50 guys order. Go two go out to chickfila 06. Really expensive. Honestly, its a rip off compared to the price five yeard ago orep less. To let in the lyte™. Caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. Unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. And in clinical trials, Movement Disorders and weight gain were not common. Call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. Antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. Elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. Report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. These arent all the serious side effects. Caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. 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