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Jeanine along with harold ford junior. Jesse waters, dana perino and greg got filled. Its 5 00 in New York City and this is the five. [ ] [ ] its game on. Joe biden aunt donald trump have both locked down their partys nominations,s heading america up for the first president ial rematch in nearly 70 years. But joe biden should not expect smooth sailing to reelection. Uncommitted voters are still racking up doubledigit support in several states and old yeller has still see note State Of The Union pole bump in his approval rating. Making matters worse for the president , democrats are losing their longtime advantage with black and hispanic voters with support shrinking towards to its lowest point in more than 60 years. So maybe that is why joe biden is leaning heavy on racial diversity in this new campaign video. President joe biden are you ready to defend democracy . Are you ready to protect our freedoms . Are you ready to win this election . And former President Trump is ready to rumble after locking up the nomination. Hello everyone. Its your favorite president speaking to you on a really great day of the victory. We are a nation in serious decline. We have never had a situation like this where we are not respected, we are left that, we are considered almost a joke. But lets side line the chatter for a moment. Are sports stars the future of president ial politics . Rfk junior says hes considering Aaron Rodgers as his Vice President and the jets quarterback is apparently has apparently welcome to the overture. Rfk junior says he will reveal his final choice in oakland at the end of the month. Okay. Jesse, rfk says that that he is going to announce his running mate on march 26th in oakland, california, so i say to myself, why would he announce it in oakland, california . And i say could it be because Aaron Rodgers is from california and played College Football in oakland . Well the jets might have a problem with Aaron Rodgers on the ticket. That might not be allowed in his contract so im not sure its Aaron Rodgers although id like to see him on the ticket. Jesse the body i dont know about either. It will be someone flashy. The shortlist has a lot of sizzle and he needs a sizzle. Needs someone to kind of juice up the ticket and make it a celebrity ask ticket. Someone outside the box has an independent streak. What im concerned about is his Ballot Access because if hes saying that he will be on the ballot in every battleground state, hes not on all of them yet, and deadlines are coming up so he needs to get Ballot Access and he has to get his ticket organized. The fundamentals of the race are terrible for joe biden, hes an old unpopular guy,s coalition is falling apart and he is the thirdparty possible spoiler. Answers high prices, high crime and hes overseeing an invasion. But then i worry and im paid to worry because the ground game on the republican side is a concern they did not really have it together the last time and we know how proficient the democrats are when they have six weeks before an election to make sure all the ballots are collected and brought to the polling stations. Then i also worry about these court cases. Theres never been a situation where you could have a Felony Conviction in the lead up to an election so i dont know what will happen with that. It could go either way. Lastly, the agency and the bureau have been interfering in all of our elections for the last three and what have they caught up their sleeve this time . I think the American People are pretty wise to it now but you never know whats going to happen. Judge jeanine all right dana, trump is edging out biden in those swing states and i think that according to clear politics in the seven battleground states, 48 trump, 43 biden. First of all i want to say we love your pin. Its a beautiful brooch and a great tribute to a wonderful woman so thats great. A couple of things. One of the things thats happening is that President Trump in some quarters is more popular now than he was when he was president and i follow a sub stack, which is a newsletter, called the liberal patriot, and this is basically jesse makes fun of me but this is basically the Truth Tellers for democrats. They write wrote today, who is driving trumps rising favorables . And its really coming from hispanics in a big way. The biden team is kind about a loss to deal with it and they are still trying to lock down their base on the leftwing side biden is going to wisconsin. Senator Tammy Baldwin is up for reelection. She has pulled a very challenging person for her opponent. She sided with biden 95 of the time but is now trying to say shes very moderate. I think thats a race to watch and again thats those Battleground Skates states. The republican is coming after her heart and will turn that race into one to watch. You will see Bill Spending a lot of time on that. Last from me is nate silver wrote today that the first post State Of The Union polls and the State Of The Union overnight poles and the latest headtohead polling versus trump and biden have not at all been very good for biden. And so you look at the State Of The Union speech a week ago tomorrow and there were a lot of pundits at another network who said oh my gosh, that was a great speech, he was so good, so feisty, hes so great. Lets just all hold hands and go forward. The truth was it was a badly delivered speech. It was yelled at to the American People, it did not go over well and thats why they are having problems. Judge jeanine all right harold, this we talked about in the beginning, that this is a rematch between two former president s. Seventy years ago the incumbent won. What happens this time . I dont know. Good to be back around the table with everybody. Its a a couple of things. Maybe Aaron Rodgers has a Patriotism Exception in his contract because hes not made any comments about whether he can or cannot, nor have we seen anything from the ownership or even the Coaching Staff at the jets to the substance. A lot of unpredictability in this race and it will continue to be. When you have two thirds of the country wishing this wasnt a rematch, it should not surprise anyone that the polling data will go back and forth. I dont think you will see wild swings outside of the margin of error for either but if you are a democrat, you do have to be concerned i think as we sit here today in the very moment, pointing to nates peace about how this is unusual for a president not to have gotten any bump. I would say dana and i differ a bit about the speech. I thought it was decent but you are right, the country did not see it that way. When you look at the black and hispanic voter issue, we talked about this on the show for a little bit and theres some polling data to support this, you have to speak more and more to peoples aspirations and peoples concerns. You cant use the same old tired kind of efforts and kind of predictable ways. I heard the president the other day, he was already saying get out to vote. We are 237 days or 220 days from early voting. You have to give people the beef for lack of a better term. They cant just be you cant frighten people to vote. That can be a part of the mix but you have to give something people something to vote for. I think africanamerican and hispanic voters are likely probably going to come home, but theres no guarantee at all here. I would urge the president and encouraged a president to speak to schools, to speak to safety, to security. The same things you speak to every other community, speak that way to africanamerican and hispanic voters. Dont tailor it in a way that looks out of place, looks unorthodox and frankly does not look authentic. We care about the same things that every other voter cares about. We dont like high prices, we want our neighborhoods safe and we want america safe. Talk about those things and i think youve got a Fighting Chance for the numbers to come back but this will be a volatile race and we might as well all get accustomed and ready for that. Judge jeanine good recommendations. Steph curry, greg, says hes open to a career in politics after his season or after his contract is up. Aaron rodgers, steph curry, i mean we could have the nfl and the nba be our two branches of government almost. You are asking me a question about steph curry . I dont even know who that is. Judge jeanine hes a Basketball Player well thank you. Look, this is not a rematch. This is the second half of the trump bowl. Biden was merely the worst Halftime Show in history. Worse than maroon five of 2019 and that is saying something. We keep talking about the black and hispanic vote but we are missing what it really is, the democrats are losing the black and hispanic vote, they are losing the black and hispanic men. Why dont they break that down, that men are fleeing the Democratic Party like its a showing of barbie . Its because its terrifying to them that they are becoming the party of awfuls, of fluent white female liberals. The Democratic Party has become almost like a political version of the bud Light Commercial with dillan mull they need. Theyve alienated men in order to please miserable activists and men are like hey, we know when we are not wanted, we will see ourselves out, we know what a woman is, we know whats best for our kids, we know what it takes to protect our cities and our families and we are tired of apologizing for laughing at funny jokes and it having natural testosterone. So they know that the Democratic Party has become a gender specific party and it is run by a specific type who deny biology, deny reality, deny common sense and laws necessary for safety and security because you know why . They are too mean. Its no different than a Teachers Lounge at smith college. Theyve alienated men in favor of tormented activists. And i would just like to know, what has joe biden, what has the Democratic Party ever said about men . Anything . Its about women, its about gender, its about trans and its about race, right and they got so upset with race they forgot about the saxes. Especially one half of the saxes its a party thats inhospitable to the y chromosome. If you are a man, why stick around . Judge jeanine up next, the squad freaking out and crying racism over congress his crackdown on tiktok. [ ] [ ] this is your invitation. To experience the elevation of electrification. And some of the best offers of the year on select models. At the invitation to lexus sales event. Im sholeh, and i lost 75 pounds with golo. I went from a size 20 to a size 6. Before golo, nothing seemed to work. I was exercising for over an hour every day. It was really discouraging. But golos so easy, the weight just falls off. Dana the time judge jeanine the timerunn maybe running out for tiktok,mi the housnge overwhelmingly votig to pass a bill that could lead to a tiktok band if its curren chinese owner does not sell the company. The concern is that the currents Ownership Structure ishi a National Security threat with communist china scooping upbi millions of americans data. Bipartisan lawmakers pushingba back on accusations that the bill infringes on free speech saying its not an outright bant our intention is for tiktok o to continue to operate but notd under the control of the chinest communist party. In that world, tiktok users can continue to use the platform in fact i think it would allow. For better user experience. But the main thing though is we want tiktok to exist. We are not there to ban it. We want to make it tiktok to. C the biltol does not violate e First Amendment, it focuses on conduct not content. Lawmakers opposing the billn say the opposite calling it a trojan horse endangering the First Amendment. This legislation to ban tiktok is actually a trojan horse. Jan some of us are concerned that their First Amendment implications here. Amer americans have the right tons view information. Americans have access to reas images of the horrors that areex experienced by palestinians pal daily. We no longer have to rely on legacy media to get that information. I dont like bands on speech and i want to find ways to better restrict the use of data without taking away a platform. But the squad probably has the most stunning take. E they sayti a tiktok band might cause violence and racism. Thi saying i also think this isth fomenting antiasian and chinese sentiment. So harold, apparently there wase a lot behind the scenes that we dont know about, classified briefings with house members,to and i just wanted to go to youed first because as someone who used to be a member of congresst to get to this kind of a bipartisan result there must have been Something Else that we dont even know about about the threat that made them think we have to get on board. Had to be. Having been apart, not of a briefing about china but when i was in congress we were the war between us in afghanistan,an really us and islamic terrorism was at its height in the earlyt to thousands. I listened to a lot of people talk about this. People said we dont want to disadvantage people who make a living on tiktok, we dont wantg to disadvantage people who find communities of support on tiktot im sure that being bribed by a Foreign Government is a great way to make a living but thats not defense in a treason trial. E if your speech a or if an exerce of a freedom disadvantages our National Security or advantages an adversary, you would expect and Want Congress to act. To me this is really a nobrainer. I hope tharaint they will be abo convince the Chinese Governmentv to allowin them to live divec the company. La dat they claim that all of the u. S. Data they have is housed in Somi Facility in texas and that the Chinese Government has no accesy to it. Weght, say all right, we trust u but lets verify. T sell the company to an americanb entity. Everybody keep their financialeu interests intact and that way we ensure that our data, which has become the most Lethal Weapon in National Security, almost as lethal in some ways, and dont take this the wrong way, butome almost as lethal as Nuclearle Weapons because weth dont useca Nuclear Weapons daily, we use data and we manipulate data. Can you imagine in our economic channelss wi as we look at a rao see who can make the best robots, who can make the best batterieeries, that they have af this information about 200 million americans, how they would leverage that in negotiations with us on trade,uu space infrastructure including telecofrasm infrastructure in s. When mark marco rubio, what h way to do it, they dont say ranking member, but chair and vice chair, they agree that they can tighten this up but you hav to take this step against tiktok. As bad as it might be for some people who rely on tiktok forei their r entertainment, their ability to make a living, for all of their friendships, there is something that trumps that and its the National Security of the United States. I would add their news as well. When people werepe informed that tiktok is owned by a companye ou controlled by the ccp, 60 saids thats not a good idea, lets figure out a way to make someab commonsense decisions. Its more about Control Andou so the chinese have tiktok, we have twitter and facebook. The government doesnt reallyt have twitter lik re they used ta so they only really can control facebook. They cant get into elon muskst back door like they can with zuckerberg so you have this other app over here, tiktok, Ane The Federal Government wants con control of it. We want to have cia Guys Working Inside that company. Any. We want to be able to have thed fbi call tiktok and say hey you better shutht this down. Own. Okay we want to be able to collect the data, use the data, exploit the data. Its understandable because as a user in america, you can either be spied on and mentally destroyed by the chinese or you can haveca Election Interference by your own government here, an thats what this is about,ting wresting control of this powerful app from the chinese to the americans and do i trust my government more than the Chinese Government . Of course. I t do i think our Government Ising going to use the access to the information from tiktok for great purposes . D emespecially democrats that have nasty ideas about Election Interference . I doubt that, but thats whats going on. I hadnt thought of it thatn way and i appreciate thinking y about itou that way. I like the band because there are two reasons why. Mong its really popular among people that i despise, i. E. Influencers which are worse than communistss and its also a mass persuader. If you look at any bad idea plaguing america, these stupid stunts kids do, its direct these things are directly injected into a generation of americans with unformed brains. E we do need to sever thetion connection between tiktok and the communists. Rs its nothi about ownership, it . About control. Its like Owning Tiktok is meaningless if the chinese are in charge because there are people that own tiktok now that are chinese so jesse mentioned it yesterday, if Tiktok Tiktok picks up everything, including keystrokes. Its almost as if to use it safely you have to be in apara separate room thats completely walled off and you have to weari a hazmat suit. It really is like covid. E co its like social media covid. But i dont think this ban is real. Which is why everybody voted fo. It. Its likite whens everybody vod for william hong for american idol. Its because it was just, you know, nothing is going to happen. Because the ban, as far as i can tell, and apply to others. Platforms, so thats going to kill it. T. The bill itself has to be walled off so it applies only to certain platforms that are controlled by an adversary or bt a communist country like china. It cant be they cant all ot a sudden decide they want to use it on x or on facebook. Thats the poison pill here. Som and then harold said something about trying to sell it to somebody. I think this is the first step to getting it sold to somebody. E maybe its this guy, yaz . They are going to approve it to a group of investors that our government likes. You should do a show where i he now . William hung. It would be great to know. H i think he became a gambling addict. Well we could tell you in th next bit. I just read it. Im sure youve been following this too judge. N i have the bill in my handsmy and it specifically for bytedance and tiktok. Its not an acrosstheboard bill. A lot of People Whoa Loare ambivalent about this. I heard jim jordan this morning before he went into vote, he said i dont know how im going to vote on it. I i heard senator kennedy say i dont know how im going to vote on it. These hearings were not public. This is where i come down on this. E fiftynine of young adults inad this country would rather lose the right to vote then tiktok. Fiftysix of adults in the United States used tiktok. 1 million Small Businesses advertise and 170 million americans arane on tiktok. S thats a given. Young people in this countryn. Dont respect or believe thatie their right to privacyve is whaa lot of Older Americans think its is. They are just not used to it. They grew up in the generationon where everything was on socialn media. So look, we dont want china controlling or influencing elections were controlling young people but let me ask you this, who interfered with the 2020 election . Who suppressede sp free speech inth the 2020 election . E facebook. Ok. When they would not allow pee to communicate and the press to communicate on Hunter Bidens icatlaptop, we have proven it wouldve change the election had certain people known about it. So you have the United Statess now, this is where i come down e on the side of jesse, the United States wants to be involved in everything but what i think is going on here is that tiktok and everybody else is about the bottom line and the bottom line is if you are a democrat, you are going to get a whole breath of stuff teed into you. Right now x is already kind of middleground or right wing. The only thing thats left is facebook and theyve alreadynsti interfered with the constitution. Right now inw, i the united stas Supreme Court is missouriag against biden where the unitedsr states Supreme Court ison considering whether orsi not thy can continue this injunction, making sure that the governmente does Notrn Tell Social Media Wht to do. That is what the government inhg the United States is doing in my final point is this. Why worry about tiktok if joean biden and d his family took mony from a chinese connected companp just for the record, they dont allow in china any u. S. Social media platforms. They dont have a Supreme Court either. Tikto thek was concerned abot the bottom line, they if you are talking about money, they would make a lot more money if they went ahead and took them up on that. Y can buy this data. We talked about it yesterday. C drive your car and they sell oua data to the insurance companies. And thats why its notut t actually about the money. He thatsy why they are fighting, they want the data. Co coming up,mi england bands Puberty Blockers for children, should america be next . Blockers for children. Should america be next . Get help reaching your goals with j. P. Morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. Use it to set and track your goals, big and small. And see how changes you make today. Could help put them within reach. From your first big move to retiring poolside and the other goals along the way. Wealth plan can help get you there. J. P. Morgan wealth management. Disrupts my skin, night and day. 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He thinks the right thing to do was to get it from the officialu medical community Aftenir Studyo Burrt he worries about the children that it happened to between then and now. Tw heee does think the united stats which did do it and all over thl world should do it. One of the things he did not say but i will add is that last year the Washington Post did polling on this and its like an 8020 issue. It even surprise the Washington Post. Its not saying that parents cant have thoughtful thinking about their children, and i kno theres a lot of people here who think how people like jk rowling are so uncompassionate because they think that this is a Goodk Thdecision and that she doesntd care about children. I was like she wrote the mostll important o all of her work l for children. She cares about the children very much so i think that that argument is out the window and that these doctors at the nhs said the right thing. To you think American Physicians or american policymakers will look across a the pond and say wait a second, maybe we should study this morew that is the hope. Apparently uks highest court held the same thing. An and sweet and apparently is about to do the same thing. Y europe is usually considerede li more liberal than we are but it think the interesting part of all this is that when you thinks about it as a society, we have said if a young girl is 17 or i under, shes incapable of consenting to sex because that is statutory rape. , ok okay but if she is 17 or under, she can remove her genitalia, you know, we are going to give her that authority and there are socalled Sanctuary Genderd states in the United States that permit that, where themit government actually pays for itf and there are of course states that band it but i think we havent studied this long enough and the problem is, returning to your original gender role. Ole. A lot of teenagers, young girlsn and i cant say more than young boys, but i have a son and aer daughter, but you know they go through a lot of stages and they say that this gender socalled dysphoria is removed afterspho adolescence, that the older thed get, they kind of get away from it. And so the idea that if you have gender dyes for you, go for it,h have at it, change it, but thett trauma that ends up to those who have done it and the inability to get back to who they are, like this woman, low week, she says she looks in the mirror and feels like a monster after sheo turned herself into a boy and is now trying to go back as a girla shes got mail bone structure, shes got a jawline thats sharper, and adams apple that is pronounced. All that other stuff. Its a nightmare. Why do it . They said theres a lot of Class Actions against these pharmaceutical manufacturers that are successful dark thatur will be the one thing that will really shake this loose. I agree with that with what everybody saying, we have so much great material and one of the quotes is from the ukheal Secretary Of State for health and social care and she saidheal care that affects our Childrens Health and wellbeing so profoundly must always be based on evidence. Those of us who are believers in science and talk about science and Clinical Evidence, the datae doesnt show s we should be doig this. I step away from the data, imrl just a believer that there area certain things we dont allow people under 18 to make decisions about and i think its prudent how we reach those conclusions and this is one ofto those categories where its hard for me to understand why we would make this readily available for children. I understand adults wanting to make any decision they want to make. I think about my own children, if thats whatever they want to be in life, i want to suppori them but they cant drive a car just because they want to drive a car. We have rules. O ma i dont mean to make light about what people want to do in terms of their sexuality by Making Itt Akin To Driving but we have rules about certain things and i think this rule based onon Clinical Evidence is the right t thing. Ing. You guys are being way toowa civil about those. This is a huge deal. They claimed that these t treatments would reduce suicide. It did not, it increased suicide. They lied. They lied to people. Eopl they coerced kids, they deceived parents. Ecei a long time ago on this show i posed the question, in ten yeara what will you see, lawsuits from people who did not undergogend Gender Surgeries and hormones as kids or people who did . Th e the answer is obvious. Ce theres only one choice that follows the first principle of first do no harm, its do no harm by Genital Mutilation and permanent Hormone Stuff was a proactive attack on vulnerablekn humans and it was based on nonscience. Now that england has bannedbl blockers, theres no way a dr here could prescribe them and then plead ignorance that they h had no idea it was controversial or medically despised. Or m this horrifying moment that we. Are living through for the past five, six years in our countryt history may be finally coming ts a close. We need to thank, like you saids the heroes who braved the unhinged activists, jk rowling, there are so many women, liberals of tiktok, i Wouldtu Brinffg this stuff up i would be called a transphobe for days. I dont care, you calling me that michael deserves a lot of credit for supplying more nails to thei coffin but there are so many fearless parents and activists and real brave women who stood up to people who threaten them. So then what about the adversaries, the socalled wellintentioned experts wholli pushed this on children . Maybe in ten years, 20 years they will be seeing no different than a nazi doctor who experimented on jews during the holocaust. All of the people who targeted these kids and the people that were trying to protect these kids, they will have their reckoning and i cant wait. You are like the paul revere of gender. I l i would like to look at myself that way. Congratulations. [ laughter ] ahead, paging doctor jill biden, your work husband may be eight me too menace. [ ] [ ]. He welcome to ameriprise. Im sam morrison. My brother max recommended you. So, my best friend sophie says youve been a huge help. At ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. Our neighbors, the garcias, love working with you. Because the advice we give is personalized, hey, john reese, jr. Hows your father doing . To help reach your goals with confidence. My sisters told me so much about you. Thats why its more than advice worth listening to. Its advice worth talking about. Ameriprise financial. Buzz baits bobbers. Baitcasters, and boat wakes. 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If operators are busy, call again or go to loveshriners. Org to say yes right away. [ ] [ ] the New York Post reporting how one of doctor jill bidens top aides, a man described as wr her work husband, is a me tooig nightmare. Staffers say anthony has bullied and verbally sexually harasseday colleagues for yearsin, but hes untouchable. An things to the first lady protecting him. He is denying the claims in the white house calls them unfounded attacks. Dana, having an obnoxious work husband who denigrates others,ab you calyn probably relate, havig to work with you can sure know what its like. T ands been very difficul thank you for seeing me. Do you feel seen now . Yo im sou glad you feel seen. You and him are like the polar opposite. You should really get it together. Os thats on sale next week. What happened to believe all victims . What happened . Ll r remember when joe biden said, if i catch you saying one negative thing about anything you will be fired on the spot and then he whispered. . I think its also interestingf that the Chief Of Staff of the white house immediately stepped in witeppeh on the record defene him even though, if any of this is so some of it probably is true along the way, its not rep just him. There were reports about the advance office, calling lots of names and saying that hes going to called people awful, he said some things. Look, the white house is not easy. Working those hours under that kind of pressure. Sometimes people get heated but when it breaks out into sexuall harassment, which is something hes beehag n accused ofhe in te pages, that might be different. Jesse, hes being protected, could it because hes gay . A lot of traction from the white house. Ga i dont think it has anything to do with that. Do w i think the guys got charisma. K [ laughter ]th these are some of the things he said to have done, hes been known to speculate on the penis size of staffers. Bernal shared his theory that a persons thumb size correlates to their penis size. He t [ laughter ]rnal he told her quality had apeni small penis that ended in dispute and he speculates about the sexy lives and questions peoples sexuality. Th you knowe what the white housev saide . They have full confidence in anthonys character. So this leads me to thelead difference. All of my obnoxious behavior, i do it on public on tv. s problem is, its behind them scenesis. E im never going to look at my thumb again. [ laughter ]t my thumbs up. Hi look, i think dana touched on the important points. Its a tough job. E but if this environment is what these people have described, usually there are consequencesse and we will see if there are this go around. I never got yelled at. This is the shortest answer you ever gave. Yo they told me 30 seconds in my ear. [ laughter ] heres the thing. Kamala Harris Office is known as a Toxic Workplace. People left and said it waswa horrible working there. E wh the White House Councils office has started an investigation because of the Toxic Workplace and the allegations, and the truth is that we know that biden himself has cursed people out, yelled at them, has a bad temper. He evehe en yells at people whee goes out to campaign, he yellst at voters, tells them to hit the ground into a pushup. Use, it is toxic and what does it tell you . It tells you tel that Jill Bides Running The Joint because he isa her top aide. Maybe he is a protective class and maybe that is the answer yon were looking for. He the white houser loves to tl people behind the scenes that biden is so feisty and always cursing people out behind the scenes, we know that all of these stories come out that he has a really bad potty mouth. O f a lot of this comes from the p so if hes allowing it behind the his own white house, Theny She Probablyth thinks he has permission to treat people that way. Bring back the class and decorum of the trump white house. [ laughter ] whats so funny herald . Im thinking when you hit your thumb with a hammer and it swells up . [ laughter ]ki never mind. K ar stick around for this. Stoner rats invade america. De [ ] [ ] ameri i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. Ugh. Here, ill take that. Woo hoo ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. And a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. Frustrated by skin tags . Dr. Scholls has the breakthrough youve been waiting for. The first fdacleared athome skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. Harold welcome welcome back, america, it to here about stoner rats. The police chief of new orleans has reaper loving rodents have been gobbling up all the marijuana in the evidence room. In the evidence Property Room that you took a tour of, the rats eating our marijuana, they are all high. Ar judgeol, you have experience with is the superintendent right . Ende that is right up there withth the dog ate my homework, the check is in the mail, somebodys lifting grass, they are going out ahead of the story. Next thing the cocaine will be missing because the bears arer t going for it. Jesse, you have a strong opinion about this . Not tonight but they should have a fox Nation Special callei the evidence locker. You open up the locker and then you just tell a little story about this piece of evidence, this piece of evidence, id watch that. Look, its a good thing that cant get into the room because he has a problem. Its been under control for 11 months. Whatever happened . To pay a lot of money to have him trained not to eatti Marijuana Joints that he findsjn on the street or in the park. N how many times . Hes been high 12 times. You really think this is anis accident . No, thats what im saying [ simultaneous talking ] the superintendent, issue right . She also claimed that then th missing cash and the missingy an jewellery and the missing ak47s were also eaten by rats so i think shes nuts. Big rats. [ laughter ]is one more thing up next. [ ] [ ] i love your dress. Oh thanks i splurged a little because Liberty Mutual customized my Car Insurance and i saved hundreds. Thats great. I know, right . Ive been telling everyone. Baby liberty. Did you hear that . Ty just said her first word. Can you say mama . Baby liberty. Can you say auntie . Baby liberty. How many people did you tell . Only pay for what you need. Jingle liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Baby liberty. Tech cracked windshield . Schedule with safelite, and well come to you to fix it. 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Emily compan yo gets the real stories from women who survived unspeakable crimes ,fought back and lived to tell their story. The folks True Crime Podcast with emily complain you listen now its time now. For one more thing headed here quickly. The son of Legendary Guitar Player eddie van halen, n Wolfgang Van Halen partnered with mr. Hollands Opu Van Hals Foundation to give 100,000jerm to neat schools where Music Programs are in jeopardy of Noit Functioning because the kids can buy instruments. They can thank his dad forr kn all that he gave us and thank him for believing in kids and knowing that when musise int is in schools, kids perform better in class. Thats a great one. Greg all right. Tonight, what a show we got. Joe devito, Michelle Miche tafo cat bad. Tyrus is back. Hey, lets do this. Gregs fox news. All right. Were going to go to themond e centerwe. Ldlif wilck thi weve got people there. Check this out. We have a staff of dogs, box masks and rubber gloves to feed their baby boxes. So they beforeet they getlookin reintroduced back into the Wild Lookin G at that joke, yeah,when h this is what cavuto wears when he leaves. Oh, okay. Well, the show rea, the baby fes better. Thats brilliant. Hes probably having nigh, right now. J yeah. Es d jesse got two dollars in a dream,ream judge and mega Millin Jackpo St is now 800 million. You know what i did . I went out and i sent jonny. I didnti go go out, and i got . Three girls for this week or last week, friday, theyre going to call it. Ay they youand you guys are probably gg to have to split it with me since i split mine with youit mn and give 20 to charity. Thanks. Ill pay. Ill get early. What a surprise te tonight. Jesse watters prime times they get it together series continue with love this Statue Toffler is Toppling Statues and well be explaining why tonight. Eddie all right. This judge j aspiring Medical S May not be cut out for javas future doctors reactions when they got a close up look at a see section three. All right. Thats, what a c section looks like. Having a and then they went to the to their Guidance Counselor and changed their major. Yeah. Eryone theres a guy that was on your future doctors everyone and i think im sorry, dana. Tomorrow night you get it. Thats it fo ir us. Rememb have a great night, everybody. Well see you tomorrow night at fiver e. D welcome to jesse waters. Prime time tonight will drop

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