Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703 :

FOXNEWSW FOX July 3, 2024

Training. When people say defund the police, you invest in the police. If you want a better product, you put the money behind the training, youll get a better product. You are getting the best product that california has to offer right now. And can you see the way they are going through this. Nobody is getting hurt. They are not losing control. They are staying and trusting their training to take over here. Brian commissioner, you said time is on the cops side. At what point is it not on their side . What takes place where you have to pick up the pace . When they start using deadly force. When the crowd starts to fire into the police department, no longer do we have time on our side. We got to go and go quickly. We are here to protect life, preserve life. Disadvantage right now, they are going to go through it stepbystep by step. On the other side you will watch the cowards run away that started most of these problems. And these students that are there are going to get arrested and mommy and daddy should have to pay for all the damage and overtime going on here right now. Lawrence Commissioners Stand By and reset at the top of the hour. If you are now joining the Fox News Channel we are watching ucla as cops make their way. Tactical team is in place. Medics are in place as they stop this encampment that they have given them 48 hours ago to disperse. The president of the university finally called in the cops. They are being attacked right now with tear gas as well as bear spray. Fire extinguishers. Octobers thrown at them. Commissioner, just to bring you back. In we are way past the First Amendment, right . I mean, they say that they are protesting but it looks like a brawl going on. [sirens] its way past the First Amendment. Everybody teaches you in law school your First Amendment, you cant yell fire in a crowded theater. They are yelling fire. Every one of them are yelling fire right now in a crowded theater. And were going in, thats no longer protected by the First Amendment. Its now a violent riot situation. Carley certainly is not. Lets bring in back in william longness on uclas campus right now. William, well understand you have new reaction from the university itself . William yeah, exactly. The University Just put out a statement i will read portion of it. They are soft pedaling the whole thing. If you fail to leave and remain present in the encampment, regardless of your purpose or remaining, you are in violation of law. And those who choose to remain could face sanctions or students those sanctions could include disciplinary measures such as interim suspension that after a proper due process through the Student Conduct Process could lead to dismissal. Faculty disciplinary actions for the faculty who are On The Inside and several are, you could thats going to be handled through the Senate Judiciary committee and Academic Affairs and personnel and staff employees, disciplinary actions will be handled through human resources. So, the long and short of it is, they may face arrest here. And they may be booked. But, in terms of being expelled from the university, it doesnt look like thats going to happen. The faculty have been very sympathetic, been On The Inside. Doesnt look like theyre going to be fired. I also want to tell you, so, you know that royce hall is on one side. The library is on the other. The people On The Inside had barricaded those doors. It looks like police to me have made another entry point up along royce hall. Right now they have been kind of contained to this one entry point. But now it appears to me that police have made a second place they are going to be able to get into that encampment quicker and try to clear the people out in a faster fashion. But oven seeing those flash bangs go off as i said. They are very confusing. But we have seen another dozen students pulled out and be detained and led off to the buses. Back to you. Steve if folks are just tuning in good morning, its thursday, and look what is happening at ucla. It had been a peaceful protest for over a week until yesterday. And thats when, as you can see whats left of the plywood and pallet essentially fort, that protesters built inside the quad there. There were some counter protesters who were proisraeli. And there were a lot of israeli residents. [bang] los angeles who actually went to the campus and confronted them. And apparently that was the spark plug that has now forced the administration to say okay. This is unsustainable. You got to go in. Thats why they said yesterday that the encampment was illegal. And if you dont get out, youre going to get in trouble. Jonathan hunt is out in los angeles right now. And, jonathan, we have all been following this for a while. But it does seem like they were just willing to let it go, the whole First Amendment thing until the jewish residents came yesterday and got in to the faces and essentially there was a melee on tv. Jonathan yeah. I think it is absolutely significant that that was as passover the Passover Holiday concluded and many jewish people and sympathizers with the israelis decided that they needed to take matters into their own hands. And i think it was a real aim at that, steve. You hit the nail on the head. It was a real aim of those counter protesters to force ucla to do something, to force Law Enforcement in l. A. To do something. Because they said if you dont, this is what youre going to see. Brawling on the campus between the propalestinians and the proisraelis. So they went, i believe, with the aim of sparking some sort of action from ucla and from los angeles, Law Enforcement agencies because they were simply fed up and frustrated with the way jewish people were being intimidated, harassed and prevented having the freedom of movement on campus. Brian all right. By the way. There is a statement out from gavin newsom. Heres what he said. Take your time, gavin. Dont rush. I condemn the violence at ucla this is from yesterday . Steve yeah. Brian all right. I condemn the violence at ucla last night. The law is clear. The right to free press does not extend to inciting violence, vandalism or lawlessness on campus. Those who engage in illegal behavior must be held accountable for their action including criminal prosecution, suspension or expulsion. I dont know if he is talking to the proisraelis. So i dont know why im reading that i apologize. But, right now were looking at the movement inside, pinsd the lines, of the lapd, who was put a call out 8 00 local time, disband the encampment. They ignored it. They waited. And about an hour ago. [bangs] at which time they received flash bangs in the face. Fire extinguishers de blasioed at them and pepper spray perhaps. Sit there with gas masks on. Important to point out that there is a dozen faculty, maybe more at high perch proudly holding a sign saying they support the students and the protests. And let everybody know the people that are happiest about this are in iran, are in gaza, and these and hamas. And if you want to ever get those hostages out, you are making the case for hamas to hold out and keep them down in those tunnels. So its all linked together. Lawrence this comes on the heels of you had nypd counterterrorism. Number one counterterrorism unit outside of the fbi counterterrorism saying there were outside actors that are leading this, that are influencing these students, that are radicalizing them. They gave them the appropriate time to clear out. And they just wouldnt do it. And as we look at these cops right now. If you look at the helmets, every department has different markings on it. Each helmet is a different unit, a different job. Whether it is crowd control, the ones that are going to do the arrests. The ones going to fire the canisters, the nonlethal, the ones that have the Rubber Bullets. We are seeing in real time as they try to gain some type of control of ucla. Carley this is what happens when you allow these protesters to dictate whats going on, when it isnt a lawful protest. This isnt freedom of speech. College administrators were clearly too afraid to clear out the protesters, bending to their demands. They were too afraid to call police in to clear out those protesters and look at what is happening now as a result. It doesnt even look like the United States of america. Looks like a third world country. Brian beginning to squeeze. Steve carley, the backlash was against police for not moving in and removing the jewish people trying to take things into their own hands. Carley who Jonathan Hunt was talking about a moment ago, lets go back to william la jeunesse, is he literally yards away from where this is happening. He has been there for three days. William, i have seen on the New York Times right now, its been hard for us to hear exactly what the protesters are saying and now we can see exactly where you are, inside. [flash bangs] spray police what appear to be fire extinguishers, protesters were chanting were not scared. William . William well, you know, i might be scared. You know, if i saw this coming at me. This is chp. They have now taken down the barriers. They have gotten through the fences. They have taken down the plywood. Remember they had been limited to one access point over there. Now you can see cops have literally came in about the last two minutes and literally knocked down everything, taken out that plywood. Taken out these popups right here and are moving in en masse into the encampment area. Thats royce hall over there as i said they have barricaded over there. So the police could not enter through that building or any of the windows or any of the doors. The same with the library over here. Now they have literally tossed all these popups over here which they have been using to try to keep themselves from getting the pepper or the gas from them over the top, right . So now those are gone and the police are going to move in right now and right in front of the police you cant see them right now are tents. Probably about maybe 100 tents, and they are going to go right through those right now. As you said. Lawrence cell phones recording. We are watching this live. We can see all of you guys clearly. We are watching the interaction. Yet they all have cell phones in front of the cops. As they assault them. William the interesting thing is while the university was telling he these people they are going to be arrested and might face disciplinary action. Simultaneously on social media people On The Inside still have wifi they were calling for students to show up and come down here to the plaza right now to try to reinforce. Now, some Police Officers had to go close off an area here. Right now there is almost every officer who is here waiting go in, they are now On The Inside. Brian william, let me ask you something you, is it possible judging from what can you see for these officers to surrounds the encampment with their personnel at this point and begin to squeeze or do they still not have enough or is the encampment still too large . No. The police have been able to suffocate or cut off all the other Access Points. Thats why saying people were deployed a minute ago to make sure that was safe there so they have been able to confine themselves, if you will to the plaza. What i dont think police have been you have an aerial, have they been able to come in from the west side . We are on the opposite side there. I dont know if they made entry over there. They did make entry through the royce hall a short time ago. But now the entire encampment is taken over by police. Now its just a matter of time before they make all the arrests and clear it out. Steve sure, william, when this started, 72 minutes ago, you set the stage. Essentially they built this plywood and pallet fort in the middle of that square at that squad at ucla. And there were dozens, if not 100 or so of the protesters in there. They were told by the cops. Cops went in briefly, said if you dont get out, you are going to be art. Then the cops went out. Essentially said there were about 1,000 students surrounding that behind the cops kind of like spectators almost. Gawkers. Lets see what happens. The cops moved those people out, right . William yeah. They moved them out. They were really worried about students, sympathizers if you will, coming in and basically impeding police in the action here and reinforcing. I wanted to show you guys something. Remember i told you earlier that they sometimes use the plywood as a shield like studded with nails . Look at the handles here. All right . You use this as a shield. You use this to keep the pepper spray off you. That kind of thing. You could hear pli wood and pallet. The counter watch yourselves over there, guys, thats the situation here. Carley they were able to do that, william, because they had time. They were given a heads up, notice by police and by the administration at ucla that the encampment was going to get cleared. So, all the students inside it took 24 hours. They had a list of demands. They asked for food. They asked for nail guns. They asked for the wood that we see there that they built this fencing with. And its interesting that this is really happening in phases. So, yesterday, you had the police on Campus Clearing out the riot. And it is strange that they werent given a directive, william, to also clear out the encampment. Now 24 hours later, they are coming back and having to deal with all of this once again. William thats true. They have been able to take root. That was the unusual thing. After declaring this an unlawful assembly, on tuesday, you would have thought the university would have reinforced that by stopping people from coming and going, as they pleased, from getting additional individuals as well as all the items you mentioned from home depot. That didnt happen. And that was unusual. [bang] william after the counter protest a day or so to bring zip ties and bring fences together. To reinforce the wood and continuing up until the time we arrived here tonight. They were still resupplying themselves. There is no effort on the universitys part to stop this from taking root. [bangs. [ . Lawrence not just a week ago. Not just a day ago, but even today. Lawrence william, as we are looking at the live shots here at ucla. We are looking at a different posture of the Law Enforcement. It looks like the line, the police line is getting wider. Do you get the impression now they are going to start making arrests and my second question is, what is the ratio of cops versus protesters, agitators there right now. [bang] lawrence do you feel like the cops have enough people there on the ground . William yeah, i do. I do. Do you know what . There is a standoff right now. I dont know if you can see it. Lawrence we are watching that right now. You swomen women right behind tm the protesters, the people in the encampment. They have set up a line. I see their flags. It looks like they have some wood and so forth. The police, while they have taken down the barriers and the barricade if you will, they have stopped from moving in on a line of students. It looks like there are two or three deep. You see them in the White Helmets over here. The protesters, they are going to be arrested. Its just a matter of time. But police have not moved in with their zip ties as of yet. They have locked arms. And it just looks like its a matter of time. But, before those it looks like the officers appear to be getting ready to start making additional arrests, but im looking at at least 100 people. Lawrence this is Textbook Strategy of the cops. Have several lines right there. You grab one of the protesters, agitators, and push them to the back of the line, and the cops behind you will start to arrest you and search you, brian. Brian why dont we go to Commissioner Pat Ryder now. William look at right here, you guys. Carley go ahead, william. William i was just going to say, it appears right now they are going to make some arrests right in this area. But you can still see them have some cardboard. They have some signs and shields trying to fend the police off. But this is all happening in real time. And there is a line of protesters there. You see the line of cops with their backs to you. And you see the Strobe Lights over here, the flashlights . Looking at us. You know, i think you are looking at several hundred people. [bangs] brian i want to get commissioner ryder tactically whats developing right now . We see a lot of those Guys Grabbable but not grabbing them yet. They are not moving. Commissioner, what is the next tactic . They cant obviously stay there. No, no what has happened they have regrouped. You saw a rush of fresh bodies come in. Carleys point before, you got to you are standing for hours on your feet with all this weight on you. They rotated new cops. In they brought some out. This is, again, time is on our side. We now control the environment. We will wait and then when they start the next surge, they will start to pull them right through the line and start handerring the agitators to the back, place them under arrest, and keep moving the line forward. And then you are watching the rest of the cowards start to run. Lawrence commissioner, can you explain why they do the three lines there where you have one officer, the first line of officers that will grab the suspect and then push them to the back of the line and then the arrests are conducted at the back of the line . Yeah. Its like having a dam, right . You cant open it up too fast or everybody is going to come through. Just open a piece, separate, walk that one guy out. Close the wall back up. And then step forward again, doing the same thing over and over until they are all out of there. Steve yeah. Jonathan hunt is viewing this from l. A. Right now. And, jonathan has a unique fact that his wife was actually tear gassed a couple of days ago at this particular site. Jonathan, first of all, who fired the tear gas at your wife and, also, why didnt they turn off the why didnt they turn off the wifi . Because so many of these people have be

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