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[cheering and applauSe] [ whiStling ] greg you filthy people. I know what you are thinking. Happy wedneSday everyone. Joe biden appeared on the S://'>View Today where S://'>CohoSt Sarah hanS Said itS like having one of S://'>The BeatleS at the table. True if youre talking about george or john. Thought more like yoko. Kamala harriS will viSit the S://'>Southern Border Friday and SayS SheS looking forward to meeting juStin trudeau. At the laSt debate She Said She waS a middleclaSS kid. It appearS harriS enjoyed thingS moSt middleclaSS kidS didnt like living abroad, private School, growing up at Some of the wealthieSt placeS on earth. The only thing She didnt enjoy waS anani. I like her huSband. [cheering and applauSe] that waS a long way for a cheap joke. Youre welcome america. New S://'>Cdc Data ShowS u. S. ObeSity rateS have fallen for the firSt time ever. JuSt like the S://'>Crime StatiSticS the they left at the citieS of new orleanS, S://'>LoS AngeleS and S://'>The View. ReportS claim i u. S. Woman died inSide SwitzerlandS new Suicide part. Where can you buy one for a friend, aSked one woman. She killS people they Say. Not meSSing around today. Greg a Survey findS reSidentS of wyoming have the moSt poSitive outlook on life. ReSearcherS could only find three reSident preSS with a negative attitude about the future. Liz cheney, S://'>Dick Cheney and a Snowcovered buffalo. [laughter] finally cnn aired a S://'>McdonaldS Segment featuring Some of their food and brought in S://'>Brian Stelter to diScuSS it. [laughter] but the food waS not So much a prop aS it waS to keep Stelter from trying to eat kaitlan collinS. HeS a hungry little devil. Correct letS do a monologue. After four yearS aS borderS are Serving our nationS SecondhigheSt S://'>Office Kamala SeemS to have remembered we actually have a border. SheS Seen the light and itS not the one S://'>Joe Sbrocchi towardS. SheS announced SheS going to the border after four yearS of denying thereS a S://'>Border CriSiS whatS changed, why the 180 . Do you SuppoSe itS the pollS . Amazing the other way to get a democrat to do anything iS their fear of loSing power and Suddenly everything they mark becomeS everything they embrace. According to a new S://'>Gallup Poll the S://'>Orange Meaning iS winning and the reaSonS why happened to be real iSSueS, thingS like economic peSSimiSm, S://'>Inflation Fuel priceS higher than peloSiS eyebrowS. And thereS that little border thing, that crazy notion of S://'>Nation HiStory haS been allowed to have a border except the u. S. No wonder S://'>New York timeS poll ShowS in S://'>Swing StateS like arizona and georgia, and even S://'>North Carolina Trump iS S://'>Call Mall like a mouthy orphan. Showed up orphan. And in light of how under pulled republicanS or the marginS are likely wider than a S://'>Jerry Nadler Seat belt extender. Suddenly She iS for fracking and haSty funding the police and Suddenly iS heading to the border. If you doubt thiS iS a major change from the paSt here She iS providing a nuanced articulation of her previouS border policy. [chanting] thatS going to make her claimS of being black even harder to believe. She haS all the natural rhythm of mitt romney. Ironically now calm laSt SeemS to be offered reporting her paSt. MomentS like that are captured forever. ItS not eaSy to be a S://'>VacuouS Laying Chameleon in the internet age. But whatS moSt amazing, we Still dont know what her planS for the border or for anything elSe are. Sure SheS going down there. What will She do to tighten the border to deport criminal alienS to guard americaS kidS againSt S://'>Migrant CreditorS . WearS her S://'>Song And Dance for that. What doeS She think juSt viSiting the border like itS a S://'>Niagara FallS S://'>Gift Shop iS going to be enough to get her ahead in the pollS . So jeSSica didnt Say up thatS the border all right. I can See my potential voterS from here. Or maybe She will viSit that little S://'>Scrap Metal that would have been from Swah. She could Slap up a few hundred mileS of fence. The cheap labor iS right there to do it on the other Side. But the democratS are allergic to boundarieS and barrierS. And itS thiS allergy that allowS progenitorS to gain the SyStem. Whether gangSterS from venezuela claiming aSylum male defining themSelveS aS women to enter female priSonS are repeat criminalS capitalizing on the rhetoric of oppreSSion to eScape incarceration. Every SyStem without barrierS iS prone to predation. BecauSe thatS what barrierS keep out. PredatorS. S what you are Seeing at the border iS exactly what you See in every place where demS have illuminated barrierS to entry. Anyone can game the SyStem. ItS our biggeSt threat the predatory advantage in a barrier free Society. We dont have ruleS of the door. Whether itS a country or bar. The bar will be deStroyed and So will the country. Even the freeSt place on earth requireS ruleS for thoSe who want in. RuleS that one abideS by or elSe. That readS out the predatorS. But the left haS deem Such limitS aS oppreSSive and itS deStroying uS. No under voterS prefer trump when it comeS to illegal alienS. They really prefer him. A new poll ShowS voterS actually truSt trump to keep not juSt earthling alienS but interStellar alienS out of the country aS well. I admit i will miSS the probeS. Talk about a guy who ownS the iSSue. They are afraid of him and other galaxieS including the S://'>Home Planet of adam Schiff. Meanwhile harriS can keep doing 180 degreeS turnS like S://'>Tim Walz when he hearS the car backfire. We know if you change S://'>Policy PoSitionS once She will do it again So She can go to the border all She wantS. We know the S://'>Real WalSh wantS to build iS between who She waSnt who She pretendS to be now. LetS welcome our next gueSt. [cheering and applauSe] and hiS S://'>Comedy Show that two drink minimum iS Signing night. Actor S://'>Writer Comedian Jamie laSalle. HoSt of keeping it real with S://'>Gillian MichaelS on bill maherS podcaSt, billy michael. SheS got two beStSellerS and 11 toeS. New york timeS beStSelling S://'>Author Fox NewS contributor. [cheering and applauSe] he can feed a family of five. CannibalS. New york timeS beStSelling author comedian. [cheering and applauSe] jamie im actually very excited for kamala to go to the border becauSe am looking forward to hearing her mexican accent. [cheering and applauSe] greg thiS iS a little travel hacked. Go to mexico and run into a mexican gang, holding their gun perpendicular itS a party, parallel, get the [bleep] out of there. And i quickly touch on i think itS So funny the alienS they Said trump would be better with alienS and they told uS there alienS during S://'>Covid And Everyone waS like okay. Like never cared. ThereS So much going on the nobody cared. People were juSt like my god alienS. Will they bring S://'>Toilet Paper . We need S://'>Toilet Paper. Were So worried about covid. Thank goodneSS we have Somebody. Imagine if maylene came and S://'>Joe Biden waS preSident and the alien waS like taking cheerleader and they take you to S://'>Joe Biden and the alien waS like i think leader mean Something different. ThatS an excellent impreSSion of an alien by the way. All day working on that. I am So excited to have you here. Im a big fan. You are the beSt. Mutual. ThankS for having me. You watching the Selection, Seeing what S://'>Kamala HarriS iS doing. 20 thing iS happening . I waS paying attention to the interStellar S://'>AlienS Thing becauSe i did not want the probe. I will Say a little prude, i will alSo Say maybe She miSSed the exit. Showing up front for yearS late you miSSed the S://'>Exit And Shop an hour late. I think She will pick up S://'>Europe Right after the Same told. Im thinking itS alarming. And all tranSparency i am a former lefty. I try to route mySelf firmly in the centre. But i feel aS though that cliche that the left left me, and Some of theSe unbelievably extreme S://'>PoSition Salami and S://'>I Cant Wrap my head around how i got there. ThatS the Story for a lot of people iS that theyre finding themSelveS themSelveS without a home. Very much So. Whether rfk, there are juSt going itS not like we dont want to be democratS. The democratS dont want to be uS. ThatS it in a nutShell. And when you Start liStening to people like yourSelf and all tranSparency, it makeS SenSe. There are thingS i dont agree with on the right. ThingS i dont agree with on the left. But the extremeS are deeply alarming and the fact we are making iSSueS like health partiSan or politicizing health and making that an outright iSSue for me iS deSpicable. Greg thatS crazy. [applauSe] eSpecially Since Stalin waS a that [bleep] i agree with every thing She Said. Never happenS on the Show So im excited. Thank you for being here. DoeSnt bother you So iS happenS before an election, Suddenly they care about theSe iSSueS . Of courSe. And again SheS running aS if SheS the oppoSition. And i will talk later about S://'>Joe Biden on S://'>The View but he Straight up waS Saying, yeah, i gave her all kindS of Stuff. She waS a whole part of all of thiS. So think about i alwayS go back to thiS the dreamerS. Remember that one trump Said he would remove protection for the S://'>DreamerS Everyone iS up in armS. How many yearS ago waS that . Nothing haS been done to try to actually Solve that iSSue. Everybody talkS about when itS convenient and then my Something elSe convenient to talk about they Start talking about that. PoliticianS now are So obSeSSed with getting the beSt little S://'>Sound BiteS on tv or owning each other on twitter which iS pathetic when any of uS do it. But itS more pathetic when they do it becauSe you actually other oneS that you have the power to do Something about thiS Stuff but they dont So obviouSly now She wantS to go there and Say, hey, you know theyll Say, trump killed the S://'>Border Bill and itS all hiS fault. And then trump will be like your fault your fault. And nobody getS anywhere. Well be in the Same poSition. Where are the dreamerS. Where did they go. ThereS S://'>Matt Lang low. More like what dreamerS. S. What doeS that mean . S neck doeSnt anything. I juSt wanted to Say it. I juSt wanted to Say it becauSe a into my head. And i have a Show So i can Say it. S. IS a miStake for her to go to the border . ItS a miStake for you tl enough to me got felt. Having Said that, thatS enough. JuSt tone the blackneSS down for a Second. What thiS iS, anybody whoS ever been on the wrong Side of the S://'>Parenting Or Relation SubSide when you are the perSon who either cheated or youre the reaSon for the divorce for the Separation and you really want to Show the family that youve changed, like im going to be there at that S://'>Birthday Party and She Showed up at the border and She had the confetti and we are going to have a party and they are like, hey, hiS birthday waS yeSterday. So it comeS back to the Same thing. ItS a little too late. You cant get it back. No one iS full for thiS. The S://'>Sound Bite of her Stepping up to See the border and go weve been there, So unleSS itS an S://'>Apology Tour which SheS not going to do thiS iS again juSt a little bit too late. All right. Up next he waS a covid S://'>Czar Paul who took partying too far. , can . Great queStion. Like everything, it takeS a little planning. Or, put the money towardS a downpayment. On a ranch. In montana. With horSeS letS take a look at thoSe ScenarioS. J. P. Morgan S://'>Wealth Management haS adviSorS in chaSe brancheS and toolS, like S://'>Wealth Plan to keep you on track. When youre planning for it all. The anSwer iS j. P. Morgan S://'>Wealth Management. Have you tried theSe new S://'>Febreze Car Vent clipS . The new S://'>IntenSity Dial giveS you total control. I can turn it up. That SmellS good or turn it down. Hmm. Nice and light. Enjoy 40 dayS of freShneSS, your way. Lalalalala behind every S://'>Splenda Product iS a miSSion. Helping millionS of people reduce Sugar from their dietS. Now try a Sweetener grown by u. S. FarmerS. Introducing zerocalorie S://'>Splenda Stevia. At S://'>Splenda Stevia farmS, our plantS are Sweetened by SunShine. Experience how great S://'>Splenda Stevia can be. Grown on our farm, enjoyed at your table. a Story and five wordS. Covid czar fired over. Gillian thiS Story makeS my head explode. Former nyc S://'>Covid Czar dr. Jay farmer fired from hiS current role aS vp of pharmaceutical from after he revealed on hidden camera he attended S://'>Drug Fuelled PartieS during the height of the covid19 pandemic, when he waS a Senior S://'>Health AdviSor to mayor de blaSio and told S://'>New YorkerS they had to Stay home and keep the city Shut down. Meanwhile heS banging like a crazed wolverine. WhatS going on with all the partieS. By the way i actually knew did he we inveSted a S://'>Water Company together. I waS never invited to one of the partieS. ThatS a real crime. Like iS it me . Spee of truthfully So much of what went on and now that i know i can Swear During Covid waS [bleep]. The harder they clamp down the more full of it they were. Gavin newSom at the french laundry. We told everyone to Stay away from the family during thankSgiving. Greg i think aS the StorieS come out we will look back and juSt get angrier and angrier. The next time thereS a pandemic we are not doing [bleep]. ItS going to be all all the time. ThiS guide boaSted. Imagine him Saying all right S://'>GuyS Pandemic iS over. Everyone at my houSe for an. GuyS . Anyone . Im SeriouS. There will be cake. Greg thatS juSt hurtful. There will be cake. Cannot get the invite . Im not going to go. Greg it will be in evite where you can See who iS attending. AS alwayS the firSt SaS. A guy boaSted about having the power over people whilheaS doing thiS. Yeah, thatS got to make you Steam out of your earS. Yeah i truly, i dont i dont yeah. FirSt of all, if you go to Sex partieS, youre not SuppoSed to talk about it at all. I know, even if youre not a perSon whoS telling other people that they have to be alone in the hoSpital. YeS. So, yeah, i think every bit of humiliation that heS getting iS not anything worth the damage that heS done to Society. YeS. And to even. Kat bringS up the point about being in the hoSpital. Think about all the people greg think about other people that could not See their dying loved oneS. I lived if you guyS didnt notice. But people that alone. Didnt paSS the bar but i didnt take it either. It iS motive. You knew covid only affected the elderly, obeSe in people with preexiSting conditionS. If you werent thoSe thingS you can go to partieS and reStaurantS So they knew exactly what it waS and they choSe to thiS to people anyway. How iS thiS different than finding out about a Serial killer . We know what the motive waS. They knew what they were dealing with and they choSe to tell the american people otherwiSe. For what. Profit, power able to reSolve for thingS. HiS admiSSion Should be having Special S://'>Council Form Somewhere or Something becauSe we had peopleS liveS and forever tagged people for Sewer fired becauSe you will get a vaccine Shot. You can have thiS career anymore. You cant have the even though i waSnt part of the group that waS in moSt danger from covid So i could have held grandma on her laSt wordS. If i would have got covid i would have been okay but you took that from uS. You Still that from the american people. Whether it iS or playing parcheeSi we dont care. The point iS you ruined americanS liveS and our country. We are not the Same from it. Our whole group of kidS are Still loSt. Go to a reStaurant and get Service theSe dayS. ThatS a Small thing but acroSS the board. At the motive for what waS the greateSt crime committed againSt american people by our government and they are Smiling and throwing out firSt pitcheS. They Should be next to diddy. [cheering and applauSe] S://'>Greg Weather partieS at your houSe and were you invited . It waS a party for them and for me a SurpriSe party. IS it being SurpriSed at a party . ISnt that Sexual haraSSment . Being SurpriSed proveS you werent invited. I would never have a party. I dont like Cleaning Up after regular party. I had a bad experience and they told me i waS never allowed back. It Started 6 00 p. M. And they told me i came too early. And i go itS only Six. It waS 5 minuteS to Six. I thought that waS fine. I got invited to a party wantS. I miSunderStood. It waS a gender revealed party. I waS deep into it when i found it waS a guy and i yelled itS a boy and ran out. [laughter] iSnt it weird to live in a time where you can go to multiple gender revealed partieS for the Same kid . Greg you poSe very valuable queStionS. ThoSe were good oneS. We are going to move on. Coming up S://'>The ViewS neweSt reSident iS our demented preSident what do people want more of . More oh yeah more laughS. More hang outS. More mmmmm, So good yeah, give uS more of all of that little Stuff that makeS life So great. But if youre older or or have certain health conditionS, you alSo have more riSk from flu, covid19 and rSv. But vaccineS help keep you from getting really Sick. And that, iS huge. UpSet S://'>Stomach IberogaSt IndigeStion iberogaSt bloating iberogaSt thankS to a unique combination of herbS, iberogaSt helpS relieve Six digeStive SymptomS to help you feel better. Six digeStive SymptomS. The power of nature. IberogaSt. If you have heart failure, farxiga can help you keep living life with the oneS you love. ASk your doctor about farxiga today. Farxiga can cauSe SeriouS Side effectS, including ketoacidoSiS that may be fatal, dehydration, Urinary Tract or genital yeaSt infectionS, and low blood Sugar. A rare, lifethreatening bacterial infection in the Skin of the perineum could occur. Stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have SymptomS of thiS infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidoSiS. Farxiga cordleSS outdoor power, bringS you the ego power blower. Reaching an incredible 765 cfm, itS more powerful than gaS. And at SpeedS of up to 200 mph, itS the moSt powerful S://'>Ego Blower ever. Featuring egoS patented 56volt S://'>Arc Lithium Battery technology, it runS up to 90 minuteS on a Single charge. PluS, the Same battery powerS all ego toolS. ExcluSively at loweS, S://'>Ace And Ego authorized dealerS. The beSt way to Solve a problem iS to keep it from happening. At evernorth, we combine medical and pharmacy data with behavioral health data to identify memberS in need of care. Predicting and treating behavioral health iSSueS quickly. While lowering coStS for plan SponSorS and memberS. ThatS wonder made poSSible. Evernorth health S://'>ServiceS Speaker08 thank you. Joe biden good Student we eulogized by the caSt thatS pluS Sized. Are video of the day comeS to uS from the ladieS of the S://'>View And PreSident biden Swung by the Show thiS morning to let thiS S://'>Holding Panel hyenaS lick hiS woundS. I dont know what you guyS thank our but in bad taSte. Roletta. It waS only two monthS ago you decided to Step aSide from Seeking reelection putting your country firSt above any perSonal ambition. [cheering and applauSe] and paSSing the torch to the vice S://'>Mike Riddle of S://'>The BeatleS. You Said you would have an adminiStration that looked like america, and with So many other thingS you delivered. You gave uS a very diverSe cabinet So thank you. Thank you for that. You were my Ride Or Die. I waS going wherever youre going. ThatS where i waS going. Ride or die. IS already dead. I havent Seen a S://'>Tongue Bath like that Since i fell into the hypopet Seaworld. When you look at him do inStantly think of S://'>The BeatleS . I get why he left the houSe for that. Like it waS unbelievable. Paul mccartney iS older than he iS. IS that crazy . NiSi him live not to too long ago threehour Show no brakeS playing all theSe inStrumentS Singing the whole time. I alwayS Said the S://'>Joe Biden thing not about age. Some thing elSe going on. We knew it would be like thiS. I Still couldnt believe juSt how much it waS. But in a way itS like what you want from the guy . HeS juSt Sitting there like Sam good. It waS Something Sad about it. Like when he Said that he definitely could have beaten trump and thatS not why he dropped out and there like totally. Totally. Why did you . Why did you go . It waS hiS choice. Do think you thought he waS on Animal Planet . No. Now my cue not an Animal Planet. BecauSe if he waS on Animal Planet the animalS would have made him. Out of reSpect for the dying what lionS do. Like Set there and you can check thiS iS why i hate the S://'>Term Ride or die. BecauSe itS a Ride Or Die. You cant Say you were my Ride Or Die. So if he died hello itS die time. So Since heS dying from the political world and hiS S://'>Job Shouldnt you die from your iS S://'>MS Goldberg . Be conSiStent. If youre S://'>Dating Somebody and She tellS you i am Ride Or Die SheS lying. She iS your ride or until the next guy haS hiS [bleep] together. And then She died inSide and left you. But thatS what killS me. The beSt part about thiS iS aS awkward aS it iS the S://'>PreSident Wont remember it tomorrow So everything he went through he wont forget. But it waS Sad they are trying to coach and pull anSwerS out of him try to tell him thiS or whatever. He didnt know that he waSnt running anymore. He waS arguing with them like i could be my numberS are aS good aS hiS. WaS next. WhoS next. It felt like a croSS between S://'>Kindergarten Graduation and a funeral. Secular Someone to divorce but the entire family iS acting like a divorce iS a great time. You will be So happy alone in the home. You know what . They all Should have been wearing thoSe ShirtS The End of dateline where they have the victim on the Shirt. Should have been like joeS. That wouldve been amazing. Pink Shirt with joe on it. Didnt your family where that when they kicked you out . [ crowd gaSpS ] juSt punch in. Do it. Joe waS my think youre going to die in thiS interview i Sort of thought we are done with joe and then here he comeS back. Can i aSk a favour . If i ever have three monthS to live i want you to play thiS interview in the background So it SeemS longer. It waS painful. Painful to watch. Did you See there waS one part that he Said, i forgot who Said it but they Said trump waS like a bug and then S://'>Joe Biden leanS over and he SmaSheS echo would have done anything that haS tricep iS Sore tomorrow. ThatS how little he knew. Have you redone S://'>The View . I did oneS. Ive never Seen place not be a S://'>Rabbit HenhouSe outSide of joe and kamala. If you can forgive me and i can put my liberal had on from moment here, the thing with S://'>Joe Biden, when did we pretend thiS guy waS the Second coming of . AS a liberal who voted liberal my entire life he waS alwayS the bad guy. ThiS guy iS reSponSible for the 94 crime build. He iS SyStemic raciSm wrapped up into one human. ThiS iS the guy that eulogized thurman. ThiS iS the guy that made raciSt remarkS about obama. ThiS iS the guy that waS antigay marriage. Much time do we have . When are we pretending he waS . He ran for preSident four timeS. Nobody like him. Now that hiS brain doeSnt work good heS whatever you want him to be. I think So. But i remember that he waS never the guy. He waS never the guy. I waS voting for the people were running againSt that guy and we had all theSe problemS. Like you are my Ride Or Die. I cant. The hypocriSy SickenS me. I cant. Greg we will See a lot more of the farewell tourS i predict becauSe he will be farewell for the next year. Coming up watch a criminal Survive an S://'>ArreSt Johnny five. Whenever heartburn StrikeS, get faSt relief with tumS. ItS time to love food back. AlSo try new tumS gummy biteS. Were here for adama. JuSt like She trieS to be there for her children. AlwayS watching. Loving. So when adamaS eyeS were failing her, we became her eyeS, removed her cataractS, giving back her viSion, So She could See her children grow up. BecauSe were here for adama. How do you keep your teeth So white with all the coffee you drink . My Secret S://'>Lumineux Whitening StripS. I mean, that iS white. And becauSe thereS no SenSitivity, i feel like i can uSe them more often. And you can get thiS at walmart or target. Oh, theSe factory floormatS . Theyre juSt aS good aS weathertech. JuSt aS good aS weathertech. Theyre juSt aS good aS weathertech. JuSt aS good. JuSt aS good aS weathertech. JuSt aS good. Are theSe factory floormatS juSt aS good aS weathertech . Yeah. No. No. Nothing comeS even cloSe to laSer meaSured weathertech floorlinerS. They offer the ultimate protection. Front, back, and even up the SideS. For a full line of premium american made productS, order at wt. Com Some dayS, you can feel like a Spectator in your own life with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache dayS a month each laSting 4 hourS or more. Botox® preventS headacheS in adultS with chronic migraine before they Start. And treatment iS 4 timeS a year. In a Survey, 91 of uSerS wiSh theyd Started Sooner. So why wait . Talk to your doctor. EffectS of botox® may Spread hourS to weekS after injection cauSing SeriouS SymptomS. Alert your doctor right away aS difficulty Swallowing Speaking, breathing, eye problemS, or S://'>MuScle WeakneSS can be SignS of a lifethreatening condition. Side effectS may include allergic reactionS, S://'>Neck And Injection Site pain, fatigue, and headache. Dont receive botox® if thereS a Skin infection. Tell your doctor your medical hiStory, S://'>MuScle Or Nerve conditionS, and medicationS including botulinum toxinS aS theSe may increaSe the riSk of SeriouS Side effectS. Chronic migraine may Still keep you from being there. Why wait . Talk to your doctor about botox®. And get in the picture. Learn how abbvie can help you Save. He couldnt Stop S://'>Robocop Ivy Otd comeS from the dayS in hotel i love the dayS in hotel. ESpecially the one in texaS where criminal Hold Up in hiS room and waS taken down by a S://'>Bomb Squad Robot crazy. Who knew they Still hotelS not filled with migrantS. The Wanted Man exchanged gunfire with S://'>Police Huan Cao are Standup before being brought to heel by an officer made of Steel. Watch thiS playbyplay by a local reporter. We watched aS he went in and out of the S://'>Hotel Room waving a bible. OfficerS deployed the regional S://'>Bomb Squad Robot. De S://'>La RoSa trieS to puSh the robot away. Even She Said. That doeSnt Stop the robot. But eventually diSpenSeS the gaS into the room. You can then See S://'>De La RoSa crawling out through the windo i really didnt expect that reSponSe from the audience. Th a Big Deal for them. ThiS iS the firSt time white people arent going to be blamed for police violence. [laughter] there like itS not uS. ItS the robot. You better hope the perSon controlling him waS a white guy. ItS on the robot if it iS controlled by Somebody elSe. I would have ran over him but i think people need to See thiS, that apprehending criminalS iS not eaSy. Even robotS have to [bleep] them up SometimeS. But he did everything right. It iS true the, you know, you eliminate the emotion from an arreSt, thatS got to be good. Did that happen with you when you were arreSted . Yeah, filak of the machineS end up taking over itS now our fault. That we are having theSe robotS and alSo i Spent Some time at dayS in, and you can tell if you look at a hotel like thiS you go to a hotel and you open your door the S://'>Parking Lot iS there youve made a SerieS of bad deciSionS in your life. I Stated dayS in about a month ago and call the front deSk and go him and i got a leak in my Sink and the guy goeS go ahead. I dont give a [bleep]. JuSt laStly it waS the Standup waS two hourS with the S. W. A. T. Team and then the robot did that why do you think they didnt earlier, a guy didnt go my god, i have a robot that can do thiS. It took So long. They had to go through the paperwork. There to exerciSe every alternative before Sending him in S://'>Spirit JohnSon forgot to charge him from the laSt drug hoiSt. What you make of thiS . IS thiS a promiSing Sign of our future . S. I waS wondering where could get one like a wonder if thiS would get my kidS out of bed. Fourwheel right over him. Cannot i mean creek thatS amazing. That waS So impreSSed. You notice the robot had gaS . I think im glad you did though. ThiS iS Something that could be great for texaS. I think you could uSe that in manhattan though. It juSt lookS kind of like performance art. You know what i mean . If you did thiS in brooklyn people would be like come and take pictureS until the guy they liked hiS inStallation. Meanwhile heS a dangerouS S://'>Drug Dealer with the gun See couldnt do that here. I liked how he threw the towel on. Pixar vibeS. They even pantS to the guy at The End. Greg i believe the SuSpect waS then put in cuStody but the robot went to a local bar ended ShotS of wd40 and then got in a fight with a fireman. IS that juSt a S://'>New York thing . Yeah. Greg copS and firemen dont get along. ThatS everywhere. Wherever they have Semipro football. Firemen verSe the police. ThatS a big thing. That fizzled out. But i dont care. Show Still goeS on. I am a pro. [cheering and applauSe] up next haS ozempic done the trick to make people leSS that . Five more wordS. [cheering and applauSe] S://'>Greg ObeSity rateS drop. Blame ozempic. Bajillion thiS iS intereSting. The cdc Since american S://'>ObeSity RateS have dropped for the firSt time ever. Like 40 . Now verSuS 42 , but they think ozempic had a role. What do you make of the whole ozempic thing becauSe itS in your we houSe, So to Speak . GaS haS gone up So much more people are walking. Jamie hold my beer for a Second. Okay im going to be dead SeriouS whatS going on here. FirSt of all, we are Seeing diSeaSe on a S://'>MaSS Scale Work autiSm, one in 30 kidS. USed to be one in 100,000. 79 increaSe in earlyonSet cancer diagnoSiS. GuyS today at 30 yearS old have the S://'>TeStoSterone Level of f a 50yearold man 30 yearS ago. Autoimmune iSSueS going up. TeenS have fatty liver diSeaSe. People, obeSity iS at the higheSt rate itS ever been. ItS all going up at Skyrocketing rateS all at the Same time. ThiS iS a diStraction. ThiS iS [bleep]. ThiS doeS not happen in the Silo. Greg who do you blame . May need to blame Somebody. I blame, the cataStrophic quartet. ItS juSt a SiniSter convergence of economic incentive between big pharma, big farming, big inSurance and thiS iS called Structural violence. It iS by deSign and i waS juSt with a group of mdS and health advocateS at at the capital a few dayS ago. Doing a hearing to the Senate about thiS iSSue. We need a SyStemic change becauSe at The End of the day no matter how much agency you take, no matter how much you go to the gym or get your broccoli, youre Still not getting them metalS out of your fiSh, the plaStic of your food, toxinS out of your. It iS all connected. Greg i love the plaStic in my food. ItS intereSting. When i waS young there waS only one S://'>Fat Kid in the claSS. We would call him huSky by hiS clotheS and the huSky Section. He waS chubby and popular becauSe he had the beSt SnackS at home. Now itS the reverSe. You drive by a buS Stop SometimeS Slowly and you See the kidS. ThereS one Skinny kid. I am getting fatter thiS year. You are. Greg you are a pudgy woman. ItS weird i keep bumping into thingS becauSe im not uSed to having hipS. So you are Saying i Should not go on ozempic immediately after i give birth. PleaSe never. I have to do diet and exerciSe. You look great. Get back to the way you were prebaby and give yourSelf time. Take a year. A year. Or i could do ozempic. I can tell you what happenS if you do and i dont think you like it. Do i get the face . That could happen. 50 chance of nauSea, vomiting, conStipation, diarrhea. Greg thatS my life. ThoSe Suck periodS. PuSh the up button. PancreatitiS, Stomach paralySiS, thyroid cancer. You plateau on. It coSt a fortune. And 66 of the people that go on get off of it in the firSt year from prime therapeuticS, S://'>Pharmacy Benefit Manager for blue croSS, blue Shield. ThiS iS a diStraction. Do not take the bait. The Stuff iS poiSon. [cheering and applauSe] thatS very intereSting. Greg you uSed to exerciSe. What do you think . You not to puSh back a little bit but i feel like the S://'>NauSea And Diarrhea would help with the S://'>Wait LoSS even further. Sort aS methamphetamineS and cigaretteS. DoeSnt make it good for you. I heard S://'>ChriS ChriStie iS competing in the winter ozempicS next year. [cheering and applauSe] you know what juSt happened . Gillian waS talking and goeS like a young dude now they have the S://'>TeStoSterone Level of a 50yearold man. I waS like holy [bleep] i have the teStoSterone of a 50yearold man. I am a 50yearold man. Greg that waS a criticiSm. ThatS me. Remember when youre younger and SportS and you have a coach and they go, Go Run and catch the ball. When you get older you are your own coach. ThatS the problem. Youre like, hey, run over there. And youre like, hey, [bleep] you. I dont want to. Sure. Rfk jr. Said it beSt. The whole point of what we went through during the pandemic waS the group that waS all of the diSeaSeS from the bad food. If you go to france and drink S://'>Wine And Bread you dont gain wait. You do that [bleep] here you are 500 poundS. ItS juSt profit over people. ThatS baSically what it comeS down to. The only way you will loSe wait iS by burning more than you taken and thereS nothing elSe for. Ozempic attackS your muScleS not your fat. So you are a Skinny fat perSon. It iS true. Every turkiye in america iS like what it iS. Greg we have to move on. We will be right back. , itS per Strengthening rootS to help protect it all winter. More like perfect for giving the graSS a deeper green come Spring. SoundS like itS perfect for your neighbor. Yeah whoS gonna take thiS bag. Wait, what . And borrow your Spreader. ThankS, guyS. Youre welcome enjoy it im going back in the Shed. Download the my S://'>Lawn App Today for S://'>Lawn Care tipS and cuStomized planS. Feed your lawn. Feed it. Happy memorieS juSt come eaSier on the water. Our founder, S://'>Johnny MorriS and hiS dad knew thiS firSt hand, they created a boat that waS more affordable. Tracker, the worldS 1 one beSt S://'>Selling FiShing and pontoon boatS powered by mercury. Proudly built in miSSouri and Sold factory direct at S://'>BaSS Pro ShopS and Select dealerS. For aS little aS 5 dollarS a day. You can own a brand new tracker and make lifelong memorieS of your own. BaSS pro ShopS. Voted americaS beSt outdoor retailer. Save even more and S://'>Support ConServation when you join the club. Innovation in S://'>Health Care meanS nothing if No One can afford it. At evernorth, were helping to unlock barrierS. USing our 35 pluS yearS of pharmacy S://'>BenefitS Management Experience to Save buSineSSeS billionS while booSting medication adherence. Helping plan SponSorS and their memberS be at their beSt. ThatS wonder made poSSible. Evernorth health ServiceS. Tony Hawk i Still love to Surf, Snowboard, and of courSe, Skate, So i take S://'>Qunol MagneSium to Support my S://'>MuScle And Bone health. QunolS S://'>HighabSorption MagneSium Glycinate helpS me get the full benefitS of magneSium. Qunol. The brand i truSt. Trace thank you to our gueStS and Studio audience, S://'>Fox NewS at night iS coming up, i love you, america. [cheering and applauSe] Speaker01 good evening, im trace gallagher, 11 00 p. M. On the eaSt coaSt,

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