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Security Inspector General and the red flags are really flying everywhere on this. Im Harris Faulkner and you are in the faulkner focus. This report lays out dismal failures by the Bidenharris Handling of illegal immigrants. A small portion of this is a quote. Under current processes, Cbp And Ice cant insure they are keeping highrisk noncitizens without identification from entering the country. Additionally, tsa cannot insure it is Vetting And Screening procedures to prevent highrisk noncitizens who may pose a threat to the flying public from boarding domestic flights. If this continues, they may inadvertently increase national security risks. Thats the quote. Those agencies are pushing back saying they are not to blame. They say they simply dont have the resources or legal standing to detain every noncitizens that does not have valid documents, even to reduce possible dangers. Former national Border Patrol Council president brandon judd. Its extremely frustrating to every Border Patrol Agent and anybody that wants border security. I have issued mtas and i know theyre lying about their name. Because we cant properly vet these individuals, we have to go with what they are giving us. This is a very dangerous situation and the i. G. Got it absolutely correct. Harris so this report follows the release of that alarming Customs Data on the number of criminal people living who crossed our border and now they are free to be and move across the country. The number, 425,000 including 13,000 convicted murderers in the countries from wherever they came from. All of those noncitizens did not all come in under President Biden. The spike is undeniably sharp. The Terror Watch List apprehensions at the southern border since 2021 are now causing us to beg the question, actually how many are here . How many did get in . If we went from 15 to 100 in 3 1 2 years, what are we really living with . National correspondent Griff Jenkins reports. Griff. Good morning, harris. No one knows that number. You raise a good point. I want to show you something, though. This is a discarded venezuelan i. D. For a 34yearold man. One of hundreds that i have witnessed being ditched by migrants as illegally cross the border. Maybe now they dont want they want them. The heavily redacted i. G. Report say they did not fully arrest is risks associated releasing noncitizens without i. D. And allowing them to Travel Dome Espos Esposizioni domestically. When the i. G. Says because of Cbp And Ices process, Tsas Method to screen for individuals who pose a threat would not necessarily prevent these individuals from boarding flights. The next line in the report by the way, harris, is blacked out. Dhs says they cannot detain all individuals subject to Detention Due to a lack of resources, ice says they dont have enough beds, cbp says their Detention Facilities are for short Term Detention only. In a statement to Fox News House Homeland Security Committee Mark Green says this. It is embarrassing the Bidenharris Administration needs an official Government Watchdog to tell them what anyone with Common Sense understands. This administration should not be letting unvetted noncitizens roam our communities and get on planes when their Identities Cant be verified. The Ice Data showing hundreds of thousands of criminals not detained. The national debt grown numerous administration only increased under this one. Instead of debt we are accruing convicted criminals. Harris the debt doesnt carry guns, knives and drugs. It is awful but generally it wont kill us. Griff jenkins, thank you. Jason chaffetz, Fox News contributor. Former republican Congressman And House oversight chairman. Great to have you always. This is more than alarming. The fact that these agencies that are named specifically to be the ones putting us potentially in danger, including the tsa as we board flights, that they are deflecting and saying dont blame them is particularly troubling. Yeah. They have a lot of nerve when you go to the airport. I fly on an awful lot of airplanes. Real i. D. You have to have it. If you are an american citizen, good luck going to the airport without you are here illegally you can get on a flight. Why is anybody that is here illegally on any airplane . I dont understand it. They waive them in. You go to Phoenix Airport you can see them walking through the halls and then they wave them on the plane. It is offensive. Harris thats where we live part of the year. Im troubled why were putting up with this as the american public. People protest a lot of stuff but to be held accountable for letting noncitizens onto flights and checking us as you say they do and treating us like were the bad guys and noncitizens is untenable. I dont think it is sustainable. No, look. The number one thing the Bidenharris Administration could do right now here today but they wont is to get rid of sanctuary cities. You have the criminal element of the illegal alien population, the criminals, they go to these cities. These big cities and states that have the Sanctuary Laws like denver and you go to big cities like New York and california and philadelphia, and guess what . They have somebody in their possession but they wont cooperate with ice. Ice is not fully utilizing their beds. They have 41,500 beds that they could use but right now we have 3500 beds empty. And i just dont understand that. Harris why cant we have those states or cities, those jurisdictions that are sanctuary, every time a crime happens, god forbid it be another loss of life in the drip, drip were seeing now with some illegal aliens committing murder and other violent crimes, why cant we have those Sanctuary Areas pay for all the adjudication of the cases, pay for life for the victims left behind. Send their kids to college. Make it a penalty for them. Or start holding them legally accountable and locking some of them up if they knew it was a possibility depending who they let in their sanctuary city. Why should anybody in the united states. Why should you and i and anybody listening to this program have to pay and give federal funding to these places that wont cooperate with ice . They should be cut off. I know Donald Trump would do this. I know he would. He would actually put that 75 of the crimes they tell us in mid Town Manhattan are committed by people here illegally and they just put up with it. Somehow, some way they have got to lock this down. It is not right. It is harming our citizens. There are murderers and rapists. This is the criminal element. Dont Tell Me they want to get tough of the border when you have them in your possession you continue deport them or cooperate with ice. Harris day three of the strike which is crippling three dozen ports from florida to maine, east coast, gulf coast, shipping at a halt. Thousands of Dock Workers continuing to picket. They have the right to do that. We understand they want what they want. But the timing. The timing could not be worse. Analysts warn that americans will start to feel the pain next week because by then it will have been a week. Shortages of products ranging from meat to seafood to alcohol, electronics, medical supplies, the short supply will cause spikes already high prices on items that we cant live without. The National Retail Federation says for every day the strike goes on, it will take three to five days to recover. So were already weeks behind based on the first week were going through. A look at all the ships on the way to ports unable to unload their cargo. The cluster. The map makes it look like a step off shore. Some are miles off. 50 Container Ships were stalled as of yesterday comparing that to just three on sunday before the strike happened. Biden and harris are hands off simply urging both sides, the manufacturers and union to work it out. They need to sit down and talk. Remember, we negotiated a similar strike on the West Coast before. And they worked it out. This time they wont talk. Lets get it done. We have been in touch with the different parties urging them to bridge their differences. In particular urging the ocean carriers have become extremely profitable in recent years to put forward an offer enough to bring the union back to the table and get this hammered out. Harris he couldnt negotiate the Supply Chain woes we had during the pandemic. I dont know if he is the guy you want in this. Jason. You have the Commerce Secretary saying she wasnt even paying attention to it. Joe biden and Kamala Harris dont know how to negotiate anything. They didnt even know this was a problem. To say lets get them together. You are the President Of The United States. You are the ones that should be calling them into the White House. Dont Tell Me they are making these huge profits. This is one of the biggest shippers in the world war. They laid off 25,000 people back in 2022. This is a low Margin Business. I dont know how the president comes up with these numbers saying oh, they are gouging people and making all this money. Pete buttigieg needs to back up those numbers because the shipping industry, it is tough. Low Margin Business and look at the volatility in the Middle East. You dont think that adds to the increase of the expense of shipping things Around The World . These guys dont have a clue. There is no hope because they have no clue how to solve this problem. They should have been working on it in july. Harris absolutely. They have the Taft Hartley Act from 1947. They could have put that in place and said 80 days cooling off. That would have gotten us just beyond the election. That takes us into the new year. You have to want to bring it to or halt or what not to. What the is strategy behind not doing what you need to do. He is responsible, Biden And Harris and this administration, for the inflation that has the Dock Workers hurting. They have bills to pay food. Expensive food. No wonder they want a raise. Yeah, thats exactly right. They are offering a 50 raise, i dont think most americans would appreciate that isnt good enough. You know what . We need to automate our ports. Ive been in South Korea and shanghai and all over the world looking at port security. You are supposed to inspect 100 of the cargo. They do less than 2 . Thats what our federal government is doing and wonder how we get fentanyl into this country and other things. We have one of the most arcane Port Systems in the world. We have to automate just to keep up. We have done nothing with automation and these unions dont want automation. And that is going to kill the united states long term. Harris i want to ask a bit for your vision on this. We havent getting one from the White House. How could you do both . How could you automate . Weve seen it on the West Coast now. And they will try to help out with their ports there and take some of these ships. It could take a month to reroute if you have a shipment now trying to reroute it to the West Coast. Take a month to do that. Well hurt regardless as a nation. But how could you devote take care of the Dock Workers concerns that theyll lose their jobs if they automate but bring us up to speed the way youve seen in areas Around The World . Well look, youve got to be able to do that. Keep in mind there are a lot of inland ports that they are also doing. You go to the longshoremen are running a port in las vegas. So you look at it and say wait, how is this working . If you dont address the Energy Supply in this country, then you really get off track because it is so expensive. The fuel in this country, thats in part what is driving all this inflation. Harris all right. Energy, we get back to that. Around and around we go and nothing from the White House yet at least. Thank you. Tensions and fighting in the Middle East. Lets go there now. This is what were watching. They are hours ahead of us. Their day is about to wrap up and the time we watch very closely as they enter dusk and darkness. Were still waiting for israel to do what it said it would do. Retaliate against iran for that massive ballistic Missile Attack on tuesday. Backlash for President Biden for telling our ally how not to defend itself like dont even put irans nuclear program on the map. Again, biden taking off the table what could be done. Not saying you had to do it but let them think you might. President biden is visiting more States Today while the nation deals with the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Critics are saying he is just getting in the way. President bidens Dog And Pony show to see photos. He stopped Air Traffic and helicopters from transporting supplies and picking up individuals from medevacs. We showed you the Video Yesterday of a close call when Hurricane Helene was just moving in and started mudslides. Look at this. A wall, a Mountain Wall of mud comes down and the couple barely survives it. They are thankfully safe and they are in focus next. So, you know, han is 22 years old, and weve been together most of my life. Not often do you have a Childhood Dog that, that lives this long so i think its really unique and special that weve experienced so many, so many things in life together. Knowing that hes getting good nutrition and that he has energy is a huge relief for me and my dad. such a good little bean. were so grateful to have had this time with him, so lets keep it going and make every day special. Its payback time. All these years, youve worked hard. You fixed it. You looked after it. Maybe its time for your home to start taking care of you . If youre 62 or older and own your home, a Reverse Mortgage could put more money in your pocket by eliminating your monthly Mortgage Payments, paying off higherinterest credit cards, and covering medical costs. You paid down the mortgage, invested in your home. I guess, you could say, your home owes you. Just eliminating the Mortgage Payment freed up a lot of cash for us. 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Center right of your screen where there are no lights . All the way from florida up through and into north carolina, Power Outages are far from the only problem, though. That Land Of Darkness is dealing with at night. Survivors are struggling to get access to necessities like clean drinking water. Water to flush their toilets. People with swimming pools. Weve been Hearing Stories are the neighborhood heroes bringing it in so you can at least have some Sewage Movement with that water for your toilet. In north carolina, Tens Of Thousands of people are without any Running Water at all. President biden has deployed 1,000 u. S. Service members, we know that. He said that yesterday. They are there to deliver the essentials that are being taken in. Thousands of National Guard and federal aide workers are already on the ground and starting to get so some of the hardesthit areas. It was a week ago on thursday when Helene Hit. We havent seen fema, Red Cross or hearts with hands. Weve seen no agencies come here. Most people drive through with their cameras out filming us like were animals in a zoo and dont stop. Harris thats heartbreaking to hear. Steve harrigan, you are in north carolina. Steve. The roads have just been opening up east of asheville so were seeing for the first time some of the worst Destruction Weve seen so far. Homes smashed, cars smashed. I think the worst of it when you walk down roads you see chunk of the roads are simply gone and also a layer of mud just covering everything. This area got ten feet of floodwater so its just to dig out will be a real challenge. People are asking the most basic questions, who is dead and who is alive . If they have checked your house they paint an Orange X on it. One week into the storm it is not clear where people are. Are they missing . Weve heard about the soldiers coming to help. When you ask people here if they have gotten help they say the only help so far is from our neighbors. The Cherry Pickers are going up starting to put in poles. In many towns like this starting from scratch to try to rebuild roads and electric power lines. Harris, back to you. Harris steve, thank you very much. For the latest from there. Now this. Thats a wall of earth coming down. The storm was just hitting. We showed you this amazing Video Yesterday. Two people fleeing the effects of Hurricane Helene as it moved in narrowly escaping a mudslide in the Blue Ridge Mountains of north carolina. The Dash Cam Video showed the moment the hillside gave way smothering the interstate behind their car. God bless you, you were moving fast and driving fast. Kelly, Tell Me what you saw as you looked back. I looked back in the car and saw the mud on the door and kept looking back and saw the glass was shattered. I didnt see anything beyond that. Harris had you ever seen anything like this happen in that area before . Did you know what you were escaping at that point, allen . No, we were just on our way home from vacation. We had no idea. I had never seen anything like that. Harris you were going home. You knew the storm was coming in. Storms come and go. Had you been sensitive to the fact that this one might be different . Were people talking about it as you returned from vacation . No, not really. We just figured it would be a little bit of Rain And Wind and that it would be fine. Not until we got on i40 we saw trees blowing down, highways getting closed, six minutes after this happened a tree fell on us. An interesting day. Harris oh my, you were spared, thank goodness. I see in the distance an 18 wheeler trying to get out of the way. People could see this coming and the earth just moved. Dana they were actually just parked there. Harris where that car and they were blessed to be out of the way. Describe to me when it came down, how much was it . From the video it looks like a whole mountainside. Thats what it looked like when i looked out the window, The Mountain was coming down with the trees and rocks. We didnt get the brunt of it the way that little black car there did. That was a Pulloff Area and why the Tractor Trailers were there. They were just parked and the truck and that car behind that black car got hit a whole lot worse than we did. And we have been in touch with a few of the people behind us and they were all safe. So we were real glad to hear there were no major injuries other than vehicle. Harris and just talk to me, if you will, about trying to get out of the way. How fast were you going to begin with and what was going through your mind . It is a mountain coming down. We were only going 35 miles an hour because of the rain. As soon as i saw it i stepped on the gas and my first thought was i wonder if this is going to hurt. Three seconds later it was over. Harris kelly, your thought . It was pretty scary. I didnt see what was happening. I just heard everything hitting the car and i thought they were big rocks. Thats what it sounded like. I was expecting the roof to cave in. We are very blessed to have gotten through it and Everybody Else that survived. Were very thankful for that. Harris i love that you have been in touch with the people who were behind you who drove through perhaps hoping that you were already on the other side of it and could look back and pray for them. Allen and kelly, thank you. I cant even imagine what life is like right now. I know that you had a home to go to. A lot of people dont. Can i get a last word of maybe where your heart is today, kelly . Were thankful to the lord for his blessing there. And praying for everybody that was in the wake of the worst of it. We just cant imagine what they are going through. We came out of it safely but many people did not. And were just continuing to lift that area and all the Rescue Teams coming up, all the supplies that will being delivered to those areas, were just lifting them in prayer for their safety. Harris kelly and allen, thank you for telling us your story and sharing your incredible video. You are welcome. Thank you. Harris well, the Media Blackout Strategy that the biden Walz Campaign is going with looks the harrisWalz Campaign looks like it is out the window at this point. Governor walzs sub par Debate Performance spurred more interviews and answers to reporters questions. Whether it will matter 33 days out, well see. A judge releasing details of its Election Interference Case against Donald Trump with about a month, again, 33 days before the election. He is trying to have a trial of trump without a trial in the face of the fact he couldnt get a trial before the election. It sure looks like blatant election interference. Harris well, will the October Surprise tip the scales come november . 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After the filing was unsealed yesterday, Trump Hit Social Media with democrats are weaponizing the Justice Department against me because they know im winning. This is egregious prosecutorial Misconduct And Shouldnt have been released right before the election. He have is not alone in that. There is no possibility of having this trial before november and there was no reason to have it brought out in public now. The point of releasing this now can only be to effect the election. It doesnt have there is no legal need for it. 30 plus days until an election. We will be hit with an an slat of Fake News and litigation. This is a new indictment. For many this is a you dont have to release this before the election. Harris David Avella and david carlucci. David, you cant miss the fact the trial cannot happen before november 5th. This feels like politics. It makes the other side look dirty. Why do it this way . Well, i understand that. This 60day Idea is really just guidance, not a law. Its a rule. What we see here is that not all of it has been open to the public. There is still much of this that has been sealed for public view. What this is, Jack Smith going back following the supreme Courts Guidance to talk about this president ial immunity and showing that these acts were not acts of public of public office. This was between a candidate and a Vice President ial candidate that he acted in just pure neglect for the safety of Mike Pence, for the safety of those Police Officers at the capitol and so many others that real leadership would have been different. He didnt need to tweet out that Mike Pence didnt have the courage to basically overturn this election. This report is showing evidence that Donald Trump knew he lost the election but it didnt matter. Harris what you are doing is laying out part of the case for smith. This is a new indictment based on putting the Immunity Issue in here from the u. S. Supreme court. When Donald Trump says releasing this 33 days before the most important election in the history of our country is another attempt by the harris Biden Regime to undermine and Weaponize American Democracy and interfere in the 2024 president ial election. What do you think about that, david . Well, i think it falls flat. The other david, sorry, my fault. David avella. Jack smith confirms for many americans who believe lawyers have no shame. It is that or he is so enjoyed the Supreme Court humiliating him that he said you know what . I want a little more of that. But the biggest thing that comes out about this, this is a reminder of why a republican Senate Majority is so important. Who gets confirmed to judgeships . Who is on the Supreme Court . Who is going to hold prosecutors accountable that come out of d. O. J. Is vital to our judicial system. The only way we get that is by having a republican senate working to make sure the right men and women are put on the judicial bench. Harris its interesting. Power rankings at Fox News came out and they show this is a snapshot now but look how close we are that the senate could tip to republicans at this point according to what Fox News Power Rankings are finding. Interesting you point that out. Former ambassador to the European Union under former President Trump with a change of heart. He previously said he could never vote for trump due to the events of January 6th. He was basically a never trumper. Here is what he is saying now and why. Why was it important for you to say no more trump because of his January 6th conduct . Do you stand by that . I dont stand by that and i tell you why. I have now lived four years under the bidenharris policies and i have to say that those policies are not only becoming an existential threat to our Countrys Way of life but our allies as well. I will let you finish. You said it was a no for me after that January 6th and here we are right now and saying it is a yes for you. It is an absolute yes for me. That is how badly the Bidenharris Team have prosecuted their job. Harris David Avella. Hard to make a better case than was just made there. Life is more expensive under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and for voters who havent made their decision and persuadeable there is one way to go and that is to put Donald Trump and republicans in charge of washington. Harris you look no further, david carlucci, than the Port Strike and amazing power of the White House with the Taft Hartley Act. Could have been put in place two months ago. The president and Vice President could have demonstrated their Negotiating Skills during that cooling off time. But that is not what we get. We have pressure from Hurricane Helene. They need stuff at the ports. They are on the east coast. There is so much going wrong now. Ambassador sondeland has good points there. How do you counter them . First what would Donald Trump do with the striking workers . He would fire them. He has made that clear. What biden is doing is saying look, let collective bargaining. Harris wait a minute. The President Of The United States Cannot Fire those workers. He can cause a cooling off period. Lets keep apples and apples here. He have is trying to say implement Taft Hartley so the striking workers lose collective Bargaining Ability and the ability to strike. Going back to the ambassador it is absurd to blame biden for these costs. We were in an economic crisis when Donald Trump was in office. We were expecting a downturn, recession. Harris No One will remember it that way. Biden flu us out of there. Harris gas at the tank was cheaper. Food was 21 to 25 cheaper because of the higher inflation. I was four years younger. Harris but it hasnt worked for what people actually feel. I want to say this. The Taft Hartley doesnt take your ability to negotiate a way. It causes a cooling off period which well probably need anyway. Last word. Which we know drastically Labors Ability to negotiate a fair contract. Harris he is not acting at all. He could have done that in july. David avella. This Administration Couldnt make the case for their economic policies. They couldnt make their case for why they did what they did in afghanistan. It continues this trend of this administration not being able to explain to americans how they are making life better and the reality is americans are feeling life is harder under Biden And Harris. It is only going to continue under harris and walz. Harris good discussion with two davids. I appreciate both your time. We are still expecting israels response, retaliation after it said it would following irans massive ballistic Missile Attack on tuesday. The nation is facing terror from all directions. Critics not happy with President Biden, Kamala Harris as Vice President trying to tell israel how or how not to respond. Biden just sits back and does nothing. Kamala does nothing. Let them defend themselves. Israel has a right to selfdefense including nuclear sites. Harris they are continuing to fight terrorists in lebanon after it fired rockets from lebanon. Around the campaign the subject continues. Retired Army Lieutenant Colonel Darren Goff next. And debris down this river, it seemed hopeless. But when the waters receded, belfor was here. Not just to rebuild, but to help restore the life of this community. Belfor. Restoring more than property. Veteran homeowners, Car Payments are getting out of control. Get a newday 100 Va Cash out loan at lower Mortgage Rates to pay off those high Rate Car loans. Only Purples Gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. No other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. Memory foam doesnt come close. Get your best sleep guaranteed. Buy more, save more. Up to 600 off. Visit purple. Com or a store near you. Harris new Daytime Explosions over israel as the israeli defense force. Overnight israeli Air Strike in beirut, the capital of lebanon, killed seven hezbollah affiliated civilian first responders. So it is being reported. The idf has been targeting areas where the militant group, terrorists, not militants, terrorists, have a strong presence. Iran launched its largest ever ballistic Missile Attack in history on tuesday of any other country onto another. Nearly 200 missiles aimed at israel. President biden is now facing extreme criticism for telling an ally how it can and cannot defend itself. [inaudible question] President Biden the answer is no, and i think there are things that well be discussing with the israelis what they are going to do but all seven of us agree that they have a right to respond but they should respond in proportion. Harris Nate Foye is in Tel Aviv for us. Amid the escalating tensions between Israel And Iran as well as irans proxy groups were learning of a secret Rescue Operation that has a 21yearold woman back with her family after spending a decade as a hamas hostage. Take a look at these pictures here. The idf, along with international partners including the united states, rescued this woman who was kidnapped as an 11yearold girl in iraq. Isis terrorists trafficked her to gaza where her captor was killed during the war with israel. Today in Beirut Israel struck hezbollah Intelligence Headquarters and also a medical facility connected to hezbollah. Idf forces are facing real resistance of the limited Ground Offensive so far. Eight soldiers were killed there yesterday. Now as we await a possible Counter Strike from iran after israel responds to tuesdays attack, look at this, harris. This Ballistic Missile was found in southern israel. One of roughly 200 that iran fired targeting Air Bases and Mossad Headquarters in Tel Aviv. Israel says its response will be severe and have a big impact on what comes next in this war. Harris a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel and former blackhawk helicopter pilot. Great to have you on the program. Just your Top Line thoughts on what is about to happen potentially with Israel And Iran. Thank you for having me on. My biggest thoughts now is to watch the israeli response and to me proportionality is simple. You attacked us, we have the right to destroy you. It is really that. Israel has the desire to win. What would they target to do that against iran itself . Put their nuclear capability at the top of the list. Number two would be any kind of Oil Refining or Shipping Capacity because thats the money they use to fund the nuclear program. And then i would continuously be booking at leadership as well. Iran has indicated their desire to continuously attack israel but they are quickly losing their two primary fighting forces, hezbollah and hamas. Harris what do you think of President Biden based on what you just said taking hitting a nuclear site off the Target List for israel . He is doing a good job hamstringing israel. Netanyahu knows that will continue moving forward in the direction he knows he has to for the israeli people. Unfortunately nobody in the Middle East now is truly listening to anybody in this Administration And I cant blame them for not listening to them. Were largely sending mixed messages and a message of weakness across the Middle East that they are taking advantage of. Harris what do you think about the Ramp Up of our men and women in that region who have been taking incoming from all these proxies by iran. Houthis in yemen and hamas doing what it is doing to israel while israel is trying to fight along its border with lebanon. They have a full plate that they can shoot at. Forces are increasingly at risked when the war gross bigger. Syria and Iraq And Other Places including our embassies. Every time we go and show that weakness, those people over there, whoever they may be, are going to take advantage of our locations and we dont have a strategy to have them there and why they are there and unfortunately they are not all that well defended. That falls on this administration. Harris are you concerned at all that iran is so close to having a nuclear weapon that it could use it in any sort of protracted conflict with israel . I think we should be concerned about that. They are lying about everything else theyre doing. How close are they to getting a nuclear bomb . I dont know. We have to treat them as if theyre close or already do. Their military is designed for internal Policing And Security and regime security. This is what theyll do is launch things in the air. If they have nuclear capacity i have no doubt they would be willing to use it. Harris if you were giving advice to israel right now, what would it be . I would say we stay 100 behind you. You are taking the war to the terrorists who deserve to be eliminated and if your desire is to reduce Irans Capacity to attack you while you also take on hezbollah, were behind you 100 and support you with whatever you need. Harris it is Rosh Hashanah right now, the new year for our jewish faith communities here in america and Around The World. Thank you for your time. Outnumbered after the break. Kayleigh crisi

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