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Freshwater mussels can help the Niagara River :
Freshwater mussels can help the Niagara River :
Freshwater mussels can help the Niagara River
Buffalo owes these scientists and UB a large vote of thanks for their innovation in using small aquatic creatures to attack problems created by human activity over decades. It is
Related Keywords
Scajaquada Creek ,
New York ,
United States ,
Niagara River ,
America ,
Corey Krabbenhoft ,
Isabel Porto Hannes ,
University At Buffalo ,
York Power Authority ,
New York Power Authority ,
Western New York ,
North America ,
Chesapeake Bay ,
Western New Yorkers ,
Freshwater Mussels ,
Adb Project ,
Scientists ,
Filtration ,
Orey Krabbenhof ,
Stormwater Run Off ,
Endangered ,
Remediation ,
Marine Biology ,
Wood ,
Oology ,
Iology ,
Ydrography ,
Eography ,
Cology ,
Ublishing ,