Garri, a dominant food in Nigeria, is becoming unaffordable for most homes in Akwa Ibom State. The price of garri, one of the most routinely consumed and dominant foods in Nigeria, has witnessed over a hundred per cent increase within the last three years in Akwa Ibom state. Processed from cassava, the flakes can be consumed raw with water, sugar (and milk and groundnut by people with relatively greater means). It is also used to make eba, eaten in households and sold in restaurants all over the country. Opeyemi Adeyemi works with one of the big finance companies in Nigeria. He had a pay cut due to the lockdown during the coronavirus pandemic. “To keep your job during this period, a pay cut is a relief, as thousands were fired,” Mr Adeyemi, a 42-year-old finance expert who lives at Obalende, on Lagos Island, said.