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Govt-owned Genesis, Saudis and Canadians building $104m sola
Govt-owned Genesis, Saudis and Canadians building $104m sola
Govt-owned Genesis, Saudis and Canadians building $104m solar farm
A new solar farm near Christchurch set to power 13,000 homes is officially under construction, as Genesis Energy ramps up its renewable energy efforts with...
Related Keywords
United Kingdom ,
Canada ,
Saudi Arabia ,
Canterbury Plains ,
New Zealand General ,
New Zealand ,
Northland ,
Jeddah ,
Makkah ,
Australia ,
Saudi Arabian ,
Canadian ,
Australian ,
Tracey Hickman ,
Asia Pacific Christopher ,
Beon Energy ,
Genesis Energy ,
Mitsubishi Ufj ,
Abdul Lateef Jameel Energy ,
Financial Group ,
Government Owned Genesis ,
Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System ,
Asia Pacific Christopher Curtain ,
Hive Energy ,
Govtowned ,
Genesis ,
Saudis ,
Hand ,
Canadians ,
Building ,
A104m ,
Solar ,
Farm ,
Near ,
Christchurch ,
Power ,
13000 ,
Homes ,
Officially ,
Under ,
Construction ,
Energy ,
Cramps ,
Renewable ,
Efforts ,
With ,
Help ,
Saudi ,
Arabian ,
Investment ,
Firm ,
Pension ,
Fund ,