The Grand Rapids Players are returning for the 15th year of summer theatre camp and will perform Broadwayâs Junior adaptation of the classic novel and award-winning musical âOliver, Jr.â and â10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse,â written by Don Zolidis. After a pandemic hiatus, the curtains are ready to be re-opened! The cast features 2nd grade and up who will rock the house with their songs, dance, characters, talent and wit. With âOliver, Jr.â youâll travel back to the city of London and a 19th century workhouse run by Mr. Bumble (Hunter Hemmila) and Widow Corney (Avery Schultz) where poor, hungry, crafty Oliver Twist (Molly Dick) and other orphaned-children (Kinsley Lacek, Lucie Jackson, Violet Wilson, Millie Koscielniak, Ella Dick, Mabel Dick, Olia Jorgensen, Violet Kastendick) live in the workhouse. Bumble tries to sell Oliver to the Undertaker Sowerberry and his wife (Izabel Dalziel) and their incorrigible daughter Charlotte (Natalie Youngren), but when the boy decides to run away, he joins a group of street-urchin pickpockets (Paul Davis, Clara Kastendick, Helen Koscielniak, Lauren Kostiuk, Sophie Kostiuk) led by the notorious Fagin (Anna Kopacek) who along with his two loyal friends Nancy (Riley Stovall) and Bet (Emily Sonder) and the dishonorable Bill Sikes (Asa Dockter) who all living a dangerous life of crime. When the truth comes out about who Oliverâs mom was, he is taken in by his wealthy grandfather Mr. Brownlow (Bradley Hewitt). But the secret leaks to Sikes and Fagin who see Oliver as an opportunity to cash in, and a night of terror ensues. Where will Oliver end up?Â