Live Updates
Headbangers' ball with a touch of fright: Mid-Summer Metal F
Headbangers' ball with a touch of fright: Mid-Summer Metal F
Headbangers' ball with a touch of fright: Mid-Summer Metal Fest returns to Jefferson County
If you love loud music and a good scare, we have the place for you to go this Saturday. That's the day the Wells Township Haunted House will host their third annual Mid-Summer Metal Fest and infamous Lights Out Tour.
Related Keywords
Jefferson County ,
Ohio ,
United States ,
Germany ,
Spain ,
Cleveland ,
Sean Norman ,
Mike Tronka ,
Dan Mayeres ,
Crash Army ,
Wendy ,
Wells Township Haunted House ,
Mid Summer Metal Fest ,
Lights Out ,
Metal Fest ,
Wells Township Haunted ,
Event Organizer ,
Mid Summer Metal ,
Pure Steel Records ,
Sunless Sky ,