email article Greedy corporations, uncaring hospitals, individual miscreants, and a task force led by Jared Kushner were dinged Tuesday in the Lown Institute's annual Shkreli awards, a list of the top 10 worst offenders for 2020. Named after Martin Shkreli, the entrepreneur who unapologetically raised the price of an anti-parasitic drug by a factor of 56 in 2015 (now serving a federal prison term for unrelated crimes), the list of shame calls out what Vikas Saini, the institute's CEO, called "pandemic profiteers." (Lown bills itself as "a nonpartisan think tank advocating bold ideas for a just and caring system for health.") Topping the list was the federal government itself and Jared Kushner, President's Trump's son-in-law, who led a personal protective equipment (PPE) procurement task force. The effort, called Project Airbridge, was to "airlift PPE from overseas and bring it to the U.S. quickly," which it did.