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How US native groups are repairing lands damaged by colonisa
How US native groups are repairing lands damaged by colonisa
How US native groups are repairing lands damaged by colonisation
The Wampanoag Common Lands project seeks to restore a 32-acre (13ha) former Catholic summer camp on the banks of the Muddy Pond in Kingston to something closer to what it might have looked like before European colonisation transformed it.
Related Keywords
Norway ,
Louisiana ,
United States ,
Middletown ,
California ,
Japan ,
Great Plains ,
Massachusetts ,
Alaska ,
Wyoming ,
Washington ,
Muddy Pond ,
Norwegian ,
Japanese ,
American ,
Diana Ruiz ,
Saskia Vanderhoop ,
Mashpee Wampanoag ,
Ramona Peters ,
Aquinnah Wampanoag ,
Beth Rose Middleton ,
David Vanderhoop ,
Asa Peters ,
Michelle Vassel ,
University Of California ,
Wampanoag Common Lands ,
Native Land Conservancy ,
Native American ,
Hurricane Ida ,
American West ,
Wiyot Tribe ,
Pacific Northwest ,
Native Run Sassafras Earth Education ,
Land Culture Project ,
Na ,