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and christel, i'm just wondering, are your members, the retailers, are they reporting the changes, any big changes in consumer behaviour due to the cost of living crisis? yes, indeed, consumer behaviour has changed quite significantly and it has changed across the board. they're favouring long shelf life products like rice and pasta, they're looking out for promotions and they stock up when buying and promotions. they're looking for cheaper brands, some more budget line products, more private labels. they're investing a lot to help consumers and to cushion them from the worst of the crisis and and inflation, the high prices. and, christel, what are your retailers saying about the outlook for prices? i mean, are more rises to come, do you think? well, the situation is still very uncertain.

Related Keywords

Cost , Retailers , Crisis , Yes , Changes , Christel , Members , Consumer Behaviour Due , Consumer Psychology , Products , Board , Promotions , Pasta , Shelf Life , Rice , Lot , Consumers , Worst , Budget Line Products , Brands , Labels , Prices , Inflation , Situation , Outlook , Rises ,

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