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before february 23, 2022? know. as long as russian soldiers are in ukraine, russia should be prepared to have a taste of their medicine. this is what we are seeing. right now, i am standing on the children's playground and by me, you can see kids playing now. all of these kids slept last night in bomb shelters because we had the 17 drone attack on a t f. that needs to stop and i would like to use this opportunity to thank all of your viewers in european viewers on bbc for supporting ukraine by sending us the defence capabilities because like you said, we shot 1029 out of 31 drones. if didn't have the support of western allies, these drones would hit residential apartments and civilians objects in the death toll would've been much higher. you do

Related Keywords

Ukraine , Russian , Soldiers , Medicine , Children , Taste , Know , 2022 , February 23 2022 , 23 , Drone Attack , All , Kids , Bomb Shelters , Playground , At F , 17 , Us , Bbc , Opportunity , Viewers , Defence , Capabilities , 31 , 1029 , Drones , Allies , Support , Apartments , Civilians , Death Toll , Didn T ,

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