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foods— using, but with the ultra—processed foods we _ using, but with the ultra—processed foods we are talking cereal bars and cakes _ foods we are talking cereal bars and cakes and _ foods we are talking cereal bars and cakes and biscuits and the foods that are — cakes and biscuits and the foods that are convenient, that we might -rab that are convenient, that we might grab off—the—shelf like a ready meal, — grab off—the—shelf like a ready meal, they are hyper palatable so they taste — meal, they are hyper palatable so they taste really good, quite often they taste really good, quite often they are _ they taste really good, quite often they are low cost and they are very refined _ they are low cost and they are very refined in — they are low cost and they are very refined in the way that they are processed, they've got lots of preservatives and additives and emulsifiers and things added into them _ emulsifiers and things added into them that we wouldn't have if we were _ them that we wouldn't have if we were to _ them that we wouldn't have if we were to make it at home. and those are the _ were to make it at home. and those are the things that we don't necessarily want to be completely cutting _ necessarily want to be completely cutting out of our diet, but we do want _ cutting out of our diet, but we do want to— cutting out of our diet, but we do want to he — cutting out of our diet, but we do want to be reducing the intake of those _ want to be reducing the intake of those foods and making more things where _ those foods and making more things where we _ those foods and making more things where we can ourselves.— where we can ourselves. hyper palatable. _ where we can ourselves. hyper palatable, there _ where we can ourselves. hyper palatable, there is _ where we can ourselves. hyper palatable, there is a _ where we can ourselves. hyper palatable, there is a good - where we can ourselves. hyper i palatable, there is a good phrase. where we can ourselves. hyper - palatable, there is a good phrase. i was reading on scientific paper this morning, a great thing to do on a monday morning, but it made the point that volunteer agreements between industry and government to the effect of improving public health, so this is another argument of the nanny state having

Related Keywords

Foods , Meal , Cost , Cakes , Cereal Bars , Biscuits , Grab Off , Way , Emulsifiers , Things , Diet , Home , Additives , Preservatives , Lots , Vernacular , Good , Intake , Phrase , Hyper , Hyper Palatable , Paper , Monday Morning , Argument , Point , Nanny State , Public Health , Industry , Effect , Government , Volunteer Agreements ,

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