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coming days we are reporting on. >> thank you. the prime minister of englandãhas taken sunday's general election securing a fourth consecutive term. she took at least 152 out of 300 seats. critics say the election was one-sided as the main opposition party boycotted the vote after their demands to resign were rejected. human rights groups have raised concerns about the government becoming a one party system. election officials say turnout at the polls was low with only 40% of the 120 million eligible voters taking part. the u.s. just launched its first lunar lander to the moon since 1972. details on the historic flight is next.t.

Related Keywords

Election , Prime Minister , Term , Sunday S , EnglandÃhas , 152 , Critics , Human Rights Groups , Vote , Opposition Party , Seats , Demands , One , 300 , Part , Government , Polls , Voters , Concerns , Party System , Turnout , Election Officials , 120 Million , 40 , U S , Moon , Details , Flight , Lunar Lander , 1972 , 1972 Details ,

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