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pulled a bait and switch. they changed the terms of their request. they rejected his offer or his acceptance of their offer and insisted that he come and sit for a secret closed door deposition. on december 6th, hunter biden's lawyer reiterated that hunter biden was willing to accept the chair's original request and once again offered to appear on december 13th or any other date in december to answer any question pertinent and relevant to the subject matter. he again raised concerns about closed door sessions. that's what brings us to today, mr. chairman. he has materially, substantially, in good faith complied with what your requests were. >> he complied with the subpoena? i don't -- >> we -- we would -- >> your time has expired. any other members wish to be heard? the chair recognizes miss mayes from south carolina. >> thank you. fireman, my first question -- first of all, my first question is who bribed hunter biden to be here today? that's first question. second question, you are the

Related Keywords

Hunter Biden Wasn T , Down Wfor A Closed Door Deposition , Offer , Lawyer , Closed Door , Request , Terms , Sit , Acceptance , Bait , Switch , On December 6th , 6 , December 6th , Question , Chair , Americans , Sessions , Deposition On December 13th , Subject Matter , Concerns , December 13th , 13 , Chairman , Subpoena , Members , Faith , Requests , Don T , All , Mayes , Miss , South Carolina , Fireman , Second Question ,

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