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on december 19th 1009. 100 the chancellor addresses the people of east germany and the mideast tent clamorous for the german unity journalist peter limburg was the same. 30 years later he looks back on the. interest. starts december 19th t w. hello and welcome to focus on europe i'm liable oh it's nice to have you with us a mother killed while holding her baby a 15 year old shot in a busy square or violence has shaken sweden bomb attacks have become commonplace

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People , East Germany , Chancellor , December 19th 1009 , Mideast Tent Clamorous , 100 , 1009 , 19 , Peter Limburg , Starts December 19thtw Hello , Interest , Same , Unity , 30 , December 19th , United States , Bomb Attacks , Europe , Mother , Violence , Baby , Square , Sweden , 15 ,

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