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to have a continual problem and a slow bleed and we will wait to see what happens. >> sean: i don't know why -- i'm looking at -- i thought kemal might strike a chord at some point but i think that has sailed at least for the time being it lasts someone changes but it think it's coming down to warren, what socialist you like better, warren or the angry liberal from new hampshire? i'm sorry, and vermonter that was a joe biden mistake. >> you just made a mistake is out there. you called him a liberal. he's a democratic for god's sakes. i mean, you know, -- >> sean: he did go to the former soviet union for a vacation in a honeymoon for >> it's worth, he went there for his honeymoon. i mean, come on. what more romantic place could you find that a honeymoon in soviet russia? question my coming, by god. i mean -- >> sean: so if you guys had a guest today, go on record. who gets the nomination?

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Sean , Someone , I Dont Know Why , Point , Problem , Bleed , Chord , Kemal , Joe Biden , Mistake , Liberal , Warren , Vermonter , New Hampshire , It , Democratic Party , Honeymoon , God , Worth , Vacation , Come On , Sakes , Soviet Union , Guys , Place , Guest , Nomination , Coming , Go On Record ,

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