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information. this was again very embarrassing for the united states. also it was not helpful to our allies around the world. tobia put a stop to it. >> the pentagon is going to be in the hot seat in congress. they are going to have to answer to how this breakdown occurred. >> converses back in session next week the next court appearance on wednesday at your next guest will know all about it, arthel. >> he definitely will. lucas thompson thank you very much here is eric and now with our next guest. the fall and what this means were dan hoffman and moscow serve not only in russia but in iraq and afghanistan. dan you are an intelligence veteran. first question why does a 21 old junior officer in the national guard in massachusetts with all due respect not one of the main branches is not the navy and the air force, why does he have access to this material and why

Related Keywords

World , Information , U S , Allies , Seat , Pentagon , Breakdown , Stop , Tobia , Congress , Arthel , It , Guest , Court Appearance , Lucas Thompson , Converses , Dan Hoffman , Intelligence , Russia , Iraq , Afghanistan , Junior Officer , Massachusetts , Question , Branches , Guard , Navy , Respect , Material , Air Force One , Veteran , One , 21 ,

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