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of like minded value centric who parents who say i am going to decide what my child learnsre in the area of education around ,education and education. they don't want crt. they want a, b, c, they don'tt i want their kids indoctrinated. lawrence they want their kids educated. they want to be involved. that's a good thing in america. let's get everybody involved. go to vote. tim scott, come. olved.join the american revolut. and let's restore opportunity and choice to parents in every r single zip code in america. we can zip cod do it together. t >> you know, senator, i've been watching you for a loneeg time.a you are at your best whenur you're speaking from your heart and speakingk fr from what you'e heard from the american voter. thanks so much for takin g time tonight. we appreciate it. absolutely. so appreci the view is widely knon as one of the dumbest talk shows in america. but accordinowg to its hosts, stupid republicans are the problem. watct g to its hosh. >> isn't it sad that you have these people that know better,

Related Keywords

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