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is yes. but sean, we've got a long way to go. shd with obama saying what she said and barack obama saying what he's reported to say, i would say keep a closewould n on the bidens and keep a closer the e the obamas. >> okay. and if it's not, joe who wouldld it be? michelle or gavin newsom, i think, are the ibe? only ones. and while kamala harris cannot h, michelle obama would run. >> do you believe that? i didn't believe?at? it untilrre i heard her say she was terrified. she seemed animated.d, i think,b with poll numbers probablyly showing her 5 to 10 points ahead at the outset. there's a greater chance todayse of that than there was a week or so ago. all right, lee, you get the last word. >> will joe biden be t?t? e ticke >> i think it's going to bere a rematch between biden versus trump. i don't sematce how joe biden cn get out of this because i don't think the democrats want kamala harris to rubiden can.

Related Keywords

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