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>> her conversation style is unlike most people, weird was something to open the jury up to -- she might be weird, she might be inconsistent but look, she's not a killer. >> the defense also reminded the jury, julia was a victim. she had been attack and that she told police there was a perfectly good reason why that deducting pushed loose. >> and if the tape hadn't got wet from the rain, i don't know if i've gotten off. >> but wouldn't have still pull some skin or some hair? >> it was raining the night of the incident, so as it's raining it's getting wet, it's not sticking as much as usually does. >> and since it was raining that buys, the prosecution had asked why wasn't julia wet and muddy? easy the defense said, she was. >> on the video, you can see her jeans are soaking wet. she is not dry. she has mud all over her pants, which was from the rain and the dirt. >> the defense also addressed the gunshot residue found on julius close, which seemed to undermine her story that she was behind a wall, 60 feet away from where the gun went off. julia's lawyer argued that there wasn't enough residue

Related Keywords

Julia Phillips , Something , People , Killer , Attack , Victim , Look , Reason , Jury , Defense , Conversation Style , Skin , Night , Wouldn T , Tape Hadn T , The Rain , Pushed Loose , Hair , Incident , Wasn T Julia Wet , Prosecution , Jeans , Buys , Video , Mud , Gun , Feet , Gunshot Residue , Story , Wall , Julius , Residue , Wasn T , Rain , Pants , Dirt , 60 ,

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