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own actions. that leads us to be the big question we have asked about him for years. -- as we battle throughout the next election. what will it take for donald trump to realize then his own actions are truly -- joining me now to unpack this is anthony colleague, msnbc justice and legal affairs analyst. also a former director of the office of public affairs under the department of justice. also with us, my friend and colleague, jamie civilize. super winner msnbc analyst and criminal defense attorney, anthony, danny, great to see. so glad to see you guys. big week coming up for donald. he's going to be all over the place. courtrooms to campaigns, campaigned a courtroom. what are you watching for, anthony, as this week kicks off? >> i think a couple of things.

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Actions , Question , Donald Trump , Election , Ayman Mohyeldin , Msnbc , State Supreme Court Justice , Anthony Coley , Colleague , Office , Public Affairs , United States , Affairs Analyst , Analyst , Director , Department Of Justice , Jamie Civilize , Things , Guys , Donald , Couple , Courtrooms , Courtroom , Place , Campaigns , Danny ,

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