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among others. the perpetrators of these swatting calls may be lone wolves, but their actions fit a disturbing pattern. their choice of targets, as well as the prevalence, sophistication even at times, and timing of their attacks all suggests they're picking their cues from donald trump. and their actions are consistent with the culture of intimidation that trump is deliberately trying to foster as he wages a retribution campaign to recapture the white house. joining me now is our in-house law firm, we have -- the former acting u.s. solicitor general, andrew weissmann is the former general counsel of the fbi and a senior member of special counsel robert mueller's team. so andrew, let me start with you. because even though trump is not directly responsible for these swatting attacks, that we've seen, of course, this is a culture he's created. and as a person who served in law enforcement for a long time, i want to ask you about what law enforcement can actually do? because it feels like it's just exploded, these swatting attacks over the last couple of weeks. >> that's absolutely

Related Keywords

Choice , Times , Actions , Timing , Others , Prevalence , Perpetrators , Swatting Calls , Wolves , Pattern , Sophistication , Targets , Trump , Defendant , Attacks , Culture , Intimidation , Cues , Biden Team , Law Firm , General Counsel , Retribution Campaign , Robert Mueller , Acting , Andrew Weissmann , Member , Point Andrew , White House , U S Solicitor General , Fbi , Course , Law Enforcement , Person , Couple , Swatting Attacks , Weeks ,

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