Hubbard Free Library project to preserve local newspapers dating back to 1790s The library is nearly finished with a $2,500 project to better store 120 volumes of newspapers printed in Hallowell from 1796 to 1911. 7 of 7 Earle Shettleworth looks at a bound collection of The Tocsin, a Hallowell newspaper published in 1794, in front of the shelves Larry Morrissette built to house the archive of old newspapers at the Hubbard Free Library in Hallowell. Tocsin is defined as a bell used to sound an alarm and is it is oldest paper in the library's collection. Joe Phelan/Kennebec Journal HALLOWELL — The Hubbard Free Library’s collection of centuries old local newspapers, some dating to the 1790s, is getting upgraded storage as part of a new project.