In Trump election fraud cases, federal judges upheld the rule of law '" but that's not enough to fix US politics
Updated 12/18/2020 9:01 AM (The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Charles Gardner Geyh, Indiana University
(THE CONVERSATION) A healthy constitutional culture, in which the people and their leaders respect the authority of their Constitution, requires a baseline of trust in the government '" a baseline that, in the United States, has eroded from 77% in the early 1960s to 17% today. This collapse of public confidence paved the way for a populist form of leadership that redirected public faith away from the institutions of government toward a more autocratic leader '" Donald Trump '" whom voters trusted to consolidate power, neutralize opposition and 'drain the swamp' of the experts and bureaucrats he deemed responsible for the government's malaise.