International Nightlife Association defends nightlife venues as safe spaces 2 hours ago The nightlife industry can be a solution to the current pandemic since it could be a primary detection source together with the governing authorities and act as a firewall to contain the spread of the virus. It’s safe to say that the spike in illegal parties is due to the lack of legal nightlife offer Closing dance floors, not being able to serve alcohol, and limiting closing hours is not a viable option Restrictions are being reduced worldwide but nightlife is still being highly limited These past months have paved the way for numerous successful pilot tests conducted in nightlife spaces with prior COVID-19 testing. Recently, the UK government has shared the positive data of the pilot event that took place in Liverpool (under the UK’s Event Research Program) where there was no social distancing or masks enforced. Among the primary findings were that when screening and efficient ventilation is introduced, the risk of transmission of COVID-19 is greatly reduced. Precisely, among the 60,000 attendees in 9 large-scale events, only 15 tested positive, hence the evidence from the Events Research Program will be used by the government to shape its policy for the return of crowds to venues including theatres, cinemas, and nightclubs.