Transcripts For KGO Democratic Candidates Debate Forum At Ca

KGO Democratic Candidates Debate Forum At Cal State LA July 13, 2024

The average person, 4 . 1,200 a year for comprehensive health care. No more than 200 a year for prescription drugs. Home health care, dental care, hearing aids, eye glasses, pretty good deal. Senator, the participants were able to travel outside of the United States. I was one of them. I was able to go to mexico and hug my family after 20 years. Do you think that advanced pearl is a threat . Do you think it is a loophole to the residency . And will you be able to bring it back . Of course i will. It pains me to say this. Everybody knows that i disagree with donald trump on everything. But what particularly bothers me is his racism and his ople lerally acared to death that when they come home from school their mom or their dad may not be there. Kids are living with trauma and under great emotional stress. You have a right to see your family in mexico or in any other country. On day one of my presidency, we will use our executive orders to undo all of the racist and xenophobic executive orders by President Trump. That includes on day one having an executive order which reestablishing the legal status for 1. 8 million young people eligible for the daca program plus their parents. Thats what we do on day one. And then were going to fight for comprehensive Immigration Reform and a path toward citizenship, the 11 million undocumented, and we will establish a human border policy which does not include federal agents snatching babies from the arms of their mothers. All right. We have a question from the audience an invitee. Ill do it in english for you. I am a Hotel Housekeeper that has faced sexually harassing conduct in my workplae. We have won panic buttons in our contracts. A nearby Hotel Recently contributed 1. 25 million to defeat a panic button. What advice would you give to him like me to combat the risk of Sexual Assault and harassment in the workplace when corporations have so much more power than we, the workers, do. Let me respond in two ways. Thank you for your courage for being here and thank you for standing up against the epidemic of Sexual Harassment which exists in this country today. You point out that corporations spent a lot of money to defeat an initiative. Yes. Which workers and women in particular needed to protect themselves. Yes. This is one of the great crises facing america. Everything we are trying to do opposed by large corporations. Making health care a right opposed by large corporations who will spend millions of dollars. Combatting climate change, opposed by the fossil fuel industry. So to answer your question, as president , i will do everything that i can to protect women and everybody else from Sexual Harassment. But also, we need to end a very corrupt, political system which allows billionaires and large corporations to make unlimited amounts of contributions to defeat initiatives which protect working people. I believe in democracy, which means one person, one vote. Not wealthy individuals or corporations spending huge amounts of money to be able to protect their interests. So thank you very much again for look forward to working with you to make that happen. Thank you. Senator, there are border laws in this country. Should that change . And also, if they violate border laws, should they be charged with, in your opinion, a felony, a misdemeanor, violation citation or no charge . Say that again. Immigrant folks coming over . Yes. Okay. No, we think who violate those laws. Yeah. Well, what has happened in recent years, there has been a criminalization of border crossing. And i dont believe in that. I think there are simple penalties which should be maintained, but not criminalizing that action. Ill tell you why. We may say whatever you want, but if a mom with a little baby travels fm honduras in order to avoid the terrible violence that the drug cartels are bringing there or the terrible poverty, all right, you can call that person anything you want, but dont call her a criminal. All right . So we need a humane asylum process which is based on International Standards to determine who gains asylum. But i will not criminal that activity. So if i correct. You were saying that you shouldnt they shouldnt be charged as all. No, not with a criminal activity. Civil is different than criminal. The fbi reported the number of antilitano crimes has increased. If you were president , what steps would you administration take to combat these crimes . Against latinos . Yes. What weare seeing under President Trump is a significant increase in hate crimes. Hate crimes against latinos. Hate crimes against people in the gay community, africanamerican communication, antisemitism. That is what happens when you have a leader in this country that talks about hatred, talks about trying to divide us up. When talking about white nationalists may be good people. What we need is to change the discussion from the white house ,away from racism, away from sexism, away from homophobia to understanding that we are all in this together. My father was an immigrant. My father came to this country at the age of 17 without a nickel in his pocket, couldnt speak a word of english. He was escaping poverty, terrible poverty and antisemitism in poland, so i have a little bit of a sense of what immigrants go through. As president , here is my promise to you. I do everything i can to overcome the hatred. We are in it together as one people. Whether you come from mexico, poland. My wifes family comes from ireland. Doesnt matter where you come from. We are americans. Were going to fight together to create a nation of love and compassion, not di divisivenessd hatred. Lets talk about the path to critici criticism. Would it take that long . And what would you do to reduce the backlog because, as we all know, it has grown dramatically. It has grown dramatically, especially because you have a president that doesnt like immigrants. All right . What we will do is hire the necessary number of administrative judges, and those people are now terribly understaffed so we can move the process along appropriately. And we will have a comprehensive Immigration Reform. I cant give you all the details right now because we will have to work that through congress. But my goal is to make sure that every person who is undocumented in this country has a path towards citizenship as quickly as possible. My goal is, and we can do this rather immediately, is not only restore the legal status of the young people in daca, but we can end the ice raids which right now are terrorizing communities all over this country. So we will move very rapidly in terms of comprehensive Immigration Reform. Yes, going on the daca part, there is a group between prior to 17 years old that they did not qualify for daca. What is your thoughts on them . I think we should expand it. I think almost everybody in this country and the good news is that on this issue there is widespread support all across the country, understanding that children who grew up in the United States, who see the United States of america as their home, kids who are in school, that these are american kids, and we have got to do everything as broadly as we can to answer your question to make sure that they get the immediate Legal Protections that they need. All right. And real quickly, do you have a plan, a concrete plan, to reunite the kids who are stuck in cages with their parents . And where will that reunion take place . It will take place in this country. As i mentioned earlier, one of the ugly aspects of our current immigration approach is dividing families up. I mean, we even have veterans who served in iraq, who put their lives on the line being thrown out of this country, and that is unspeakable. Our goal is to bring Families Together if they choose in the United States of america. All right. Thank you very much, senator bernie sanders. [ applause ] now were going to take a look at the background of our next candidate, julian castro. He served as housing and urban Development Secretary under president barack obama. He was the mayor of san antonio, texas where he gave the keynote address at the 2012 national convention. Hes also served as a Council Member for the city of san antonio. He has a bachelors degree from Stanford University and a law degree from harvard. He was the first mexican amrican to seek the presidency. He announced his president ial campaign on january 12th. And the reporters posing the question for secretary castro. Lets welcome secretary julian castro. [ applause ] thank you. Welcome. And, carlos, you have the first urging for the candidates to booe where progressive, mbe the left. What do you have to say about that. I take what president obama says very seriously. Obviously he has the experience of being president. He won in 2008 by inspiring a lot of people. I dont believe that anybody in the race has articulated a vision of the country that isnt more popular and wouldnt command more people at the voting booth than donald trump. This president has been a president for some people. Each and every one of us who were running want to be a president for everybody. So im confident that all of the visions that have been articulated for this country by each of the candidates would win against this president that threatens nuclear war over twitter, that is, you know, treating migrant families cruelly, that is sanctioning White Nationalism with people like Steven Miller in the white house making policy. Were going to beat him in november of 2020. Otom of the rural areas of wisconsin, pennsylvania, which are states you need for the electoral college. No. Im from texas, so i certainly understand that you have to be able to appeal to a broad range of folks. At the same time, what the media have often forgotten in this cycle is that donald trump won, in part, because africanamerican turnout tell from 66 to 59. 5 . Latino turnout fell from over 48 to 47 . And you think about michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania. There is detroit. There is milwaukee. There is philadelphia that are the Major Centers turning out the votes for democrats. So i think its shortsighted to believe that we only need one side of the equation. W need a candidate that can appeal to both sides of the equation. I can do that. I believe i can go back and get the 80,000 votes we lost by in michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania collectively and go get the 29 electoral votes of florida, the 11 of arizona and the 38 votes in texas. Secretary, i live in San Francisco. I have seen it here in los angeles. People cant afford, many times, to live in these cities. Yeah. Where they work, right . So how do you keep often people travel two and a half hours home. How do you keep the latinos here in the communities that they serve . Well, i think that the rental affordability crisis that were having is touching the latino community, but it is touching all people out there. We have a rental affordability crisis in the United States. And i have put out a housing plan that would help ensure that every single american has a safe, decent, affordable place to live. I see housing as a human right. I believe that everybody should have a place to live. So what i proposed is investing billions of new dollars in the National Housing trust fund, investing in Community Development block grants, home funding, creating a refundable renters tax credit and also making sure that anybody that makes less than 50 of the area Median Income, so, you know, the area Median Income for this l. A. Area would be able to get a housing choice voucher so they can go into the private Housing Market and find a place to live. I believe we do those things and make sure that we protect against displacement and gentrification, which is affecting a lot of different neighborhoods in San Francisco, in l. A. , all throughout the country and impacting the latino community. Both with Property Tax Relief in some states, with other types of relief in other states and by investing in Affordable Housing so people can stay in the neighborhoods they grew up in if thats what they want to do that people are not displaced. And that is in my housing people. 5 years . 10 years . 20 years . It calls for ending homelessness by 2028. Im encouraged we can do that because in the obama administration, we actually drove done veteran homelessness by 20 between 2010 and 2016 because washington worked the way it should work. If we do things right, if people work together, we can still accomplish fantastic, impactful things for our country, including ending homelessness. Mr. Secretary, we have a question from our audience, a daca recipient. Hi. Im an immigrant from mexico. I graduated in 2017 with a bachelors degree in anthropology. It was thanked to the proimmigration legislation that passed in the state and because california believes in our immigrant communities that i was successful. Despite the many ways that we have had in the state, Health Care Still remains a big issue for all immigrants. Due to being undocumented, my parents my dad specifically has only seen a doctor twice in the 25 years he has been in the United States. Three months ago he was diagnosed with cancer, and we now have to figure out a way to pay for his medical care in order for him to survive. Just like my father, there are millions of immigrants who dont have access to health care. We pay taxes. Yet, we dont see the benefits from paying taxes. My question to you is would you include both legal and undocumented immigrants in your Health Care Plan . And most importantly, will you use your executive power to improve immigrants access to health care. Thank you for your question. Yes, i would. I have a very different vision for immigration than this president. I believe that we should create an immigration system and treat immigrants, including undocumented immigrants who are in the United States, with common sense and with compassion instead of with cruelty, like this president has. And when it comes to health care, you know, folks often think like i understand, you know, sometimes when we say that we want to extend health care to undocumented immigrants, lets be honest, the first reaction of a lot of people is to say, you know, what are you talking about . But here is the thing. As you know, were already providing taxpayers are alrelth c for people who live in this country. It is called the emergency room. The emergency room ends up being the primary health physician, primary care provider of people because they wait and they wait and they wait and they dont see a doctor. And then it is a Health Catastrophe and it costs more money in the system when they have to show up at the emergency room. Now, i believe in a Health Care System thats based off of medicare, but i also believe that every Single Person in this country should be able to get that health care. So i would extend health care to undocumented immigrants. In the long run it would be cheaper for our taxpayers. Each of these people is a human being and they deserve dignity and care. And theyre already paying taxes. We forget that undocumented immigrants are paying a tremendous amount of taxes, and they are not getting that back. So, yes, i would extend health care to undocumented immigrants. We can do it in a way that makes sense, that is more affordable than what were doing today. And as president , the first thing that i would work on with the system that we have in place is allowing undocumented immigrants to buy into the exchanges like citizens can do right now. And you know what . I think it would do that, that were going to be a healthier nation and were going to do right by people who are working hard out there and just trying to provide for their families. Thank you for your question. Carlos . We have seen some people out there saying abolish ice. What would be your approach for the future of ice . We need to break up ice. As folks will remember, ice was created post 9 11 in the 2002 2003 time frame, so there is nothing sack row sant about ice. I would put some of the enforcement aspects of it into the department of justice. About two years ago, it was very telling, there were 19 employees that worked for ice that wrote a letter that was unprecedented. It said that ice is not working. That its broken. Now, i used to lead a federal agency. I have never heard of 19 individuals who were working in the department at that time saying that this whole agency is broken, that its not working the way that it should. It is broken. I think culturally it is broken. I think that in the way they do enforcement, they have gone off the rails. I would reform our enforcement, break it up and redo our approach. Yes, were going to have enforcement of our laws. Were always going to have enforcement of our laws, but we can do it in a smarter, more humane and more effective way than ice. I recently read a poll that says that latinos consider Mass Shootings and gun laws a very important issue. Now in wake again of all the recent shootings which we have seem to have lost track of, do you believe that gun regulations would make us safer in this country . Oh, absolutely. Yes, they would. You know, a couple of months ago i put out a plan i call the plan to disarm hate. And it really deals with two things that go right to what we saw in august, which is that we need to give our tools to Law Enforcement to better root out and stop this extremism, particularly this White Nationalis

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