Trump is said to be planning to file a lawsuit against his niece, mary trump, over a forthcoming memoir that reportedly does not paint uncle donny in a positive light. This is the book. Its called too much and never enough how my family created the worlds most dangerous man. Which is a lot longer than the original title, which was my uncle is a dick. Trump claims his nieces book would violate the terms of a nondisclosure agreement he had her sign in 2001. Imagine having an nda with your niece. Thats really all you need to know about someone. The other book he would very much like to keep from coming out is from a member of his inner circle, former National Security advisor, john bolton. We got a few mcnuggets today and among many unbelievable claims in the book, bolton writes that trump said journalists should be executed. That he didnt know britain was a nuclear power, that he asked if finland was part of russia, he begged the chinese to help him with the election, and has a penis that looks like a mushroom. Though i may have picked that thing up from the Stormy Daniels book. Can you imagine the president asking if finland is part of russia . Hes the president of the United States thats like your mechanic asking if the muffler is part of the glove compartment. Meanwhile, remember when trump was pushing hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus miracle drug . Well, the fda this week withdrew their support for it, and now the government is stuck with 66 million useless doses. So i guess we know what the trumps will be giving trick or treaters on halloween. For the next 30 years. Cases of the virus are on the rise in more than 20 states, but most everything is opening anyway. Restaurants are allowed to open here in l. A. , but because of the safety measures, many of them will be half empty. So some restaurants have been using mannequins to fill the empty seats. Which is very weird and raises another question. Where in the world do you buy a mannequin . Attention Restaurant Owners looking mannequins to place at your social distance buffer tables but dont want to pay an arm and a leg . Come and getem at big als gently exploded mannequins. We have lots of plastic people. Theres headless harry. Lefty, the bingbing twins. The sparkle sisters. Oneeyed willie, and jared kushner. Your customers will never know the difference. So dont be a dummy, get over to big als house of gently exploded mannequins, right behind the dairy queen. Curbside pickup available. Jimmy big al is the best. This is wonderful. In ventura, california, which is about 90 minutes up the 101, the city Council Voted to require that masks be worn inside and outside government offices, and the result of that vote was this. I protest face coverings i am a healthy american i used to be free. I am not a terrorist. I am not antifa. I am not a sex slave that wears masks. I am not into sadomasochism and bondage. Jimmy oh, thats too bad. You almost checked all the boxes off my list. So then what are you . I am a proud trump Republican Trump republican yearning to be free again jimmy shes yearning. Shes yearning to be free to go to margaritaville shame on all of you let liberty ring God Bless America land that i love jimmy wait, dont stop there. Go for it finish the song from the oceans to the prairies to the mountains white with foam jimmy mountains white with foam . The foam seems to be coming out of your mouth. Meanwhile, the president is holding a rally this weekend in tulsa, and folks like her are already lining up. Im here with mike boatman, and he is from evansville, indiana, and right now youre the fourth person in line, right . Yes, im the fourth. When did you get here . I got here 28 hours ago. Awesome. Why did you want to come out here to tulsa this weekend . I wanted to hear President Trump speak. What he does for our country, for every one of us is nothing for me to be out here six days early. Jimmy thank you for your sacrifice. The bait shops loss is americas gain. This country is an absolute mess, but change is happening. A number of Major Companies have begun to rethink the messages sent by some of their products. Pepsico announced today theyre changing the name and logo for aunt jemima, because they recognize that aunt jemimas origins are based on a racial stereotype. The new name will be mrs. Jemimas syrup that she has willingly volunteered to share. Uncle bens is also planning to make a change to their rice. Going forward, the original uncle ben will be replaced by uncle ben from spiderman. With great power comes great riceponsibility. Im sorry. Im sure the gang at fox news will have no problem with these changes whatsoever. I have a good idea for a new aunt jemima. If theyre looking for an aunt, my aunt chippy would be great. It could be the first pancake syrup that smokes cigarettes. My aunt chippy does not sugarcoat anything, even pancakes. She barely even brushes her teeth but she gives good advice, which is something many of our viewers need. So tonight, she is advising again with a new edition of dear aunt chippy. Hi, this is aunt chippy from quarantine, answering your questions. Dear aunt chippy, i had to cancel my wedding this summer, ah. Now my fiance is pressuring me to do it. I read that you werent a virgin when you got married. Thats [ bleep ]. Do you have any tips for me to satisfy my future husband . Divorce him now. Dont even wait for the wedding. Divorce his [ bleep ]. You dont need him. Can you live fine without him. Jimmy shes nothing if not a romantic. We have a good show for you tonight. Tonight, im going to get in the car to visit jeffrey ross, and we will be right back with Sarah Paulson. When you treat every little piece of a thing. Like its not just one thing. But everything. Because when each part does everything better than ever. Imagine what you can do with the sum of those parts. The new dell xps 10th gen intel bong but maybe we need a better name. Because a lot thembusinesth a. Had tohutheir ors. Getting people the things they need. And in return, getting the business they need to keep going. Our Small Businesses are getting it done, keeping you and themselves thriving. And thats no small thing. Use yogurt or milk to soothe your skin or you could use schick hydro silk with hypoallergenic serum for the smooth shave we all deserve. Schick hydro silk for the smooth shave we all deserve. I have moderate to severe pnow, theres skyrizi. Things are getting clearer, yeah i feel free to bare my skin yeah thats all me. Nothing and me go hand in hand nothing on my skin thats my new plan. Nothing is everything. Keep your skin clearer with skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90 clearer skin at 4 months. Of those, nearly 9 out of 10 sustained it through 1 year. And skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. I see nothing in a different way and its my moment so i just gotta say nothing is everything skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Before treatment your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches or coughs, or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. Nothing is everything ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. Jimmy welcomback jimmy welcome back to Jimmy Kimmel Live from my house. In just a bit, i will get in my car and drive to the home of comedian jeff ross for a new edition of carantine. And tomorrow night, Pharrell Williams will join us. My guest tonight is an emmy and golden globe winner you know from American Horror story, American Crime story, and the miniseries mrs. America. Shes very patriotic. You can see her on fx and hulu now. Please welcome Sarah Paulson. How are you . Im okay jimmy, how are you . Jimmy im okay, were you supposed to be filming a new film. Yeah. We were about two weeks shy when the whole world starting to fold up on itself. Jimmy this one is about the clinton impeachment. Right . Yeah. Jimmy you would be playing linda tripp, who i think youre going to put a photograph on the screen who you do not resemble in any way. Marsha clark, you really transformed into her, but this will require more than just a perm. This is going to require a lot of things. Ill be wearing a lot of prosthetics and body transformational accoutrement. If thats a word i can use. Jimmy it probably is. Did you meet with linda tripp before she passed away a couple months ago . She passed away pretty early into the quarantine situation. It was apparently not from covid19. She died, and i never met her. Just like i never met marsha until we were basically finished shooting it. It can get complicated. When youre worried about, you know. Jimmy interesting. I didnt meet linda, i dont know if she would have been open to doing anything like that. But i got as many Text Messages as if id died, like she was my best friend, im so sorry to hear about linda, im really sorry to hear about it, too. I didnt know her. It was weird, because i had been spending so much time reading all these books and working with a dialect coach. So i was immersed in this, it was a very wild thing and really did make me sad. Jimmy thats when you know youre good actor, when you get condolences for someone you havent even played yet. I was like, wow. Jimmy this character in mrs. America is not a real person, right . Is it an amalgamation . I guess people call her the composite person. Which i find really irk some. You have gloria steinem. And Sarah Paulson is the composite character. Its not very exciting. Like the hollow, my character, what was exciting about it was i played the one character who starts in a particular place, not just geographically, but internally, and ends up not necessarily going from the conservative side to the more liberal way of thinking but she has her eyes opened. She started out closed minded and ends up at the conference in houston and does some drugs, and theres a kind of, a whole lot of shakin going on, if you know what im sayin. Jimmy not what you would typically associate with the equal rights amendment. No, but she went down the rabbit hole. Jimmy have you done everything you set out to do . Did you make a list when the quarantine began and say yeah, im going to knock this off and that off . I did try to think about that, but honestly, its a very unnerving thing for me to not be working. I realize ive been very lucky to be working a lot these last few years, so i dont know what to do with myself. Ive had a new love affair with my cell phone and all my devices. I didnt know you got notifications as to how much screen time youre logging. Jimmy oh, yes. The maximum i met during this time was 11 hours and 42 minutes of screen time. Jimmy in one day . In one day. Jimmy what was most of it on, instagram . Some of it was that. Im very into the app marco polo, where you can deposit a nice little note and not have to talk. The face time zooming thing is becoming a little like, and what are you going to say, im so busy . You cant get out of it. Jimmy there are no excuses that work. Basically, it was a lot of listening to the coronavirus Daily Briefing and watching some of the stuff on my phone, since thats been disbanded yesterday my time was three hours and 16 minutes. Jimmy dr. Fauci did a whole season of dancing with the stars, and nobody even noticed. Every night im making a donation to charity. You chose the loveland foundation, tell us about that. Ive not heard about that one. It was founded, it was started by rachel cargold, a wonderful teacher and author and all in all incredible person, but she started this foundation that provides Financial Assistance to black women and girls seeking therapy, nationally. And shes raised a lot, you know, they match a black woman with a black child or a black young woman to access care, Mental Health wise, and they pay for it. Jimmy excellent. And they raise a lot of money, and it is a wonderful organization. Jimmy it is loveland foundation. Org. If you would like to join us in supporting them. Thank you, i hope you get out of the house soon. Sarah paulson, everybody. Well be back with a visit to jeff ross. Dicky portions of jimmy cn kimmel live are brought to you by planters, a fan of dads everywhere. Give me your hand i can save you. Lots of money with Liberty Mutual we customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. We stick together, for worse or for better yeah through any kind of weather, yo come on, come on we stick. That could mean an increase byin energy bills. You can save by using a fan to cool off. Unplugging and turning off devices when not in use. Or closing your shades during the day. Stay well and keep it golden. Jimmy welcome back to Jimmy Kimmel Live from my house. You know, video chat is fine, but ive been missing real interaction with my friends. So i came up with a safe way to socialize, which is, i drive to someones house and yell at them from my car. And with that said, its time to visit the roastmaster general, jeffrey ross. Jimmy wow. Hare krishna. Hows this move . Jimmy very patriotic. I like it. Great to see you, bud. Jimmy its great to see you, how you doin . Can i take my mask down . Is it all right . Jimmy it may frighten, but yes, yes. Is that your dog . Yeah. Its my new dog. Come here, rona, meet everybody. Jimmy when you found her on the street, she came to you . My girlfriend found her in hawthorn. She was tied to a pole with some food left. And we went, i went and got her, and now we named, we dont know her name, so we named her rona, like corona. Jimmy oh, nice. You but now thaoto know her, i call her nana, because shes old and limps and has arthritis and smells like king kongs [ bleep ]. Jimmy it smells like youre a little late in here. Youve been doing yoga online. Ive been doing yoga with people on instagram, because you just cant, you ha t nded. Op gti czy during this got pe pe it does. Everythings changing. Even religion. We used to say if someone sneezed, jimmy, wed say god bless you. Now you say [ bleep ] get the hell away from me. Jimmy i like the yoga stand up. Its nice. You could make double as much money. Not as staying home. Jimmy what about the president . Do you think hes doing a good job with this whole deal . I am fighting the war against shelter safely at home. [ laughter ] jimmy he wants you right out there. He wants you to get back out there, jeff, no more yoga. He wants you on the road. I get to stay home, chill, smoke a little, do some yoga. Jimmy are you careful when you go out though . Im very careful. You have to be. First of all, i very rarely go out. Im a germaphobe. The dogs a germaphobe. She wont give me her paw. Shes so worried. I dont go out at all. I work from home. I sit in front of the computer all day, talking to people, dressed like porky pig. A shirt and no pants. Jimmy well, i like your garage. Thank you. Jimmy yeah. Theres a lot of pictures together of our old show. Jimmy don rickles . What did he write on that photograph, that head shot . This is not actually signed by don rickles. [ laughter ] a fan gave me this. [ laughter ] we both look better with hair. Jimmy thats people give me weird stuff about the show, jimmy. Jimmy and you keep it. He keeps it all. Jimmy thanks, jeff, i miss you. I miss you too. Its great to see you. Jimmy great to see you, too, jeffrey ross. Listen to his podcast and do yoga along with jeff. Thank you. Jimmy wow. Great to see you, jimmy. Jimmy ill drive you to the hospital. Ill come back around. Namaste. Jimmy namaste. Thank you, jeff, youre beautiful. You can join jeff and dave attell for their show bumping mics online, and theyre doing a special virtual fathers day ballbust on saturday. You can get tickets at the address on your screen. Well be right back. Dicky portions of Jimmy Kimmel Live are brought to you by creative roots. The all new plantpowered hydration that kids love. Fami family, well bless your heart family, all in this together family, were taking a chance family, like birds of a feather family, kick off your shoes and dance family, like birds of a feather family, kick off your shoes and dance when visible set out to create the future of phone service. We tossed the stuff that wasnt working. Stuff like footlong bills and fees from nowhere. Timewasting stores, misleading ads, unhelpful help centers. 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In all my years of study, ive learned that if your child is properly hydrated their urine or pee may be light yellow in hue and you may find them to be cheerful, obedient and docile like these. Wellwatered kids. Arent they studious . My favorite way of keeping kids hydrated . Give them creative roots Coconut Water drink. Pick up some creative roots today. Dicky learn more about helping to keep your kids hydrated at drink creative roots. Com. Ve. Jimmy thats all the time we id like to thank Sarah Paulson, jeffrey ross, and apologize to matt damon. Pharrell williams will be with us tomorrow. Nightline is next, so go craz tracking heat and high fire danger. Ill have the forecast coming up. In san mateo county, a mad dash to reopen. Gyms, salons and more make the list of lifted restrictions. Hundreds showed up in napa to back Police Officers in a Blue Lives Matter rally. Right after reopening, walnut creek businesses boarded up again,