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What was his demeanor . He was calm. Did he say anything . Nothing that i can reveal right now. What happened to him now . He was booked into Juvenile Hall and suspended from the university. He made no threats against anyone at san jose state or property of san jose state. So, his social media threats were unrelated to san jose state. Certainly we wanted to talk to some of the students who may have been more directly affected because they have a closer relationship and we talked to them about the resources that are available. We talked to them about give them some specifics on what has occurred so theyre not just wonderings happened. Reporter now, we have been told that Public Safety officers will be a presence at Homestead High School to give students there reassurance about their safety and to a lesser degree thats what officers are doing here at san jose state. Robert, thank you. B. A. R. T. Is still recovering after a lengthy closure of the powell street station this afternoon. A person committed suicide around 2 00 by jumping in front of a train. That station did reopen around 4 30. B. A. R. T. Is seeing system wide delays. New at 6 00 tonight, an east bay family searching for answers tonight two decades later. 23 years after a waitress was brutally murdered, her family is bringing new attention to her case. Jodi hernandez joins us in contra could ssta county where are new cries for justice. Reporter thats right. The waitresss killing really rocked this small town. She worked at this little pizza parlor here and we were told he loved her job. 23 years later, her family has launched a new campaign to catch her killer. With me every day. With me at night. With me all the time. And it aint gonna go away. Reporter troy says hes always been tormented by what happened to his younger you cousin, 21yearold presill la lewis, a wellknown waitress with a bubbly personality was killed in 1996. She went on her break at the four corners fepizza and never returned. A coworker found her in the basement bathroom. She was found down like this. Reporter Police Say Lewis was strangled to death, but her kill her has never been caught. There were so many people that were scared. It was like a black cloud was over this town. I was flabbergasted. I didnt know what to do. Reporter raymond may have been the last one to see the waitress alive. He says he too has never been able to shake it. Stood here and smoked a cigarette with her. She said okay, im going in. I went back home and 15, 20 minutes later i started hearing sirens coming by. Reporter lewiss family is planning a vigil to call new attention to the case. Theres me and her at my grandpa and grandmas where we grew up. Reporter they dont want lewis forgotten and wont rest until her killer is caught. Were going to get you. It might not be today. But these detectives are going to get you. And youre going to have to pay the price. Reporter the killing took place right down these stairs. Now the Contra Costa Sheriffs Department tells me that the case is still open and they are taking a new look at it. They plan to be here at the vigil that will take place saturday here from 5 to 9 00. Im jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. Frightening moments for a lyft driver dodging bullets. The the video has just been released. A lyft driver picked up a man in richmond. Police say the man pulled out a gun and demanded the driver take him to the gas station to get snacks. While the armed passenger was inside the video, the driver sped off. Then the suspect comes running out thats the driver speeding off. Thats the suspect shooting at him. We spoke othe the driver who didnt want to be identified. Its not safe. Im done. I just saved my life. Police have arrested marcus dean and charged him with attempted murder and kidnapping. Vallejo is defending itself saying its Police Officers used excessive force. Clients say they were violently assaulted, even sexually molested. Never not one time got read a right while they were pushing my face to the cement. Physically harassing the way where im being sexually molested on the ground. Police accused her of stealing the car she was driving which she had recently purchased. She said the three cases are part of a pattern of abusive pattern of minorities. City officials cannot comment on pending lawsuits. Just in to the news room, a photo from President Trump and facebook ceo mark zuckerberg, the president tweeting out this picture less than an hour ago. All he said was, a nice meeting in the oval office. No word on what the two talked ability. Zuckerberg is in d. C. This evening to meet with policy makers about future internet regulations. Not having it, mayor london breed firing back over the issue of homelessness. Trump contends the city is polluting theg needles and other trash. Breed calls the charge ridiculous mostly because the sewer system doesnt even work that way. She says the city is working to find solutions to homelessness, and she says what she could actually use from the president rather than criticism is is more federal assistance. Instead of being critical, he should be trying to help us with some of these issues. How about starting with 8,000 section 8 vouchers so i can help some Homeless People on our streets. Mayor breed said the answer is more than housing. It also means not attacking People Living on the streets. In response to the president s comments, the city let cameras into a Water Treatment facility to show us how the system works. Ally wolf got the hard hat tour this afternoon. She joins us along the bay to show us exactly if that statement the president made holds water. Reporter well, jessica, the city says there is a very intricate process they go through to make sure the trash and the needles on the street never make it into the bay or the ocean. And today they didnt just tell us that, they showed us. Touring San Franciscos largest Water Treatment facility. So, this removes the inorganic reporter where more than 50 million gallons of storm water and waste water is treated each day. Andrew clark is the superintendent for the Treatment Plant in the bay view. He shows us how multiple machines and tanks are used to fulter out leftover debris. This is designed for removing finer screenings and grit. Reporter once the solids out, the water is disinfected before being flushed into the bay. They gave us this tour in response to President Trumps claim that waste, including needles, flow from San Franciscos storm drains in the ocean. The reality is quite the opposite. We have many layers of defense throughout San Francisco to keep the bay clean and type of water including needles. In fact carrie says litter and needles that fall into drains rarely ever make it to this facility. We have a thousand miles, 23,000 miles catch basins that are designed to catch litter. Reporter if needles get here, they wont make it out. Oip determinic needles, they do float in our system. Reporter and the city says the facility that we toured today handles 80 of the sewage and waste water and flows out into the bay. Theres another facility that handles the other 20 . It flows into the ocean. Reporting live in San Francisco, ali wolf nbc bay area news. Our investigative unitne rep homeless population. You can find that on our home page. An east bay woman received potentially life saving news today from immigration officials. Isabelle made National Headlines last month when the Trump Administration threatened to revoke the medical deferment that keeps her and other immigrants alive. She came here for weekly enzyme treatments she cannot get in her home country. Today he says Immigration Services signalled they are approximate reversing the planned medical deportation policy. Up next, president ial candidate beto orourke stuck around another day to talk about weed, his plan to give money to people arrested for pot raising eyebrows. Also love will you have to p park at the mall . Mate be be happening. It has some customers concerned. A 81 hotter. Well show you whats f events in the bay area coming up in 8 minutes. The juul record. They took 12. 8 billion from big tobacco. Juul marketed mango, mint, and menthol flavors, addicting kids to nicotine. Five million kids now using ecigarettes. The fda said juul ignored the law with Misleading Health claims. Now juul is pushing prop c, to overturn San Franciscos ecigarette protections. Say no to juul, no to big tobacco, no to prop c. While sailing on one of the worlds greatest places. You to the worlds greatest places. Proving that a place this extraordinary doesnt need a zip code. Celebrity edge is more than a ship. Its a destination in itself. And because you can never get enough of a great thing. Were building another revolutionary ship. Celebrity apex. Book your vacation on the greatest ships and visit some of europes best shores. Click or call to book today. For at least one candidate, the president ial race goes through a marijuana shop in oakland. The candidate beto orourke wants to decriminalize pot in the United States and wants to give money to people locked up for marijuana offenses. Nbc bay area melissa colorado is in oakland with the details. Looking forward to working with you. Reporter white house hopeful bet orourke was all ears about the Lessons Learned from legalizing marijuana in california and the work that still needs to be done to help communities of color disproportionately affected by marijuana arrests. Alfonzo blunt jr. Is an east oakland native arrested more than a decade ago for carrying 80 worth of weed. It messes up your life for something that is legal now. Blunt is selling weed legally. He wasnt on my radar. I didnt know anything about him. Reporter the former texas congressman doesnt want to legalize pot, he also wants to give people locked up for marijuana offenses. We have a responsibility to make sure they can get back on their feet. Reporter where will these socalled war on drugs justice grants come from . Its coming from a federal tax on the sale of cannabis. Reporter blunt says he appreciates the intention but says more taxes on legal pot will hurt entrepreneurs like himself. Its too high. You need to lower it. Reporter if elected orourke says he will use clemency power. The latest wall street journal poll has orourke trailing behind nationwide with 1 of numbers. Someone willing to come talk to people in communities about certain things, thats amazing. Reporter his next campaign stop, aurora, colorado where hell be focusing on gun violence. Nbc bay areas news. Thank you. A new state law forcing trump to release his tax returns hit a road block. Today a federal judge temporarily blocked that. The president s attorneys argued the law is constitutional because the federal government has jurisdiction over candidates running for president. California is expected to appeal that decision. One of the surviving crew members on board that deadly boat fire near Santa Barbara has filed a lawsuit. He says the boat was simply unsafe. His name is ryan sims. Hes the chef on the boat. Hes suing the boats owner and the dive charter company. He claims the boat was unseaworthy and operated in an unsafe manner. He was asleep on the top deck when the fire started on labor day. He said the fire trapped him forcing him to jump from the top deck. He broke his leg and other injuries that require extensive medical treatment. 34 people died in that fire, many victims from the bay area. Its hard to believe it but the holidays are right around the corner. You know what that means, heading to the mall shopping. If youre going to one particular south bay mall, you may need to get a little extra cash with you for parking. Anoushah rasta joins us. You expect this in the south bay. Reporter you do expect it. Shoppers were shocked when they found out it could be a possibility here. Some of them started getting suspicious when they saw those posts over there at the entrances and the exits of the parking garage here at west field valley mall. Theyre thinking paid parking is going to become a reality here pretty soon. There arent manr no problem parking. West field Valley Fair Mall is no different. Even today is a thursday and its already really hard to find parking. Reporter but tonight former Council Members tells nbc bay area that they do plan to charge people for parking. Some shoppers think these posts covers could be for a new parking gate where youll soon have to pay. For people to come here every week, thats probably going to be a big problem. I wouldnt come here if i had to pay for parking. Reporter the idea to charge for parking was part of valley fair and santana roses Expansion Plan with the goal to cut down on cars in the area. The plan could include an option for validation too. I think theyre trying to squeeze more money out of people and put a veneer of, you know, ecofriendliness over it. Reporter the management for west field responded to our questions saying we are in the early stages of planning aot roll out until 2020. While we do not have Additional Details to share currently, we expect to make an announcement later this year. Weve also reached out to representatives for santana row about the issue and theyre still waiting to hear back from them. Reporting live, nbc bay area news. Its always so many malls around the bay area, problems with car break ins. Its such a big thing. Got to be careful. Weather forecast, nice, nice weather coming our way as we hit friday, saturday, sunday, and monday. Hopefully we enjoying the showers over the early week. Things are changing. As you can see in the morning forecast well get you into the friday. We have four day work weeks and tomorrow starts the weekend for some of you. Mostly clear skies, little lder to the much fog in san fra 57, right over the east bay, 61 degrees. Temperatures warming up tomorrow. Its going to disrupt the fog and were going to heat up. 85 in santa rosa. The more inland you go, the hotter the temperatures will be away from the coast, 90 in concord, 87 in morgan hill and 85 in san jose. Warmer as he hit fridays forecast and hotter this weekend. I want you to be ready to go for the big bay area events. The first is the art and wine festival, low 90 on saturday. Music, art, food, and beverages to keep you hydrated. The salsa festival, upper 80s, sunny skies, salsa music, dancing, and tasting. My kind of event. If youre not heading there, maybe its to the 49ers home opener. Warm one on sunday, 1 25 kick. By halftime youve got to find shade. Temperatures in the upper 80s especially if youre in the outer section where the sun hits you hard. Take that hat. Coming up in 25 minutes well take a look at the rain outlook and show you where the rain is heading over the next two week. Up next, the dreaded delays at sfo because of work on the runway almost over. Were going to let you know when flights get back to normal. Okay, good news for travellers of sfo. Runway work that delayed and cancelled flights for thousands of people finished ahead of schedule. Its wrapping up this evening, a week earlier than expected. More than 300 flights were delayed, another 130 cancelled in the first week alone. Passengers understand the work was needed and now lots of people are relieved that its over. They need to be changed tis. They need to keep on. I flew in and it was about a threehour delay. It wasnt too bad considering a coworker got cancelled. Paid the second longest of the runways. All runways should be running at 9 00 tonight. Next month the airport will renumber all its gates. The updates could make things confusing for people familiar with the current lay out. The new system will be a combination of letters and numbers as opposed to just numbers like now. First for Santa Claracounty administer a drug for people who park Officials Say they are usually the first on the scene of the emergencies and are better able to administer things like nar can right away. And that can make a huge difference between survival. Law enforcement agencies throughout the bay area have included it in their field equipment for the past five years. Up next, did President Trump promise something he wasnt allowed to. The whistle blower creating a showdown on capitol hill. Phenomenon is creating crisis in the Pacific Ocean. Face buried in your phone. Stop look up. Look both ways. Lets start looking out for each other again. Its a busy world out there. And were all in it together. Go safely, california. The juul record. They took 12. 8 billion from big tobacco. Juul marketed mango, mint, and menthol flavors, addicting kids to nicotine. Five million kids now using ecigarettes. The fda said juul ignored the law with Misleading Health claims. Now juul is pushing prop c, to overturn San Franciscos ecigarette protections. Say no to juul, no to big tobacco, no to prop c. Right now at 6 30 a whistle blower sounds the alarm of what President Trump said to a foreign leader on a phone call, and now democrats want the details. The president apparently made a promise to a foreign leader and a whistle blower found it so troubling that he or she filed a complaint with the intelligence office. Thats led to a fiery stand off between democrats and the Trump Administration. Lets bring in janelle wang with details. This phone call involved ukraine but has no other details revealed. In a closed door meeting with congressional investigators, the Intelligence Community watchdog declined to share details of a bombshell whistle blower complaint. Nbc news learned it involves a promise from President Trump to a foreign leader. I dont know whether the white house is directly involved because we cant get an answer to that question. We do know that they are making some claim that a privilege may apply. Theres no privilege to be corrupt. We still dont know which foreign leader President Trump was speaking to and we dont know what he said. We do know a u. S. Intelligence officer found it serious enough to make an extremely rare whistle blower complaint. This is not a policy disagreement. This is something that is lawless. The complaint was filed with Michael Atkinson who found it to be a credible and urgent matter, that he was required by law to share it with congress. But President Trumps acting dni overruled him after consulting with the justice department. Thats according to a doj source. The acting dni broke the law when he decided to intercept the inspector generals report to congress. President trump is rejecting harassment arguing he would never Say Something inappropriate to a foreign leader. The acting National Intelligence director is scheduled to testify publicly next week. If that doesnt bring out more details, the house chair says hes prepared to go to court to get those details. Iran continues to deny it launched attack on a saudi oil plant. Escalating conflict has the region on edge. Irans foreign minister made an angry threat of war if there is an attack on his country. Even though saudi arabia has not named the force behind the strike, the u. S. Is saying even calling it an act of war. I think its abundantly clear and there is an enormous consensus in the region that we know precisely who conducted these attacks was iran. Irans president and foreign minister have received visas from the u. S. To attend next weeks meeting at the united nations. More offensive photos and more apologies. Justin trudeau apologizing today for photos of him that have been released dressed in black face and brown face. I didnt understand how hurtful it is to people who live with discrimination every single day. One photo was in a 2001 yearbook from a private school where trudeau was a teacher before entering politics. You see there trudeau is campaigning for reelection. An ambitious goal from jeff bezos, he says the company will lead the world in the charge against Climate Change. A pledge to meet the paris climate agreement. Amazon will buy 100,000 electric delivery vans that will be on the road in just over a year. B bezos expects to be emission free. We want to look at the issues right now, issues that impact every one of us. Tonight we look at one of the most obvious impacts of Climate Change. Its right there in the Pacific Ocean and its a phenomenon known as the blob. Heres nbc bay area video journalist jonathan bloom. The oceans are showing signs of these extreme temperature events all around the world. Were talking about a huge area of much warmer than normal surface temperatures about three times the size of the state of alaska. The ocean is a critical part of the climate system, and its changing. We all know about heat waves on land. Sometimes they last for a couple ofime this happened in the Pacific Ocean, it lasted for three years. Scientists called it the blob. And now its threatening to happen again. Over the last century, the average ocean temperature has slowly risen about a degree and a half. But now theres a part of the pacific that at least 7 degrees warmer than normal. Scientists say natures air conditioning seems to be broken. The arctic is especially warm again this summer and sea ice is very scarce. So, weve got big changes going on around the whole planet. That warm water keeps the nutrients on the ocean floor from rising to the surface. That causes plankton to die off. Then the fish that eat the plankton have to come closer to shore to find it. Then, you guessed it, the big animals that eat those fish have to chase after them and thats when we find them washed up on the beach. In the last marine heat wave, california sea lions were hardest hit. Pups were starving and abandoned by their moms. Spike in whale intanglements in fishing gear. In 2016 some 70 whales got caught up in fishing gear. Toxic algae was blamed by the unusually warm water. Nobody knows how long this marine heat wave will last, but if it persists, we can expect all the bad stuff to happen again. When you hear somebody say we have one climate, one atmosphere, its really true and its all connected. Jonathan bloom with us now. We talk about this bloom out there in the pacific, but whats the local if i go to the beach this weekend or next weekend, what am i going to see locally . You might not notice it at all. The beaches are breezy, the water is chilly. Its subtle impact on the coast. We have seen a few more than normal wet suit surfing days. Its cooler on the coast. The 7 degree increase is out there in the pacific and the coastal impact is minimal. Thats why the fish are flocking here. Can you see the blob . No, you cant see the blob. You would have to stick a thermometer in the water about a thousand miles offshore and a little bit north of hawaii which you might be thinking isnt that where all that garbage is . Its in exactly the same spot as the Great Pacific garbage pack because those are the same wind that is have stopped blowing as fiercely. Thats why the water is warming up. So, the garbage, scientist it spreads out a little more now. Throughout the week weve been learning a lot about whats happening impacting us here. Thanks for joining us, jonathan. Thank you. We mentioned were going to continue to look at all this throughout week and into next week, our climate in crisis on air and online. Were going to cover the big walk out across the country. You can find more content at nbc bay area. Com. The fight over banning ecigarettes the people are being asked to vote on the measure again. Medical professionals joining the fight to keep vaping products banned in San Francisco. City outlawed flavored products last year after serious medical cases came up across the country. Prop c would overturn the ban. Juul says it would restrict underage vaping but opponent disagree. This is a major Multinational Corporation coming into San Francisco and trying to rewrite our health laws. The American Medical Association afouns hadded today that it is supporting the no on prop c campaign. First it was sfo, now its facebook. Facebook is banning single use blastic Water Bottles at all of its new cafeterias worldwide. That includesloye cafeterias in fremont, San Francisco, and sun sriville. The company will install water filling stations instead. Your ride to work could become less expensive. How to integrate the fares of all 27 bay area transit agencies. The goal is that when you transfer to a local bus or ferry you get a discount. Ridership is down on some transit. Apple released the newest iphone update today called ios 13. Apple says itll have a lot of new features. New iphones will come with ios 13 preinstalled, but you can install it on any 6s or newer phone. It is supposed to have Better Privacy features along with 3d cities in apple maps. Who are you going to get a area mayor and its about saturdays battle for the bay. Well have volunteers coming out of the woodwork we look forwar taking on your two mighty cities. For almost 30 years now, the third saturday in september has been California Coastal clean up day. The mayor is making a bay area challenge. Sam wants to make his rival mayors. Get ready to wear a San Francisco giants jersey because San Franciscos going to win this one. We are all going to be battling for the bay, and oakland is going to win. Come on, people. I need you to sign up. And signing up is easy. Pretty fun. Go to battleforthebay. Org and sign up for any team. Ive got to pick my city here. This is a big battle. Can we vote three times . We can Facebook Live our whole way through it. Weve got a great weekend ahead . We do have a nice weekend after cooler weather most recently its going to heat back up. 90s in napa saturday and sunday. More details on the hotter forecast and where the rain is headed in just a few minutes. Speaking of weather, neighborhoods washed away, update on destruction of Tropical Storm moving its way through texas. General motors recalling nearly 200,000 chevy malibus. The company says a Software Glitch could disable the engine. The glitch could cause the engine to stall. Chevy says it will contact you and repair it for free. If you would like to own a piece of San Franciscos air bnb, youll have a chance. The Company Announced plans to go public next year. Airbnb has more than 7 million listing in 100,000 cities worldwide. The company said earlier this week that it made 1 billion in revenue in the Second Quarter of this year. However, it did not reveal its profits. Okay. As some of you know, buying a home comes with piles of paperwork. Chris chmura says one fee is negotiate able. Its one of the few things we are forced to buy when were signing all those papers. We have no idea how it works and we dont bother to question the price. The California Department of insurance says you can save money by comparing rates and depending on the price of the home, that could mean hundreds, possibly thousands of dollars in your pocket. Send us your consumer questions. 1888996tips. New Technology May be the answer to stopping devastating wild fires. Governor newsom announcing a project to develop prototypes for Fire Fighting technology. Two companies will receive nearly 2 million from the state of california. With that money theyll come with the software that detects potential fires before they start. That technology could be completed by the end of the year and ready for the next fire season. It is still raining in and around houston tonight. Planes are grounded. Ed as the area continues to deal with the affects of Tropical Storm i melba. The rain and response from high water intensified over night and into the morning. More than a thousand people have called 911 for help. Were trying to get everybody out oof here and open up the roads. One of the biggest roads in the area, interstate 10, is giving way to the flood waters. The remnants of imelba swallowing southeasttexas, some areas taking on more than two feet of rain, neighborhoods turned into islands as the wat continues to cl devastated. A lot of people are just now rebuilding. Some people still havent gotten back in their homes after harvey. Its going to be devastating for a lot of people. The system has spawned tornados. Its a miracle nobody died out here considering the damage were seeing. Trees and powerlines cut down at least two homes damaged by a twister in bay town. And severe conditions are expected to continue across the region for another 24 hours. Jay gray, nbc news. Wow, serious just to see all that. How long are they going to go through this . I think the next two days, another one to 5 inches. And the report is that, you know, some people that survived harvey, they thought they were going to be okay and they lost their home. 30 to 40 inches of rain fall with that most recently and a few more inches coming their way. Tonight we have the flip scenario happeningegion of High Pressure building in. And everything im seeing right now behind the scenes on the different forecast models continues to show this very strong ridge of High Pressure that could sit around for about the next two weeks. The key thing this is doing is acting like a big road block in the pacific. So, all the rain chances as of today will start to move well off to the north. Get ready for the warmer weather as you move through the weekend. Tomorrow temperatures warm up, but its not going to be that uncomfortable. You can still open the windows tonight and get the cool breeze. This will start you with 62 in the south bay, 60 in the peninsula. Not much fog in San Francisco and 57, over to the east bay cool here and 61 degrees under sunny skies. Temperatures by the afternoon. Youre going to open the door, step outside and definitely feel it in the south bay, especially in morgan hill and gilroy, upper 80s over to san jose, 85. I want you to notice the wind here in the east bay. Its going to come out of the north and that cuts off the bay breeze. That dryer northerly wind will have us 80 in oakland. Coastline warming up to 69. The way i see it right now, tomorrow in half moon bay, 70 returns, maybe a stay cation. 75 here in the mission. Were at of 70 in the marina. Sonoma 84 and you get a little bit closer to some of that slight ocean breeze and well have 81 in the valley. Extended forecast is whdifferen than what we experienced this week. Lets spend time on San Francisco. Saturday have you at 75. Then drops to 73. Fall officially starts on monday and well go back up to 74. Dry breeze increases the fire danger on tuesday, pushes us to 79. Winds right now 10 to 15milesperhour. So were really going to have to watch out for low humidity next tuesday and stay with 70s through next thursday. The weekend forecast wil stay out o 100s right now with the way things look, 94 on sunday, low 90s sunday. We will see relief once we hit next thursday down to the 80s. So, dry the next 7 days. The biggest question i get this time of year is what about the rain. We showed you thatter area of h pressure. The way it looks now, take a look at the map. Its a behind the scenes look at a forecast model. What youre looking at here, all these colors, thats estimated rain over the next two weeks. Three to 4 inches would be well to the north of us. As you can see that pattern keeps the best rain chances well aware from the bay area. I also want to remind you real fast we have our climate update. Tomorrow were going to take a look specifically at what has been changing in the bay area. Y thgs that ha well detail that for you. We look forward to it. Thank you, jeff. Okay. Surprises for bruce bochy today. Were going to show you who showed up at the giants game in boston. We are here to discuss jessies online time. And out of respect, we will let you make the first offer. Thirty minutes. Thirty minutes . Objection overruled. One hour. Sweeten the deal by doing the dishes and ill consider it. I wouldnt do it. I hate the dishes. One hour with the tablet, you walk the dog and do the dishes. If you insist. Congratulations. Only xfinity xfi lets you take control of your familys online time. Thats simple, easy, awesome. Xfinity xfi gives you the speed, coverage and control you need. Manage your wifi network from anywhere when you download the xfi app today. The juul record. They took 12. 8 billion from big tobacco. Juul marketed mango, mint, and menthol flavors, addicting kids to nicotine. Five million kids now using ecigarettes. The fda said juul ignored the law with Misleading Health claims. Now juul is pushing prop c, to overturn San Franciscos ecigarette protections. Say no to juul, no to big tobacco, no to prop c. Happening and its an emotional and special time for the gnt and for manager bruce bochy. Hes retiring in less than two weeks. That came by quickly. It is here. Last night you might have seen he made history. Today a nice celebration. At fenway park in boston. Nice gesture by the red sox. He won his 2000 career game last night. A. s manager who also won more than 2,000 career games. As for todays game, xander bow bo guard had a big hit. Red sox lead this game. Football, more bad news for raiders wide receiver Antonio Brown now with the patriots. Nike is dropping him. The company said hes no longer on the payroll. The move comes after he was accused of Sexual Assault which he denies. He was recently dropped as a paid spokesperson by a Helmet Company as well. Brown is expected to play despite the recent charges, he is expected to play for the patriots this sunday. Phil mickelson is returning to the bay area to play in napa. Hes going to play along side steph curry. Curry will play in the proam that takes place before the tournament begins. It will mark the third time curry will play in the tournament. He says it will feel incredibly exciting. Hes good at pretty much everything he does. Coming up at 11 00, theyre young but thats not stopping them from walking out of school in protest. How students are getting ready for tomorrows big Climate Change protest and why some students could be in violation if they choose to hit the streets. That comes up at 11 00. Its a traditional filipino dance thats bee a generations. After teens added their twist, it went viral. Its like a double dutch but with bamboo sticks. Takes a lot of coordination. A group of teens decided to modernize the dance by putting it to a hip hop song, my type. It caught the attention of the singer and she posted it on her instagram. Levie stadium showing off food vendors today. I approve. Its nice. She approves. Some vendors include restaurants that got started here in the bay area like starburg and sandys cobblers which is Southern Comfort food, soul food. The restaurants are opening just in time for the home opener on sunday. And its going to be nice and toasty, jeff. Yeah, its going to get hot. You know that outer section where the that upper deck is hot. Youve got 88 by halftime. If youre in that section, it could feel like the 90s so bring a hat. Drink a lot of water. Have a great evening. 6, 7, 8 big dreams start with small steps. But dedication can get you there. So just start small. Start saving. Easily set, track and control your goals right from the chase mobile® app. E of whats yours®. Were doing 30 seconds. [ laughter ] after we make brad bite off way more than he can chew, hes got plenty to say about his latest look. Then more candid than ever, sgp sounds off on a rumor about her marriage. Brace yourself, demi, for a little carpet reenactment. But her friends and family ready to hear the bombshells dropped in her book. How do you prepare them for their reading experience . I hate everyone here. And talk about true feelings, love it when the coaches get a little too candid. Wait. [ laughter ]

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