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More people expressing concern tonight after a cancer causing chemical was found on the a climb as high school in west oakland. Thank you for joining us at 10, im pam moore and im ken wayne officials revealed yesterday they found trace amounts of the toxic chemical try coral ethylene and ground water under the high school campus. That chemical is commonly called tce the school was closed yesterday and again today. The concern is a chemical maybe vaporizing and coming up from the ground into the school building. District Officials Say theyll Start Testing the air tomorrow and continue those tests through next week Environmental Health officials will also test the soil around that school another concern is that the high school is in the area already known to have to see we showed you this map yesterday the school is less than half a mile away from the lane metal finisher site which is currently labeled as hazardous. The state has been cleaning up that site since 2007 and tca is among the potential hazards. Neighbors have already been expressing their concern now tonight, teachers are going public they say theyre worried about what tce maybe may have been doing to the students and the staff before it was discovered on the campus kron fours dan thorn joins us now live in oakland with more on that part of the story dan. Well can pan these teachers tell us that they are worried about how long this has been going on here at climate high school and whether or not the school can be trusted to be safe. They say this is scary and that officials have not been adequately informing people here at the community. The commons High School Teachers are speaking out about the toxic chemical found at the school. They want to know how long its been there and how it may have been affecting people for its really scary scary for the and its very disruptive the falcon to this woman who wanted to remain anonymous says shes been teaching in the climate high school for more than 20 years. She says the Oakland Unified School district is not adequately informing students their parents or staff of the potential dangers of tce we dont know and were not getting any information. The parents are getting them any information. Were quite worried pay shoe anton made says a former math teacher but climb ins. He believes the issue was predictable because the district lax attention to the schools needs im not about to blame the district for this on the other hand i think it does drive home. Environmental quality in west oakland is quite bad with that in mind made says the district needed to be ready for this type of situation to come up. I blame the district for not checking for all potential environmental issues. And not and for coming up with a plan to actually overhaul the School Infrastructure hazardous chemical expert hired by the School District will be studying for any possible threat at climate but teachers fear that will now be trust issues with returning to the school. Because of the uncertainty of recurring issues i dont know. If students are going to come back. Um i dont know the of teachers are going to be back next year. You have worried about my health and i may ask for a transfer. We dont know. Well teachers are excited learn more about the situation here at the high school on monday morning at west oakland middle library. They want to know when they can return to the school or at least when classes will resume, reporting live here in oakland dan thorn kron 4 news stand. Thank you the building behind me right here is a Salvation Army building in San Francisco, but the city is proposing to turn it into a Homeless Center. It would be used to assist those with Mental Health issues and Substance Abuse disorder. Kron fours gayle ong live for us in the city tonight was details on this plant, gayle. Right now the project is still under its approval process but the city hopes to open as early as april. The citys proposal that turned the Salvation Army on valencia street into a Homeless Center is not going well for this Business Owner who works directly across the street he benefit the neighborhood because the type of people that we i mean to come in and out of the place and now home you have you seen neighborhood in front in people the calm to the area would be afraid to come others who live in the neighborhood are for the project i think as long as theyre going to. They sure the staff on site are aware of their responsibilities and are looking after the neighborhood in general we need to treat people we need to. Give them help in order to heal from the trauma of being on the street. This trick, a supervisor at mantoman introduce the lease for 404,000 a year to the board of supervisors having a facility in the neighborhood where people can be right off the can get some shelter and also get appropriate Behavior Health seems to me like a win the center would be a hummingbird will provide 30 overnight beds and serve dropping clients for those struggling with Mental Health and drug we cant just keep Walking Around San Francisco. And looking the other way when we see people who are very very sick. There still needs to be a hearing before the Public Health department in Budget Committee in march so far the project received 3 million from the Tipping Point nonprofit who fights poverty in the bay area from my perspective, the question is not whether or not we do this its how we do it and making sure that we do it in a way that sense it is the communitys needs. The least that was presented would be about 3 to 5 years for that Salvation Army property. Anyone who wants to weigh in on this project there will be a Community Meeting next thursday reporting live in San Francisco, gayle ong kron 4 news scale. Thank you. To help ease the homeless crisis governor Gavin Newsome recently announced hes offering nearly 300 parcels of surplus state property as sites for homeless shelters, they include this 200 acre campus in Sonoma County now owned by counter as the Sonoma Developmental Center was house. 3,000 people with profound special needs it employs 13,000 people until it shut down last year with 176 buildings on the sprawling campus it might seem like the answer to the homeless crisis however supervisor susan gorin says not so fast it shuttered its shot has no furnishings. But more importantly it has no the heat and cooling has been shut down because of the it infrastructure, a crumbling of a Water Treatment plant was shut down. She says even re having one of these buildings would take hundreds of millions of dollars because so much work would need to be done to bring the infrastructure up to code the states homeless problem is barely a top legislative priority in sacramento today was last day for state lawmakers to file any new proposed state laws for this year. As our Capitol Bureau reporter Ashley Zavala shows us air arm now many proposals to try to end the crisis. Search the word homeless in californias legislative database for the session and more than 250 results come up search housing and more than 600 results come up lawmakers appear to be in sync with the governor making homelessness a top legislative priority across party lines. Some democrats this week proposing to make way for more homeless shelters in california. My eliminating land zoning loopholes that city sometimes used to avoid building them. The senator who wrote the law scott wiener says of the 151,000 homeless californians 72 of them dont have shelter. Another bill aims to analyze all of californias homelessness programs to then put together a statewide homelessness plan other proposals include a homelessness data center and creating a special Government Branch the office to end homelessness some republicans say the democrat majorities way of managing the problem is no longer working senator brian jones filed 5 bills this week to provide Grant Funding to agencies or organizations for extra Mental Health services. Expand job skill Training Programs and money to local Law Enforcement groups that want to expand homelessness outreach teams. These bills all come after governor Gavin Newsome dedicated his entire state of the state speech to californias homelessness crisis but really before any of these make any major moves in the legislature on wednesday, the joint Audit Committee will decide whether to order a formal state audit of californias homelessness spending in sacramento, Ashley Zavala kron 4 news kron 4 is following the homeless problem specifically in the bay area to check out our stories go to kron 4 dot com and. Look for the community in crisis page friday night around the bay area, lets take a live look outside looking out over San Franciscos embarcadero and the bay bridge glistening in the background there restructuring this year the weekend is upon us yeah and temperatures great out there right now downtown San Francisco still in the mid 60s believe it or not and thats compared to our upper 60s from earlier today, so we were a good 5 to 15 degrees above average for most of the bay area and stormtracker 4 tracking some changes as a storm tries to sweep through the bay area but. Dont let this rain for you because most of it is evaporating before it hits the ground also known as burga but we are seeing some light scattered showers right now impacting those of you to our south in Monterey County. So enjoy that wet weather out there this evening were dry right now here in the bay area Golden Gate Bridge very smooth com commute out there this evening for your friday night in temperatures still mild 64 degrees in downtown San Francisco low 60s for oakland and hayward throughout the east bay shoreline starting to cool down in the 50s though for parts of the interior valleys of the east bay like concord in livermore san jose in the low 60s, but santa rosa and even napa starting to cool down in the 40s for your friday night and thats because youre noticing clear skies but that blanket of cloud cover helping to keep those warm temperatures trapped in for the rest of the bay area. Were all going to be in the 40s though for overnight lows very similar to last night and youre microclimate saturday forecast will show a cooling trend as we start out the 1st half of the weekend 10 degrees of calling for downtown San Francisco 59 degrees for your saturday afternoon highs since the district also in the midfifties pacifica 53 degrees as is al gore not a Half Moon Bay flirting with 60s a 59 degrees for your saturday afternoon. So right about where you should be for this time of year brisbane 56 degrees in burlingame also in the upper 50s and wind speeds a little bit breezier 20 Miles Per Hour less, but we are going to notice a lot more sunshine san mateo 58 degrees redwood city in the low 60s and palo alto upper 50s for your saturday afternoon highs with widespread mid to upper 60s for the south bay cupertino 66 degrees san jose 68 degrees with upper 60s for those of you throughout the east bay 67 degrees inland from livermore and 63 degrees for hayward and as we make our way throughout the east bay shoreline upper 50s and low 60s for richmond and oakland conquered 67 degrees and in the north bay napa 66 degrees for afternoon highs in santa rosa, even with the slightly cooler forecast still going to be about 10 degrees above average warming up into the low 70s and the cooling trend will continue through the 2nd half of your weekend as well until we all warm up to above average highs once again. Back in the mid 70s by tuesday through thursday of next week temperatures 5 to 15 degrees above average no rain in sight. But well take a look at our 10 at 10 outlook and see if we have any rain the extended forecast coming up in just a few minutes singers crossed. Yeah, theres some. Is the totality of issues and Nothing Happened in the last week that was just that we came to a conclusion. We approached the mayor, she agreed to join with us and the timing is what it is. We are hearing more tonight from oakland city leaders about the firing of police chiefeAnne Kirkpatrick the Oakland Police commission along with the mayor voted last tonight to dismiss her today Commission Chair Regina Jackson said there was no one smoking gun. But one of the issues is the officer involved shooting that happened back on march of 2018. That is when 4 Oakland Police officers opened fire on a homeless man killing 31 yearold joshua pollack there was criticism that the shooting was not justified because pollack appeared to be just waking up from a sleep. There did not seem to be any threat to the officers chief kirkpatrick declined to discipline the officers involved going against the recommendation by the federal monitor that oversees the Oakland Police department in that particular case. She that the direction of her own supervisor, the monitor. He nor did we think that was a good decision. Commi sioner Jackson Jackson also says under kirkpatrick 3 year tenure, the Police Department has taken a step backwards in terms of compliance with the mandated Court Ordered reforms for the department kirkpatrick has not released any public statements since yesterdays firing last night. The firing of kirkpatrick is just the latest chapter in a long complicated history of oaklands top police officer. Over the last 10 years the city has gone through 7 Different Police chiefs. Kron fours theresa takes a look back at those who held the job and the challenges in that position. In 2010 Anthony Batts was named to the post to coming from long beach. He said he joined the force after 4 opd officers were killed in a shootout yet in 2011. He quit abruptly saying that the job had changed, claiming he had limited control but full accountability that was proving difficult to make the reforms he sought in the Department Howard jordan that career opd officer then stepped in and yet after 2 years including dealing with a scandal. Were opd officers were accused of having with an underage girl. He claimed he needed to leave for medical reasons. Anthony to another longtime opd officer was tapped by then mayor jean quan while a National Search took place east aid for 2 days until when to lasted 3 years as a chief he was known to work well with this federal monitor charged with overseeing the departments because the problems yet faced increasing criticism was some saying that he was not aggressive enough on those thought to be having that inappropriate relationship with the teenager. His departure led to the most dire period to date for the department in the space of 9 days, the most Important Role at opd was a revolvingdoor from went to ben farrow to paul figaro a these 3 chiefs cycled in and sped out. Farrell because of an extramarital affair and paul figaro a claiming he didnt want the scrutiny on his personal life. City administrator Sabrina Landreth took over from 2016 to 2017 until Anne Kirkpatrick was vetted and sworn in on january 3rd. 2017. Theresa kron 4 news. The developing story tonight at 10 Health Officials confirming 2 new coronavirus cases in california increasing the states total to 15. The newest cases involve a person a Sacramento County who had returned from china earlier this month as well as a person a humble county tonight, us Health Officials are preparing for the coronavirus to become a pandemic a cdc doctor told reporters today while the virus is not spreading throughout the us right now quote its very possible even likely that it may eventually happen that same doctor says the goal continues to be slowing the introduction of the virus and the United States. The coronavirus erupted in china back in december today, china said the daily count of new virus cases there fell significantly to 397 and still 109 people died from the disease there. Neighboring south korea on the other hand continues to see a big spike country reported a 6 fold jump in viral infections in 4 days to 346. Kron fours grant lotus is tracking the explosion of cases in south korea and hes here with the latest grant get campaign which is what were saying about the us there theyre trying to slow down the introduction of it because once it develops anything resembling a stronghold. It seems like this thing is so contagious and south korea is now the most infected country outside of china for the coronavirus it is reported 142, new cases today of them 131 from the city of daegu and nearby regions they go as we told you last night is about a 150 miles south of the capital city of seoul. 2 and a half Million People live in daegu thats about the size of chicago talking a big city. These downtown streets are usually bustling. Today not so much and as of this evening, the city in nearby areas counted 283 cases, including south koreas first 2 deaths yesterday south korea declared a go what theyre calling a special management zone. The majority of the cases in daegu are linked to a church where a woman in her 60s attended to services before testing positive for the virus. The church in daegu is one of 74 places of worship operating under a single religious sect so all of the sites have been closed and Church Leaders are now telling worshippers stay home. Watch Services Online well keep you posted there. Ken pam back to you. Thank you grant and stay with kron fours we continue our coverage on the coronavirus you can find the latest number of cases and how to protect yourself on our website. Go to kron 4 dot com and look for the coronavirus tab under news, happening tomorrow, voters head to nevada for the states Democratic Caucus and the memories of iowas caucus, debacle still on the top of many mines concerns are mounting about what will happen in nevada. Diane gallagher explains how that state is scrambling to avoid the iowa like chaos. Tonight it looks like nevadas first ever early voting in a caucus is paying off with huge numbers that will it make getting results more complicated. The Nevada Democratic party says nearly 75,000 participated in the firstever early caucus, seeing nearly the total number of voters in the 2016 caucus, when roughly 84,000 people participated on caucus day in 2008 118,000 nevadans caucus to the democratic race. And while the party celebrated the high turnout, it adds to the uncertainty of whether nevada is ready for saturday. Work it will be a repeat of the iowa fiasco were final results are still pending our goal is to have a successful caucus we provide multiple sets of eyes and ears and wisdom and observations and Lessons Learned from iowa, so that. We can be successful here in. Nevada. Volunteer Seth Morrison raised a red flag early in the training process. Now hes more optimistic saying things are Getting Better but worried about lingering issues one is we still dont know any details. Of the back office of how of the early votes were tabulated how this tool works second of all theres a massive shortage of volunteers, the democrats are scrambling to train caucus volunteers having added 55 additional training sessions. Volunteers can now also try out the much talked about caucus. Calculator which more sun says is user friendly the tool is very well designed. Its very intuitive but he does see potential problems for people who arent familiar with ipads. Somebody who is not use that kind of technology would find it challenging. The slide replicate what cnn saw during a party host a demo of the calculator they did not allow our cameras to film the demo the calculator will have pre loaded early vote information which we combined with the choices that the people there on saturday to determine the winners and losers through to round of eliminations the backup the calculator doesnt work in those early vote totals arent available. Its tedious a likely lengthy manually searching a paper list of early voters rank choices, were still the chair of the Democratic National Committee Says he believes everything will be smooth sailing come saturday. I am very confident that we have thought of every contingency. And you know as Dianne Gallagher reporting in that volunteer you heard from Seth Morrison, he says the Democratic Party tried to offer him a lesser position that does not require an nda however he reportedly refused and will sit out working the cox and boy gets killed when a speeding car hit him right in front of his home. The changes his family neighbors are hoping to make to prevent similar tragedies. Plus a gunman taking aim along a busy north bay street one day before thanksgiving new details on the search for the suspect. And highway 37 in north bay gets very congested during commute hours, its also prone to we bet you know this place. You know, the happiest place on earth, but. Have you flown the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy . Or channeled your inner jedi . You gotta love that. Have you raced through radiator springs . Or struck a power pose with them . Now is the perfect time to feel like this. And this. And definitely that. Kids enjoy the magic for just 67 per child per day, with a 3day 1park per day ticket. Kids enjoy the magic for just 67 per child i thougin that moment. Illiant we have not said one word tonight about race. Not one word. Are you kidding me . The heart and soul of this party is diversity. When a kid succeeds in columbia, South Carolina in las vegas, nevada that is a triumph for every american. People dont know tom steyer. Ive known tom steyer for fifteen years. His commitment on Racial Justice and social justice is rock solid. Im tom steyer and i approve this message. And they soon drivers may have to pay a toll to get on highway 37 in the north bay state senator bill dodd introduced that legislation today say the money raised would be used to reduce congestion and make the route more resistant to the rising sea levels highway 37 runs throughout the north and of san pablo mays used by thousands of commuters every day passing through marin and sonoma napa and solano counties the road has become very congested during commute hours. It is also prone to flooding as you see in these pictures and those problems are expected to get worse but more fallout from climate change. No one is crazy about a toll, im certainly not. But its the only way to address traffic problems for todays commuters and make highway 37 sustainable for future generations. The fact is. Without taking this step. This highway will not get fixed. In our lifetime. There are still a lot of Unanswered Questions at this point officials do not know how much that toll would be and they also dont know if the toll would be temporary or remain in place for maintenance reasons your trip to a Costco Food Court for a cheap hot dogs and pizza will soon come to an end if youre not a costco member costco says starting next month that require everyone to have an active membership to visit the food court warehouse chain says buying items from the food court has always required opa membership because having forcing it until now. Wells fargo reaches a billion settlement after admitting to creating millions of fake customer accounts among other things. But the agreement means for consumers who were victimized by the bank scandal plus hear Something Different a coyote shows up at a sacramento area airports show you a wild chase involving a police helicopter. And will re never returned to th now, we know the trump strategy try to win by attacking, distorting, dividing. Mr. President it. Wont. Work. Newspapers report bloomberg is the democrat trump fears most. As president , universal healthcare that lets people keep their coverage if they like it. A record on job creation. A doable plan to combat climate change. I led a complex, diverse city through 911 and i have common sense plans to move america away from chaos to progress im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. I thougin that moment. Illiant we have not said one word tonight about race. Not one word. Are you kidding me . The heart and soul of this party is diversity. When a kid succeeds in columbia, South Carolina in las vegas, nevada that is a triumph for every american. People dont know tom steyer. Ive known tom steyer for fifteen years. His commitment on Racial Justice and social justice is rock solid. Im tom steyer and i approve this message. In march 2 weeks since a 4 yearold boy was killed just outside of his richmond home little Hector Cordero was helping his father bring groceries inside the home and a car sped by hit the boy and took off. Kron fours michelle kingston talk to hectors mother today as she gets ready to bury her child. France. Fast hector cuyos mother describing how people drive in her neighborhood she says they speed and because of this she says her son was hit and killed friday marks 2 weeks since the 4 yearold was hit by a car helping his dad bring groceries sit inside their home. The from time his mother ran outside after the accident and couldnt believe what happened she was in total this is colin gavin knew where that accident took place we drove up and down the road noticed its very residential here theres even a school on this street. And we were very surprised to find out as single speed limit sign posted along the road i knew something bad was going to happen eventually topple neighbors aware of the problem on their road cars speeding by actors mom hoping the memorial outside of her home will remind people to slow down. Police did make an arrest in the case the drivers identity has not yet been released family and friends are asking that members of the Community Come out right here at 23th in culling on saturday around 3. 30 to raise awareness. And to remind everyone to slow down. On city streets. Enrichment to michelle kingston kron 4 news. We are now learning the woman who was found dead at the san jose home this was earlier this week was actually the suspects girlfriend, 25 yearold bio ichi say a face a judge earlier today, prosecutors say he stabbed his girlfriend to death at their shared air bnb rental home. They say that police found the womans body beneath a blood soaked sheet with a bloodied knife nearby. Kron 4 is listening to your concerns about the safety of your Drinking Water cancer causing chemicals for recently found in the water in san jose. Our Justine Waltman went to san jose today to find the answers to some of your questions. 11,000 san jose water customers all received a letter late january letting them know a cancer causing chemical known as p f a s turned up in its water. Almost a year ago in march of 2019 i find that absolutely unacceptable bob young questions the time it took to notify customers harmful chemicals for coming out of the tap schools, have been affected Health Care Facilities been affected. Restaurants have been affected thousands and thousands of people have been affected by now he does not drink the water from his weve been drinking. Contaminated water for i dont know how long and now sen is a water says she wears san jose water tells kron 4 news the water is safe. It took 6 out of 90 wells out of service to solve the problem. Also in parts as we began proactively monitoring our wells in 20 19 because the state recently established new lower notification and response levels. Marilyn the block from willow glen also got the letter and worries about the water she was drinking before the testing and what is in it now and i feed my pets. My you know their family. And i use everything i use it for cooking i use it for everything that confidence in the water for these customers, its time ice. I would like to see if they can give us any idea of how they got rid of it and how theyre going to keep it khan whos going to fix that. Whos responsible for and literally whos going to pay for. In san jose Justine Waltman kron 4 news. Time now to turn in the recent rodriguez for a look at our very on winter like february when the breeze yeah, lot more like summer than winter out there in the bay Area Temperatures 5 to 15 degrees above average widespread 60s 70s and stormtracker 4 tracking dry conditions, but rain to our south in Monterey County bringing light scattered showers there but that storm track going to remain south of san jose during the overnight hours even through saturday morning by saturday afternoon, plenty of sunshine but a cooler air mass, no rain in sight for this weekend with this weeks storm so looks like the best shot of rain will be for those of you in Monterey County this evening live look outside from the east bay over berkeley tracking that blanket of cloud cover and temperatures in oakland 7 degrees warmer than where you are around this time last night, thanks to todays above average daytime highs that starting to cool down for those of you in the north bay widespread 40s from napa to santa rosa, but in the 60s for most of the bay areas shoreline and downtown San Francisco. Finally cooling down into the 50s at 59 degrees still mild though for those of you in oakland and hayward in the low 60s as the san jose in the south bay overnight lows tonight will be in the mid to upper 40s but santa rosa cooling down into the low 40s but tomorrow warming up 30 degrees from your overnight lows to 70 degrees for your daytime highs so we are going to be a few degrees above average even with the slightly cooler forecast overall cooling down 5 to 10 degrees tomorrow compared todays daytime highs upper 50s along the San Francisco peninsula low to mid 60s along the bay with widespread upper 60s and low 70s as you make your way inland. As we take a look ahead at our 10 at 10 outlook. You could see warming up and drying out by next week and staying in the 70s for the rest of the 10 at 10 forecast so no rain in sight as we end february and begin march, ken and pam back to you. Thank rescind the north bay Santa Rosa Police say they arrested 2 people wanted in connection to a downtown assault want to show you some pictures of that incident from tuesday at the santa rosa all 3 men were seriously injured. After they say one of the suspects attacked them with a golf club 24 yearold le hell garcia could totty and a 16 yearold boy also from qatari are in custody tonight. Police say the suspects knew at least one of the victims and had some kind of ongoing dispute. Police are asking for the publics help to try to find a Gunman Police say the man opened fire in a busy intersection the day before thanksgiving. Forcefully to go reports on the suspects description released today by police. The business for a cub also hoda has slowed down significantly since november 27th thats when a gun battle broke out in his parking lot while people were buying pizza and filling gas tanks at the pump. He owns bond fair market on redwood parkway in vallejo where he says customers have been on edge ever since and look really sad. Got lot of people in to be the time so many people up in their led the police have identified 20 yearold vallejo native Alfonzo Blake as one of the shooters the gunfire was reported at around 5 oclock in the early evening that day police highlight what theyre calling the victims car park 20 yards away from the surveillance camera. Then later as that car leaves another pulls in with blake appearing to walk out of the front passenger seat run toward the street and opened fire on his target with other cars passing by and families in the area. So does says at least one person in the targeted car fired back a guy just to the of the cross street they just shoot a man. And they guys shooting back again at the shooter might be lost gloves world crown. And a lot of problem police have obtained a warrant for blakes arrest, hes accused of discharging a firearm in a grossly negligent manner soho to says crime has worsened over time in his area they need to get more people. Car to get him here this was one of 192 shootings reported in the city last year in this case, no one was injured in valais hopefully putting all kron 4 wells fargo will pay 3 billion over the banks fake customer accounts scandal, the San Francisco based bank agreed to pay the fine today to settle civil and criminal law suits for creating millions of fake Customer Bank accounts over several years kron 4 grant lodes joins us in studio with details of this huge settlement 3 billion a lot of money but for a bank like wells fargo, they can handle that and when you hear how much the customers get from the 3 billion. Your eyes will open this is a scandal that has led to dozens of lawsuits and really a loss of credibility for wells fargo and government investigations today settlement with the Justice Department and securities and Exchange Commission resolves wells fargos criminal and civil liabilities related to the scandal is part of the deal wells fargo admits that between 2002 in 2016. It falsified bank records harm to the Credit Ratings of customers unlawfully misused customers personal information and wrongfully collected millions of dollars in fees and interest from people. Us attorney nick hanna slammed wells fargos leadership, calling it a complete failure. This marketing approach which was known as the crosssell strategy claims to be based on providing customers with products they actually needed and would use. In truth, however, the crosssell strategy and pressure from leadership of the Community Bank to meet aggressive sales goals. Led to widespread abuses. Unethical conduct. In illegal activity that resulted in millions of accounts being fraudulent only hope and for customers. Despite the hefty billion fine. The customers who are victimized by wells fargo will not be seeing any of that money the Civil Penalties will go back to Bank Investors and the rest to a us treasury. A fact that certainly upsets consumer advocates. The deal also does not protect current or former wells fargo employees from the threat of prosecution and just last month the banks former ceo john strove paid nearly million to settle charges related to the incident. He was also banned from working in the financial industry for the rest of his life. Trump to quit his job as ceo after the scandal first came to light in 2016 ken pam back to hugh grant. Thank you, theres a story a police chase that could be straight out of looney tunes a coyote a delayed flights in Sacramento Executive Airport yesterday Police Helicopters chase the animal away in lima has the video. Today its blue skies and clear for takeoff at the Sacramento Executive Airport. But yesterday was a different story, this is the first live copter 3 was overhead as a quick coyote darted across the red white followed closely by the sacramento Police Departments helicopter our air unit received a request from the Sacramento Executive Airport. Regarding a coyote that was laying in the creating quite a hazard for the airport you can see the grass blowing as the chopper gets close to the ground trying to scare the coyote off the property. Air Traffic Control put 9 aircraft in a Holding Pattern as the 2 Police Pilots worked and they had restricted airspace completely around the area make sure that all safety precautions were taken and were actually supervising our helicopter pilots as they were. Given the mission within 10 minutes the coyote made its escape running to the edge of the airport and taking off. The last i heard that the coyote made its escape southbound from the airport down a Drainage Ditch and the table to get out of harms way no one was hurt and no aircraft were damaged during the coyotes airport appearance thats not always the case. According to the fdas wildlife strike database 61 reports have been filed over the last 10 years at Sacramento Executive Airport, including 3 times were birds caused significant damage to planes. That really my reporting to give you an idea of how wild that chase was coyotes can actually reach speeds of up to 43 miles an hour. Fact we have been seeing more coyotes in urban areas, including recently in San Francisco right around the station right in front all right. Still ahead. These medical students in georgia balance their studies with their love of music ahead, pharmacist time this into a social media sensation ahead in sports, the giants in the as gear up for giants in the as gear up for their opening spring training you know when youre at ross and. Wow . You realize you can totally eat out more . Thats yes for less. Get the latest spring trends for your home at 20 to 60 percent off Specialty Store prices. At ross. Yes for less. Fisnt just about polar bears. At ross. Were fighting for our lives, were fighting for clean air and clean water. Thats why i wrote the law to send billions from polluters to communities suffering the most. And only one candidate for president was with us back then, tom steyer. And hes still fighting for us, pledging to make clean air and clean water a right for everyone, regardless of your zip code. Thats the truth. Thats tom steyer. Im tom steyer and i approve this message. Ow the trump strategy try to win by attacking, distorting, dividing. Mr. President it. Wont. Work. Newspapers report bloomberg is the democrat trump fears most. As president , universal healthcare that lets people keep their coverage if they like it. A record on job creation. A doable plan to combat climate change. I led a complex, diverse city through 911 and i have common sense plans to move america away from chaos to progress im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. Exactly what you need. Yes. For your growing family . Thats yes for less. Everything your pet needs at 20 to 60 percent off Specialty Store prices. At ross. Yes for less. Medical students in georgia are not just learning how to save lives are also helping enrich them did they balance their studies with sharing beautiful music brooke has honor introduces us to the sarah tone and anything but typical. Decked out in white jackets. This era town ends are hitting all the right notes it gives me something to do other than studying for the sound of 4 part harmony rings through the halls at the education comments at the heart of augustas medical district music is just always been important growing up like i did so much to high school. I was a big band nerd and then. Even in backed off a little bit just because i had to focus on more the study the first and secondyear Medical College of georgia students make up capella some of their songs are new one of them never i favor the rich is how that one has been talked to the group since it started but most recently the serotonin is got a lot of attention because of this video. Nearly 700 shares in over 42,000 views later theyre becoming a sensation that became kind of the cycle running thing in our group like that. Check how many user react in us 20 30 so its unbelievable that people are really responding to it its something they didnt expect that shows with the power of police with all of this like watching that hes going to rise talking about having people are precious like its something that weve been really proud of and its definitely brought us closer together as a group. That is well the center of springs on are reporting the serotonin is are preparing to perform at the schools talent show all of the proceeds from the event benefit child enrichment aches as a local nonprofit there that provides Therapeutic Services and advocacy resources for children who have been victims of abuse or neglect. Take a look at this 400 pounds of bear spotted early this morning. Take a little stroll in a neighborhood in monrovia that is in la county. The there went from house to house searching for food at one point it sought refuge behind one came in and she is like. Theres era for an entire United States of america is outside. State department of fish and wildlife showed up tranquilized the bear Authorities Say the bear is safe nobody was hurt capturing her. Tonights he doubled our speeds the fastest just well it feels like spring. So why not do spring training almost feels like summer out there grant who does kid can sometimes you know its late february has been rain in here for weeks and weeks and youre like lets go in arizona about the same these days and for giant is anything but the same because they have a new skipper and theyre less than 24 hours away now from their first spring training match up this year. They will play that rival dodgers and theres that familiar face was back at practice today. Yeah bruce bocce who showed up. Good for boat. She shaken hands here with his replacement kerry giants manager gabe kepler but boats will always be a giants legend with those 3 championships, but here we go start of the gabe kepler air and with that comes a brand new staff looking to make its mark with this year squat. Our coaches know that. Sessions for everybody wants everybody wants to merge. I think thats a really good how the das they too have their first spring training game tomorrow will take on the cubs in mesa arizona as appear to be ready to go after their season last year was cut sure they lost to the rays in one of those do or die wild card game just so tough to have everything come down to one game but they are poised to make a comeback once again skipper bob melvin company say theyre in great shape looking good ahead of the spring training games as first baseman matt olson knows getting back to the playoffs in october starts with establishing a winning mindset now in february and march we got a lot of guys coming back or year past 2 and you know a lot of guys who are getting some more experience under their belt, know its just going to turn the Better Things you notice a little sour to surmount session last year. The little breath fresh air get now here and then being able start this year ended up i feel like were in a great spot this year. Probably the best ive seen since ive been here. And now more fallout from that astros mass former athletic josh reddick who now plays for the scandal plagued. Houston astros says hes been getting Death Threats ever since the world learned what the astros were doing in 2017 2018. They won the world series in 2017. Redick told reporters today in spring training people have been sending him Death Threats on social media as well as threats specifically and this is just disgusting directed towards his children. He has 5 monthold babies. He claims hes not the only one in the astros clubhouse that theyre even getting these Death Threats redick was with the astros in 2017 after he left oakland and she and other teammates of his say that redick refuse to participate in that sign stealing cheating scams. Light it up a little basketball now that this is actually said to former Warriors Center Demarcus Cousins was waived by the lakers today. It was done in order to free up roster space the lakers are looking to sign. Pistons forward Markieff Morris cousins signed a one year 3 and a half Million Dollar deal with the lakers last summer didnt play this season though because of a torn acl he suffered in a preseason workout last august he was going to make more than a million if he hadnt blown out his achilles the former allstar has been plagued by injuries. He had the acl in the achilles and he had a quad injury that he suffered during the warriors playoff run last year. You can hope. Well gets it going in catches on with another team finally no word on if shell be back in the nfl but seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch will be featured in the Upcoming Season of westworld you see in their upper right to receive here with steady had all of the oakland native will have a pretty substantial role theyre saying in the 3rd season of the hbo hit series premiering march 15th. You might remember ahead of week 17 this past season, the oakland tech and cow products came out of retirement signed contract to the seahawks his old team for the remainder of the 2019 season. He ended up playing 2 postseason games scored 4 touchdowns and rushed for 67 yards, ken and oakland loves that guy s had a little stay with the raiders of course but who knows what this guy will in his postfootball life and who knows if hes done with football. You got to surprise people last year how cold for him to do some acting now high hes going to be havent seen him, but hes such is such a unique character so itll be fun to see it sure will thanks ran to get all checking the weekend. Yeah i huge tax breaks for the rich, while the middleclass continues to struggle. Thats what happens when billionaires are able to control the political system. Our campaign is funded by the working people of this country, and those are the people that i will represent. No more tax breaks for billionaires. We are going to guarantee health care to all people and create up to 20 million good paying jobs to save this planet. Im Bernie Sanders and i approve this message because we need an economy that works for all of us, not just wealthy campaign contributors. Brzezinsktom steyer. K at this. Because we need an economy that works for all of us, berman tom steyer. Odonnell surging in nevada. Scarborough this is working for tom steyer. Odonnell surging in South Carolina. Smerconish i dont think its just resources. Mitchell surging in two new polls out of nevada and South Carolina. Wallace polling at double digits. King up eleven points from october. That is dramatic. Steyer im saying we have a broken government. Thats whats going on in washington, dc. Its been bought by corporations, and my question to the American People is who do you think is going to change that . Im tom steyer and i approve this message. You are looking at was left of a house that was torn down in texas except this was not the house set for the demolition crews tore down a 97 yearold house on the same street as someone that was actually supposed to be down mode. The companys owner says the home didnt have any numbers on it worker saw the house was empty had no plumbing or electrical was missing a foundation, so they figure that was the right place. The house is actually owned by a man who lives in california. He inherited it from a friend who died 3 years ago. He was planning to renovate it. He says he wants to be compensated for both the value of the home and its sentimental and lets take a quick check at your 4 zone forecast live look outside and were noticing a thin layer of high clouds overhead but overall very dry forecast and were going to remain dry during the overnight hours as the storm makes its way through the bay area just south of san jose so unfortunately it looks like were going to tie that record set back in 18 64 of the driest february on record for downtown San Francisco temperatures out there right now in the 40s for santa rosa, nevado know napa in the low 50s right now starting to cool down in the 50s for the bay areas shoreline aside from hayward and fremont even san jose cooling down into the upper 50s this evening and overnight lows tonight will be in the 40s and 5 to 10 degrees of cooling for your saturday afternoon widespread 50s and 60s and dry outlook for the next 10 days all right. Thank you thank you for being with us today what about tomorrow night in history right. 7 at 9 oclock you know this. You know, the happiest place on earth, but. Have you flown the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy . Or channeled your inner jedi . You gotta love that. Have you raced through radiator springs . Or struck a power pose with them . Now is the perfect time to feel like this. And this. And definitely that. Kids enjoy the magic for just 67 per child per day, with a 3day 1park per day ticket. Kids enjoy the magic for just 67 per child grand now we have to deal withed us this. Rs. Climate change is an emergency. Thats why i wrote the nations most progressive climate law. And thats why im endorsing tom steyer. Because when big oil tried to stop our clean air laws, he led us to victory. Same with the keystone pipeline. When tom says we can save the world and do it together believe him. Im tom steyer and i approve this message. Miamiwest prison last october 17. Hes in prison serving 20 years for murder. Why the manhunt now, six months after krolls escape . We have reason to believe hes still in miami. Were gonna canvass the city and ask the public to help apprehend him. What can the public do . If you have any information that could lead to his capture, please call our tip line. All calls are anonymous. And do not, i repeat, do not under any circumstances try to engage or approach the suspect. Heained artial arts, was onceompetitive f hes considered tremely dangerous. Sergeant tripp, do you have any idea why kroll is still in town . No comment; its an ongoing investigation. Thats all for today. Sergeant tripp sergeant tripp sergeant tripp sergeant tripp phone ringing officer mdpd. Tipster hotline. Man yeah, the fugitive thats been on the news,

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