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Bill aimed at saving americans from facing financial turmoil as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Our kron fours ellis said the monon is live in the newsroom with what you can expect now l a. Well americans are going to be getting money from the federal government depending on how much the make from one of the largest emergency package is the nations ever seen the senate voted unanimously just shy of midnight over on the east coast after days of back and forth between democrats and republicans the bill dedicates billion is direct payments to individuals and families. Another 250 billion for Unemployment Insurance benefits, 350 billion for Small Business loans and billion in loans for distressed corporations. Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell commended the highly partisan senate for coming together when americans needed most. Proud to announce tonight not a Single Center voter ago. Theres 2 trillion rescue bill. To save american. Individuals Small Businesses. Larger businesses. To provide considerable Funding Health care. Workers and the site is the doctors and others who are trying to. Its all those founder mark. So lets break it down here is what the stimulus package means for you adults making 75,000 or less well get a 1200 payment couples who earn 150,000 or less will get 2400. Families will get 500 per child under the age of 17 the payment will scale down based on your income but there are some limits people making more than 99,000 a year and couples making more than 198,000 a year will not get a payment. Thats not over yet the bill now goes to the house for a vote which will get together friday morning at 9 and as you may remember there are several Congress Members who are still recovering from the coronavirus himself so they will have to resort whats called a voice vote after that President Trump has indicated that he will sign the legislation into law live in the newsroom allison monae and kron 4 news. Lives we can save and the sooner we can eventually get people back to work. Back to school and back to normal. And there are large sections of our country probably can go back much sooner than other sections. Today president doubling down on his easter timeline of when the country could kind of get back to normal said the country could reopen maybe in sections. Yesterday he famously said that it would be a beautiful sight to see churches across the country packed on easter. However, most Public Health experts and economists are warning that that is both unlikely and unwise and confirmed cases in the country. Are increasing by the hour governor newsome pushing back on the president s prediction earlier today during a press conference. Dont think for a second that were day or 2 away from that in that order were not were not even a week or 2 away. California can meet this moment. California has a just over 3,000 cases right now and 65 deaths and in the bay area Santa Clara County has the most trouble locally. 459 cases with 17 deaths. Tonight we also know that the Santa Clara County Sheriffs Office has 5 confirmed cases in their department. The latest case theres a deputy who had been assigned to the Custody Bureau that deputy is now selfisolating at home. Meanwhile, there are 165 cases in 5 deaths in san mateo county, San Francisco county has 178 cases and one death contra costa 108 cases and one death. 124 cases and 2 deaths in alameda county. And tonight. We know a gate agent at Oakland International airport has tested positive. The the individual worked at the airport was march 22th sunday at terminal 2 and tonight. A marine county shows 53 cases, 24 Solano County sonoma county. 37 cases with one death there and napa county now reporting 6 cases. And if youre a parent who woke up this morning anxious speakers, youre still homeschooling year children and that can be challenging today did not help because 6 bay area counties said today theyre going to be extending School Closures until least may 1st of course on an effort to slow the spread of coronavirus kron fours dan kerman reports from San Francisco. The signs outside San Francisco Sanchez Elementary School might say the school is closed through april 3rd. But now the San Francisco Unified School District along with the county offices of education in alameda contra customer in san mateo and santa clara had extended the closure another month, we want to truly embrace what is being put out there not only across the bay area but across the entire state of california when it comes to social distancing and the importance of that as things stand now playgrounds and classrooms will be empty at least until may first this is the most important to keep our students safe and to keep the community safe. So. We miss our students and we would rather be in the classroom teaching, but we accept it. Right now the level of instruction varies from district to district. But before there can be a formal online classroom experience. All students must be able to have computers and get on line. Were focused on really making sure that we can access all students when learning does happen so that its an equitable Distribution Information so we have are facing and what were going to be doing over the next 2 weeks and working on how learning well turning would look like with this extended School Closure in the meantime many districts are continuing to provide meals to students. Who would otherwise go hungry last monday that was the 16th we had 25,000 meals we gave out to students to take on for breakfast lunch and supper. For 3 days. On thursday which was the next day the program in 50,000 meals we gave out this past monday, the 23th year about a 100,000 meals so the need is very obviously there and were going to do everything we can to get those meals to our Students School Officials Say during the last week of april will reconvene with Health Officers and decide if the School Closure needs to be extended. Even past may 1st in San Francisco. Dan kerman kron 4 news San Francisco is preparing for an expected surge in diagnosed coronavirus cases in mayor breed. Is pleading for as much help as possible. Shes asking for more equipment. More staffing more support in general with 26 new confirmed cases of covid 19 just today in the citys first reported death yesterday, breed estimates San Francisco will need 5,000 more hospital beds in the weeks to come among the solutions will be Saint Francis Memorial Hospital where 48 beds will gradually be made available beginning with the next several weeks. Think about when youre out there and youre socializing and youre not socially distancing from one another. The difference that could make and the spread that occurs as a result of your interactions with other people and if you went to the hospital because you are sick or a relative or Family Member and they were turned away because we didnt have enough beds to accommodate them. And today as she has in each press Conference Since this crisis started breed reiterated her plea for san franciscans to be diligent as when it comes to social distancing as the city braces for this surge in illnesses comparable to those that have been seen in other us cities City Services goes now consolidating its covert 19 response efforts at the moscow knee center San Franciscos Emergency Operation center along with the Departments Centers for. Public Health Human Services and Human Resources are now located there. The city says this space allows for greater collaboration while also keeping workers safe with social distancing. Then comes to the bay area certainly south bay has been hit the hardest with this outbreak. Kaiser permanente executive is speaking out about one hospital particularly stressed in san jose kron fours gayle ong report. Our san jose facility in california. Actually has an almost half of the hospital, you know with either or persons under investigation doctor steven per adi executive Vice President of Kaiser Permanente telling the journal of the American Medical Association about the influx of coronavirus patients and san jose we really had to the Camp Hospital make sure that youve got not. Im personnel spin begins to provide the air we age spots requires resort some of personnel doctor per audi says the highest reported cases at Kaiser Permanente. Has been in Washington State and northern california, the hot spots of the outbreak in a statement from Kaiser Permanente san jose senior Vice President and area manager irene chavez says the number of suspected or confirmed covid 19 patients changes daily hospital does not provide daily figures but says the percentage of patients in san jose has dropped quote given that it is located in a copa 19 hot spot and that we count so many south bay residents as our members. It should not be surprising that we would care for a significant number of our patients in our San Jose Hospital Santa Clara County has been hit hard with covid 19 cases and deaths in an effort to prevent overwhelming hospitals, the Santa Clara Convention center will serve as a Federal Medical Facility to treat noncovered 19 patients. The facility will be one out of 8 in the state thats 2000 additional medical bags, those sites are already on packing are in the process. Of being made operational the Santa Clara Convention center will have 248 beds, the major benefit of it is that it adds more hospital beds. Medical personnel and supplies, so doesnt strain any of our current resources county board of supervisors chair cindy chavez says the Convention Center will be Search Capacity for a number of hospitals in Santa Clara County, the opening date has not yet been determined. Reporting in santa clara gayle ong kron 4 news. New york city is dominating the situation in the United States about 60 of the infections. Well in the new york city metropolitan area. So you guys are getting hit. Terribly hard it is so unfortunate. Most people know him by now the nations top Infectious Disease doctor anthony found she is highlighting the dire situation in new york city right now which is the epicenter of the coronaVirus Outbreak here in the u s there are more than 33,000 confirmed cases in new york state and 366 people have died in the state with the majority of people dying in new york city where there have now been more than 17,000 cases reported and here in california, at least 1 million residents have filed for unemployment has the state remains under a mandatory stay at home order for covid 19. Governor newsome today announcing a break though for homeowners our Capitol Bureau reporter Ashley Zavala explains the newest Financial Relief effort. California leaders secured a deal with 4 Major National banks to temporarily suspend Home Mortgage payments for those affected by covid 19 governor Gavin Newsome announced wednesday wells fargo citi us bank and Jp Morgan Chase agreed on a 90 day grace period, another 200 Smaller Banks made similar commitments 4 of the 5 largest institutions. Committed to just stop that 90 day unfortunately bank of america did not publicly commit to that they just committed to 30 days hope they will reconsider the joints of those other that are willing to do the right thing. The agreement comes as unemployment claims in california wednesday passed the 1 million mark since march 13th. Newsome applauding progress on the federal stimulus bill that would provide an additional 600 for approved claims on top of what the state could typically provide known as i naive about the magnitude of this crisis and im not suggesting that the magnitude of this stimulus will even meet the moment i strong points of view that the need to be more in the future governor newsome said the states work with banks will continue on additional issues like atm fees and overdraft charges in sacramento, Ashley Zavala kron 4 news. The National Guard is now in fairfield helping prepare and distribute emergency food boxes at the food bank of contra costa and solano the food bank ceo says he can certainly use the help in light of the organization experiencing a 30 drop in volunteers since the pandemic started sanitation stations and gloves are on site for health and safety reasons of course. Ceo says in times like these Food Bank Services are needed now more than ever. They understand a lot of our volunteers are in that for its troops. So many people that laid off or have lesser income so that is going to push a lot of people to be first time you know need to slow. So fewer people are volunteering in over the past 2 weeks, the food bank of contra costa and solano says it has seen a 50 increase in people needing their services at their distribution sites. Neighbors in San Franciscos an up hill neighborhood are giving back to their community. So far group of 100 volunteers organized to pick up and deliver groceries to their elderly neighbors and theyre doing it offer feelgood story here tonight, crawfords Taylor Bisacky spoke to. We started this movement spoke to her in her hill neighborhood and taylor joins us now with the details tell it. Yes she says it all started on social media post on a next or app and she got an overwhelming amount of positive feedback and responses. So now dozens of people in this neighborhood are helping out the community. The vaccine can at least help deliver groceries how good for neighbors. Their resources that they need counseling so lives in San Franciscos hill neighborhood. As more news came out about the coronavirus she says she immediately thought about her older neighbors, she posted in the next door app on social media asking if anyone else had elderly neighbors nearby who needed help now nearly 2 weeks later, she found more than 100 other volunteers response the next after this it was 300 responses on it now. We created a emails read about it. A volunteers in the area who just are willing to help out the volunteers are delivering food groceries and toiletries tell neighbors in need in hill, fort of their efforts quickly spread on social media and already theyve made more than a handful of deliveries weve kind of form this partnerships with with the now for assistance so it delivery so its just been taking all the necessary precautions even though were young and healthy your worst off mask while flying down the ice and just making sure its safe. Assess for everybody in this difficult time so says its great to see neighbors helping neighbors from my life, i love San Francisco so much the people here for each other. Well not hill isnt the only neighborhood in the city doing this this has been happening across other neighborhoods in the city for some time now. Its important reminder that many of us do feel at home and were isolated but there are people that are willing to help that makes us feel well a bit more like were all together reporting live in San Francisco Taylor Bisacky kron 4 news. They can tell a love seeing that as we take a live look outside right now and the bay bridge toll plaza. So not too busy nothing is these days. It is a weird reality in the bay area and throughout much of the country and it was a kind of a bizarre weather day. It was but you know, were were just at the beginning of spring. So lets check in with meteorologist Mabrisa Rodriguez joining us now live from the comfort of her toasty come people. Well room by reference to. And we did have a winter storm that swept through the bay area earlier today, leaving mind a very chilly air mass but we arent seeing any clouds so because of that lack a blanket of cloud cover temperatures are really going to take a dip stormtracker 4 even tracking some light snow throughout our highest peaks in the east bay and south bay out there this evening getting a fresh dusting of powder there temperatures for the most part in the low to mid and upper 40s but oakland, the stubborn one Still Holding steady in the low 50s just barely in overnight lows tonight will be at or slightly below freezing specifically those of you in santa rosa cooling down into the low 30s with widespread upper 30s in london low to mid 40s throughout the bay area shoreline temperature wise a degree or 2 warmer tomorrow compared to today, 58 degrees in downtown San Francisco. We should be in the mid to upper 60s so were going to be about 5 degrees below average tomorrow, the upper 50s from brisbane all the way into burlingame samiti on foster city, 58 degrees paul o all 48 degrees for your thursday afternoon highs so mostly sunny skies for most of the bay area and san jose warming up into the low 60s there hayward also in the low 60s orinda 53 degrees and oakland 59 degrees for your thursday afternoon nap and the low 60s, a 62 degrees in santa rosa and noe valley, 54 degrees and your full 10 at 10 outlook will show light scattered showers this weekend about half an inch of rain or less but then really warming up in a big way for much of next week were going to be about 5 to 10 degrees above average specifically a week from today so next wednesday warming up with widespread mid 70s for most of the bay area so are watching weather rollercoaster ride continues going to make it back to you. Im of recent thanks so much Los Angeles County officials now say they are no longer including a 17 yearold boy in the tally of coronavirus deaths until they do more to determine his precise cause of death the countys Public Health director said today that she has asked the cdc to investigate the death of that minor in hes from lancaster, she said that while the child did test positive for the virus. They were. Experiencing what they called extenuating circumstances that pointed to perhaps an alternate diagnosis as well. Some passengers who were aboard the grand princess cruise ship theyre finishing up their 2 week quarantine and heading home today that ship of forced to dock at the port of oakland a little earlier this month after some crew members and passengers tested positive for the coronavirus what a relief to finally be done with that ordeal. Kron fours michelle kingston caught up with 2 passengers. We just completed their quarantine today. The nays are final day. Warren mask off. The first time. The way uh really hit home and ah. It back to normal life after 2 weeks in quarantine corps air station miramar stephen and Michelle Smith are finally heading home a here we go were getting a a. Ready leave a marinara get on the bus and get our rental car right this myth should have returned home weeks ago after their hawaiian vacation. But due to a coronaVirus Outbreak on board the grand princess cruise ship they were on they were quarantined wants their ship finally docked in oakland earlier this month. He spent 14 days inside a room on base in san diego, but said it was better than the ship because they had 4 windows they could open and were able to walk outside of that last week they were tested for covid 19 we were tested on a week ago monday and we got the results back a couple days ago, and we are. Here we are very healthy, according to the California Office of Emergency Services 63 passengers on board the grand princess cruise ship tested positive for coronavirus. Steve and Michelle Smith say the trick to getting through their time in quarantine was remaining positive. And since we can see family right away because of the stay home here in california, im im looking forward to seeing our and im looking forward to feeding the fish and the cap. But im looking for to get back to paradise rebuilt we look for michelle kingston kron 4 news. We want to share time with everybody we just share right now. Well you want to get away many of us have some kind of cabin fever way a cabin in tahoe mate. It should not be in your future. Probably not and if you are use to exercise getting a good workout in can be tough these days, especially if its raining. One business is helping you sweat out the stress. Our coverage of the coronavirus continues our website kron 4 dot com youll find the latest. On outbreaks in the bay area an interactive map and advice on ways to stay when we face adversity, we find a way through it. Its about taking care of each other. Its the small parts that make a big difference. At chevy, we promise to do ours. Were offering chevy owners complimentary onstar crisis assist services and wifi data. If you need a new chevy, interestfree financing for 84 months with deferred payments for 120 days on many of our most popular models. You may even shop online and take delivery at home. Its just our way of doing our part. The idea here sacramento cycling studio is giving away its indoor bikes for its members to use at their hope yall city writers uses a video wall to make riders feel feel at least like theyre biking outdoors now the governor is ordering the temporary closure of all california gyms all city writers has to change its business model. So theyre bringing technology to customers homes. You want to maintain your business can figure out a way to continue to go the muscle 20 minutes right field that huffman was this springs i was a kid that after that was over lets like lets go to work. So were going to work. Its positive Brian Washington has already given away more than a dozen his indoor bicycles he is hoping to do about a month a beta testing before finding other ways to expand his business and right as the heck of a mustache gone there will a the mayor of south lake tahoe, how cold is requesting all Vacation Home owners to stop renting out their homes immediately. After the city saw thousands of visitors this past weekend despite governor new sons mandatory order to stay home. Mayor cole said the reason the citys asking people to stay away. Its also because bart Memorial Hospital is the only hospital for that city and it has fewer than 10 i see you beds and ventilators el dorado county. So far is reporting 3 covid 19 cases. Coming up area restaurants working really hard to keep business alive through this coronavirus pandemic where you can get takeout cocktails in San Francisco right after the break. It is the us cases continue to grow each day isolation is said to be setting in at the white house how the president is coping without crowds and campaign when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Try pepto liquicaps for fast relief and ultracoating. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Get powerful relief with pepto bismol liquicaps. Vicks vapopatch. Easy to wear with soothing vicks vapors for her, for you, for the whole family. Vicks vapopatch. Breathe easy. Uld work as hard as i do. So i use my freedom unlimited card to buy all the latest tech stuff. Today, im earning on a charger. So, just the charger then . Ummm. Yeah sarcastically fantastic. Earn 1. 5 cash back on everything you buy with freedom unlimited. Chase. Make more of whats yours. The white house aides say the move is getting more and more somber there is the Virus Outbreak really showing no end in sight and as Cnns Kaitlan Collins reports for us tonight. Isolation is setting in even if the oval office. The president isnt backing off his prediction that the country could reopen by easter though Public Health experts and economists are warning its unlikely and inadvisable. This is just high. The country still is and have widespread testing for the coronavirus confirmed cases are increasing by the hour coming, its also not clear that trump informed his task force beforehand about the day he had picked i dont know how i will inform they were deciding when people go back to work may not be up to the president , new Jersey Governor Phil Murphy says he hopes that trump is right that his state will stay the course until he decides its ready by fear based on the meetings were having constantly. Would suggest that were not going to be out of the woods by that i hope im wrong. I hope theyre wrong. My fear is there not for now the president is telling americans to continue socialdistancing came following our guidelines and social distancing that sources tell cnn hes growing and see it being sealed off from the outside world. Without lunches with foreign leaders or arenas filled and supporters. Trump is wondered aloud when life will return to normal for the nation and for himself. Outside of necessary governing day to day operations at the white house have also been scaled back public tours have been canceled the yearly easter egg roll is called off and a state dinner with the king and queen of spain has been postponed. The slowdown in the president s own life has led in part to his desire to lift guidelines that are keeping many it home. The president has been working the phones speaking with new York Governor Andrew Cuomo several times a day. Yesterday the white house advised anyone who left new york city in recent days should self quarantine for 2 weeks you may have been exposed before you left new york but new york state is struggling off that suggestion. I dont know. Medicine i would turn to the doctor after trump didnt say whether he gave cuomo a heads up the new York State Health commissioner pushed back on the white houses advice, i would not to follow that i believe that the eu should follow the guidelines in general patients social distance. That was Kaitlan Collins reporting for us tonight. Stocks close mostly higher at todays closing of ballots, the first back to back again in weeks and this comes after Congress First he agreed to a deal on the Economic Relief bill, using investors fears which are many. The nasdaq it ended down around 5 point rather 0. 5 grant. Rees have stopped making moves so they can make Hand Sanitizer instead of course that is a hot commodity these days in the east bay, the owners of the falcon distillery in richmond say theyve reached out to the agencies that oversee year oversee the liquor making industry for approval to actually switch gears and start making Hand Sanitizer full time at least for the time being for now though the small distillery is filling Spray Bottles of Hand Sanitizer and it has contracts with several cities. And it is fielding lots of inquiries. Our main concern was a to provide and it still is to provide. The sheriffs responders and i do apologize, we can to how to live for everyone. Prohibitions spirits in sonoma is also making Hand Sanitizer for several counties in Nursing Homes. But is also selling some with the scent of craft cocktails. Like would you want to rub an Old Fashioned on your hands. In San Francisco, 7 steals brewery and distillery has stopped making beer whiskey for the time being instead getting ready to begin production this week in order to supply the major demand coming from local hospitals and Nursing Homes and singleroom occupancy hotels many bay area restaurants are barely hanging on during the coronavirus but pandemic but recently the state changed up that site liquor restrictions. To help provide relief to those businesses in need. Our first race mahsa spoke with one Restaurant Owner to see if its helping. The coronavirus has had a damaging effect on restaurants in order to salvage some of the law says the state has lifted liquor sale restrictions on to go orders. Its kind of given us a little bit more exposure. We people come in and i think this weekend i think is the word gets out more. Margarita so thats with people who have purchase seen here last couple of days, its as simple as adding a beverage to your to go or delivery order to present him with our menu. With your beverages some alcoholic beverages as well. We saw at least we we saw a whole set up so that you make your partner is at home like that weve also got a on our. Our web site at some of the delivery sites now that. As long as the order food they can order ive ever does with that as well even with the liquor sales rodriguez doesnt know how much longer his business will last. We had a location open for 17 years dating back to the 90s. This one on main street has been open for 5 years i do it week by week i kinda probably go a month maybe 2 months like and show myself and one guy in the kitchen better have been able to to do with the takeout just. Reporting in San Francisco, im jason dumas school kron 4 news. Yet masks gloves and guns swell florida says a lot of people are rushing to gun shops to buy guns during this outbreak, yes so weve been hearing of the state reports just this past friday it conducted more than 13,000 background checks. Thats compared to the 2600 or more that it ran on the same day last year that is a nearly 400 increase. The state points to the coronavirus a pandemic is the reason why the Florida Department of Law Enforcement theres not know how many guns were sold in that period of tracks background checks, but not actual gun sales in california. Governor newsome spoke to reporters today on whether he thinks gun shops are an essential business right now under the statewide shutdown i may be the last person asked this question in the past the statewide Initiative Become the first state american. The america to do background checks, not just on guns, but ammunition purchases. I believe peoples right to bear arms. And that people exercising that but ill defer to the sheriff and this instance and our stuff or sheriffs in their respective jurisdictions for that clarification. We have seen surges in sales in california already nationwide the ammunition website ammo dot com reported massive increases in online sales over the past month. They compared to sales with february. And turning now to our weather with meteorologist Mabrisa Rodriguez. She is here and and when we say here weve had a virtually here with the tenet and forecast recent. They grant hey vicky at keeping our social distance but still reporting on the weather out there this evening, lets take a look at stormtracker 4 dry and clear we do have some showers out in the pacific but not expected to make its way inland into the bay area and because of that lack a blanket of cloud cover temperatures are going to cool down with a frost advisory issued for parts of the bay area already noticing that cool down especially for those of you in the north bay low 40s for napa and santa rosa we do have a frost advisory that will go into effect for much of the north bay during the overnight hours. Through your thursday morning by romney morning. Thats when its set to expire, but overnight lows will be below freezing for those of you in santa rosa cooling down to 30 degrees napa 35, widespread upper 30s in the interior valleys, 43 degrees for San Francisco. And that is the warmest location, everyone else in the low 40s around the bay area shoreline so thursday it is going to be a mostly sunny dry day could see some scattered showers mainly in our highest peaks in our local mountains and hills and then friday will be even drier than that the transitional day before scattered showers arrive this weekend. Bring us some light rain to the bay area about half an inch of rain or less along the coast. And a quarter of an inch of rain or less elsewhere in todays daytime highs. Well below average 5 to 10 degrees below normal but were going to warm up into the low 60s and land so expect temperatures to warm up a few degrees but still going to remain about 5 degrees below average until around sunday that some are going to warm up to near average and then thawing out by next week in the to 75 degrees sound a week from today granted making. Sounds great. Thank you bree said. Britains Prince Charles says tested positive for coronavirus is the first in line of course to the british throne. According to palace officials the 71 yearold prince showing mild symptoms but is otherwise in good health, they say he is selfisolating in scotland where he continues to work from home. His wife camilla duchess of cornwall tested negative. According to a spokesperson, they say its really impossible to know how the prince got the virus because of his high number of public engagements in recent times. Queen elizabeth herself remains in good health and is also selfisolating and she has canceled a number of. Planned public appearances because of coronavirus the 93 yearold monarch is well over the age for sheltering guidance which in britain applies to people over the age of 70 United Kingdom is now in the delay phase of its coronavirus response. Scores of events have been canceled all around the country. The queen will move to Windsor Castle tomorrow in preparation for easter. Now thats a week earlier than usual for the royal family, Buckingham Palace says that the schedule changes for practical reasons due to the current circumstance expert. All seen plenty of doctor fouchier he has been at some of the president s Daily White House coronavirus briefings, although not all of them. And tomorrow were going to see more of him he is expected to speak with the bay areas own steph curry tomorrow curry tweeted today, asking his fans for some questions hes going to host the question and answer session at 10 oclock tomorrow morning. It will stream live on his Instagram Page should be very interesting. Still ahead tonight, the coronavirus death toll reached a new high today making it the deadliest day since the outbreak started in the u s what we know about the virus finding a way to infect children. The newborn babies. And a blessing in disguise. Why the [car engine failing to start] [clicking of ignition] uh wha woof eeh woof wuh [silence] [engine roars to life] [dog howls] dramatic opera music swells from radio [howling continues] we find a way through it. Its about taking care of each other. Its the small parts that make a big difference. At chevy, we promise to do ours. Were offering chevy owners complimentary onstar crisis assist services and wifi data. If you need a new chevy, interestfree financing for 84 months with deferred payments for 120 days on many of our most popular models. You may even shop online and take delivery at home. Its just our way of doing our part. Ayers death toll reached a new high today with at least 185 more people falling victim to the pandemic here in the us said makes today the nations deadliest day since the outbreak began as cnns erica hill reports for us tonight, the virus is finding a way to. In fact some children and even newborn babies. A virus that once seemed distant hitting closer to home with each passing day the vast majority of people in our state who have tested positive so far we are in their 40s. And we have children as young as 10 months old to have the virus in alabama emory grace just a month old is now isolated as a precaution. After a nurse in the nick you where the baby has been a since birth tested positive. Her father telling cnn he felt this moment was inevitable, given the number of people tending to his daughter every day in new orleans more than half of the citys ems workers are now being monitored after exposure to the virus. Louisiana has the highest growth rate for covid 19 and the governor warns his States Health care facilities could be at capacity by the first week of april, michigan, one of several states facing a shortage of critical supplies. And while new york remains the epicenter new jersey now has the second highest number of cases in the u s as more states and cities announced shelterinplace orders, new york is seeing a slowdown in the need for hospitalizations evidence suggests that the density control measures. Maybe working the governor cautiously optimistic bank and also clear. Now is not the time to loosen restrictions warning to peak in his state which now has 30,000 confirmed cases is likely weeks away and new york still needs 10s of thousands of additional hospital beds and ventilators. To meet the expected me. Across the country officials are pleading with retired Health Care Professionals to return to work. God bless them. 40,000 people have signed up. As a Surge Healthcare force. Thats a big big deal. You can create beds. You can find the equipment. You have to have the staff. The fight against this invisible enemy is increasingly defined by those on the front lines. The exhausted doctors nurses and hospital staff working around the clock. We are terrified, everybody is terrified. We feel an obligation to take care of our patients, everybody does but we dont want to become sick and we also dont want to become carriers for the more than 800 americans who have died their grieving families facing another painful reminder. Of all that has changed and for those who have passed on. Their loved ones are now grieving. And dont have the opportunity to celebrate their lives with traditional funerals and weeks. Lets send our thoughts our support and our prayers to all of these families and their friends. Those erica hill reporting for us tonight. More than 10,700 air and army National Guards are currently responding to help with the pandemic as of today 8 states have approved the use of dual status commanders, including california that gives them the authority to command active and reserve component troops under control of the states governor National Guard tasks include delivering food, helping with screening and testing providing transportation and a disinfecting in cleaning public places. Military leaders have made it a point to say that the National Guard will not be imposing martial law. The nfl has closed all of its Team Facilities in response to the pandemic commissioner Roger Goodell sent a memo to all 32 teams with the guidelines, the closures went into effect at 6 oclock tonight. There are some limited exceptions like allowing athletic trainers and physicians to give ongoing medical treatment to players meanwhile, teams can still sign free agents evaluate their draft prospects and sell tickets. The league will reassess the situation try to determine whether to keep the facilities closed door, allow them to reopen on april 8th. There are many are no doubt disappointed this years Olympic Games have been postponed until 2021 that devastating for so many but is actually a lucky break for a guy who ran in the 2016 games in needs extra time if he wants to do it again. Scott iceberg has the story. Its something you can never will never take away from carvin cannot its a surreal feeling. A year from at it just tells you allies. But thats where cannot a story a bit different than most well hes only 200 meters away from gold on the track. Hes 8,000 or so miles from the qualifying track in kenya. The country, he represents what i was from understanding the lockdown no country so. And you would have to go there to qualify right. As like dual citizenship sellside adventure. It wouldnt have been easy to make in the olympics never is now hes got another year of hard work thats a good thing that my because it competitions some things are worth the wait. That was scott iceberg reporting for us tonight. Tesla has shut down production of vehicles at its fremont factory, but there are still some people showing up for work there or a total of about 10,000 people who typically work at that fremont factory and as of right now just a fraction of the people are still coming in, but we saw some folks Walking Around the parking lot earlier today trucks are still being loaded up with cars for deliveries. Tesla says it is going to temporarily suspend production of vehicles at the factory. And says it will reduce down to basic operations. Tesla notes that it will also close down its new york factory. I wanted my hepatitis c gone. I put off treating mine. Epclusa treats all main types of chronic hep c. Whatever your type, epclusa could be your kind of cure. I just found out about mine. I knew for years epclusa has a 98 overall cure rate. I had no symptoms of hepatitis c mine caused liver damage. Epclusa is only one pill, once a day, taken with or without food for 12 weeks. Before starting epclusa, your doctor will test if you have had hepatitis b, which may flare up, and could cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. Tell your doctor if you have had hepatitis b, other liver or. Kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions. And all medicines you take, including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with epclusa may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects include headache and tiredness. Ask your doctor today, if epclusa is your kind of cure. Coming up next the news continues on our 24 7 streaming service is called kron on and of course its commercial free ellison monae and standing by live in the newsroom with what were working on well americans in need are much closer to getting a check in the mail were going to over the largest stimulus package in the us history. Dubbed the Coronavirus Relief bill that is now moving on to the house for a vote. And what that means for you guys tonight at 11. It all right, thank you ellen make sure to download the kron on app and get 24 7 commercial free local news coverage. Fellow californians. Really Important Message and hes honest and how some talk and everybody just and house. I know its hard but weve got to stand house would get just a you know under control. You know things are serious when snoop dogg people to stay home and thats whats happening here in california where governor newsome released a Public Service announcement featuring the rapper this weeks to tells people not to go outside unless you absolutely have to sound advice theres will farrell addressed in party, a tire. Wow what a jacket he isolation is the perfect time to party at home with Family Members or roommates of course if youre using social distancing. Right. I grant high thinking, yeah definitely social distancing and i heard that theres a new hashtag out there whether at home and thats exactly what im doing out here today at the comfort of my own home getting in the bay area forecast lets take a live look outside and we are noticing. Calmer and Clear Conditions out there because of that lack a blanket of storm cloud cover temperatures already cooling down into the low 40s for the north bay with widespread mid to upper 40s. Everyone else even oakland cooling down finally in the 40s up 49 degrees. But were all going to be in the 40s tonight with the exception of parts of the north bay youre actually going to be under a frost advisory. Thats because youre going to have temperatures at or below freezing so this is going to go into effect during the overnight hours lasting through your thursday mid morning. Temperatures as you could see why from low to mid 30s in the north bay with santa rosa below freezing at 30 degrees. So you actually broke a record low this morning, 28 degrees youre going to be near that and you may also breaking as well yet again for your thursday morning so going to keep an eye on that from the kron 4 Weather Center upper 30s as you make your way inland and everyone else throughout the bay area shoreline in the low to mid 40s, a very chilly temperatures make sure to bundle up perfect Cuddle Weather out there this evening for the bay area and wakeup planner forecast is going to show mostly sunny skies as you start and end your day tomorrow could see some light scattered showers mainly in the highest peaks, but overall they say that extra sunshine were going to warm up into the low 60s for interior valleys and upper 50s as you make your way inland and lets take a look at your 10 at 10 forecast because we are going to warm up in a big way next week so we have a few more days to go from now until then granted to keep back to you all right, thank you bree so from the comfort of your makeshift homes fun weather that wraps up kron 4 news at 10 everybody so far away but we thank you for. Trusting us and tuning in stay safe, everybody. The news continues on our kron on app which is free right now at 11 oclock. Im natalie morales. And im craig melvin. And this is dateline on mynetworktv. Melissa oxley horrible, knowing the person that you love is dead and then youre being looked at for it. Craig melvin imagine youre shaken in the dead of night. My ears were ringing. I thought i was dreaming. Craig melvin in bed right next to you, your husband murdered. Hard to get that one out of your head, isnt it. Yeah. Craig melvin and heres the twist youre the suspect. Craig melvin could she have been the killer . Or was someone keeping a secret . I said, what did you do

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