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It is another grim milestone for the u. S. There are now more than 3 million confirmed cases of covid19 and as the numbers keep going up the debate and how and when to reopen it continues Camilla Bernal has the latest. 19 cases in the u. S. Hits new records, the White House Coronavirus task force needs at the u. S. Department of education is time for us to get our kids back to school the briefing focusing on reopening schools and doing it safely. They must fully open and they must be fully operational and how that happens is best left to education and community leaders. Before the meeting President Trump tweeting his disagreement with cdc guidelines for opening schools and in another tweet saying he may cut off funding if the schools dont open all this as the country reaches 3 million covid19 cases and at least 2 dozen states have paused or rolled back reopening plans new cases in the u. S. Continue to rise at a record rate with the country reporting more than 16,000 cases tuesday. Its highest single daily count. Since the pandemic began its a dire situation. And if people dont. Observe very careful social this is saying it will get even worse. Still the white house says it sees some promising signs and is confident about the road ahead we slow the spread before. And we can do it again. Im Camila Bernal reporting. Doctors have been studying whether it is even possible to develop a herd immunity to the coronavirus kron 4 Sanaz Tahernia talked to a professor at the ucsf school of medicine. I guess lets just start off explaining what herd immunity is exactly and how would it take for us to get there. So the concept of herd immunity with any virus within action is here that if not people have been exposed. To a virus that you get to a certain point where the virus will no longer spread rapidly the population because theres so many people exposed somewhat exposed to it they cant pass it on because they themselves have been immune. And that is essentially how we achieve control of viruses or infections win. We as a population where never immune to it before so this would be for measles this before any infection human we should infections were talking about stars of the 2 here on and you the population. You want that population eventually to become immune enough. Sense that it slows down spread on its own. Thats what heard in the distance a lets say the flu something were very familiar with. When you contract the flu, your body developed antibodies and t cells against the flu is that right. Yes, it does actually and in fact antibodies are somewhat useless as antibodies change with the type of flu the are exposed what really matters in viral infections and unplanned go infections is having that arm and the immune system which is called the memory tcells that it can cause you to have longterm protection if this virus doesnt change too much. Other coronaviruses like sars the first sars epidemic in 2003 has shown us that we are capable of getting t cell immune responses to the virus and that we can stay in. The fda is warning labs and doctors that a common covid19 test is given false positive results. It is called the b d mac system diagnostic test it has an error rate of about 3 . The nasal swab based test was given an emergency authorization by the fda april 8th the fda is now recommending patients confirm results with another authorized test. The company is working with the fda to fix that problem. The Supreme Court has opened the door for more employers and universities to deny Birth Control coverage in their Health Care Plans. Washington correspondent alexandra le mon has that story. The u. S. Supreme court delivered a victory for the Trump Administration and the Little Sisters of the poor and i am filled with joint a day every choice that the Supreme Court has protected our ministry mother Lorraine Maguire and the Little Sisters of the poor won their case that argued that the catholic Charitable Organization should not be forced to comply with the Affordable Care acts mandate to provide Birth Control to employees to do so would have been an irreconcilable contradiction. The belief that guides our ministry the Supreme Court decision means employers can remove Birth Control coverage from their Health Care Plans if they cite religious or moral reasons and disappointed in the Supreme Courts ruling first control is an essential part of a Womans Health care needs colorado congresswoman diana to get says she and democrats in congress will fight back by introducing legislation to eliminate the Trump Administrations rule that allowed the exemptions in the first place were going to do whatever we need to do to make sure that women are the ones making it decision justices elena kagan and Stephen Breyer agreed with the courts majority that the Trump Administration has the right to create the exemptions to the ac mandate but kagan urged the lower courts to take another look at whether the case can be legally challenge because it was created for improper reasons. In washington alexandra leigh. Harvard university and mit they are suing to challenge the Trump Administration decision to deny visas to foreign students enrolled in schools that are fully online the lawsuit aimed at preventing authorities from enforcing that rule the universitys argue the white house move did not offer a reasonable justification for that policy. We are halfway through the week, lets check in again with Mabrisa Rodriguez its been getting pretty warm a breeze so depending on where you were and its only going to get warmer and hotter from here depending on where you live so for your late week forecast as we take a look at your microclimate outlook for thursday downtown San Francisco warming up to 72 degrees about 5 degrees above average there. 67 degrees for Half Moon Bay in brisbane in the mid 70s burlingame 76 degrees so winds along the coast out of the west around 20 Miles Per Hour less san mateo 79 degrees, 82 for redwood city widespread mid to upper 80s for those of you in the south bay 89 degrees for san jose in cupertino hope he does warming up to 85 degrees with the 90s returning for most of our interior valleys, especially in the east bay and north bay going to see the return ofn those warm dry offshore breezes 93 degrees for Livermore Hayward in the low 80s with widespread low 80s throughout the east bay shoreline from oakland to richmond, richmond 82 degrees conquered in the mid 90s at 96 degrees low 90s for napa and delay hope and 95 degrees for those of you in santa rosa back to you catherine thank you for bruce up coming up another curve ball for 2020. Dozens of storms predicted for Hurricane Season. And you knew somebody was going to try this a Texas Company wants to make it possible to eat and drink while youre wearing a mask and one social media twitter might be working on a new subscription based platform because the company made a job posting today looking for Senior Software engineer at a subscription platform called a griffon the listing said the job would be with a new team describing it as a first for the Company Twitter says though that listing is not a product announcement, although theyre not explaining what it is not elaborating the companys share still jumped 8 after that post. I had a texas woman fighting off both the coronavirus and the a texas woman is counting her blessings after getting getting over both the coronavirus and the flu she had them at the same time to the relief of her family shes finally been released after months in the hospital reporter marla carter has that story. Throughout her whole life elliana top has turned to her faith my face has been very strong back in march the realtor and mother of 4 started feeling, sick, so she went to the doctor topping back in march when that was the first time in 19 he came out that have to come they could have all she had both the flu and covid19. But soon covid started taking over and weeks later was fighting for her life they had the ventilator maxed out and all the parameters on the ventilator sean that she wasnt improving. I was going the opposite way and then she was starting to get multiorgan failure. Husband, daniel said it got so bad. The staff started to prepare their family for what could come. But he wasnt having it in my mind, i said shes not gonna die from this. Shes going to survive and theres no doubt that she was and thats when the family came together to turn to their faith just like elliana always did lot of praying a lot of talking family. Get Group Meetings every night where we shared prayers and thoughts things started to turn around. After 7 weeks elliana was able to get off the ventilator one she beat the virus. She was able to continue her rehabilitation and just last week after months in the hospital. She returned home i am i wouldnt cry because im the happiest woman in the war. He was my property. Back in my community. With my church, my family, my friends that i doubt it was a blessing was a miracle were very fortunate. You know god did answer our prayers. And that was marla carter reporting. As the front of virus cases escalate theres a new survey suggesting that a lot of people most people in fact have no idea where they caught the virus Mandy Gaither has more in todays health minute. As coronavirus cases continue to rise a survey by the centers for Disease Control and prevention shows only 45 of covid19 patients studied in 9 states knew they had been in contact with someone who had the virus. Most often when the patient did know it was a Family Member or work colleague indepth survey of 350 patients also showed that those needing hospital treatment which was about a quarter of the patients were more likely to be older have more underlying Chronic Health conditions and less likely to be white than those who didnt need hospital care is sicker patients were also more likely to have an annual Household Income of 25,000 or less and were less likely to be employed. The cdc says this Research Highlights the need for increased screening Case Investigation Contact Tracing isolation of those infected and prevention measures like social distancing and face coverings for todays health minute. Im Mandy Gaither. In world news, mexican authorities have identified the remains of one of 43 students missing since 2014. They say dna testing identified the remains of christian to lumber a 6 pieces of remains were sent to a lab at the university in austria. This is considered a major breakthrough in the case. Nearly 6 years after the trainee teachers suddenly disappeared in september of 2014. Earlier investigations concluded the students had been captured by police and handed over to a criminal group. The case is traumatized mexico and has become a symbol of corruption and injustice. Mexicos president has reopened the investigation. The year 2020 going to be thrown another curve ball 20 named hurricanes are being forecast for the upcoming storm season and it is expected to be happening earlier than usual. The last time 20 or more storms were projected was august of 2005 that was a record breaking season. Researchers say sea surface temperatures in the atlantic have been above average for a few months now the peak of the Hurricane Season is between august and october. Speaking of weather, lets take a live look outside overlooking the embarcadero lets have another check of the forecast with but Bruce Rodrigues a there catherine out tracking clear skies out there and breezy winds and temperatures out there right now quite the spread 5060 70s, 80s and even 90s so warm temperatures once again. Along most of our inland valleys, widespread 80s and 90s there. Antioch 92 degrees low 70s throughout the east bay shoreline with widespread 50s and 60s around the San Francisco peninsula overnight lows tonight, well be on the mild side widespread mid 50s the low 50s right along the immediate coast of Half Moon Bay and even for those of you in santa rosa for your overnight temperatures in tomorrows daytime highs warming up and drying out in fact were going to be about 5 to 15 degrees above average with the warmest temperatures in our tribe valleys warming up into the mid to upper 90s antioch flirting with that triple digit heat at 99 degrees conquered not that far behind in santa rosa in the midnineties low 80s throughout the east bay shoreline and widespread 60s and 70s along the coast. So we are going to be warming up and then peaking on sunday with temperatures in the mid to upper 90s for most of our inland valleys, some relief by next week but still going to be war catherine back to you thank you members stuff for your Health Scientists have made 2 major strides in hiv research. At the International Aids Conference theyve announced a possible case of a longterm remission and theres new research which has found injections can help prevent hiv. Brazilian man might be the first person to experience longterm remission after being treated with an antiviral drug regimen since the aids epidemic began only 2 people have been cleared of the virus long term but that was using stem cell transplant. A second study found that an injection of an investigational drug every 8 weeks was more effective at preventing hiv than taking pills. Up next the latest fashion accessory this year is the face mask like it or not, but it is not great when youre trying to eat something or drink something. But now a Texas Based Company has created a face mask with a zipper they insist this will make it pretty easy to an cip and take a gulp of water or bite of food. The zippered facemasks cost about 35 they come in a variety of fabrics and colors. The company is called shut your mouth it does have a website. Cocacola is closing down this Smoothie Company owed walla a dollar was founded in santa cruz in 1980 by 3 people who sell their product to restaurants from the back of a 1968 volkswagen van for a while the company has been headquartered in Half Moon Bay since 1995 that since cocacola bought the company in 2001 roughly 300 people will lose their jobs and the company will stop delivering a wallet to stores in july and pick up unsold smoothies in august. Were realizing biased not saying something wasnt enough that we needed to start saying something. A new york pub and 900 other businesses across the u. S. Are brewing support for the black community unveiling black is beautiful beer to raise money for black women on business is a coowner says that they would rather risk losing a few customers than tolerating hate. 100 of the money raised will go to to programs that help inner city women of color, build foundations of success. The collaboration of 900 companies was organized by a black on Brewing Company in san antonio texas. A maryland man is doing his part to help people in his community during the pandemic hes been collecting truckloads of donated food and then giving it out to people who needed Caroline Patrickis has the story. 3 days a trumps arrive and pallets of food or unloaded this isnt a food pantry but rather a home in this residential Silver Spring community. So i have 400 block to see. Related to bless 400 from this. Rufino fuentes immigrant from el salvador, distributes food 3 days a week during the pandemic for anyone whos hungry. Theyre not the job that they come and gone. And they got a large family is. So that broke my heart from Fresh Produce to bread. In the other day 300 gallons of milk. Neighbors watched his humble work in action what i see the people come on very to be honest and they speechless 20 has managed to do all of this from his home while holding a fulltime job. Other people that dont have that opportunity that i have. So why not use my free time. To help others the boxes of food or donations from usda through his church. If they see that t still washington. I just when they invite how those people out there try to do the same thing. So later were going to need some help from others you know. Hes just make the difference. And that was Caroline Patrickis reporting. That wraps up kron 4 news at 5 the news continues at 6 coming up at the top of the hour delay hope police they release not body cam video to Sean Monterrosa as family from the night he was killed by an officer his familys reaction news at 6. A deadly confrontation amid nationwide protest of Police Violence feel i hope Police Released video from a controversial shooting, Sean Monterrosa killed after officers must take a hammer for a now the family of the 22 yearold says its time for change the williamson, the lafayette we are all liars they continue to think that because weve anything under the rug. Thank you for joining us, everyone, im Catherine Heenan there is growing outrage tonight after

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