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Conditions heading our way law yeah, this historically one of the worst times a year we get those offshore winds. And the dangerous fire conditions of course for many folks looks beautiful down below like today, lots of sunshine and warm weather but watch what happens here, weve got a cold front that is moving over the top of this ridge once that moves on by High Pressure starts to build on the backside of that. And then here come those winds those dry northerly offshore winds developing and very gusty in spots, especially over the mountain tops but even in some of the urban areas youre going to feel the gusts down below so fire danger going to be running high as we head into the next few days right now we havent seen much in that offshore wind developing yet but not expected still sea breeze in the San Francisco on the west at 5, 6, in the pacific out of the west 9 in sfo, a west oakland of 5, but look at the north bay see sonoma now get a normally composed the wind at 17 Miles Per Hour. Thats going to start to ramp up overnight tonight. So heres a look at some of the forecasted winds as we head through time here those winds all of a sudden going to start to switch directions and by tomorrow afternoon getting very blustery especially in the north bay first you can see that huge area of red and purple beginning to show up in the Central Valley of california all that working its way back in our direction those are winds gusting over 30 Miles Per Hour in some cases, 40 Miles Per Hour. And that will continue to intensify think as we head in toward early on thursday morning. I think that will be the peak of the highest winds in the bay area thats when could see some of those gusts 4050 Miles Per Hour. But its also when lot of winds begin to start to develop places like the Oakland Hills, the diablo range also down toward us and tail and the Santa Cruz Mountains and some gusty winds go to filter in through there through late thursday and into friday and you can see a thursday afternoon very gusty around much of the bay area, those winds really blustery in the north bay but elsewhere certainly of any fires get started anywhere around the bay area dangerous fire conditions continuing right through friday morning in fact the model summer pegan in calistoga almost 40 mile an hour winds and thats not including the mountain peaks where we can see him in some much higher gust now that will begin to subside as we head in toward the latter part of friday will between now and then some pretty dangerous weather. Offshore winds of course that means the humidity is going to go way down in fact watch us as we take into the north bay as we head toward a wednesday afternoon that napa less than 10 on the road the middle east and the out bill and a lot start to replenish a little bit overnight but not much warmth. We cover and were back almost in the same place as we head toward thursday afternoon so very dry conditions outside youve got those temperatures that are running well above the average in the 80s in the 90s. And now you throw those offshore winds guys and well thats all it takes to get fire conditions at this time of year. Here are some more on the possible power shut off pg says it will make the final decision on that tomorrow Morning Cloud for sale of the sacking joins us live now from a clear a village in the oakland area tonight with how people are bracing for possible blackout taylor. Him gain pg power shutoffs could begin at 08 00pm in the Oakland Hills tomorrow night and while its not definite yet many people are gearing up and getting ready as to when events are expected through friday. Pg and e customers living in the east bay hills are bracing for a possible Public Safety power shutoff on wednesday. But are you concerned the head of the possible power cant turn on the fan to call myself off. And its really hot miserable being in the house you know in 9095 degree weather. Just cant call law it hot dry and windy conditions expected to make their way through the bay area. A red flag warning was also issued for elevated areas in the east bay like the Oakland Hills. I need to walk ins lives first thought is im keeping my fingers and toes crossed that it doesnt happen. And second if it you know the way this year his gun is kind of got the boy just one more thing i hope it doesnt it will become nuisance if it does pg says. Neighbors here can expect a possible power shut offs to start at 08 00pm on wednesday and last through friday morning forecasted yesterday dissipate inseries 55 Miles Per Hour weeks and these high winds to subside thursday or potentially friday morning even before these weather events. Neighbors in the oakland and Berkeley Hills were concerned about wildfire dangers. So much that the citys closed scenic turnouts like grizzly peak to discourage people from hanging out there and setting off illegal fireworks. Now if these power shut do in fact happen pg expects to restore power by 10 00pm friday night live in oakland Taylor Bisacky kron 4 news taylor. Thank you and because of the fire conditions regional parks and the east bay hills will be closed from tomorrow through friday east bay parks posted a list of closed parks on its website they will be closed starting 5 oclock tomorrow morning through friday morning at 11. The possible power shutoffs could just come just as thousands of people in the north bay are still trying to recover from the glass fire in napa county nearly 9,000 customers could lose power tomorrow, many of them live in the town of calistoga. Kelso was mayor says the town has endured a number of Public Safety power shutoff since 2018. The gna reportedly just finish constructing a microgrid which is expected to keep the lights on for at least 60 of the town. People who rely on medical equipment that this becomes a significant hardship. So well you know well have power in the center of town so we can bring those folks in for cooling stations and if they need device Battery Charging et cetera, well be able to accommodate that we were fortunate because we have the microgrid there are a lot of other towns are going to be in fact affected by this that dont have that fall back. Pg and e says its crews made to restore power to those affected within 12 hours after the high winds die down Sonoma County firefighters are also bracing for more wildfires assistant fire marshal paulo and paul says his department added 12 fire engines across the county and is urging the community to be prepared for potential evacuations department will be staffing to additional wildland fire engines of those 2 fire engines will join a number of other Fire Departments from across noma county. That will form a ploy for to a strike teams and task forces right now were looking at a least upwards of 12 Additional Fire engines that will be staffed across the county and likely many more to come. Firefighters say areas that recently burned have fire lines in place and that could be helpful in containing a new fire if it sparks that is not the case for some areas such as Fountain Grove that burned during the 2017 tubbs fire. Not only are new houses sprouting up in the neighborhood but dense brush has also started to regrow that red flag warning coming just as the glass fire is inching closer to full containment, the fire is currently 97 contained after burning more than 67,000 acres in napa and sonoma counties the fire destroyed more than 800 homes more than 1200 are still considered a threat and as of tonight. 2 more counties in the bay area are moving tier allowing more access to restaurants churches health clubs and a lot more alameda and santa clara counties got the states approval today to move to runs tear on force reassess your explains what that means for Santa Clara County. When it comes to dining and Santa Clara County in the orange category that means outdoor gatherings can be up to 200 people and indoor gatherings are up to 25 capacity or 100 people which ever is fewer. All of that also includes movie theaters churches and cultural ceremonies in or museums and zoos can now have up to 50 capacity and College Sports without fans must follow county and state requirements. Orange also means that there are no limits on capacity and malls or other Retail Businesses so even though were certainly by no means out of the woods and in fact all around us in many communities in the country of course we see covid increasing. We think that with everyones help. We can. Continue to prevent severe illness and death from covid even as we enable more businesses and activities to resume. Doctor sara cody says Santa Clara County has come a long way since back in march when cases start to show up. Hospitalizations increased and deaths occurred. Doctor cody says the changes for doesnt mean that covid is gone, she says personally she will not be dining inside because its not safe. For her family think its really important to remember that any indoor activity where you have to remove the Face Covering is going to increase your risk. And so. Anyone who is in a Higher Risk Group or who is in a household with someone in a Higher Risk Group. We strongly discourage highrisk activities like Indoor Dining the bottom line is of course its a case by case situation as you heard what doctor sara cody had to say so. If your family there someone who has got a compromise situation. Early is probably not the right choice to go inside with dining but again its up to the individual and of course we all have to do social distancing and where those mass here in Santa Clara County, theresa kron 4 news. Contra costa county is on track to enter runs here by the end of this month, the countys Health Director said today the county already made one key criteria to move up. The county currently has a 2. 4 positive test rate. Its still nice to achieve a covid19 case rate between one and 3. 9 new cases per 100,000 residents and keep those numbers for 2 weeks. I guess that we not attend that we dont know how this nominee use a womans right to choose make her own health care. Decisions here. I dont senator Kamala Harris slammed President Trumps pick for Supreme Court as a threat to the Affordable Care act and abortion rights. The california senator and Vice President ial nominee was the last democrat of the day the grill Amy Coney Barrett today was the second day of a Senate Committees confirmation hearing and the first day of questioning joe khalil reports from washington dc. I dont have any agenda. I have an agenda to stick to the rule of law decide cases as they come he didnt take one tuesday for senators to ask judge Amy Coney Barrett about how she would rule on the Affordable Care act in cases involving abortion rights do you agree with Justice Scalias you that roe was wrongly decided so senator i do want to be forthright and the answer every question actually be wrong and a violation of the candidates for me to do that there it didnt directly answer how she would rule on any specific case which is typical of nominees, but she did distanced herself from decisions by the late Justice Antonin Scalia who she called a mentor and whose philosophy she says she shares if im confirmed you would not be getting justice scalia. You would be getting Justice Barrett senator Amy Klobuchar was one of Many Democrats who press judge barrett on her past criticism of the courts decision to protect the Affordable Care act you think we should take the president at his word. When he says his nominee will do the right thing in overturning the Affordable Care act over sharp and others pointed to President Trumps tweets a promising a justice who would overturn it. He said also on twitter that it would be a big win. If the Supreme Court strikes down. The health law an ocean republican senators and judge barrett shot down if you committed to the president or anyone else that you will vote to repeal the Affordable Care act if confirmed by. To the cork absolutely not i was never asked if i hadnt been that would have in a short conversation, what i want. Is to have a judge who doesnt want to take away the job of a legislator that account a legislature thats accountable to the people republican senator ben sasse said barrett independence on the bench was one reason hell support for confirmation and why he says barrett has support from legal scholars who often disagree with her the notre dame law faculty as i had people unanimously recommend you. And joining us now to talk about all of this David Mckeown a Political Science professor at sonoma state university, thank you for being with us tonight professor, so most observers felt that today was really just the senators on both sides reiterating their positions on various issues did you get any feeling that there was anything of real substance. It came from the nominee tonight today. I look at you think horn now a nation 1. 8 1880 of obviously when Justice Ginsburg came up. Some years ago when she was nominated to the court. Nominees dont want to say a lot about specific cases and about issues of the day now there was a discussion about roe v wade in terms of being a super precedent the idea of a super president in the scholarly legal field about certain precedents that cant be touched like brown people order marbury versus madison that was very insightful because the judge justice judge merrick did provide some information about how she feels about the roe decision but youre right at least in terms of the lead at this really was about the senators on both sides of the aisle campaigning for president in 2024 and campaigning right now for 2020 and whats in just a few weeks because david the bottom line is theres nothing democrats can do to stop this nomination right. You nailed it there really is nothing they can do to stop this nomination and mitch mcconnell, the leader of the senate will bring this nominee to the floor when he has the votes now there will be a little bit of a pause it does move us closer to the election itself, but theres very little that democrats can do other than to kind of slow go this so as we move forward over the next 2 days and wrap this up and then come back next week for a vote. Its a virtual slam dunk that that. Judge barrett will become Justice Barrett. As a professor of Political Science though were you concerned about some of the things that she did not answer for instance, whether a president can delay an election whether intimidation at the pose of polls is allowed. Whether a president can change the election date. We are we are led to believe that those are things that are loss. Thats right or whether there could be a peaceful transition of power if the president loses the election kind of a bedrock of american democracy these questions in which she demurred until she was pushed a little bit and you would think that in this environment given the pandemic given the protests in the streets given the historic nature of this particular election that of judge that judge barrett could at least move forward on key elements of what we all agree or superprecedents not of legal theory, but super president s of democracy meaning like the transition of power access to the ballot key elements of our democracy that people have been battling about for years that we think are is all these are key questions and you would think that that judge barrett would be able to say rather than rule on these things i think that access to the ballot. The power of peaceful transition of power key elements of our democracy these are things we all can agree upon. One thing that kept coming up over and over among the democrats will see for double care act and the Supreme Court is expected to hear the case right after the election. So democrats are trying to pin her down on what she may or may not do with that right. Thats right and you also have an element here the person who was not in the room and that was President Trump President Trump was mentioned by both sides over a 100 times today and that means that what is happening with the ac a with obamacare after the election or that the movement of justices on the Supreme Court or federal judges period have to meet certain criteria in the white house to be moved forward and part of that criteria is are you willing to move forward against obamacare or to sia and there really is not a quid pro quo here, but there is set of legal opinions judgments, arguments and essays if you will that nominees put forward like judge barrett where its very clear what their positions are and that theyre willing to visit many of these things it doesnt mean a ca gets overturned. It means you have another vote of someone who is willing to listen to the arguments about overturning a sia and certainly democrats one of the press very that today. Policy matters like a sea will is one thing but lets go back to those key elements of our democracy youre a Political Science professor does that trouble you are you concerned that a nominee could not say i will stand up for these key principles of democracy. Yeah i think that one thing that has to happen is you have to press the nominee any nominee regardless of policy about where we Common Elements what things we do agree upon and that is access to the polls, the ability to cast a ballot that is unfettered that theres that theres an intimidation and for that vote count that the equality of opportunity per to participate in the franchise of citizenship is something that is regardless of deal radiology that all democrats republicans should agree upon and this is where there could be rather than a 24 minute speech by ted cruz about the bill of rights and then asking her whether she speaks Foreign Languages there could be a real discussion about what we all agree upon as americans especially 3 weeks out from the most historic important election of our lifetime in a generation if not ever. 3 weeks from today is election we can maybe look at the polls and speculate that. President trump loses hes behind in national polls. The democrats take the senate which they appear to be on track to do of course all of these polls could not pan out in 3 weeks and there it is on the Supreme Court so we could have a democrat. White house senate and house and a conservative Supreme Court. Whats that going to be like. Yeah, i mean if you think about this that thats why this particular moment and all of your questions so far this is whats so important because lets a pop the size that President Trump loses maybe republicans lose the senate. Nancy pelosi gets a slightly bigger caucuses of democrats in the house and folks have been willing voters have been willing to move to something a little bit more in terms of one party controlled to see what that looks like. But what you really have here is a test for democracy and a test for the nation to not only be responsive to those voters and their preferences but to deal with this pandemic what does that look like this is a key element and moment and the most historic one that weve seen in a long long time and thats also evident today in dc at this hearing because it also goes to what the gop looks like coach trump. What is the conservative movement look like post trump if democrats lose they never have gotten over what happened in 2016 what does the Democratic Party look like next, so the generational change that we saw from a 48 yearold nominee to the Supreme Court has been a federal judge for 3 years an Appellate Court judge for only 3 years this is a moment of dramatic change which captures if you will the next 3 weeks and what happens in the aftermath of whatever happens on november, 3rd. Professor mckeown we always appreciate your analysis. Thank you for being with us tonight on kron 4 news at 10 oclock thank you. Thank you very much members of the Senate Judiciary committee will have another opportunity to question barrett tomorrow starting at 09 00am in washington dc which is of course 6 oclock in the morning here in california. The panel is set to conclude the confirmation hearings on thursday and possibly confirmed barrons nomination. Before the end of this month. Never been hiding, im not going to hide. We get shut down say open. That Bold Decision could cost this vacaville barber, the possible consequences see faces for defying the states order to close and how his community is rallying behind him us a safe flight how Oakland Airport is expanding his effort to protect travelers during the pandemic but first a crash into a group of outdoor diners turns deadly in woman 1 get your votebymail ballot . Woman 2 you can stay healthy and fill it out from the safety of home. Surfer or you can fill it out anywhere. Man 1 its easy to mail it back. You dont even need a stamp. Man 2 or you can use an official drop box. Woman 3 you can even drop it off at the polls. Man 3 then, track it to confirm your county got it. See . They got it woman 4 mail ballots are the simple, safe, and secure way to ensure that your vote is counted. A woman injured in a sunday afternoon crash at a san jose restaurant has died that woman was actually one of 8 people injured when the driver of an suv plowed into a crowd of people who were eating outside its problem that now has some businesses on edge kron fours Jonathan Mccall reports from san jose. San jose police are investigating 2 fatal crashes that happened just hours apart on sunday. Both crashes have one thing in common. The victims all hit by Drivers Behind the wheel. Now Business Owners are concerned and worried about the safety of their customers. A troubling trend now has some Restaurant Owners concerned about the dangers of Outdoor Dining in san jose. Sunday 8 people were injured when the driver of this suv plowed into customers eating outside at this restaurant. Tuesday we learned that one of the victims died from her injuries. And just hours after that crash on sunday afternoon. Police say a woman hit a man with her truck in a separate crash this time at a food trailer. The result, the men also killed. Ultimately. It is the responsibility of the driver turned to nowhere in us whats going on around them nikita sinha is with cal walks. Its a nonprofit thats aimed at improving Pedestrian Safety across the state. She says Outdoor Dining while a needed resource to help struggling businesses stay afloat during the coronavirus pandemic. It also comes with plenty of dangerous risks. Onus is on the driver to maintain awareness of their surroundings and of whos around them into to remember always that that is a shared space. Its not just. The space for caused the fatal crashes are now raising plenty of eyebrows about how to keep it from happening again. Both crashes police say the drivers appeared to have accidentally hit the gas. Instead of the brake. And in both locations there were no protective barriers to keep cars from plowing into customers. Some Restaurant Owners telling me off camera tuesday night. The crash is no have them reevaluating their own safety protocols. Some say they plan to install their own protection while others say they plan to reach out to Senate Leaders for answers. Others say this more remain a concern that is until Santa Clara County resumes indoor the Traffic Safety is a Public Health crisis in tennessee and in other cities. And i you know were were experiencing a Public Health crisis unparalleled right now. Our lifetimes and i think you know were learning about how. How we need to respond prom for reaching out to every single City Council Member here in san jose to try and learn it. Any changes will be made as a result of these crashes. So far we have yet to hear back. Both of these crashes once again remain under investigation, the names of the victims have not been released. In san jose Jonathan Mccall kron 4 news. Coming up the families of american hostages beheaded by isis militants are looking forward to their day in court explain after the break. And weve got clear skies now it is going to stay clear great day on the lake it is. Lunch is cookin and i saved a bunch of money on my boat insurance with geico. Fellas, can it get any better than this . Whoa my old hairstyle grew back. So did mine. [80s music] what . I was an 80s kid. It only gets better when you switch and save with geico. I dont see how things are shaping up outside on a tuesday night as we give you the bay bridge well la raza sandy by of course were all concerned about the hot forecast ahead, especially because of the wins yeah, those winds are going to be whipping around parts of the area no getting around it down below we have clear skies all the way the coastline right now no fog to speak of nice and clear out toward the Golden Gate Bridge likely going to stay that way to the air quality not bad right now mostly good out citing see much of the bay area covered in green little modern about includes building up a little more into fremont in parts of san jose but otherwise were looking pretty good there for tomorrow as well even those offshore winds modern mounts blue so no spare the air a good air quality along the coastline, moderate amounts of the east bay and also in the south bay all right this that time of year we start looking for rain usually around the 3rd 43rd week in october we Start Talking some rain drops of course where that weak system come through last weekend now weve got another cold front rolled over the top of this ridge and all of a sudden this ridge really just expands look at that along the entire western coast of the United States just a dominant ridge of High Pressure that for thursday heat things up around the bay area some hot dry offshore Winds Continuing into friday then over the weekend things begin to change knows that ridge starts to crumble just a little bit. And there we go return to some low clouds and fog on saturday and into sunday and that means some cooler temperatures on the way to in fact looks like the original hole above dont see any major storms on the rise. Mariah now looks like were going to really see those temperatures cooling down as we head into next week and right now dont see another offshore wind event but i dont see any more rain either so until we get a significant rain were not done with fire season, 10 of them for you were going to see some above normal temperatures up in the mid 90s bowl tomorrow on thursday may be coming off just a little bit on friday, cooler temperatures expected on saturday and sunday still running above the average than those numbers back to normal as we head in toward late. Next week. Well for the first time members of the Islamic State or isis have been charged in the United States after they admitted they were involved in the murder of 4 american hostages kron fours Ella Sogomonian talked with families of the victims and joins us now live with their stories l a. The charges are milestone in a yearslong effort by us authorities to bring to justice members of the group known for beheadings and barbaric treatment of aid workers journalists and other hostages in syria. A schoolteacher turned conflict correspondent james foley continuously put his life on the line throughout his career returning to the middle east even after he was detained in libya by the gadhafi regime june always always had a. Parts of the vulnerable for those who really dont have much of a voice any was writer also and finally found journalist down which could bring together his interest story telling. As well as writing. So it really was something he became very passionate about he felt we needed to hear the stories of the people suffering in syria. But while covering the suffrage of syrians in 2012. Foley was once again captured and this time did not come home. He was killed by isis militants on camera in 2014 6 years later these men. El Shafee Elsheikh and Alexanda Kotey are the first alleged members of the Islamic State to have been charged in the United States. Both were indicted last week in alexandria, virginia in connection with the death of aid workers, peter kassig and Kayla Mueller as well as journalists Steven Sotloff and foley the 2 are said to have been radicalized in the uk and admitted to helping isis carry out execucions and ransom negotiations in the middle east. Some big i think im hoping they will implicate others involved as well as helpless find the remains of our love works. The k sick family also released a statement saying we are relieved that el Shafee Elsheikh and Alexanda Kotey will stand trial in the United States for the greedy us crimes that they are alleged to have committed against peter case arson and so many others they went on to say although nothing can bring our son back we are grateful that his alleged captors will face justice in the form of a fair trial. Under us criminal laws. Attorney general william barr has described the charges as a warning to both us citizens who join terrorist groups and foreign fighters who harm americans that they cannot escape prosecution, i hope its the beginning of a accountability for the many human who would happened in syria. Some families like police have set up foundations in their honor and his mother hopes that other journalists can learn how to protect themselves through their foundation, so they can continue to do the courageous and crucial work on the front lines. His birthday is actually coming up next week and that also marked the 6th annual james foley freedom run thats set for this saturday and its going to be virtual given the pandemic this year. You can learn more about it tonight at 11 on the kron on app will have the complete interview with his mom live in the newsroom. Ella sogomonian kron 4 news. So can i ask you to do me a favor suburban women would you please like me. I okay. President trump is targeting women in the battleground state of pennsylvania, he spoke at a rally tonight at the airport in johnstown its part of an effort to try to fire up conservative base pencil fell in pennsylvania holds 20 of the 270 electoral votes, the president needs to win a second term democratic president ial nominee, joe biden continues to slam President Trumps handling of the covid19 pandemic speaking at a drivein rally in Miramar Florida today biden criticized trump for a campaign ad that quoted doctor Anthony Fauci out of fire chief. Went public after the ad came out saying i did not get permission react program, wasnt for the president. I lack of ethics even after. Bochy said he did say that about trump. The Trump Campaign said theyll continue to use the ad. Knowing it was a lie. Doctor fauci the federal governments top Infectious Disease expert told. Cnn that the Trump Campaign should take down the ad calling it quote really unfortunate and really disappointing that they did that. Well were just 21 days away from election day kron 4 is your local election headquarters we have you covered on air and online and on Election Night primetime coverage of results in the bay area and around the country and were we here at kron 4 committed to helping make sure your vote counts if you experience a problem casting your ballot. Let us know. And well investigate you can email us at voting problems at kron 4 dot com. California Health Leaders are strongly discouraging door to door trick or treating for halloween today the States Health officials released new guidance for halloween and dia de los muertos it notes door to door trick or treating in the mixing it creates will make Contact Tracing very challenging. The state also suggests private gatherings to include no more than 3 households. And should be held outdoors some counties had already released Health Guidelines for halloween. State Officials Say some of them will have to change even with those new guidelines, some bay area parents are determined not to let the pandemic disrupt their halloween plans. Kron fours has it reports from martinez. Participating in traditional door to door trick or treating is considered a highrisk activity by the Contra Costa Health Services Department that is due to covid19 but some parents like Danielle Miller of martinez refused to let the Pandemic Take the joy out of the halloween following the Health Guidelines. Shes creating what she believes is a safe way to distribute candy were large pvc pipe and were going to shoot the candy down were working were gluttons make sure that were not spending any germs. So when the kids come actually going to be standing 6 feet away from each other on the glow necklaces that will have on the ground and so they able to stand apart and wait for their turn to get there can be and then when its their turn in mind were going to shoot some candy down so they can put it in their their halloween. Bags. The idea is similar to this 6 feet long socially distance candy Delivery System you see here. In fact she says she and her getting together and coming up with creative socially distance halloween experiences for trick treaters and distribute the theyre also creating a map of homes that are following Health Guidelines and taking precautions to keep children safe of like you know 15 to 20 different neighbors. And thats enough for you know the little kids celebrating halloween is a tradition in her family that goes back to when she was a little girl and she says keeping that tradition going for her daughters this year as an important sign of things getting back to normal honestly i was so tired of hearing my cell tell my 4 yearold im sorry we cant do that because of the virus and sorry you cant go to birthday parties. Im sorry we cant go to the fireworks. Im sorry cant go to a parade that they want to say it again. Has that you kron 4 news. The Oakland Airport is now a certified covid19 testing site and travel partner with the state of hawaii hawaii requires passengers to take a covid test with a negative result 72 hours before arriving to avoid that states 14 day mandatory quarantine the old airport currently has one covid testing site but another one is planned to open on thursday. Testing is available to everyone in the public theres no out of pocket cost to those being tested appointments are required this. Next in sports giants general manager scott harris talks to our sports director jason dumas sub out a surprising season. We saw and i support we doubled our speeds the fastest just San Francisco giants gm scott harris has had a few weeks to digest the season and what a year to have your debut as a gm everything was totally normal is all a walk in the park. No, but all seriousness harris said his goal was for the giants to play meaningful baseball deep into the season. And they did just that they finished just a game short of the final playoff spot in the National League behind milwaukee. In fact their season came down to the final pitch on a call that giants fans are still annoyed about but at the end of the day this sport is about results and moving forward harris realizes the expectations will continue to rise for the organization. It turns out we played meaningful baseball down to the 27th out of the final game of season, so in that i think we certainly achieved that goal of playing meaningful baseball, the of the season. But were a highly ambitious we have bigger plans for this organization and this team moving forward. Game 2 of the nlcs featured a giant heated rivals, the dodgers looking to tie up their series with the braves. But the braves lead 7 to one at one point nice ending they add to that lead on the hour by skies one to left center. Braves, go up 8 to 3 brave relieve picture happy call that one, but guess what the dodgers they came back bottom of the 9th night 6 this Cody Bellinger line. Lines one to Left Center Field and one run scores atlantas lead all the sun. Its down to a run, but they got out of the jam the braves are able to end the game they hang on to win 8 to 7 they lead the series. 2 games tonight. Alcs game 3 with winds raise astros tampa bay platinum glove Center Fielder kevin he said he admired him i put on a defensive show. After robbing the astros of a home run in the first care meyer extend the bodies make a great diving catch the rockies 2 runs in the 6th pinch hitter thats got to run from. Its plans are to the las vegas wide receiver is what i wanted to say the gets an rbi in tampa they win this game the revise it to their lead in the 6. And on serious note, soccer superstar Cristiano Ronaldo considered by many the most famous athlete in the world. Has tested positive for covid19. He currently is in isolation and not showing any symptoms. Now another shocker, the number one golfer in the world. Dustin johnson has also tested positive for covid he has withdrawn from this weeks cj cup at shadow creek in las vegas. According to the pga tour johnson was experiencing symptoms prompting him to take a test. And that is your look at sports back to you guys all right jason, thank you very vacaville barbers at risk of losing his license. For refusing to close during the pandemic the state has set a hearing for next week the barber says he had no choice but to stay open in order to survive and as Rowena Shaddox reports many in his community are rallying around him. During the covid crisis against the governors order. Start off as a 15 day closure has turned into a 7 month hostage and were just were just not going to im just not going believe its the reason why wont ameris never closed his business creemos barber shop in downtown vacaville, even when the governor ordered businesses to close in the early days of covid with rising numbers back in the spring. He says he needed to stay open in order for him to survive and his workers to keep feeding their families but one may be paying for that now on monday the state attorney general notified him that a hearing is scheduled for the 23rd when a state judge will oversee an administrative hearing that can result in his license being suspended. He says the state received about 33 letters of complaint, none from why is this guy could still be we dont get to stay open. Hey this guys cutting it during order why arent you doing anything about it. It is time to open california and primo you know he led the charge saying that you know businesses are the ones that generate the revenue theyre the ones that hire the people theyre the ones that are the backbone of our state and you know he just took a stand and of course hes a hero. And support for pre most is gaining momentum. Jenny zimmerman yarwood created the Facebook Group patriots for pre most they support him in his reasons for staying open with more than 600 members. They plan to hold a rally on saturday in front of city hall to show their support give the Small Business owner, a break. This doesnt have to be like this and means we dont have to punish a Small Business owner. Well people like their knees and gets to keep his winery opened you would hope that during president i they would. I realize that theres no real loss or god never been hiding, im not going to hide. We get shut down say open. That was Rowena Shaddox reporting Solano County by the way allowed hair salons and barbershops to resume indoor operations last month. Were getting a behind the scenes look voting during the pandemic is Santa Clara County. There was an open house of sorts today at the registrar of Voters Office the registrar demonstrated touch screen voting it allows people to choose when and where and how they vote. Most people will or have already voted by mail but there will also be 100 vote centers for people to cast their ballots in person. The registrar says officials will be keeping an eye on things there the law allows people to observe the polls and were ok with that but there are rules that come with that. You cant interfere with the voting process you cant walk back here behind the processing table. And if they interfere we will ask them to leave. There are also sanitation and covid safety protocol such as social distancing between the voting booths and machines oneway routes in and out of the venues and posted Health Guidelines la comic con is officially canceled this year organizers say the in person event cant go on because governor newsome has not provided any reopening guidance around events such as conventions in a statement the event organizers said most people expected newsoms reopening guidelines with theme parks to receive an announcement about events such as conventions much after news of indicated that he was in no hurry to reopen theme park last week, theres still no timetable for when large events will be able to resume for your money tonight, apple launched its latest iphone today, the iphone 12 comes in a couple of different versions sent a few different size and also boost that new 5 g network kron fours noelle bellow breaks it all down. Iphone users have been waiting and today apple delivered with flatter edges, a Water Resistance and the ceramic shield the company is boasting a smoother more durable iphone 12 theyve got the camera that youve come to expect this. Theyve got funsize is you know a smaller size in a medium size and the entry level pricing of 6. 99 or 7. 99. Theres also a couple of large or pro versions of the iphone 12 which could cost you up to 1100. Its apples biggest iphone yet with a 6. 7 inch screen. It has 3 back cameras, a lighter sensor for things like improved augmented reality and magnets on the back so you can attach more easily to a wireless charger all 4 versions of the iphone 12 will support 5 g networks which is expected to boost 10 to 20 times faster streaming speeds, consumers likely wont feel the faster affects right away though, but tech experts believe if youre in the market for a new phone adopting 5 g early on is a smart move most people do not upgrade every year they upgrade every 2 to 3 years so if you did upgrade to an on 5 g model right now that means you have to wait 2 or 3 years to hop on that 5 g network, which is kind of a long time one year yeah fine but 2 more years after that is is kind of a long time if you do end up purchasing a new iphone though youll notice the box will be a little lighter. The company will no longer include wired headphones or a wall charger in the box in the newsroom. Noelle bellow kron 4 news. Coming up a rare dinosaur skeleton found in our home was burned to the ground in the tubbs fire. The flames, the ash, it was terrifying. Thousands of family homes are destroyed in wildfires. Families are forced to move and higher property taxes are a huge problem. Prop 19 limits taxes on wildfire victims so families can move without a tax penalty. Nineteen will help rebuild lives. Vote yes on 19. Take a look at this discovery. Its a fossilized skeleton of an alice or us the ancestor of the t rex was found in a wyoming ranch back in 2016. Auction off today in paris for almost 3 Million Dollars was initially estimated to get between one and 2 million skeleton is 32 feet long and close to 12 feet high it is one of the largest known today. Its pretty fascinating would look great in your living room or inside sad, but true thats exactly what i was thinking about the effect as guys so we are looking at a major wind event coming toward the bay area is that time of year of course you get those nice offshore winds and makes for beautiful conditions like this i mean this Crystal Clear over San Francisco right now seen across the bay waters, no fog to speak of but those offshore winds are really going to how its going to be very dry coupled with the dry weather weve already had were in a drought certainly red flag warnings posted across much of the bay area not just over the mountain tops now but has been lowered by the National Weather service you can see that extending in the north bay even in the valleys that starts on wednesday morning through friday about 11 00am and then those winds expected to subside after that were talking winds 30 to 45 Miles Per Hour humidity dropping down to about 10 to 20 . I think the strongest winds start out in the north bay and then spread to the south as we get into thursday and also a friday morning i think you will see that work its way into the east bay hills i think very gusty toward the middle of the day in the east bay weve got to watch that especially on thursday that continuing into the Santa Cruz Mountains as well all right weve cold front thats making its way through the Pacific Northwest bring some showers there moving east or even some snow up in the northern rockies. There. But unfortunately we are on the dry side of that system and thats where we sit here, no threat of any rain for us just yet, but usually on the 3rd 43rd week in october we Start Talking about the prospects for rain. Clouds off the coastline as we head through tomorrow morning boy tried to fog up along the coast unfortunately not going to get here that northerly wind kicks in as High Pressure sets in and that will be the case as we get in toward thursday and friday probably go see a return to some patchy fog toward the coastline over the weekend. But between now and then were keeping clear and it looks like those numbers are going to be heating up in the San Francisco, you see variety of numbers you see 70s possibly as you make your way toward the sun set you up in the 80s downtown San Francisco in the marine about 82. In the mission along the coastline just a gorgeous day tomorrow, 72 degrees overnight of 71 in half moon bay, warm inside the bay to 80s in the millbrae and also the burning game in san bruno then work your way down the peninsula 84 degrees woodside 86 in mount view the south bay, plenty of 80s we had all day long 87 in san jose 88 in campbell and 85 degrees loss kettles east bay still going to be on the hot side youll see some 90s there tomorrow, maybe mid 90s in the live more than about 81 in hayward in union city to make way into san leandro maybe low 80s tomorrow afternoon about 94 in walnut creek 84 degrees in hercules about 89 in little windy over the mountain tops in the east bay and the north bay by tomorrow afternoon, those winds are going to start to pick up and that will continue to increase over the next couple days so fire danger running high as we head through tomorrow and friday those winds subside as we head toward weekend have a good night dancing man. The sea of supporters, could this be the next trump superspreader event . How many times can we say where your mask. Announcer and marching with mom, judge amys family. My daughter juliet, my daughter tess, my daughter vivian, and my son william. Announcer and hot pursuit, the cop giving chase to the guy who just stabbed him in the neck. Then the most famous athlete in the world stricken with covid19. Covid19s second wave. To speak the numbers

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