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Counts continue across the country. Demonstrators were out Holding Signs in major cities including vegas, philadelphia, new york and here in the bay, San Francisco oakland and san jose among others. Thank you for being with us on this night after election day, im grant lotus hand im okay with kuz yeah its been more than 24 hours since the polls closed across the country in. Theres still no winner. Releasing the president ial race. So heres where the electoral vote stands as of right now out of the 270 needed to win President Trump has 214 joe biden has 264. This means that biden needs to win one more state to get 270. All right well here is where things look right now on the big board the big map vicki weve been looking at this rate for too feels to 64 for biden to 14 for trump, the goal obviously who can get to 2 71st the path is much easier for biden when nevada right here and the 6 Electoral College votes that you have in nevada and all the sudden. It is victory time joe biden right now with a 49 of the vote. But the real key number here. Is 5. 88 588,000 votes and change to 5. 80 so about an 8,000 vote lead for biden and you see down here 75 of the vote has been counted no update from nevada today. They plan to update folks at 10 00am tomorrow. All eyes will be on nevada that is if georgia doesnt have big news first you say georgia, yeah, well they have been counting absentee ballots like gangbusters last night at midnight donald trump had a 372,000 vote lead over joe biden that led keeps shrinking and right now team trump is clinging to this lead you see 2 million 428 thousand and 2 million 400 and 3 25,000 votes now separate the 2 98 of the vote has been counted. But with 16 Electoral College votes at stake. If biden were to somehow continue his trend and come back and eclipse trump george would obviously give biden the victory as well, pennsylvania is another key state that everybodys been talking about they only started counting votes. Yesterday and you see that would complete the blue wall right here is pennsylvania where to go blue you have wisconsin and michigan which are partners here with the Associated Press called for biden today, pennsylvania is a state or trumps lead is shrinking just like in georgia 20 Electoral College votes in pa, and donald trump right now has a lead, but it is dwindling 50 of the vote you see here to bidens 48 . So team trump needs Pennsylvania Team trump needs georgia and team trump is trying to get arizona to flip the a p called arizona for biden last night but as more votes are counted there. You know biden. The leader still but his lead is dwindling in arizona says so much. Its still happening as the pandemic has caused all of these mail in ballots to be counted in the days after the election and tonight we still do not have a winner. Yeah a nailbiter should we expect anything less 2020 and as we wait for those votes to roll into the number of states that trump and Cain Campaign is certainly is a. As grant intimate it is on the offensive. Now our coffers Jonathan Karl joins us in the studio. The uphill legal battle, the yeah, know what the president of filing lawsuits today in the 3 states. Those are michigan. A pennsylvania as well as georgia also asking for recount in the state of wisconsin. Joe biden closing the gap on the president in those still undecided states as we mentioned today the president following those lawsuits to stop the ballot counts from continuing. Claiming a number of irregularities. 2 lawyers i talked with today who have plenty of experience dealing with elections. So the president right now is grasping at straws and right now does not have enough legal standing to try and stop the count. The race for the white house know on a potential path to the courts. What hes trying to do is discredit the whole process even as million votes are being counted wednesday the Trump Campaign filed lawsuits in pennsylvania, georgia and michigan. Over claims that its observers havent been given enough access to areas where ballots are being counted crop has turned hes doing right now is trying to find some basis to get in court and sue jim sudden isnt elections lawyer here in San Francisco. He says the Trump Campaign is trying to find anything that will stick in courtroom. But with no claims of widespread fraud Voter Suppression or concerns brought up before tuesday night. Sun says right now theres not enough its that if you find pena that theyre all the signatures that on the house about the registration cards dont match and theyre all being thrown out. Yes, some hawk. Yeah can get or sudden says the president s move could be part of a strategy to contest the results of the elections. Once its certified. The Trump Campaign is also requesting a recount in wisconsin, a state the president lost on wednesday. But jack young says it will be an uphill battle what we facing in 2020. Is possibly in certain states close elections. But none were close enough where recount is the liable. Young knows that all too well thats because he was a lawyer involved in the bush v gore lawsuit that decided the 2000 president ial election. He says in that race the Electoral College was tied and less than 600 votes separated the winner. Young says the president is facing a different set of circumstances this time. One that the courts may not be able to help him to some. That this election. Well go on. When in fact close. You know closeness doesnt mean something is wrong. You see a sings professor rory little says its doubtful that any challenges from the Trump Campaign. Well actually make it to the Supreme Court. Thats because each state has its own different election laws and says that the state Supreme Court justices would then have to find a constitutional violation in order for it to proceed. Jonathan mccall kron 4 news. Appreciated jonathan well. Where joe biden is continuing to monitor the Election Results is his hometown of wilmington delaware, and thats where we find our washington correspondent alexandra le mon tonight. She is live for alexander what what is the biden team, you know keeping an eye on in particular right now. Hey there good evening. Wolf things here in wilmington are pretty quiet now. The biden team along with the rest of the country was keeping an eye on several things number one. This situation thats been developing in arizona where votes to continue to be counted even though a couple of news outlets have called that race in favor of joe the counting is ongoing and a large crowd of pro Trump Supporters showed up at the Main Election Office outside in Maricopa County thats the phoenix area and things got sort of so rowdy and dicey that Maricopa County sheriffs had to show up and shut down that polling location now its interesting that it went down this way because actually the Trump Campaign feels that the votes that remain to be counted may actually benefit and help President Trump catch up in that state, but again they had to shut down the counting because things got so rowdy with the pro Trump Supporters who showed up there then in nevada we were potentially expecting a big vote dump from the 2 largest counties there thats what they had said would happen they had to come back and say actually were not going to have those ready until tomorrow they have given our teams in nevada an update and they say that each county will start updating tomorrow at 09 00am pacific time and that will happen one county at a at a time so we should have some big possibly a final count count from nevada in the morning and then also georgia, you know they had said they might have some results to report tonight and then also came back and said actually thats not going to be the case. So it seems we kind of might be getting too. You know wrap things up for the night may not be getting any more results tonight. Alex we heard from joe biden earlier today he was touting the fact that he in Kamala Harris is from the bay area got more votes than any other team in president ial election history. But here we are. 24 hours after election night. And you have a country kind of anxiously waiting to see what happens. And biden harris led trump and pence by almost 3 and a half million votes in the popular vote has the biden team said anything about that. Well yeah he definitely touted those numbers and he said that while hes not ready to declare victory yet he also said that he does believe that once all of the votes are he believes he will win the presidency he expressed a lot of optimism still even in places like the state of pennsylvania which are just did the votes there are pretty close i think surprisingly close considering you know how much time and effort joe biden dedicated to campaigning in the state of pennsylvania. I believe thats the state where he spent the most time. I dont think he thought that it was going to be you know that tie in that close in the state of pennsylvania but where things stand tonight at least as of right now. It may be the case that he does not even need the state of pennsylvania to win just depending on how things play out again in georgia nevada arizona law to wait and see what happens in the morning. I know were winding down here but a quick question that we have heard from the Vice President is he planning is there anything scheduled for tomorrow. They havent given a specific time for an event or anything like that, but i can tell you that this secure perimeter here at the chase center was actually supposed to be closed down tonight and theyve told us that they are going to keep the secure perimeter up for at least one more day so i guess thats an indication that we can likely expect to hear from joe biden tomorrow. Well if he picks off nevada or georgia or somehow pennsylvania gets announced tomorrow then there would be reason to celebrate their so how long you know how long youre staying in wilmington alex have the buses told you. As far as myself i think that i will be heading out tomorrow but we do have weve had 3 crews here. Throughout the past few days so we will keep at least one more crew here so if there is you know any kind of event or celebration if we reach a final result and anything happens here at the chase center. We will still be providing updates all right, thank you for that alexandra le mon are reporting a live for us tonight from wilmington. The home Joe Biden Joe biden safe travels see a sleep in well tonight. Thanks. Protests tonight in las vegas. Biden supporters calling on every vote to be counted. Then Trump Supporters worried that the election will be stolen right now, nevada is the only Western State that has not announced the results of the president ial election and it could be days really until it does. Anna joins us live from vegas with where things stand right now with the ballot counts or go. We want to get some numbers out of your state so far no dice. Well grant and vicki in nevada is a state that could be the deciding role and figure out who is our next president the nevada secretary of States Office wanting to release more results today because there is so much interest in the numbers here now we did not get new results tonight. And final results could be days away. All eyes are on a vet at the states 6 electoral votes gaining increasing importance in the race to 2. 70 between President Donald Trump and former Vice President joe biden a 1000 votes separate the 2 candidates, but hundreds of thousands of votes have not been counted yet so the big question whats taking so long right now were just waiting on the remaining. Mail ballots. Deputy secretary of state for elections, queen thorley saying theres a longer timeline for county mail ballots based on the vet along those ballots can be counted up to a week after the election. As long as theyre postmarked by election day. So there are ballots in the mail stream that are still working their way through. We will end up counting voters can also cure the signature on their ballot until the end of next week we are working feverishly to get all of that. Counted nevadas most populous county clark county home to las vegas planning to release new results daily starting thursday registrar of voters, joe gloria announcing all early and all election day votes have been counted and theres more than just mail ballots left to go provisional ballots. Electronic ballots that were sent to overseas voters, electronic ballots that were process for disabled voters and also some special ballots for new residents floria says his office is able to process up to 70,000 ballot today, but its hard to say how many ballots are left to count nevada voters were sent a mail ballot state officials urging nevadans to let the process play out to be patient. The all the ballots are going to be counted today. Theyre not all be counted tomorrow. Now nevada secretary of States Office says it will be announcing an official election result daily starting at 09 00am tomorrow back to you. Any sense or go, i you know what the mood is do they giving any indication which way this is going. You know weve been trying to get those answers from both the secretary of States Office and our county registrar of voters. Voters they keep saying that we just have to wait until tomorrow. Every their plan giving us an update so as of right now we still dont know the numbers we have right now in nevada are the same that theyve been for almost 24 hours now. And correct me if im wrong or go. But. Theres about an 8,000 vote lead for joe biden and if they have no idea how many ballots are still in the mail as we speak theres no way we can really have a winner for several days is that the way you see it. Kind of yeah, i 1000 vote is not a huge a huge number of the lead that biden had here in nevada it kind of drone went little bit. Throughout the night last night. Right now the 8,000 vote is about just over half a percent. But we do know that a lot of the that were waiting to cower here in clark county which leans pretty democratic and mail in votes, lean pretty democratic as well. So things look pretty good for the biden team, but again we just need those official numbers you are in the gambling mecca. So you if youre a gambling man what do they want what are the odds makers say. Again the experts that we have here are saying you know right now things are leading biden as im sure you know the National Polls have been showing and you know the a p is saying you know leading air leaning, nevada. But things are very very close here and things could change and so we just have to wait for both clark county and the state to release those numbers right now kraft man of ups sorry to put you on the spot there. Your 6 Electoral College votes be the. Finishing deal that the biden needs as they stand to 64 so all eyes are on nevada orca appreciate your time tonight. Thanks for candidates. Will lack of a clear winner in the president ial race has many people on edge more businesses in San Francisco boarded up their windows and doors today. The Alexander Mcqueen boutique in union square got fitted for plywood coverings this morning much of the merchandise. It was gone from the display windows just one of dozens of businesses in the city thats taking measures ahead of potential electionrelated violence. People walking by say you know seeing everything boarded up like this does not help their nerves. Where democracy, the whole point is that its a election its not of all been to violent protests after its. Some places it has turned violent protests in portland where the National Guard was activated. Nearly 1000 people marched through downtown tonight in portland started some people started throwing things including a molotov cocktail at law enforcement. A riot was declared about 7 oclock tonight which is when the National Guard was called so far at least 9 people have been arrested back here in the bay, some good news for Business Owners in San Francisco, a lot of them celebrating tonight reacting to the passage of proposition h. Which speeds up the often grueling permitting process that Small Businesses have to deal with that are trying to open in the city, yeah, this is a big prop h also allows for a smoother pivot in Business Models for owners impacted by the pandemic it passed last night with more than 61 of voters favoring it just over 38 of voters didnt like it. Our for his Taylor Bisacky spoke to a bar owner played a a big part in putting this prop together she joins us now live with more on this the key grand this is huge in this is a major game changer for businesses. The that is Small Businesses are looking to open shop here in San Francisco, its also going to be crucial as we recover from the pandemic prop age essentially eliminates all the red tape that businesses previously had to go through. It allows them to get a permit within 30 days compared to the other process it took sometimes up to 18 months. San francisco, voters passed proposition h making it quicker easier and cheaper to open a business in the city poppy to mens the planning code and tax regulations code which involved a grueling permitting process that would often take more than a year and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars lot of cases these businesses were already principally permanent which means they had the highest designation they were. Literally allowed by the planning co and they still would take 12 to 18 months to open a cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Because one person or one competitor in many cases was able to pull the strings and hold up the project and is believed the money out business. Hes anti competitive. It wasnt righties anti democratic and at this this took an ax to that and unknown several bars in San Francisco represents 400 other bar owners. As founder of the San Francisco Bar Owner Alliance he helped write prop h which speed up the permitting process for Small Businesses by requiring the 30 day review inspection process for businesses allowed by code to operate in a district great new flexibility for existing businesses in huge streamlined process you are for new businesses so this is that were really excited by other Business Owners like join you just say this is a Long Time Coming up other peoples businesses that that. Wont have to go through what i went through for the plan to change of use i think what it will do is it will help the community of small get to vacant store fronts filled as efficiently as San Francisco, possible prop each will also help businesses already operating in the city by allowing flexibility their Business Models for example. Youre able to rent out space if you have a nice patio like i have i could rent out space to people who may be wanted to work for my adding now that doesnt mean i can hire we work to come in and do it. It would be just on an ad hoc basis. I can also have a set up shop during the day and one of my restaurants. Now for the first 3 years profits also allows the board of supervisors to expand the scope of code changes but not narrow it also not only can this help Business Owners are prospective Business Owners but this is going to help the city, you know i know weve seen a lot of vacant space is a lot of empty businesses throughout this pandemic in even before so this proposition is definitely going to help that out. For now live in San Francisco Taylor Bisacky kron 4 news. Thank you taylor yeah, its a good idea to just get this Party Started get indeed granny going again well one of the most anticipated props 8 californians voted on is prop 22. So many people. Talking about all those Rideshare Driver is not only that you know so many people ordering food and having it delivered doordash and the like all those people facts all those affected by yeah the it allows the app based drivers to be classified as independent contractors, it also creates new labor and wage policies for drivers conference dan kerman was an sfo today to get some reaction from drivers. A Rideshare Companies like uber and lyft dont have to make their drivers fulltime employees. The passage of prop, 22 means they can remain independent contractors, kind of work now its good for me some Rideshare Drivers at sfo are pleased the measure passed because it gives them more flexibility and the ability to take on more hours of work. Lets say like i know the person in my family to provide you know food for him. If my blood work some windows and they gave me like 40 hours monday enough to come and like those other drivers were not so happy to speak about it. But refused to speak on camera fearing reprisals from the company and the drivers loss i think the public lost consumers lost because this shields them from important liability. And most crusie last in terms of having that level of money spent in election that made it very difficult to impossible to have meal. Informed decision being made. Ken jacobs the chair of the U C Berkeley Labor Center says the rideshare and Delivery Service companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars on prop 22. But he believes the debate could move to the federal level. Their son. No outstanding questions of what a Biden Department of labor and eventually labor board how they will look at these companies so i think that debate the debate is far from over and jacob says he would not be surprised if the same Rideshare Companies spent a fortune in other states across the country. To get similar measures pass. And the writer lot of sfo Dan Kerman Kron 4 news. We have results posted for all the propositions that were on this years ballot. You can find the full Election Results on our website kron 4 dot com. Im meteorologist Lawrence Karnow star look a lot more active in the pacific could we soon see a little rain definitely some colder temperatures well talk about it youre dead and is coming up. Make your holidays happen. At ross surprise ahhh yes i love it you dont have to spend a lot to give a lot to the ones who mean the most. Youve got the holidays, and weve got you, with the best bargains ever. At ross. Yes for less youve got the holidays, and weve got you, bubbles at this price . Is this for real . Oh, its real. Believe me. I mean this is upexpected. You would say. Remarkable . Absolutly. A remarkable deal. Thanks. I get that all the time. Wait. What . grocrey outlet jingle surprise ahhh yes i love it you dont have to spend a lot to give a lot to the ones who mean the most. Youve got the holidays, and weve got you, with the best bargains ever. At ross. Yes for less my weather time were talking about a big change in the weather pattern weve got some nice conditions of course it has been dry all fall, but that may begin dust change gears here a little bit as going to see a cold front coming our way and boy it is going to really drop the temperatures. The next few days out there right now cold were looking some patchy fog along the coastline, mostly clear inside the bay and the valleys but boy some changes after that effect starting at a lot more active out there in the pacific you see couple little swirls out their color is low pressure little moisture coming from the south starting in a trained in that second low thats just behind that thats going to factor in or whether as we get into friday and the weekend now the winds have been pretty calm and even some offshore winds been calm throughout the fall but you see right there just some light winds calm in the interior valleys that is all about to change those winds are really going to start to ramp up as we get into friday that cold front comes racing through there you go those winds really star whipping around the bay area thats going to be a cold brisk wind. Right on through the weekend. Really going to feel the change in the temperatures outside drop a good 20 degrees plus in some parts of the year compared to what weve had over the last few days mostly clear overnight tonight, some coastal fog tomorrow, mostly sunny and mild a cool fog continuing near the coastline. Then this weekend a chance of showers not going to be much in the way of rain just some spotty showers popping up around the bay area but heres longrange forecast. For the front of the motion here you see start to roll into the bay area as we get into friday bree with at least a chance some showers snow up in the Sierra Nevada behind that maybe a little bit of break on saturday but very cool and brisk and then as we get to sunday another wave just kind of rolls right down into california. Bring another chance of a few scattered showers not very big just open the door to more storms on the horizon that being all hear more of a High Resolution model showing fog moving along the coastline early tomorrow morning. And there we go by friday early in the morning a chance of a couple popup showers around the bay area thats going to be the case. You see these popup showers around the bay area, not a big rain out and so maybe only a few hundredths of an inch of rain but that would be more than weve gotten yeah, all of fall so far we need the moisture. Yes, we do bit wind and fire season. Not yet we need about a good inch of rain and i feel a lot better about ending fire season. Thank you so better yeah, thanks our the race to 2. 70. The wait to find out just whos going to come the next president of the United States. Ahead a live report from washington dc with wild thing, you make my heart sing wild thing i. Think i. You know what i think . I think you owe us 48. 50. Wild thing. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Now the ballots still being tallied tonight we have heard from both president ial candidates to. Were at the days inn certain well you really this morning by fox trump tweeted kron fours also the money and joins us. Live in the studio now with how they are reacting to such a tight race yeah, theyre neck and neck, joe biden keeping his cool while President Trump. Is claiming victory and some of the states whose ballots have yet to be fully counted. President trump lashing out wednesday morning against results it turned out in favor of his rival democratic president ial candidate, joe biden claiming that last minute ballots were secretly added twitter flagged his tweets potentially misleading in which he said quote last night i was leading often solidly in many key states in almost all instances democrat run in controlled then one by one they started to magically disappear. A surprise ballot dumps were counted. Very strange and the pollsters got it completely and historically wrong. The republican president ial candidate also claimed himself victorious in pennsylvania georgia, michigan and north carolina. Well before they were finished counting. Trump didnt appear publicly for any statements, instead members of his campaign stepped forward echoing the same sentiments democrats do think its too. And they do think youre fools and thats why you get called deplorable and shops. Were going stick with this. Well win this election without one. Just a matter of counting the votes fair. Meanwhile, a confident biden addressed americans alongside his running mate california senator Kamala Harris, sticking to a unifying message but this. Well not be. My victory alone our victory along be a victory for the American People for democracy for america. There will be no blue states and red states when we win. Just the United States of america. Biden went on to say every vote must be counted while the president has filed these lawsuits that we mentioned live in the studio Ella Sogomonian kron 4 news thank u President Trumps campaign is taking multiple legal actions over the ballot counts and. So far he sued 3 states. Yeah just eaten or kron fours correspondent following the president s campaign in washington. Shes saying of late with us tonight, jesse. Thanks for being here was in 2016 when the president was debating Hillary Clinton and fox newss Chris Wallace asked trump if you would except a free and Fair Election result and trump head she said he would have to look at it. He said he might keep people in suspense and here we are that is almost playing out before our very eyes with these lawsuits with these claims of rigged elections in mail in ballots being dumped in sewers what do you think trumps mind said is right now is hes right near you in the white house. Yeah good evening, it sounded like all of these are really just a last ditch effort and it shows just the vulnerable vulnerability thats being felt inside the white house right now of course theyre Still Holding on to hope President Trumps campaign for arizona, even though the Associated Press called it pretty quickly into the late hours of election night. It looks like he really is narrowing the lead are nearing bidens lead and so well see exactly where those numbers play out those are still being counted. Also a state like georgia though where trump was leading it looks like biden is narrow is closing in on him there as well and so theres a lot of tight races still to be looking at and thats why youre seeing these last ditch efforts but they may become a moot point if instead it doesnt come down to one state race per se and really does end up being more of a biden blow out toward the end its not potentially looking that way but of course the lot of ballots to be counted. You just see we have over the years we have seen the president really telegraphed his intentions. So we know that he was was planning to call the voting process, you know fraudulent. It is the game plan just going to stay that way if you heard, i mean im im reading that hes telling is it at pfizers to go down fighting. Is the fight going to persist you think or or at some point will the white flag go up at the numbers. You know dont go in his direction. Yeah a lot of that really depends on President Trump himself and of course like you said throughout his first term hes really showed this air of confidence and strength. I mean even when he was diagnosed with covid19 himself, it was very important for him to still show that strength moving forward and so it remains to be seen. But of course he wont go down without a fight and ive been hearing to that there may not be a typical concession speech with the podium and flags and everything you would typically expect just because as we know thats not really the president s style and so theres going to be a lot of talks here over the next. Probably 24 hours or predict with the way that the. Rest of the ballots are being counted. You know do we continue to push forward with these challenges or is it clear the way that the American People have decided and then like you said is it time to wave that white flag. Trump is such a unique individual unique president though it is a clear to anyone whether he will even if biden does run up the score a bit accept the result and who would he listen to from the republican you know, i mean you think would Mitch Mcconnell have to step in and with trump even care i mean hes gotten rid of the people who seem to. Have pushed back the make masters. The matter says the general a lot of people think that he surrounds himself with people who will do what he says. What is the potential here. Yeah thats a good question senses, you know so many times what with this presidency. We you know we hear things but then you kind of have to wait and see if they do end up playing out a lot of the times they do. But especially some of his most you know loyal supporters in Congress Like you mentioned, Mitch Mcconnell. He has said since the get go that this is what the constitution is this is what our democracy stands for we have to let the American People decide and move from there and so im im sure we would see from what has been indicated so far some push back if the president would in turn not accept the Election Results all right, thank you very much just east to nursing a blade for us said today in washington dc tonight. I should say all right, thank you very much testing. Talking point on this Election Year how the election posters get things you know so wrong. Most polls leading into the election showed large margins in favor of the democrats they have but in reality the president ial race is now. Razor thin and a new study from u c berkeley, the business koolhaas is looking at the accuracy of election polling kron fours noelle bellow explains. Pollsters. And everybody else is prone over confidence, professor of leadership at u c berkeley don more studies over confidence from both a psychological and statistical perspective. He and a former student analyzed polls from 11 election cycles and sevenday batches they found while its easy to take sampling errors into account. Its harder to account for all other unknowns is in fact. A 95 confidence interval then that the result land inside 95 of time up in the polls done within a week of the election. They land inside the conference normal just 60 of the time and as you go further back in time of course the hit rate goes down that so many questions about how why holzer been systematically off in this case in 2016 theres speculation about shy. Trump voters people who intended to vote trump but were a little bit embarrassed this time around that assumption seems less plausible. But more does note that polls did better in 2018 versus 2016 suggesting there may very well be a donald trump, a fact my question was going to be is there a so there are fixes. The evidence from recent elections might lead us to question. Their effectiveness more suggest the inaccuracies arent an excuse to throw away pulling all together though. Suggesting even in perfect predictions are still useful. But he says people likely shouldnt base their beliefs on him perfict samples of information meeting. There are uncertainties in the world, especially in the future that we will never be able to eliminate no matter how smart well informed we are in the newsroom. Noelle bellow kron 4 news. During this pandemic some people are still planning to travel outside of california for the holidays said if you do so you might be asked strongly encouraged to quarantine for 2 weeks when you get back to California Group of Public Health officials in San Francisco and marin county are considering a new quarantine advisory the quarantine would apply to people who travel to other states where covid transmission is higher than in the bay. Both Warren County and San Francisco. The advisory would likely be more of a strong suggestion rather than an order Health Officials plan to discuss the option. Tomorrow and it could include other bay area counties kind of a group Contra Costa County is scaling back on its reopening is because of a sharp rise in covid19 cases, starting friday. Capacity limits for Indoor Dining movie theaters and religious services will shrink to 25 from 50 . Outdoor mars will also have to close unless they serve drinks and food. The county moved into the orange tier of the states reopening blueprint last week and since then. County Officials Say that both hospitalizations and infection rate have increased. They hope things dont get because theyre trying to get kids back to school. Yeah, starting in 2021 january students in the south bay well be doing in Person Learning the Largest School district in Santa Clara County announcing it will allow students back on campus in classrooms, starting january 5th, yeah, decision reflects the slower spread of covid19 in the county. Our first gayle ong reports now from san jose. The district plans to reopen schools as long as covid19 cases remain low in Santa Clara County i spoke to one family who supports the idea to go back to school. As long as kids are going to say thats perfectly because sometimes the work isnt right in front of you where you can just do all the time you have to really go through it try to get it done san jose unified School District Vice President Brian Wheatley echoes that sentiment mean im a retired teacher after 35 years. I know that this is interface is not the best way to engage right this 2 dimensional interface that its education is a relational and so its not whats best for kids Santa Clara County once the copa 19 hotspot is now seeing a decline in cases the county currently in the states orange here indicating moderate spread of the virus. And allowing schools to reopen for in Person Instruction would restrictions teachers at san jose unified schools have been working in empty classrooms offering Distance Learning for students at home wheatley says preparations are in place to have have had safety protocols in place since before school started. And in terms of how you know high touch areas in terms of. I all those things you pre screenings et cetera for those who worry they can choose to keep their their students home and participate virtual. The district is hoping to return to class on january 5th 2021 and during the week of november, 16 families can decide whether to continue Distance Learning or return to school. This plan can pause in Santa Clara County is in the red or purple tier on december 30th. Thats when the state releases the latest covid19 tracking report. Reporting in san jose gayle ong kron 4 news. Go up in sports. The niners week goes from bad to worse as one of their top receivers now has covid and a bunch of guys who are near him also can play whos going to play. Jason on 4 sports brought to you by xfinity. There has been an eventful day over in santa clara. My phones been blowing up wide receiver Kendrick Bourne tested positive for covid19 the fortyniners swiftly shut down their facility born had the best game of this season on sunday 8 catches for 81 yards. Now hes on that covid list kron 4 Sports Reporter callum mills has more details. For the most part all is quiet here at levi stadium weve seen a few cars going in and out of headquarters but not a whole lot of activity as we know the facilities are closed today due to positive covid19 test result. Just when you think it cant get any worse for the fortyniners already dealing with a long list of injuries this year were learning that an impact player has tested positive the fortyniners confirm wide receiver Kendrick Bourne has been placed on the reserve covid19 list. More is coming off his biggest game of the season, he had 8 catches for 81 yards against the seahawks hes recently seen an increased role in the offense with deebo samuel out with injury. The team said a statement earlier today before born was identified in part quote our organization has entered the nfls intensive protocol and we are working with the league on Contact Tracing to identify highrisk individuals. They also added that the health and safety of our players staff and community or the organizations highest priority today outside the teams training building there was a Health Screening check in tents set up, but otherwise were told the facilities are closed if tomorrow nights game is in fact played and Kendrick Bourne has to sit out. Not a single offensive player who touched the ball in last years nfc championship game will be on the field so that says something about just how bad the injuries have gotten for the 49 ers this season of course sick with kron 4 news and stay with us on kron 4 dot com for the very latest developments in santa clara kylen mills kron 4 sports. Great reporting kylie now 49 ers have also placed Trent Williams brandon i you can deebo samuel on that covid19 list as of now the game is still on tomorrow the niners will host the Green Bay Packers as tomorrow 5. 20 at levi stadium kyla mills will be live at levis both pre and post game. And some good news for College Football fans here in the bay area on saturday pac, 12 schools will kick off their seasons. This will mark the first weekend that all 5 power conferences are back in action stanford will open up its season on the road in eugene to take on the 14th ranked, oregon ducks. The cardinal is hoping to turn around in things in a shortened season after finishing his 3 of 5 impact 12 play the stanford offensive line will be challenge right off the gate, oregon has one of the best offensive lines in College Football after stanfords defense is hard to know what theyll be getting on on saturday. And theyre going take advantage of what they perceive as or week this so. Well have to see how progresses to see how theyre going to attack us. Is whats going to little bit freeing to say hey guys you know what here are rules. Heres what were going to do and heres how were going to do it because we any film truly that we could trust. All right we end tonight with some soccer. Quakes filling the parking lot san jose going for a playoff spot against l a s fc 37th minute Chris Wondolowski converts the Second Chance doing what he does best mls record a 166 career goal 72nd minute earthquakes down a man but Chris Espinosa place it perfectly its lors the quakes they go on to win this game 3 to 2. Bubbles at this price . Is this for real . Oh, its real. Believe me. I mean this is upexpected. You would say. Remarkable . Absolutly. A remarkable deal. Thanks. I get that all the time. Wait. What . grocrey outlet jingle all right, lets do one last check of the weather that could mean one thing chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow here with the changing weather patterns. Yeah, guys love to see this been waiting for this to make the change it looks like its finally going to happen out there right now not bad at all kind of quiet got a little fog moving in along the coastline right now. Late tomorrow looking like a very similar day but this will be it make sure you get all those warm weather close out is going to be as much as 20 plus degrees cooler as we head into friday up toward sfo a quiet night out there just a light breeze. The winds are going to be picking up too. You can see some of that fog moving in along the coastline tonight thats about it temperatures 50s and some 60s all around the bay area right now so not too bad, but but i think well be talking about some 30s for overnight lows in these winds are really going to pick up all right weve been talking about the possibility of some rain not going to be a huge rainmaker coming through over the weekend it looks like just a few light showers and theyre going to pop up showers a very cold air mass moving overhead so plan on a few hundreds around parts of the bay area if youre lucky and models trying to pay about 10 be surprised to see that but still getting some showers popping up around the bay area mainly near the coastline as the system comes on by and yes, even some snow in fact if youre planning to head up in the high country be careful weve got winter storm watch going into effect friday through sunday going to see that snow level dropped down to about 4,000 feet so that will cover the passes. If youre heading that direction certainly be prepared could see as much as 3 maybe 8 inches of snow across the higher terrain alright that being said tomorrow were enjoying another gorgeous day and temperatures above the average were still in the 80s and some of the valleys tomorrow lot of 70s around the bay that some 60s along the coastline, but watch what happens here in your 1010 everything begins to change chance of showers on friday just a slight chance but look at the temperature drop you go from a tease to 60s the warmer spots inland another chance of showers on sunday then as we get into next week things stay a little bit unsettled the right now looks like a major change finally coming all right but enjoy those find fall days while we can and one more thanks to that still the president. Well be back tomorrow. I watched anybody. Trump blowback over the president s declaration of victory. Frankly, we did win this one. Hes already planted the seed that this election has been stolen from him. A flammable situation and the president just threw a match into it. It was ridiculous. Then the United States of stress. Breathe in, breathe out. Exhale. Eating their way out of high anxiety. And a nation on edge. The line of sanitation trucks protecting trump tower. Plus, how the polsters blew it again. The polling was wrong

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