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To make tackling the pandemic is very First Priority when he hits office. Tonight we now know that former fda commissioner David Kessler and former u. S. Surgeon general doctor vivek murthy will lead that team kessler who once served as the head of the u. S. C f medical school from 2003 to 2007. Today the biden team also unveiling its official transition website. Build back better dot com and lays out the executive actions that president elect biden is set to take on day one of his term many of them aimed at reversing many of President Trumps policies. Oakland native and Vice President elect Kamala Harris is now set to become the most powerful woman in washington. But question of what a biden presidency presidency will mean for the bay area. Kron fours dan thorn talked with some congressional leaders from the bay area about what theyre hoping to see with this new administration, yeah well one of the good things is having somebody like Kamala Harris is from the bay area. Having the ear of the president elect joe biden but summer washington leaders also say that its important to have an administration that also thinks a lot like you do. A new administration brings a new outlook for bay Area Representatives with a friend in the white house. Theyre hoping the areas biggest concerns can take center stage. We finally have an ally in that position president who will listen to science to listen to people from california congressman Jared Huffman says the covid19 pandemic and Climate Change should be at the forefront. Both requiring a focus on science you know like so many things with this administration. There was more interest in politicizing issues then in problem solving that 4 years of no signs for congresswoman barbara lee, the new administration also means increased efforts on housing job losses health care and racial inequality those important i think for this administration and our so please thats our president like joe biden talk about racism and systemic racism in tackling that local representatives are forecasting a sunnier outlook under a biden harris presidency, but there are plenty of challenges still ahead. Im excited. Well its Important Note that the biden when also opens up harriss Us Senate Seat congresswoman barbara lee could be on the short list to fill that job and jonathan i asked the congresswoman about that possibility and she said that its going to be up to. Governor newsome to pick whoever he thinks is the best cant a long list of names on that list and im sure everyones blowing up his phone right now trying to make their pitch. Dan thanks. Meanwhile, President Trump and his supporters are still insisting that the election was stolen from him and they dont have any evidence to back that up that there is a widespread voter fraud most legal experts say that President Trumps lawsuits are destined to fail. These legal challenges that trump is bringing are basically meritless and even if they had merit which the vast majority of them do not. They would result in the overturning of the election but biden is winning by 10s of thousands of votes in all of the relevant states is a legal challenges are going to have an effect. The transition period between the election and Inauguration Day has already been cut short by the extra time it took to determine the winner. And as our washington correspondent Jessi Turnure reports the president has made it Crystal Clear that he will not concede the race any time soon. People have spoken. President elect joe biden and his team are ready to get to work Senior Campaign adviser Symone Sanders says as President Trump continues to insist he won the election i think the white house has made clear what their strategy is here and that they are going to continue to participate and push forward these flailing and in many in many respects legal strategies, the Trump Campaign is moving forward with recounts and lawsuits in several closely contested states to ensure only legal votes are counted. What Utah Republican Mitt Romney says the president has the right to do is find to pursue every legal avenue the one has but i think what has to be careful in the choice of words i think i think when you say that the election was corrupt. Or stolen or rigged. Thats unfortunately rather rhetoric that gets picked up by authoritarian is around the world even some of President Trumps most loyal allies like former new Jersey Governor Chris Christie are growing wary of the challenges we cant back you blindly without evidence and if they dont come forward with the with the proof. Then its time to move on that the Trump Campaign could announce more legal action monday as biden plans to take his first action as president elect. Appointing his own Coronavirus Task force Transition Team member Pete Buttigieg says biden hopes to influence legislation during congresss lameduck session will decide on the right course of action but i think theres a sense of urgency throughout. In washington. Im Jessi Turnure. Some actions that President Trump could still take over the next 7 to 3 days. Include firing cabinet officials signing executive orders and resuming travel. Meanwhile, former president George W Bush extending a warm congratulations to president elect biden and Vice President elect harris the day after clinching their victories in a statement posted online. Bush said that quote the we have political differences, i know joe biden to be a good man who has won his opportunity to lead and unify our country. He also congratulated President Trump on a hard fought campaign. Our election coverage continues right now throughout the broadcast tonight at 1030 well show you how senator Kamala Harris became the first woman to be elected Vice President in the United States and its not just Inspiring Women and young girls around the world, but its also giving politicians here in the golden state. An opportunity for some much needed change. During now to another big story we are following this sunday night were talking about the weather after more than 6 months. Rain finally returned to the area a look from sfo and some other parts of the area as well thats all hail and strong winds while the rain has moved on at least for now a frost advisory is in effect. Some areas in the bay could see temperatures dip as low as the 20s. Overnight kron 4 meteorologist Mabrisa Rodriguez is here with a look at what we can expect moving into the Morning Hours of recent yeah as we step outside tonight, jonathan hard to believe that we saw popup thunderstorms. Not even that but also gusty winds, hail and snow. Throughout Mount Hamilton today so very active weather but now were finally starting to calm down and dry out as well as you step outside bar sunday night, but we do have frost advisory to contend with this evening. So were going to see and feels some of the coldest temperatures that weve had all year long. Beginning in just a few hours at 3 oclock for your monday morning, mainly for those of you in the north bay valleys all of those inland spots, including delay whole petaluma and santa rosa expect to see temperatures dip below freezing at times the 20s 30s but widespread 30s for most of the north bay and santa rosa below freezing temperatures 30 degrees for your overnight lows and were going to also see some chilly overnight lows for inland valleys in the east bay, mid 30s for conquered in livermore around the bay area shoreline though widespread low 40s there with mid 40s for downtown San Franciscos a little bit milder but still going to be very chilly out there grab that extra blanket and as you head out the door for your monday morning sure to grab a thicker coat as youre certainly going to feel that chill wind chill as well during the overnight hours for those of you in the north bay could see some breezy winds right around 20 Miles Per Hour less for calistoga and even those of you at atlas peak as well going to see calmer conditions though by your monday morning but temperatures as you head out the door already dipping into the 40s with 49 degrees for downtown San Francisco, mid 40s for hayward right now san jose 43 degrees but santa rosa bone, chilling 39 degrees and were going to track below average temperatures and dry weather. But rain returning on thursday more on that outlook coming up in my 10 at 10 forecast back to you thank you so much meanwhile Outdoor Dining has been a lifeline for many in the restaurant industry. As this survive during the covid19 pandemic but as were seeing cold weather approach some businesses now worry that their success during the summer months. Could be long gone kron fours gayle ong continuing our Team Coverage tonight showing us how businesses in San Francisco. Now adapting to the changing seasons. Restaurant owner spent thousands of dollars on heaters like this and tends to keep people comfortable for those cold days and nights and it paid off after we saw a shift in the weather. A brief burst of rain passed through San Francisco sunday afternoon. Coupled with strong winds during a wind advisory at the Ferry Building on the embarcadero staff locked outdoor tables and chairs shortly after the rain a stark contrast minutes before for much of the day the weather was quiet in San Francisco. I just miss no human contact uh having meals my every once in a while well probably still try to come out and you know where we can and you know and try to support local businesses diners like michael morale is in north beach enjoying the brisk fall afternoon. He lands kept customers warm outside restaurants set up tents for the rain. Diners also have the option to each indoors with limited seating people i spoke with say they plan to scale back on dining out when it gets cold. But well try to help businesses who are struggling during the covid19 pandemic definitely do take to places i and just to be done at home. You know just security purposes and probably doing a lot of. Ordering from home, i mean i i love the restaurants around my neighborhood and id hate to see them gone. At this time, the city has not released updated guidelines for dining out in the winds are other than ventilation is required for Indoor Services by november 17th, reporting in San Francisco, gayle ong kron 4 news if you havent done so already now is the perfect time for you to download the kron 4 and the kron on mobile apps. There you can track weather in your neighborhood get full forecast interactive radars in good weather alerts sent straight to your phones. Download the right now theyre free for both apple and android devices. Still plenty more to come tonight here on kron 4 news at 10 oclock this sunday, including. Thats been returning to the sierra. Well show you how resorts say theyre now adapting to covid19. Lremembering a hollywood icon jeopardy, host alex trebeks losing his battle with pancreatic cancer tonight we take a look back at his life and legacy. A finger united more than a divide us and then you wake up from figure lee literally ugly. 5th in the form and fortune. And while its in the east bay this morning as folks woke up. Theyre calling for unity after someone when around spray painting their homes and their cars. The Community Says theyre tired of being divided the search now underway to find the man responsible for make your holidays happen. At ross surprise ahhh yes i love it you dont have to spend a lot to give a lot to the ones who mean the most. Youve got the holidays, and weve got you, with the best bargains ever. At ross. Yes for less yep get the gifts you love. Yesss . For everyone on your list. Youve got the holidays, and weve got you. With all the gift for less. At ross. Yes for less take a look at this card in. Caught on camera in the east bay 2. 18 wheelers, full of items donated to the salvation army. Now left in rubble and ash this morning in oakland. Everything inside of his these 18 wheelers were destroyed fire crews responding to the scene just before 3. 30 this morning at webster in 6 6th streets near chinatown no other buildings were damaged no injuries reported tonight, its still unclear exactly what sparked that fire. Also take a look at this a hayward neighborhood, waking up this morning to this vandalism in political messages tag on their homes as kron 4 Taylor Bisacky found out folks living in the Parkside Heights say that the suspect seen on camera spate spray painted the word trump on several homes as well as cards. They resent Parkside Heights in hayward will go to this sunday morning. The word trump graffiti it on to their homes in black spray paint on their cause so many things that unite us more than of the virus and you wake up to something so figuratively and literally ugly. That 5th in the form of unfortunate. Thing to happen nick, a strata counted 8 homes and cars tagged. He says neighbors caught the suspect on Surveillance Video as they spray painted a car parked in the street because were the spray painted with like lines across it. So he like went through and this spray painted the line. One of the cars able to actually get off with a rub out paul berman lt anthony wasnt so lucky. She and her family tried to scrub the word trump off their garage, but they were unsuccessful as feeling angry at first, you know theres no need to act this way. You know you dont expected a special visit new neighbor ahead and do you know. Its just it was i was unhappy and then later you know i realize i understand some people are nodding their greatest minds said, but that doesnt give them the excuse destroy property. Neighbors say the Hayward Police are aware of the incident and hope that everyone can put their political beliefs aside to move forward as a country we may not all agree with one another this is a good time to. You know become unified and move forward in you know hope for the best in hayward Taylor Bisacky kron 4 news. Also in the east bay, a 20 yearold brentwood man is behind bars for flashing a gun and then firing it during an argument with his girlfriend. It happened last night on anderson avenue thats near the walgreens on ball 4 road police say the suspect and his girlfriend were in that argument when neighbor trying to intervene. Thats when the man pulled out his gun and fired new their feet. No one was hurt. But the man now behind bars at the Contra Costa County jail. Now facing a number of charges. Take a look at this tonight. The first snow of the season for the folks up in the sierra a total of 9 inches blanketing squaw valley alpine resort. Of course because we are still in the midst of a pandemic getting up to the mountain to ski will look a little different this year. Earlier today on kron on we talked with a representative from squaw valley ski resort to find out exactly what youll need to know before you head up to plan trip. Yes so this season is obviously in a look a whole different usual. Sponsor navy really isnt going to be possible this year youre really going to want to plan in advance or season pass holders are ikon passholders are going to have the most flexible access to the mountain we dont have a reservation system of reservation system in place right now for pass holders so thats the best way to on the mountain otherwise youre going to have to buy your day tickets were not going have any walkup Tickets Available at the resort and those ticket numbers, especially in the beginning of the season are going to very tightly controlled and then take a priority is also going to be given to people who either stay with us and our lodging or book lessons or rentals with us so theyre kind of your ways to get on the mountain this year and we definitely have seen a lot of interest. So whether youre headed up to the mountains or if youre staying here in the bay, lets check in with kron 4 meteorologist risa rodriguez with a look at what we can expect moving into the workweek actually thought i was back home today in texas because we had some hail some strong wind. And a little bit of rain. I know you brought the texas whether to the bay area and you know what were not complaining because we certainly need the rain, especially after our horrible fire season that we had so any drop helps. We did see traces amount of rain for those of you in hayward and even fremont where cells actually formed with the threat of popup thunderstorms as well even San Francisco International Airport saw slightly less and 5 107 inch of rain so aka we saw traces amounts of rain lets take a live look outside east bay over berkeley hard to believe that we actually had Severe Weather just war through the bay area today very calm dry conditions out there, but it is going to be a chilly night in fact downtown San Francisco, 49 degrees sacramento, 58 degrees and for those of you at big bear 31 degrees so perfect snowmaking conditions there but as we take a look at our satellite and radar dry and crisp right now for us for our sunday evening and even starting to dry out and clear out for those of you in the sierra but we did get up to a foot of fresh powder for those of you at Mammoth Mountain and even South Lake Tahoe so much needed snow that we got there today, South Lake Tahoe warming up 10 degrees tomorrow compared to today only warmed up in the 20s. So thats why we saw all of that snowfall in the sierra but for the next couple of days, were going to dry out in fact, mostly sunny skies in the warming trend will continue for your tuesday and wednesday warming up into the mid 40s and were going to stay there. But we do have another round of fresh powder making its way to the sierra later next Weekend Edition that here in the bay area we are going to notice very dry and Cool Conditions for us as well, plenty of sunshine, but dont let the sun shine for you fact are going to be about 5 to 10 degrees below average in the coming days, but then wet weather will return for us in the bay area starting thursday, even continuing through friday so more michael 10 at 10 outlook coming up in addition to your microclimate monday forecast in just a few minutes back to you Jonathan Erdman risa thank you so much meanwhile, still ahead tonight. As temperatures drop of many are concerned that they wont be able to tell the difference between allergies the flu and covid19 still to come tonight, well let you know with doctors say. You should be on lookout for. Violence along the Las Vegas Strip last night shots ringing out inside of the Circus Circus Hotel and casino kids ending up in the line of fire will let you know how the scene unfolded. Make your holidays happen. At ross surprise ahhh yes i love it you dont have to spend a lot to give a lot to the ones who mean the most. Youve got the holidays, and weve got you, with the best bargains ever. At ross. Yes for less yep get the gifts you love. Yesss . For everyone on your list. Youve got the holidays, and weve got you. With all the gift for less. At ross. Yes for less in las vegas last night a shooting caught on camera inside of the Circus Circus Hotel and casino. Along the Las Vegas Strip. Police say a fight breaking out between 2 groups young folks and it wasnt long after those shots started firing. Definitely a chaotic scene there last time in las vegas than that cell phone video you can see several folks involved in that fight as it intensifies someone pulls out a gun starts firing those shots as many as 3 heard in that video. Las vegas police say 3 people were shot all of them are expected to survive. Its still unclear exactly what sparked the fight officers did confirm at least one person of interest is in custody. Once again that shooting happened inside of the casino which has an Amusement Park area inside of the building thats where the teens and kids can play arcade games and go on a number of rights. The Las Vegas Strip has been seeing an increase in crime since the beginning of the pandemic prices for hotel rooms have dropped considerably which police say brings more people into the area which also brings more crime about a month ago city officials announced that they would have more officers on the streets in tourist areas. Police say they have made more than a 1000 arrest in the last few months. Today marks a somber anniversary in butte county it was on this day 2 years ago that the incredibly deadly and devastating camp fire broke out 8585 people died from that fire as flames quickly traveled 17 miles in less than 12 hours. Destroying thousands of homes. Earlier this year pg and e pleaded guilty to 84 counts of involuntary manslaughter. And one count of unlawfully causing that fire. Investigators say it was sparked by the companys power lines. The American Red Cross took todays anniversary to thank the hundreds of volunteers who came together to support those impacted by that blaze. During the fires, the red cross provided housing food and Financial Assistance to the folks there in butte county. Still to come tonight here on kron 4 news at 10. Covid19 cases on the rise across america shattering records that were seeing by the day whats now being done to address the issue. Lawmakers say that a biden presidency means that california will finally have an ally in the white house, but they say they hope to accomplish over the next 4 years. And coming up, ill have your microclimate up what workweek weather as we start out the day with Cool Temperatures and chilly overnight lows tonight, but we are also have a shot for some rain later this upcoming week more my 10 outlook in just a few minutes. It is joes character that he had the audacity to break one of the most substantial barriers that exist in our country and select a woman as his vice. Thats Vice President elect Kamala Harris and shes making history as not only the first woman but also the first black and Southeast Asian person ever elected to that office given her ties here to the golden state many politicians are now thrilled to once again have an ally in the white house. Just image has the story. First woman in this office i will not be the last. Watching come alive on stage last night was incredibly incredibly happy moment. Only for me, but for our 5 daughters and our granddaughters longtime friend and coworker congressman John Garamendi has known harris roughly 2 decades working alongside her own Insurance Fraud cases when she was San Franciscos District Attorney ernie he believes heres his perspective is in Northern California native puts are in a unique position to help the golden state from the white house deep no nation understanding of the challenges of a very rapidly. Diverse state. And the need to be able to provide access for all individuals in this state whether its Health Care Economic access. California has long been in battle with president Donald Trumps administration. Attorney general Javier Becerra has filed more than 100 lawsuits against the administration over various policies while the president has threatened to withhold federal emergency aid from the state money desperately needed for fires for rebuilding for health care for impoverished people the Trump Administration is use the withholding of money try to. Bludgeon california into some sort of a political position. Biden and harris will do that he sees this election is a move toward more cooperation between california and the presidency. In sacramento, jessica, mitch. Meanwhile folks all across the world are celebrating Vice President elect Kamala Harris today, thousands of miles from america, a town in india is honoring her tonight. Heres his mother is from a small village in a large billboard with her picture notes or family ties with the village sending messages of praise and pride after biden and harris is projected victory the new president elect is already hard at work on assembling his cabinet and team of advisors the biden team says that the first order of business will be to tackle the covid19 pandemic by organizing a new covid19 task force we are expected to hear the names of that team on on monday. But this comes as the world hits another grim milestone this weekend in the fight against the virus. There are now more than 50 million cases worldwide and according to Johns Hopkins university. More than 1. 2 Million People have died. The u. S. Has about a 5th of all reported cases and those numbers are only rising on saturday the u. S. Reported more than 126,000 new cases and as covid19 cases soar nationwide today california reported 9500 new cases in 24 deaths. In total there have been more than 960,000 coronavirus cases claiming the lives of nearly 18,000 people. Meanwhile here in the bay area there were 744 new confirmed cases today in 2 new deaths, bringing the total to more than 123,000 local cases in 1800 deaths. Many kids rely on food that they get at school for their daily meals so when many campuses suspended in Person Learning because of the pandemic back in march. It created a huge challenge for them. A food bank in amarillo, texas estimates that one in 3 kids there dont have enough to eat and before the pandemic it was one in 5. Now kids are now relying more on Community Food programs provided by federal state and private donations more than ever. She leaves bbq and soul food in amarillo is one of many now feeding those kids. Then during the was so many people losing jobs. Some families were from dunwoody income families to 0 income family so. They really need that assistance. Npbetween the local School Districts and Community Programs more than 41,000 meals are served every day. Scientists in new york in the netherlands say they have tested a nasal spray treatment that blocks the covid19 virus in ferrets they hope it miget one day protect humans from contracting the virus. The smallscale study conducted on 6 different parents. Scientists observing that none of the animals treated with the spray became infected with the virus after 24 hours. While the ferrets given a placebo death actually become sick. The sheer routine headache or sore throat can send our minds out of control whether it turns out to be from coronavirus or not and because of the similar symptoms, many folks are worried that they wont be able to tell the difference between allergies the flu and covid19. Doctors say if you get allergies at this time of the year every year its safe to think that its just allergies dont freak yourselves out. But he says that recognizing the difference between covid19 and the flu. Well that could be a little bit more challenging. The common allergy. Symptoms are little watery eyes itchy eyes. The sniffles or this crash here is shes throat or mouth. So the top symptoms of covid and flu are the same as the missing teens, the muscle aches the seaver. So doctors say there is one thing that differentiates the flu from covid19. If you do have the flu. You will not lose your sense of taste or smell. Before we go tonight, lets check in again with meteorologist Mabrisa Rodriguez with a look at our very chilly frigid forecasts. Because things are going to get cold. Yeah, especially during the overnight hours mainly far inland valleys, specifically those of you in the north bay youll have a frost advisory going into effect at 3 oclock monday morning through 9 oclock mid morning. So we are expecting temperatures are in the 20s and 30s for your overnight lows live look outside though, very dry calm conditions with because of that lack a blanket of cloud cover. Were noticing that cool down as i speak temperatures right now widespread 40s downtown San Francisco, the little bit milder in the low 50s with santa rosa at 39 degrees and overnight lows tonight, widespread 30s and 40s. So yes, even along the coast were going to notice that cold snap as well with temperatures in the low to mid 40s for Half Moon Bay in downtown San Francisco. But widespread mid 30s to low 40s everywhere its going to be a bone chilling night and daytime highs tomorrow very little change from today were going to remain about 5 to 10 degrees below average downtown San Francisco, 58 degrees fortunately, wind speeds going to be on the calmer side anywhere from about 15 Miles Per Hour or less happy in bay, 54 degrees with widespread mid 50s from brisbane into burlingame pretty uniform numbers there as well though 55 degrees with upper 40s for palo alto so were going to notice Cool Temperatures tomorrow, 5 to 10 degrees below average but a little bit milder for san jose 61 degrees cupertino flirting with 60s but 59 degrees as is livermore and hayward is well low 60s from richmond all the way into oakland orinda am raga 53 degrees but walnut creek 59 degrees to start out your workweek monday napa in the low 60s and santa rosa and avato enjoy those pleasant temperatures in the mid 60s for you, but we are going to remain below average and dry as we start out this workweek forecast but then rain will return thursday through friday of this upcoming week and even warm temperatures to near average highs a week from today jonathan back to you all right but recent thank you so much this story has so many people talking tonight and obviously. A lot of folks said we are mourning today the loss of longtime jeopardy host alex trebek. Who died today at the age of 80 after a nearly twoyear long battle with pancreatic cancer. Sony studios says that he passed away this morning in los angeles surrounded by family and friends. Sam rubin with our sister station ktla in los angeles takes a look back at his long decades career. The answer is she and her is the final jeopardy answer is as it turned out the answer was always alex trebek himself there is the over the course of 37 seasons trebek hosted more than 8200 episodes, welcome americas favorite answering question game jeopardy. He was last in the jeopardy studios on the sony lot in culver city on october 29th original episodes of jeopardy with trebek will continue to air until Christmas Day we are the first quiz show to come back on the air. In the covid19 era prior to his American Television debut in the wizard of odds now here. Trebek had a very successful career in his native canada as a newsman and host for the cbc easy his charisma was noted south of the border and he came to hollywood and immediately became a very in demand Game Show Host by having a few extra moments to consider the answer youll be able to play along and match your reflexes against these players trebek was the very first game show since groucho marx to boost a full mustache i read through this other shows hosted by trimac included high rollers battle stars classic concentration and a new incarnation of to tell the truth first time in over 18 years of hosting Television Shows here at nbc. This is the first time i get to work. Sitting down and i thank nbc for this really police. After the amazing success of the original jeopardy with original host or fleming the shows creator merv griffin decided to bring back the beloved game show in 1984. And let us play jeopardy right jeopardy and tribeca became cultural touchstones so much a part of the fabric of all of our lives that the show interim back were openly celebrated and also subjected to parity, im not a girl i have a mustache on my face decades of success and living what he described as the good life with his second wife jean were uninterrupted until a surprising medical diagnosis, true to his always upfront nature trebek shared the news directly with his audience. This week i was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Trebeks spoke of being overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from fans worldwide one memorable on air moment clearly usually unflappable trebek being moved by one contestants on air well wishes what is we love you out thats first im sorry to say after the diagnosis trip back to side to pen his own autobiography to tell his life story. Its a book filled with modesty in gratitude. The fact that the show is one 25 emmys we won those 25 emmys red over about 17 years of programming and so you dont notice it it doesnt have the same impact as it does today when you put all 25 on the table and the guinness book of World Records comes along and gives you a certificate attesting to the fact that you are number one youve got to feel good about that for jeopardy viewers, his death while not entirely unexpected. Leaves a question for which we all know the answer. Is it possible for anyone to ever replay notes. Its not in hollywood. Im sam urban. It will definitely be missed that does it for us here on kron 4 news at 10 oclock this sunday night im Jonathan Mccall thanks so much for joining us. But dont go anywhere though, sports night live is up next with jason dumas says the niners saw a bye week but what a finish for the raiders down to the final play. Well break down the highlights Just Moments Away sports night live is coming your way. Welcome to sports night live the niners had the day off so we were starting tonight show down in southern california, the raiders home away from home. Theyre taking on the chargers and this one came down to the very last play of the

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