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Allows College Athletes to get endorsement deals, he predicts that other states will follow californias lead. Its going to initiate dozens of other states to introduce similar legislation and its going to change College Sports for the better. The governor tweeted out a video of the bills signing on the hbo sports show, the shot interrupted. The law takes effect in 2023, it allows College Players to hire agents, it would apply to public and private universities and covers all sports. The governor said its about fairness. No other student is restricted in using their names, images and likeness, only athletes, its about equity and fairness and time. The ncaa asked the governor to veto the bill. The group warned it would give california universities an unforadvantage in recruiting. Joining us in the studio is the author of the bill. Why do you think it is so important to allow College Athletes to have agents and sign endorsement deals. College sports has made billions for everyone involved except the people that are the talent that creates the wealth, thats the student athletes, thats wrong. You know the push back from the ncaa, right now their rules prohibit anyone from profiting in new way from any sport. They have said that if you pass the law, california schools will be in violation of ncaa rules, do you think that is a reality or will the ncaa make some changes. They have a bad history. They lose lawsuits, this is an antitrust violation if they exclude california schools and secondly, the public is on our side. California has put bill 206 into law and new york state has just introduced a bull and the Florida Legislature is troducing a bill and nebraska is introducing a bill. The ncaa has the power to give this route to every student across the country and they should. The ncaa is warning that this is going to lead to the professionalization of College Sports, are you worried about that . Its a milty billion dollars industry route now. College coaches are some of the highest paid employees in the state and across the country, in addition to their salaries they can get endorsement deals, why are the students who cannot. If you are a swimmer, you cannot pay for swimming lessons. Do you think this pressure, starting this california, will in fact lead to the ncaa changing its rules . Well, if the ncaa disng do the right thing, which they have the ability to do, the rest of the states will do it for them. We already have florida, south carolina, new york, nebraska, all following suit. What about the notion that the universities in california would have this unfair recruiting edge, if i am a College Athlete i ammore likely to come to a school in california where i could potentially get paid for my performances on the field. The bill does not go into effect until 2023, there is a lot of time for the colleges to make the adjustment and the ncaa to change their rules, every student wants that advantage so the ncaa should do the route thing. Why do you think that they have been so reluctant to make the change, people have been requesting, why does this exist . Why do you think that the ncaa is so reluctant . I lot of entrenched interests do not like to change their business model. A lot of people have made a lot of money for a long time and they believe if they share they will not make as much. Its the right thing to do, it puts the equity of students first. California leads with our values, they will follow. You obviously have big names onboard. Lele bron james, green among many athletes supporting you. Le bron has been a champion for this issue for years, he did not go to college because he would not have afforded to go to college. He has been such a champion of this. The young gymnasts were there at the taping, sports observers and the public are on the side of do the right thing. James wrote on instagram, ncaa, you have the next move. State senator nancy skinner, thank you for coming in. For more information on this new law head to our website, ktvu. Com. The fbi arrested a bay area man accusing him of acting as a spy for china, they said he passed on National Security information to chinese intelligence officials for years. Allison is live from hayward with more on this now unsealed case. Reporter xuehau edward peng was arrested with the help of a double agent. The fbi passed false information to him and he passed along to china. An american suz acted as a secret agent of the peoples republic of china. Reporter foreign spying with National Security intelligence on the line. His activities to expose the United States went far beyond sightseeing. Reporter sue, xuehau edward peng was parking as a tour guide. Communication between two agents using a predetermined location. Reporter he started working as an agent in 2015, he participated in what is known as a dead drop. Its a method used to pass money and information between two agents using a predetermined location. Reporter these images leave thousands of dollars in exchange for an sd card filled with information, then he flew to china to drop off the card. He did this at least six times, he was arrested friday at his home in hayward. I stopped by to see if his family had anything to say but they had no comment. This next door neighbor said he never would have expected this. The few times we have talked have been pleasant. I would never have thought what was going on was really happening. Reporter the source giving the information was a double agent working with United States officials. Agents credit a third person from stopping information from getting into the wrong hands. The Northern District of california is ground zero for a secret battle between prc controlled spies and thieves and the United States intelligence and Law Enforcement communities. Reporter he is now in custody being held without bond, if convicted he faces a 250,000 fine and up to 10 years in prison. He is next scheduled to appear in Court Wednesday morning. Thank you, fascinating information. Now for the latest developments in the impeachment inquiry, President Donald Trump took to twitter this morning to call the probe the greatest witch hunt in history and he attacked the intelligence chair. He said arrest for treason, the president also defended his call to the president of ukraine writing i was looking for corruption. He concluded by the way, the bidens were corrupt. Three house committees today issued subpoenas for President Donald Trumps personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, according to the whistle blowers report, Rudy Giuliani was involved in ukraine, so far no evidence of corruption has emerged. Reporter although congress is out on recess there are some lawmakers moving full steam ahead on the impeachment inquiry, democrats are hoping to wrap it up by the end of the year if not by thanksgiving. This is a disgrace. I think that they are going to move it quickly. Reporter three house committees set a date for secretary of state mike pompeo to comply with a subpoena sphor documents plus a new subpoena for Rudy Giuliani saying that they are investigating credible allegations that you acted as an agent of the president to further his political interests. I would love to challenge the committee. The cia officer behind the whistle blower complaint is expected to eventually appear before the Intelligence Committee but attorneys for the whistle blower fear for their clients safety. When you have a whistle blower, the reports are not correct. The Senate Leader said he has no choice. Under the senate rules we are required to take it up if the house goes down that path. In the latest poll on how americans feel about impeachment, it finds a 20 point shift. A week ago a majority of voters were not in favor, now voters are evenly divided. Protestors blocked off the entrance to a Popular Grocery store, the reason behind the demonstration, still to come. Residents of one San Francisco neighborhood put down boulders to keep homeless and drug dealers away. A breezy cool day out there but we have a warm up on the way. A major warm up. I have the forecast coming up. We have more coming up on ktvu news right after the break [white rabbit by jefferson airplane] one pill makes you larger and one pill makes you smaller and the ones that mother gives you dont do anything at all remember what the dormouse said welcome aboard. Feed your head. Last week we told you about frustrated residents of one San Francisco neighborhood who tried to put boulders in front of their residences and businesses to keep the homeless away. The boulders were removed yesterday. We are live from that neighborhood near market and dolores. Reporter the boulders are now gone. They said that the backlash just was not worth it. One by one, the San Francisco public works crew hauled away each of the two dozen boulders near market street. We have had people pushing those rocks out on to the streets which has made it unsafe. Earlier this month a group of residents so tired of asking the city to do something took matters into their own hands, they banded together and paid 200 each to place boulders there as a deterrent. They want getting emails feeling that there was a lot of pressure being put on them. Many of the boulders ended up in the street pushed there by those that feel that the barriers are wrong. For the people now vandal, vandalizing the boulders they are worst than the criminals that they are trying to defend. That could involve larger boulders or some kind of land scawp plan, for now, just to put things at rest we are in possession of the rocks and at the drawing board. Many homeless advocates empathize but they said that the boulders are not a solution. Thats not how we do it in San Francisco. We are more accepting, we find a betterrance here. The worry is, how will it be over the next several days or weeks, will we be able to walk down the street or not. Its not clear where the homeless went but residents say now that the boulders are gone, where did they go. Thank you for the update. Lets turn our attention to the beautiful weather, cooler weather. It has been cool but beautiful today. We have the clear skies from the morning through the afternoon but the temperatures are below average, no doubt about it. You are taking a live look at San Francisco. The blue skies are just gorgeous, its deceiving because you cannot tell how cool it is, this is San Francisco in the distance, we are looking from oakland. The cameras are bouncing because we are starting to get some wind too. 21 miles per hour. That onshore flow is helping to keep us cool at sfo, that makes it more chilly. Nice clear skies on Storm Tracker two as we zoom out. The entire coast of california, can clouds through the north of us of the current temperatures, 67 in santa rosa, oakland, 66, livermore, 67, san jose, 66 degrees, we should be about 70 degrees in San Francisco this time of year but again, struggling to get to those lower 60s, well below average, eight to 10 degrees below average, its going to be nice tonight, if you are in the north bay, 38 degrees for the overnight low in santa rosa, warmer than that in San Francisco. Lower 40s in morgan hill. On the edge of the cooler temperatures, but the cooler temperatures are not what we are talking about coming towards the weekend. We have a chilly night tonight. Tomorrow a warm up to get back to seasonal temperatures, then we push further towards the weekend. Upper 80s for the inlant communities, we will talk about that with the extended forecast. Thank you. Looking forward to that. San Francisco Police cited 33 Animal Rights activists for trespassing following a protest outside of a whole foods market. This dem state, demonstration started at 8 00, police moved in to break up the demonstration, the activists claimed several farms supplying goods to whole foods are being cruel to animals, they calling on jeff bezos to put a stop to those alleged violations. The ncaa is not a fan of californias new law allowing student athletes to be paid. Coming up, our sports insider is here to talk about how this might effect the recuting process. Tune in for 911 at 8 00, followed by foxs new hit serious, the prodigal son. We have more coming up on ktvu news right after the break tv just keeps getting better. How you watch it does too. This is xfinity x1. Featuring the Emmy Awardwinning voice remote. Streaming Services Without changing passwords and input. Live sports with realtime stats and scores. Access to the most 4k content. And your movies and shows to go. The best tv experience is the best tv value. Xfinity x1. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity. The future of awesome. Continuing coverage of the new law that allows College Athletes to hire agents and make money from endorsement deals, its meant to bring more fairness to College Athletics and let players share in the wealth that they create for their schools. We have the chief operating officer for the oakland as, how big of a deal is this for College Athletic programs. Its a big deal. Its an early step that is going to kick start a process that is going to talk a number of years, the bill talks effect in 2023, that gives time for the legislatures and the ncaa to come together. Right now the ncaa is not a fan of the law, they are threatening to kick out california institutions. Its important to note that the law really does open up the ability for athletes to sell their name and likeness but does not open up the ability for schools to pay athletes directly. What do you make of the concerns that money may become too much part of the game. There is a lot of questions on how this works, i will give you one example that stands out to me. Third parties can pay athletes bullet schools cannot. How do you regulate that the athletes come into the recruitment process and not be swayed by the money. Thats a good question, i can see it as being very influential as the third parties have a lot of influence. From a National Perspective there is a challenge to figure out how to keep the Playing Field level, some states approve this and some do not. You end up with a testify competitive challenge. This opens a brand new door for agents. I am sure that they are loving this. Its an interesting process, you got scols out there that are going to be selling marketing rights and now you are going to have the athletes selling similar right. I know that there is some language in the law that you cannot do it with brands that are already pre associated with the university, there is a lot to work out in terms of how this is going to play out. What about brands that do not align with the schools values. Would that become a problem or an issue. This is going to force movement on this issue of the there is been a lot of positioning and posturing. What is going to happen is that this is going to put that 2023 date out there. You mentioned that there is talk about something being done. The nebraska coach said there is some points being made for athletes being compensated but i hope it does not destroy opportunities and competitive balance. He also adds its a slippery slope. I think that the balance is at the essence of the issue, you have very talented people in universities in music and arts being exawted. Thats not the case for College Athletics but there is Something Special about College Athletics, fugging out how this work is key to the College Athletics. Thank you chris. Thank you. Coming up on the four, inmates dying behind bars, two investigates look at had a is behind the high death rate at the bay areas largest jail. Up next we talk with an advocate for inmates. The fate of an ex cop who shot and killed their neighbor rests in the hands of a texas jury. We take you to the courthouse, next. We have more coming up on ktvu news right after the break at at t we believe in access. The opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. Connecting with the things that matter most. And because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet. Weve created access from at t california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits. May qualify for Home Internet at a discounted rate of 10 a month. No commitment, deposit, or installation fee. Visit att. Com accessnow, to learn more. The juul record. They took 12. 8 billion from big tobacco. Juul marketed mango, mint, and menthol flavors, addicting kids to nicotine. Five million kids now using ecigarettes. The fda said juul ignored the law with Misleading Health claims. Now juul is pushing prop c, to overturn San Franciscos ecigarette protections. Say no to juul, no to big tobacco, no to prop c. Inmatesawaiting their day in court die behind bars, the jail in Alameda County has a higher death rate than the nations largest jail system in los angeles, we have jose bernal to discuss this issue. You have been looking into the issues at santa rita jail. What are the factors you think are at play here. I think a huge factor in play, at Alameda County is the lack of accountability and transparency that is happening. The broader larger picture, the in custody deaths that are happening, even after the fact, the information provided to the family and the information provided to the public is not happening. What has your organization done to try to push to get more information revealed publicly . We have gone back and towrt with the county on this and the sheriffs office. We were not able to get a lot of information, the limited information we got was very concerning, that includes your news coverage. 29 women have spoken out. In many cases we are talking about suicides. You have dealt with a lot of the families, what is it that you think is driving inmates to true to harm themselves and to take their own lives behind bars. There are a number of factors behind that. People experiencing Mental Health issues should not be sent to jail. They should be kept this the community for treatment. The other factor, bhen people are in almada jails, a significant number is placed in insolation. The certificate sheriffs said they are doing nair best to focus on treating member Health Issues for inmates behind bars. He acknowledges there is more work that can be done. What do you say to that. He said we are working on this issue is trying to better treat inmates with Mental Health issues. The sheriff has been in office since 2007. Their budget is enormous, 4,043,000,000. They have had had a raise every year, we are talking 144 million over the last 10 years and the fability that we have a higher rate of in custody deaths than the largest jailor this the nation, Los Angeles County speaks for itself. We are going to leave it there, thank you so much for coming in. Two investigates analyzed every death that happened inside santa rita jail over the past five years and we compared those fission with, figures with a the Alameda County sheriff. We check inmates to make sure that they are not commuting suicide. But it does happen. One death in our custody is not acceptable. We do not want anyone to die, we go through great pins and efforts to keep people alive. Coming up on the 10 00 news we take you inside santa receipta jail to explore the link between insolation and suicide behind bars. The fate of a former Dallas Police officer charged in the shooting death of a neighbor inside of his apartment is in the hands of the jury. Reporter the closing arguments in the trial of a former Police Officer charged in the shooting death of her neighbor, she thought she was entering her own apartment but instead she entered the victims apartment, mistaking him for an intruder she shot and killed him, only afterwards realizing her fatal mistake. Prosecutors argued that the victim was unarmed and eating ice cream on the couch. A guilty verdict is not saying you do not like police, this case is all about, what is reasonable and what is absurd. The state argues the officer should have known she was entering the wrong apartment pointing out caughtors she missed like a bright red door mat. The defense said it was possible to confuse the two floors. You can hate her but can you not convict her because there is though evidence as to the decisions that were made in that apartment. She has to headache that split second decision. This time it ended in tragedy. The judge has ruled that jurors can consider what is known as the castle doctrine, the texas version of a stand your ground law in a allows for deadly force if i person feels threatened. Cal tran is announcing a major renovation ren oa, renovation. We have a major warm up coming your way, we talk about it in the extended forecast coming up cast coming up hey. Hey. You must be stevens phone. Now you can take control of your home wifi and get a notification the instant someone new joins your network. Only with xfinity xfi. Download the xfi app today. The juul record. They took 12. 8 billion from big tobacco. Juul marketed mango, mint, and menthol flavors, addicting kids to nicotine. Five million kids now using ecigarettes. The fda said juul ignored the law with Misleading Health claims. Now juul is pushing prop c, to overturn San Franciscos ecigarette protections. Say no to juul, no to big tobacco, no to prop c. Cal tran has announced plans for a new freeway construction project, they plan to replace 800 feet of highway one. We have jeff with cal tran, describe the condition of this part of the bay shore freeway. As you enter the freeway, its a mule from the border, this is a small section of the freeway, but its very deteriorating, its been there suns 1955. Even though its a small section, a small project, it effects a lot of traffic. And they are going to have to remove the bridge deck and replace it over about three weeks while accommodating traffic. Weaver getting ahead of this to try to alert people as soon as possible. Why replace it instead of repairing it . Its been repaired a number of times and it just is not going to hold another repair. Our best and our only decision is to replace the deck. This includes demolition and rebuilding. A lot of work will be done at night. Its freeway traffic coming into San Francisco. Its a busy freeway, 200,000 cars a day on here. There is going to be a detour for north bound traffic, its really going to slow things down, the project is going to happen next year, we are trying to get ahead of this and warning people about the upcoming traffic snarl. Hopefully they help us to reduce the congestion when the project starts. Why start spreading the word now, do you hope people will automatically find a detour so everyone is not scrambling during the summer. Thats the difficulty, if there is an easy way to alleviate traffic in this area we would have done so a long time ago, there are not a lot of options but we are asking people to be aware and perhaps you know, work from home. Or we are thinking of putting up a small ferry service, either you go through that area or you do not. We hope people will be on vacation during the summer or maybe they can commute to a different office, we want people to start thinking of different solutions. It is definitely going to be a challenge to try to gauge the impact of all of this, thank you for taking the time to talk with us, i am sure we will be talking again before the project is set to get underway. Thank you. Lets talk about the cooler weather around the bay area. Its a gorgeous day outside of the clear skies, nice and crisp out there especially in the morning hours. Definitely start tog feel like october. Yes. Do not get used to it. We are going to go back to a couple of weeks ago, its gorgeous out there, clear skies, and crisp temperatures. San francisco, 59 degrees, they made it up to 60 a few minutes ago but that was it. 67 in santa rosa, 59 at half moon bay, 50 in hayward, you do not see 70s on the map. It has been below average, the wind is making it feel cooler, in oakland, 20 miles per hour. Concord, 17 miles per hour. The skies have been clear for the coast of california. As we zoom in its going to be another clear night. Get out there and enjoy it. We have a little snow falling in the sierras. The Winter Weather advisory is about to wrap up. 50 degrees in San Francisco for the overnight low, how about upper 30s this the north bay. Watch out, it may be time to bring the plants ideas. San jose 45 for the overnight low. We are under the influence of low pressure, that has caused the rain we got overnight last night and also the snow in the sierras. I am calling this a week of warming, its going to warm up through next weekend. Upper 80s inland and at the coast 70s when we get to the weekend. We, start with a boost tomorrow. 65 at the coast. 70 in the bay and about 76 degrees inland. Thats the first push of the warmth that we are going to see in the next week but thats not the only push, we are also going to see the temperatures ramping up wednesday and stalling out thursday as we have a system to the north. Its going to keep us cooler. Then its going to rocket up in saturday and sunday, lower 70s at the coast. 80 in the bay and 87 degrees inland. Look at this, you know the first thing to point out is that we do not have rain in the forecast, staying dry and warming up tomorrow. Then we get warmer wednesday, stalling out thursday then here we go heating up. Not just friday and saturday but also look at sunday. Its astounding when you consider we are going to be picking out Halloween Costumes sign and its 87 degrees heading into the weekend. We had the extreme heat and the major cool down, we dipped below the average temperatures to the point where people are thinking about turning on the heat and putting on the seat warmers in the car. We have a little bit of a throw back to summer then i am sure we are going back to the cool. If you miss the warmth you are going to get a break and if you like the cold, we will get back to that too. California saw weird weather over the weekend. Snow in the sierras and a tornado in yolo county. This video is from highway 99, she spotted a massive dust kolup. Dust devils are rare in a california and usually harmless. No word on whether this devil did any damage. Still to come, Chicago Police are being instructed to not assist the department of homeland security. We have details after the break. A crash course in supply and demand, why College Students in the south bay have been lining up for days to find a place to live for next year [white rabbit by jefferson airplane] one pill makes you larger and one pill makes you smaller and the ones that mother gives you dont do anything at all remember what the dormouse said welcome aboard. Feed yoead the Police Officer killed in new york city over the weekend was shot by his fellow officers, the new York City Police commissioner announced he was hit twice by Police Bullets during a confrontation in the bronx, he was wrestling with an armed man when he was hit by gun fire. The death is the second time this year that a member of the nypd has been killed by friendly fire. The plus department in one of the largest cities in the country will no longer assist ice agents. Chicago is joining many cities including many in the bay area who are ending cooperation with federal immigration officials. Reporter as ice raids continue across the country human Rights Groups are mobilize local opposition, we obtained a Chicago Police Department Memo instructing officers to no longer immediately assist homeland security. If they are asking for help on an immigration arrest, officers are told to walk away and they will not get access to police data becauses. We are not allowing our Police Departments to support ice efforts in the city. Chicago Police Officers have told fox news, historically they have assisted use agents. Ice conducts target the immigration enforcement. There are no raids, we do not check points, we know who we are going after. Chicago is not alone, other cities and states like new jersey are instructing their officers not to assist ice agents. These agreements confuse residents about which Law Enforcement officers work for the state and which work for the feds. Law enforcement does not have is to assist federal agents, so chicago and new jersey are within their constitutional rights. The power of new technology coming up next. How ucsf is helping to change one mans life by helping to keep him out of the hospital while still keeping tabs on his heart condition tv just keeps getting better. How you watch it does too. This is xfinity x1. Featuring the Emmy Awardwinning voice remote. Streaming Services Without changing passwords and input. Live sports with realtime stats and scores. Access to the most 4k content. And your movies and shows to go. The best tv experience is the best tv value. Xfinity x1. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity. The future of awesome. This woman has to take it slowly these days. The last time i traveled was 2017, since then i stay home, basically, it started when i was 45 years old. 11 years ago. I was expecting it because of my dad. His heart condition required multiple heart procedures which made hypothetically a great candidate for a new device called the patch lled the patch we can have an idea of their heart function so they never are hospitalized again. With the patch, you can wear it anywhere, on a walk, to the store, its information that shows how your heart is reacting, the hope is that it can detect problems and eventually preept them. We have learned how our body vibrates in response to a heartbeat. Its a joint project can Research Teams in San Francisco, at, atlanta and chicago. Our advantage is the fact that we work on the hardware and we have people who understand the signals, the signal is a weird measurement that many people do not know about. Many cardiologists are not heard of it. They are optimistic. You put it on and it stays on, amazingly. While he is still taking it easy he is grateful for his receipt life saving and life changing heart transplant. After a while, i had so many tests, it makes me feel better and the next guy is going to feel better with the information that they get from me. The next guy could get one of these sooner rather than later. Ktvu fox news at 5 00 starts now. He worked as a tour guide in San Francisco but that was a front, he acted a as spy for chinese officials. It went far canyon innocent sightseeing. The fbi said he has been working with the Chinese Government since 2015 and today they announced his arrest. Good evening. If found guilty xuehau edward peng is facing several years in prison, we are live in hayward where the suspect lived. Reporter xuehau edward peng was arrested at his home in hayward. United states intelligence officials said that xuehau edward peng transferred classified information to his native china. Fortunately fbi officials had a double agent working on his side. An american suz acted as a secret agent of the peoples republic of china. It sounds like the plot of a film. Forge spying with National Security on the line. His activities to expose the United States went far beyond innocent sightseeing. 56 year old xuehau e was workas a local tour guide but his real work was shuttles class fight National Security information to chinese officers, in newly unsealed documents he started working as an agent in 2015, he participated in what is known as a dead drop. Its a method used to pass money, and information between two agents g

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