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Is also urging all americans to stay at home. America is engaged in a historic battle to safeguard the lives of our citizens, our future society, our greatest weapon is the discipline and determination of every citizen to stay at home. And stay healthy for a long time. The president said social distancing and staying at home seems to be having an effect on the spread of the virus. He specifically mentioned california, and noted have a number of cases here have not grown as rapidly as they have and other parts of esident appo nice to see you. I want to start with the action today by the president. To prevent the exporting of these n95 masks. Talk about the significance of that. Yeah, it is critical. With the shortage that we are seeing across the country, in particular new york, to take the bold move to say that they are not going to allow hoarding or exporting so that directive went to fema, they partner with the department of justice, and what he is saying is any type of ppe has to stay in the country for our health workers. During the briefing, the president also talked about prioritizing resources, obviously the states of new york and new jersey, they are at the top of that list. Talk about how they go about prioritizing this ppe equipment and also the ventilators. They started a process working from the ground up, basically they are talking to loca wer talking to the state Health Officers comes the Operations Center which ultimately gets up to the National Response enter in washington, dc. And what they are doing is they are pulling across the nine states to find out what that inventory is. They think they have a good handle on it but they want to make sure they know what it is. Than what they will do is they are going to move those resources, kind of like what we heard Governor Cuomo talk about in new york today, move those resources based on priorities and we know theres not going to be enough for everybody so they are trying to figure out where the hotspots are and get them to those locations initially. I want to talk with you about something, and it is a grim reality, as we see the number of deaths increased, talk about the planning that is taking place right now, to deal with mass casualties. It is sobering. There is no question about that. There was some discussion today new york, and the mass fatality planning, in that since they want to have refrigerated trucks were those folks are not going to make it through this illness, and this disease, so when you talk long grandma, grandpa, aunts, uncles, before this is over, everybody will be touched by this. It certainly is sobering. Several states, though, have yet to see a large number of cases. Are their efforts in those states to maybe have them step in and lets say, take care of individuals and kind of shoulder some of the burden, until, or hopefully, until they do see an uptick in cases in their states. Yes, to your point, the fema partners with the army corps of engineers, and they are building alternate care facilities for site across the United States, and all different states, even those that are not totally affected right now may have a ey are sti building out hospitals to be able to provide an overflow area so that you dont over run the emergency rooms. I know, as we go through this, it signs kind of crazy but they are going to need to start to prioritize not only the alternate care sites, but you will probably see discussions between governors about potentially moving patients if need be, yesterday, 500 ambulances were sent to new york under a mutual aid package, this is a unique situation where most disasters are centered any specific location come of this disaster, this pandemic, affects all states. Before i let you go, i want to talk to you but what the white house said today, acknowledging not only us here in california but also, those in washington, for taking the stayathome order, putting in place the stayathome measures, and they appear to be working, according to the white house staff. They do, and what we are seeing, and they are measuring not by cell phone data, they can be the transition of people moving throughout the United States and what they are seeing in particular in california, seattle, and even in new york, almost 90 reduction in movement of people across states, so what that indicates and holds hope for us, is the stayathome commodores orders the people are complying with them is having an effect. There are more than 11,000 people infected with coronavirus here in california. According to Johns Hopkins university, unfortunately, 264 people have died statewide. Gov. Newsom says 901 patients are in intensive care units, it hospitals across the state right now. That is it 10. 4 increase, from yesterday. Now, during a briefing in sacramento today, the governor confirmed the state is facing a massive testing shortage and backlog. Health officials believe there are more people than confirmed. Also a major focus of todays briefing was caring for the homeless in our state, who may have been exposed to the virus and potentially could spread it. We are already seen hundreds and hundreds of individuals now, off the streets, and sidewalks, and into the nontarget sites, and i will reinforce that frame, nontarget rights. What we want to do is relieve the stress in our shelter systems. And ultimately, relieve the impact in the medical care delivery system, if left unaddressed. We allow our most vulnerable residence in the this virus. He said the state now has possession of 7000 hotel rooms to house Homeless People with fema picking up 75 of the cost there. He is hoping to secure 8000 more of those rooms. Homeless advocates in San Francisco held a protest today, and this came as the citys police chief announced the first citations for violating social distancing roles. Christian is joining us live this afternoon from San Francisco. As we head into into the weekend here, city leaders once again urging everyone to stay at home. Reporter remember, last weekend we saw a marked decrease in the number of people going outside for Recreational Purposes and city leaders are now hoping that the rain is in the forecast will help keep of coronavirus. San francisco has been on lockdown for 2 1 2 weeks, officials stressed that social distance and Health Orders of the greatest tools to slow the spread. By and large, residents are following the orders but he says his officers have issued one citation to a business that repeatedly flouted the order and an individual who refused to shelter in place. If we have to go back, we will not ask twice. We have had to cite the business in the last 24 hours and we have cited individuals in the last 24 hours. Reporter the city has 497 confirmed cases, 60 are hospitalized, and half of those are in intensive care. The city is advocating the widespread use of Face Coverings to help curb the spread of coronavirus. The key point is this, if you cover your face, you are protecting other people around you. Reporter they said that cover does not need to be a n95 masks, leave those for front line medical workers. A handkerchief or cloth covering is good enough for most residents. They held a drive in protest around the citys acting department of Emergency Management headquarters. They are demanding they house all the citys homeless and San Francisco hotels. The mayor said that simply is not practical considering the logistics of making sure those people are fed. There is housekeeping and security on premise all of which raises the complexity and cost. Instead she says the city is prioritizing moving some of the most vulnerable homeless into hotels into west. This is more complicated than opening up every hotel room in San Francisco and making it available. If that were possible we would do it in a heartbeat but there are a lot of other things that come with doing this right. Shes also telling san franciscans to do what they can to maintain their positivity going forward. She says the city is already looking at trying to make sure that the economic recovery gets underway with a package she says is going to be critical in the months to come as the city starts to recover economically as well. Once again, obviously, city leaders urged everyone to stay at home as much as they can this weekend, and we will see that wet weather will play a role there. Now we go to the north bay, and a solemn procession for an officer killed by covid19. The motorcade for Santa Rosa Police detectives made its way down streets lined with people as her body was escorted from to napa. She is the first officer here to died in the line of duty from the coronavirus. She was just 43 years old and a 20 year veteran of the santa rosa department. Seven other Santa Rosa Police officers have also tested positive for covid19. Still to come helk live wit doctor but the recommendation to where masks or other Face Coverings in public now. We will also get an update on the fight to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Some hospitals are being pushed to the breaking point as the coronavirus outbreak continues to spread. Im of the cdc headquarters and i will have the story, coming up. Minor changes are on the bay area, before dramatic changes, our wait time for the weekend. I will have a look at what you can expect, coming up. New tide power pods one up the cleaning power of liquid. Can it one up spaghetti night . It sure can. Really . Can it one up breakfast in bed . Yeah, for sure. Thanks, boys. What about that . Uhh, yep it can . Yeah, even that i would very much like to see that. Me too. Introducing new tide power pods. One up the toughest stains with 50 more cleaning power than liquid detergent. Any further questions . Uh uh nope one up the power of liquid with new tide power pods. Jonathan has this report now from cdc headquarters in atlanta. More than a quarter million americans are infected with the virus in there is no end in sight. The number is ticking up due to an increase the cdc has said that millions of test kits but now local Public Health officials are sc to process them. There is a state lab that has been working around the clock doing a great job but quite frankly, not enough capacity. The increase in confirmed cases is flooding hospitals with new patients, especially in new york, the epicenter of the outbreak in the us. Nurses have been protesting for days, over a lack of personal protective equipment. Some items are in such short supply that they are being reused. Putting healthcare workers and patients in danger of infection. Ppe and supplies that are running low are being reused every single day. Reporter officials are hoping social distancing protocols will issued some kind of stayathome order, but some nonessential employees say they need to keep working in order to pay the bill. She is not working, my father is not working, my sister does not work because she is young. Im the only source of income for now. Reporter in report shows people infected with the coronavirus can spread the disease up to three days before showing symptoms. Underscoring the need for social distancing. Joining us now is dr. Singh, former chief medical officer and now on the medical staff at stamford. It is always good to have you on here. Lets start with the big headline from the white house and the cdc. They are not recommending that all americans where some sort of a mask or Face Covering when they go out in public. And what is the rationale for these new guidelines and do you think this is the right call . It is certainly important to note that these recommendations, and really, some of the sources behind this is to ensure that in those situations perhaps at a Grocery Store or others, were social distancing sometimes may be tough, you can use a scarf or other covering of your nose and mouth, and really limit the chances of transmission for those who may not even know that they are being, or that they are infected so for maybe mild symptoms or people who are a systematic, but it just goes to furthering those measures that we know are being reported by the white house, the task force, that in fact, are helping to bend the curve, it is really to continue this wrapped up social distancing and prevention of transmission in these 30 days. Absolutely, have to keep up with the social distancing guidelines as well. But i think there is a lot of confusion, that is what you hear from a lot of people because early on, the recommendations from the federal government and Health Experts wise masks for most people are not helpful, leisure feeling sick. And we heard save the mass for medical workers, and now we sort of see, really, just a reversal in terms of the guidelines here. What do you think has changed specifically in terms of the research and the data that led to this turnaround . So you know, what my assessment is from hearing the surgeon general, just a little while ago, is that as more data is coming in, what they are realizing is that they can actually do this recommendation without people resorting to getting the medical grade n95 or masks. In fact, they can ask people if they are still concerned, about not being able to social distance or maybe being concerned about whether or not they are infected or not. They can in fact put either the scarves or handmade masks over them. And this is a recommendation, and the other thing to note is to really be mindful of not taking those masks away that are important for our healthcare workforce. Which is really on the front lines and needed more than anybody. Dont go out and buy one of those n95 masks. And obviously, im sure you would say as well, even if you are out wearing a mask, that advised that mike does not mean you should start practicing the guidelines and staying 6 feet away from others if you can. That is exactly right. All of this is just in addition to, it is not a setback, it is really a step forward, i think one of the important things also that they noted today, commending Washington State and specifically california and how we are pending the curve given that we were really early on as one of the hotspots, and so it is really to continue to continue those measures and write it up, as we learn more about the virus, the data is fluid, it is coming in, and they are acting on it as they know, and i think that is what you can see from it. We seem to be making progress but we have to keep it up. We have to lead the conversation there, always a pleasure to have you want, thank you for the insight. It is important to keep social distancing even when we do go outside for a walk or a run, and we have nice conditions to do that today. Yes, my apologies. Youre right. Partly cloudy out there today, and just a tad cooler. We have bigger changes coming our way, though, for the weekend, and it is going to include needing an umbrella, if you do need to make it essential run to tGrocery Store. Outside our doors, partly cloudy skies, temperatures are relatively mild, running a little bit cool for this time of year, 66 degrees right now in santa rosa, 57 in San Francisco, 60 in oakland, low 60s in livermore and san jose, 62. A Beautiful Day there over San Francisco. You can see here, just a tad cooler than we were yesterday, down by two degrees in nevada, down by three over fairfield, and the wind is a bit breezy for some. There gusting to 31 miles per hour, and, 15 for hayward and 16 in san jose. So a little breezy into the afternoon, slightly cooler with clouds on the way. In fact, by tomorrow morning, move in, and it will increase over the course of our morning and afternoon. Here is a look at the future cast, for tomorrow morning, we start out early over the north bay, you can see the rain is already falling and 8 00 or so into the central bay, and by 10, 11 00 into the south bay it is going to continue the entire day, all the way into sunday with the scattered showers continuing to fall. In addition to that, a lot of sierra snow with an advisory for travel there but when i come back we will have a look at the temperatures expected with this storm and how much rain so i expect we will get, and more on that advisory for the sierra. In these Uncertain Times people are stepping up all across the bay area and we have been telling about them in that includes girl scout troops. Therapies in oakland, led by. The chief of about 30 girls ranging from third grade to seniors in high school have been busy making protective facemasks. The girls are focusing on helping local retail workers, like those in Grocery Stores, serving the public during this pandemic, yankee, ladies, for your hard work and dedication. If you know someone who is making a difference, we want to hear from you. Email their story along with pictures or video to my hero foxtv. Com. The girl scouts stepping up in a big way. Coming up here, and milestone for Golden Gate Park, but events of course are having to be rescheduled because of the pandemic. Up next, how you can still take part in 150th anniversary celebration. W to be smacked down is underway. All right here on ktvu. Her bus stop is a mile away. I wish i could at least walk home with her. Im completing the 2020 census for my family. My response can impact how public funding is spent in my community. That could mean education for little man and a closer bus stop for her. relieved, loving hey. Hey. Shape your future. Start here. Complete the census at 2020census. Gov. Whaso lets do the rightver heychanthing, today. Ow. Ture. Lets stay at home. Lets wash up. Lets please, six feet apart at least. We can all do our part. So those on the front line can do their part. And when this is over, we will all, continue, to thrive. When you take align, you have the support of a probiotic s to soothe your occasional digestive upsets 24 7. So where you go the pro goes. Go with align, the pros in digestive health. Our bargain detergent couldnt keep up. With us. Turns out its mostly water. So, we switched back to tide. One wash, stains are gone. Daughter slurping dont pay for water. Pay for clean. Its got to be tide. Because of the pandemic most of the festivities have been postponed, instead, there will be a virtual celebration. For more on that we are joined by, he is head of. Nice to have you here. A lot of adjustment has had to have been made. Talk about how people will be able to take part in this Birthday Celebration virtually. It wasnt exactly the party we had intended to throw. We were hoping to have about 130,000 of us all gathered, arm in arm in Golden Gate Park that obviously we cannot do that right now. Over the citys history the park has been so important to all of us. So important to our city, that we still wanted to do something. So we are, we are taking it online, so tomorrow morning at 9 am, we are launching a virtual hundred 50th Birthday Party for Golden Gate Park, where we will have musical guests as long as we are, as long as the shelter at home order is in effect, well have, we have tomorrow and kept it metallic on monday, it all kinds of other amazing surprises. We have an online historical archive, online photos, new childrens book, so we are taking some of the surprises we have had in store and moving them online. Yeah, in addition to the concerts, and reading favorite books about the park, there is also a way for people to share their experiences. Thats right. You can tell us about your own special memories, and your own reasons why this park is so important. This park has been here through not just this pandemic but actually, to others in his lifetime, and it has been around for us for two earthquakes, and the aids crisis and it is really a very important part of the collective memory. It is very poor part of all of our individual lives and we wanted to come you know, really celebrate that. There is also an educational component here, too, you want to teach her little ones more about Golden Gate Park. Thats right. We have another book put together by christopher which will be online which has a lot of history. And it is going to be very interactive. Again, most of us who live here in San Francisco, myself included, has spent a lot of Beautiful Days there at Golden Gate Park to talk a little bit more about the significance, and why it is important to kind of set aside time to reflect and remember this beautiful place. Well, look, i mean, this very, very, very special place is important to all of us. I mean, this park creates places, connects us, connects our presence to our past, and gives us something to think about withplace where come you know, my kids learned how to ride a bike. Is a place where i have ran in this park every day for nearly 30 years. Will have special memories and is also a big part of sentences those collective memory. You know, it is 100, turns 150 tomorrow, and it has been, it is sort of the keeper of San Franciscos collective stories. A different kind of celebration but a celebration nonetheless. Always a pleasure. Thank you so much for talking with us. Again for information on this digital celebration, Golden Gate Park, you can find a link on our website, it ktvu. Com or just go to golden gate. Coming up on the floor, a new movement to help Small Businesses during the shelter in place with an emphasis on shopping local. Plus, unsung heroes, working with the public during this pandemic. Grocery store workers trying to protect themselves while keeping all of us fed. Everyone is working a little differently now. So we can still answer your calls. And we are monitoring our system 24 7 to ensure that we have a fast reliable network, keep the customers connected, and making sure people are staying safe. And were still on the road. Solving Critical Issues as they arise. Go to xfinity. Com prepare. Some people have no choice but to work directly with the public right now, including grocery workers, who are really feeling the strain of trying to balance the publics need for food with their own health and safety of sse gary joins us now san jose with more on the real tough spot that a lot of these workers are put in. Reporter there is a line outside the safeway here but it is not because this place is so popular, it is more for safety, social distancing rules are prompting managers of grocery chains, various grocery chains, to limit the number of people inside the store to keep everyone virus free. It is, it is interesting. And frustrating. Reporter it is Grocery Store, social distancing starts before customers can go to the front door. Managers say they are limiting the total number of people to 180 to lessen the chance of exposure to the coronavirus. They are probably going to be at a higher risk of people who are working from home for very obvious reasons and that is because the come in contact with all different kinds of people, during their shift. At the market, the threat posed by working so close to the general public is always in the forefront of employees minds. For a Family Member that is at risk, im trying to do everything i can to prevent burning at home. And any contact, any limited contact with customers is preferred. No more than 60 shoppers are allowed inside the store at a time. Additionally, a bottle of sanitizer, not a greeter, we the front door, splatter guard shields those working at cashiers. It is a different way of doing business but the amazing thing is our customers know that we are here for them. All these measures are going to help. For all market employees meeting the need to fill stomachs, they are also making sure to take steps not to spread or catch the potentially deadly virus. If this is what we have to do to keep people from dying and getting severely sick, then i am all in. They say currently, the threat of catching covid19 of of store, you wash her hands and then, wash her hands again before you eat. Before you go, is there any concern about all of those Reusable Bags that we typically would show up to the store with . Are there stories, have you heard any stores limiting or asking folks not to bring their own Reusable Bags . You cannot bring you Reusable Bags into the store when you get here, at the front door, the store employees sees you with your Reusable Bags, they will tell you is not allowed in died, they will provide you free of charge with plastic bags which we have all stopped using in favor of Reusable Bags. Now we are going back to the future. Now they want to use the plastic bags, take your Reusable Bags back bringing our own bags to the Grocery Store, we switch it up. Thank you. Take care, have a great we appreciate it. These unprecedented times have left countless more businesses struggling to survive and now efforts are underway to help keep the doors open. Joining me this afternoon is susie of our town america. Nice to have you on the show. I know youre really trying to get the word out there but Small Businesses are open, and they are ready for your business. You are asking how . There are many ways that they can get the word out there. And many different ways and that is the first with the website, and the facebook, large signage, but also, marketing, and welcoming new neighbors in their area, letting them know that they are open for business, they are open for delivery, takeout, curbside, whatever it may be, there are many different ways to do that, and we are going to help them that way. Really, that is what your goal is right now, is to let people know that these Small Businesses are open and they would really like for you to buy from them whether it be online, or perhaps, place a phone order and the product at the curb. Reporter yes, the reality is, we are all staying close to home, and yet, still have shopping needs for home goods, and services and the best thing we can do for our community is, is being thoughtful to the local familyowned businesses in supporting them as they support us all year round with come you know, supporting the fundraisers and the sports teams and local events, and more than ever, we need to support them, in shopping other businesses in our neighborhoods. I know youre really pleading with people, to in fact, shop local. How important is it for people to do that . I mean, will be Small Businesses be able to survive much longer . I think so, i think, i think the bay area and california has seen a lot of transition between fires and power outages, and this is another transition, you know, we have been through it all, and we have survived it all, and this is like a rainy month and will get past it and we will move on and especially those salons, we all have long hair now, and when they open, they will be ready for business and i believe everybody is going to support them as well. I believe we are going to get through this. I believe youre right. That is the message. Thank you for calling that are coming on the show to remind people the importance of shopping locally and also, reminding folks that when you do shop at a small, independent business majority of that does impact your local community. Have a good weekend. It is now april, of course, but we have a snow producing storm that is on the way. Rosemeyer was mentioning that, coming up next we will check in with the state department of Water Resources, after this weeks snowpack serving. Yes, indeed. Not one storm but two, and that will bring us a week of rainfall, i will have a look at what you can expect for the weekend, and beyond, coming up. Introducing tide power pods with cat nat. That is such a large load, dont the stains sneak through . New tide power pods can clean that. Whole situation. Its like two regular tide pods and then even more power. Even the largest of loads get clean. Its got to be tide. Sleep this amazing . Thats a zzzquil pure zzzs sleep. Our gummies contain a unique botanical blend, while an optimal melatonin level means no nextday grogginess. Zzzquil pure zzzs. Naturally superior sleep. The state department of Water Resources says despite the rain and snow we got in march, californias dry winter has left the snow pack it just 52 of its historical average. The latest survey was done earlier this year. Joining us now to talk more about this is chris from the California Department of Water Resources. Always good to have you on here, the snow pack survey that was done earlier this week obviously does not look good. How tough a spot are we in here . We are not that bad considering how great of year we had last year. Last year was the fifth best snowpack in california history. Very cold snow packs the water stayed frozen and kept the reservoirs really high. In fact they are at 98 of historical average for this date so even though we had a very dry year this year, and continue to have a dry year, our reservoirs are doing well so we can withstand one dry year. So he can make it through this with what we have the reservoirs but we cannot stand if we get another, another winter, another dry winter next, next go around. That will be very tough. If we do get another dry winter next year then we are going to have to look at additional conservation measures. What is really good is that the residents of california have put conservation into their daily lives and they have done things to lower their water usage, after that historic drought we just had. With that in mind, in terms of water usage, and conservation, obviously, what we are seeing play out right now all across california and across the country, we have a lot more people who have been told to stay at home and work from home, people are at home, and it seems to me that that would mean that maybe water usage would start to go up, is result of this outbreak that folks might be using more water here in the coming months . It is too soon to know that, we have not seen any data on that but i just find people come you know, of the Little Things like turning off your faucet when youre brushing your teeth or not running the dishwasher until it is completely full, that is really going to help conserve water. Has the outbreak affected the work that you guys do their at the California Department of Water Resources . I mean, i know earlier during the snow survey, you know, just a couple of surveyors go along on that trip and obviously it was closed to members of the media, has there been any other effects of this outbreak on the work that you are doing at the state level . Well, it is different how we are doing things now, we are taking precautions, into effect. You know, like you mentioned, i am working from home as much as i can and i have a home office set up, but there are essential functions we have to do, we have to keep moving water Northern California to southern california, and delivering it every step of the way in between, so the department of Water Resources continuing the essential functions, making sure the water is delivered to the endusers. We are going to hope for a wet winter next go around here and as you said, the reservoirs will relativelys eking are looking pretty good across the state. Always good to see you, have a good weekend, thank you. We are going to add a little bit of water to the reservoirs, with some rain on the and a little atypical in t amount of rain fall, and sierra snow expected for early april but we will take it. We need it. Outside our doors at the sour another Beautiful Day, partly cloudy skies, you may notice an increase in high clouds coming our way, especially to the evening hours, and by tomorrow that rain is expected to move in, we shows the system that is off the coast line. This will continue to shift down the coast and so, once the steady rain moves through this weekend, we will still be left with the possibility of isolated scattered showers, it looks like monday into tuesday. We have a few days of wet weather, here is a look at what is going on closer to the bay area where we are dry at the moment, as well as the sierra. The sierra could see anywhere from 2 to 3 feet of snow with this storm, as well as a Winter Weather advisory for the tahoe area, and a winter storm warning for the west slope. That means if you are traveling i have an 80 as well as highway 50, be prepared for winter travel, again, this is going to start tomorrow, it is going to last all the way through monday, but the possibility of maybe a few scattered showers lingering in to tuesday. Here is a look at the future cast, getting into tomorrow morning, it starts in the north bay, eventually moves into the central bay, it looks like right about eight, 9 00 and on its way into the south bay, the steady rain comes early, and then the breakaway to scattered showers for the second part of your saturday. Here is sunday, the next round moving through, and sunday looks like it is going to be just as soggy as saturday. Mostly cloudy, cool, as far as rainfall amounts, for saturday, a half inch or so in another half inch to an inch expected by late sunday. So that is some good news for us. Here is a look at the temperatures outside right now, 57 degrees in San Francisco, 64 in walnut creek, for the overnight lows and into tomorrow morning, it will be a cool start, a soggy start, a breezy start. 49 expectedternoon highs on the side for this time of year, upper 50s to low 60s for your bay area saturday, and if you hear of the extended forecast shows you wet weather saturday, sunday, once the storm moves south of us we will continue with just a scattered shower activity on monday and a slight chance on tuesday. Temperatures remain cool, though, to finally begin to rebound for our bay area wednesday. We are looking forward to that, a good weekend to stay indoors, with a good movie or a good book. Back to you. Indeed. Thank you. Still ahead, on what would have been opening day for the San Francisco giants. The ground. This is a great time to reflect, and to spend time with family. Im using this time also to read and to learn. Coming up next, our oneon one interview with outfielder hunter pence. How he is making the most of the Current Situation and why giants fans should expect more from him when baseball finally returns. Coming up at five, late word of the coronavirus case cluster in the east bay. As the Health Department reports more than two dozen positive test at a senior center. Plus, he may have one of the riskiest jobs out there. Critical care in a Skilled Nursing facility. He is doing it without basic safety protection. Tonight at five, the worries he has about bringing coronavirus home to his family. According to the howel can live with them as long as they want. According to the census it doesnt matter if youre related or not, everyone living in your home on april 1st counts. Because this count helps inform funding on how billions get spent every year. And where there are more people, there are more needs. Complete the census online, by phone, or by mail. Shape your future. Start here at 2020census. Gov as we know, the game was not played and oracle is empty with the players, coaches and other employees all at home. Today we spoke with giants ceo about the possibility of a shortened season, and if it would make winning the world series in 2020 any less special. I think the answer is no, i think that, if you have a short season, or when we have a short season, i think there is going to be the love for your players, love for you community, and come you know, i see a lot of people, you know, just bonding through just having the competition. Major League Baseball decided to postpone the series of recommendations from the cdc last month, when the coronavirus outbreak was first picking up speed. Underpants and his wife stayed back in arizona after spring training was canceled. Jason appelbaum caught up with them to talk about a lot of things including how he is dealing with life without baseball. How much do you right now . Tremendously. You never expect the Major League Season to not happen. We dont really appreciate things until they are taken away, so trying to get my bats and using a wiffleball machine and doing what i can to keep the baseball fields going. Fortunately, gave me some bands, i have some bad work, we are doing yoga, running outside and if you use your imagination, you can come up with plenty of good workouts. It mustve been surreal to come back to the giants to sign the contract, you guys were in scottsdale getting ready to play a game and all of a sudden they said it is over. Can you just take us through those emotions . I dont think we really understood exactly what was happening, but you know, we were not sure how long this was going to be and come you know, the severity of it but i did, i did take it very seriously, and me and alexis, we started self quarantine angrily early. Baseball is secondary to this and this is honestly a great time to reflect and to spen hunter. And we are headed to the dominican republic. I want to ask you, because the video, serviced of you down in the dominican. I think they respect, even though i cannot speak a great, if i tried to throw a few spanish words and try as much is like that i felt right at home and it was a good time and i loved played baseball with everyone down there. In the offseason you work on your swing and we know you want to la before he went to the dominican. When we see eight, we are still seeing, i have seen you go down to one kneeis your swing differ now . It is a lot different, it is completely different. And it does look similar but it is just have to explain so hopefully, the results will speak for themselves but i have enjoyed learning a whole new way of approaching baseball, i feel like a kid in school. I told the media last when he asked me, they were like it looks the same, i was like well, we will see at the end of the year. Because i am not swinging at all the same. The coronavirus forced the Army Field Bands to cancel 36 shows. But that has not stopped them from performing. Coming up, we will show you how they took their nationwide tour virtual. Lately, ive discovered that while keeping safe and staying in, we can still go out sort of. So while youre discovering new things to do in the box, well be here for you. At the drivethru, on the mobile app, and with delivery. While keeping safe and staying in, we can still go out sort of. So while youre discovering new things to do in the box, well be here for you. At the drivethru, on the mobile app, and with delivery. If youre looking for musical entertainment while youre at home, the Army Field Bands knows we are performing in communities across the country for more than 2050 years performs daily. And you can watch them from anywhere. We visited with them in fort meade, maryland. Reporter the Army Field Band has one mission, connect america to its army. So when the coronavirus forced them to cancel 36 shows come of they had to find an we are here to serve them and we stand ready to meet any challenge. Reporter within days, this rehearsal hall was transformed into a tv studio where they now play every day. Over 5 Million People have tuned into the live streams. The most amazing thing about soldiers is their ability to quickly adapt. Reporter going live is a team effort. They normally play saxophone, but he is hosting. There harpist runs the teleprompter. But one of his changes, there is no crowd. However, the soldiers still interact with their audience through life comment. As an artist, or a musician, you kind of feed off of the energy of other people, that is so it is a ttle different. Reporter social distancing mandates that they stay 6 feet apart and never have more than 10 in a room at a time. But despite the separation from each other and the crowd, they are staying connected. Your audience, even through handheld device or computer screen, can have a true relationship with you. If you want to watch a performance you can tune and sunday through thursday, at 1 pm eastern, or friday and saturday at seven. Performances are streamed live on the Army Field Band facebook page, and youtube channel. The cdc is advising the use of nonmedical coverings as an additional voluntary Public Health measure. A recommendation to wear a Face Covering and public as we get late word of a cluster of coronavirus cases at a city facility in the east bay. Good evening. Thank you so much for joining us. The number of coronavirus cases in the u. S. Has now surged past a quarter of 1 million. There is no evidence of the efforts to bend the curve may in fact be working. Lets take a look at some of the latest numbers now here in california. Almost 12,000 confirmed cases, according to data compiled by john hopkins university, that is far less than other states like new york, or new jersey. Unfortunately, 264 people in california have died. Gov. Newsom said 901 patients are in intensive care units, and hospitals across the state. That is a 10 increase from yesterday. Health officials have confirmed an outbreak at a Senior Living facility. They say 24 residence and three staff workers have tested positive for the virus. Two of those residents have been ho

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