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Including clothing shops, bookstores and force but they have to follow strict social distancing rules and did not covered dine in restaurants or hair salons. In the meantime there are more than 60,000 cases of covid19 here in california as well as 2464 deaths and more than 9100 coronavirus cases in the bay area alone. Our region has seen 341 deaths. Eating at restaurants will look and feel a lot different after the pandemic. The industry of local leaders, Health Officials are proposing new guidelines when it comes to dining out. Ktvu allie rasmus reports. Reporter imagine seeing plastic partitions in between tables. One idea to reopen Indoor Dining safely. Other books include only seating 12 or similar people. Eliminating buffets and Hand Sanitizer. And food learners bringing out your meal who wear facemasks. The Association Confirms it sent a letter with these proposals looking ahead 20 restaurants will get the green light to be open completely. Local leaders in the bay area are working with the Restaurant Industry to make changes. If restaurants were allowed to open their doors tomorrow, they would have to take out half of their tables. In some restaurants would never open their doors because of that. They are considering closing off sections to allow restaurants to set up tables in the streets. We know restaurants cant use all of their tables. In order to pay the bills they have to have spaces out in the openair. The Golden Gate Restaurant Association in San Francisco is asking city leaders there to do the same. In the latter the gg ra reference the slow streets programs that limits cars for pedestrians and cyclists. Governor newsom now delivering his daily news conference. Lets listen into the governor. Remarkably, one year ago, we were debating on balancing a budget with the 1. 34 operating surplus. That was projected by our finance team. It was supported broadly by the experts looking at the project. 1. 34million operating surplus. We were effective in balancing last years budget so much so that our bond rating was increased last year and people were very appreciative that we were able to pay down this wall of debt that former Governor Brown talk talk so often about. We were able to get rid of gimmicks. The budgetary gimmicks that were so much a part of californias recent past. We were able to move forward deliberately and to be thoughtful about the utilization of surplus dollars and creating additional reserve accounts and a safety net reserve account we were able to bolster up we were able to put down a marker that we would commit to the longterm. I dont know a state in last year that used its operating surplus at the level the state of california did and over 9 billion we committed to pay down longterm pension obligations. Miss many fiscal hawks recognize the work of the state of california and we use the onetime dollar overwhelmingly and use their surplus for one time investments. And we worked very closely to make investments that are ongoing. We are focusing on our children and youth in childcare programs and preschool programs and focusing on Public Health. That was one year ago this week. Here we are now one year later and i want to give you a sense of the enormity of the task now at hand. I submitted in january to the California Legislature a projected budget into the new fiscal year. Building on last years efforts also projected a surplus. A 6 billion surplus in this is 90 days ago. Not one year ago. Just 90 days ago. We introduced a budget projecting another 6 million budget surplus. We were referencing a few weeks later that we had hit a milestone, 120 consecutive months of job growth. We had the lowest unemployment in modern recorded history in the state of california. People were feeling a great sense of optimism about our fate and future. We started to see, stoppin thought was Real Progress in addressing the issue that defined so much of california struggle and that is the issue of disparities. This bifurcated hybrid reality many live in. Those who are struggling to recover from the 2008, 2009 great recession. We were going to close the gaps and address those issues in disparity in poverty income. That was 90 days ago. Here we are today. Our department of finance put out a minimum and participation of the release. We are seeing tens of billions of dollars of shortfalls and all specifically related to covid19 and to this pandemic. It is not surprising. Weve been foreshadowing this for many, many weeks. For many months this has been foreshadowed as this is a global pandemic. There is not an economy that has subsequently, at least, been immune. Some a little less so from the collateral consequences as this pandemic relates to their economy. Every state in the u. S. Will be struggling with unprecedented shortfalls that happened in such a short period of time. California is no different. What is different as we are the worlds fifth largest economy. Our budget is larger than 20 states combined in terms of population. It gives you a sense of the scope and scale. So when you see those numbers they should get your attention, and understandably so. What may not get as much attention and i think deserves your attention equally as we are better positioned to deal with this short hop all that we have short hop falls of the past. California went through a very challenging time in 2003. The magnitude of the deficit was greater in percentage terms than the deficit we face. 2009 was a jawdropping challenge for that administration and that legislature. They were trying to balance roughly a 60 billion budget shortfall. It may have been larger in percentage terms than the states current shortfall. But they were not as well positioned because of the fiscal management proceeding that to whether that deficit. We will get through this. This will be challenging. We will get through it by working together with the collaborative period of shared responsibility. Ive had the privilege of meeting with the leadership of the assembly and the senate and budget chairs. Their respective colleagues to give them a sense and scope of magnitude and i have great expectation and confidence that we will do everything we can to protect the most california vulnerable californians. But i will say this. My optimism is conditioned on this. More federal support. The end of the day with this happening in such a short period of time we are seeing economic numbers. The unemployment numbers. 4. 3million people. Almost 12 billion. 11. 9billion of unemployment claims have been processed. Checks have been cut just since march 15th. Again, march 15th. Not january 15th. It gives you a sense of the magnitude. Those unemployment numbers will translate into economic numbers and unemployment that are more acute than anything we have seen in modern times. The budget, however, because of the acuity of this crisis, we believe is manageable if the federal government helps support states like ours. It is incumbent upon our federal partners to recognize, and as many do and one that surely does is speaker nancy pelosi. The magnitude of this moment and how it is directly related to covid19 and not mismanagement. A 20 4. 4 billion dollars budget surplus. 6billion projected surplus 90 days ago. Paying down longterm pension obligation and balancing budgets with record reserves. See bond rating agencies look at the facts and adjudicate them. Record low unemployment and we in real Economic Growth as the worlds fifth largest economy. Because of this pandemic. Because of what it has done these revenue shortfalls are bigger than even the state of california. We need the federal government to recognize this. Its not about our state, its about our firefighters. Its about our nurses. Its about our tshirts and frontline employees we call heroes for good reason. They are the real, real victims at this moment of these potential shortfalls and we have to do everything in our power to protect them and to protect the most vulnerable californians that need the supports now more than ever because their personal finances are more devastating than the states physical condition. We have to recognize that this moment requires an historic effort of partnership, not just between the governor and the legislature but between the states and our federal government. We are very grateful for the support weve already received. It has been bipartisan and we are grateful to the leadership of both parties for their support, and the president of the United States for his concurrence in terms of those obligations. The last cares act has been profoundly beneficial. Sadly, the enormity of this moment requires more support. Not just for states but for cities and counties. They are on the front lines of addressing this pandemic. When i say the front lines they are the ones that hire your local Police Officers and firefighters. These counties hiring nurses and doctors. The Skilled Nursing facilities and the incredible work the men and women are doing in our assisted living facilities. County employees, not just state employees. The state of california is the most perfect than any other state in the country. The impact on counties and have been affected in significant ways. This is not a cry by any stretch. We are proud of our state to meet the moment and be resilient. We are proud of the work that is being done. Former Governor Brown and legislatures get physical help back in shape. But this is bigger than all of us and we really need the federal government to do more and help us through this moment. We will do everything we are responsible for doing and more. The punch above our weight. We come back more vibrant and resilient. One thing we all know its a lot more than we did know before this crisis. We know our limitations. We know our capacity. We are breaking through limitations. Breaking through our previous belief systems. We are inventing the future in real time. Just ask our teachers that are doing distance learning. They are able to do it in heroic ways almost overnight. Ask so many of our employers and entrepreneurs that have broken through with additional renovations in terms of title work and the other capacity to organize differently. The teams of employees is essential and nonessential. The creativity of folks in government that meet in this moment in historic ways and protect you and keep you healthy. Not only in our Hospital System but alternative care sites all across our state and nation. Im not being paul janish. But i am being sober about the reality that we cannot do it alone. We continue to enjoy extraordinary relationships with our elected officials and democrats and republicans here in the state. We need everyone moving together. Its not a Randall County issue or blue county issue. Its about human beings. They need government with great need in great stress, more than they ever have in our lifetimes. And we are capable of meeting that moment together. That is the spirit we will bring in the next five or six weeks as we work through our balanced budget. One thing we dont have as a nation state is that printing press. That is what distinguishes federal government from state governments. We do have an entrepreneurial mindset and we believe in accountability. We will do our best but we are certainly dealing with the crisis that is global in its scope and impact. Clearly, california is not immune from those impacts. I just wanted on the top to lead with a little bit of news in that respect. And know that we are working very, very closely with the legislature to do what we can and with leadership particularly, nancy pelosi to see what we can get done. As it relates to getting things done and taking accounts and responsibility. As it relates to moving forward today we are announcing some specific milestones that we believe we have reached based upon health and data and our scientific analysis of where we are as it relates to the state of covid19 and thats it relates to the spread of this disease. We laid out a number of weeks ago a roadmap for recovery and we put forward six specific indicators that will guide our termination of one week and make meaningful modifications to that roadmap and begin to reopen our economy with conditions and with modifications. We socialize more specifically to that last week. We previewed it the beginning of this week and by thursday, today, we would put out guidelines to what we refer to as phase two of our reopening plan and thats exactly what we are doing here today. Dr. Galli will come up and go through a slide presentation and be much more specific about exactly what these guidelines offer and what they dont. We will put out details about what we are looking for from counties that wish to go farther than the state wide modifications, all within the framework of stage two. We have been working with counties large and small all across the state. Including those that have gotten ahead of themselves and pulled them back in and the spirit of collaboration and cooperation. We have been advised by our team of economic advisers, remarkable work has been done that allow for 33 modifications of our own guidance that came directly out of our jobs and Recovery Task force in the advisors. Again, i will put up the task force advisers against any and we could not be more proud of the work that are task force is doing in the incredible men and women participating. Including a wonderful call was over 100 advisors in every sector of our economy. From the wellknown brand names, by mager and tim cook including going even higher to April Barrett talking about the power and potency of people we used to walk by and never nod and acknowledge that now we call heroes she put a human face on what is its stake in house there is a socioeconomical dimension. I could not be more proud of all of them and they helped us advise this effort and help this curate more specific guidelines that we are putting out here today. The guidelines we are focused on today are expanding opportunities in the Retail Sector, the Manufacturing Center in the logistics center. All with adaptations and modifications in an eye on turning the page and moving into a new phase in terms of our economic recovery. The doctor will lay out more specifics in terms of each sector and what we are looking for and talk about what we are looking for in terms of getting deeper into the second phase of what that looks like from a dining incapacity. And not just take out and provide the ability to dine in. We talk about outdoor museums opening up carwashes and the prospect of them opening up serious landscaping. I could go on and on. They would be more cogent but you get a sense that we are moving forward we are doing it always with the night being led by the data, by the science and by Public Health in these Public Health and disease. He will lay out what we are counting on which is consistency in terms of capacity. Capacity to meet these indicators on testing and tracing and tracking in support of isolation and issues related to hospital search and how we manage the needs of our most formidable californians. Seniors and homeless. Those in custody that are vulnerable to this pandemic. The challenges of making sure that were doing appropriate community surveillance. We are tracking the spread in real time and if we see numbers go up in a way that causes stress in the system the ability to move back in a more restrictive direction. These are specific responsibilities to these counties. Specific responsibilities of the state if we want to make progress we have to monitor in realtime. The testing is getting better. Over 843,000 tests now. 30 plus thousand more tests just in the last 24 hours. We put out a new testing site. Covid19 on the covid 19. Ca. Gov website. Log in your zip code and you will see how close you are to a testing facility. We have these 86 new testing states being distributed throughout the state of california. There were some logistic. With identity locations for all of them. Most are up and running. Still a lot of work to do. Still some testing deserts in the state. We put that aside up because we are seeing Real Progress in the testing. Yesterday announced a partnership with ucsf, we started the first cohort and he started filling out registrations yesterday to get the Virtual Training for our tracing court. This army of disease detectives where we will try to get 10,000 in our first phase in the Building Infrastructure with 3000 people are already doing the work. Testing and tracing are foundational in terms of this effort to move into the second phase. As i said yesterday, the critical nature of ppe. Getting masks. Not just for those on the front lines in our healthcare center, pardoning them to grocery lines and transit lines. And to the factory lines and those who do manufacturing and deliveries and logistics. Progress in that place as well. We will monitor this in real time. We will do everything we can to partner with counties and some may see these variations in the requirements to get into the second phase more deeply as impediments. We see it as common sense Public Health requisites. We recognize flexibility is important. We recognize that we have certain ideas and answers and solutions. We dont have all of the ideas and answers and solutions. We are humbled by that as well. And we look forward to working with our local partners. We want to help them move forward into this deeper phase two. I will conclude on that point by reminding you that the foundational predicate is Self Certification but Self Certification with conditions. These counties that want to move into deeper part of the second phase have to do so in concurrence with the Hospital System, and concerns with the board of supervisors in the county. And with all of these tough questions answered on testing, testing and protecting vulnerable communities before they move into that phase. We will provide technical instruments. And there arguments with unique perspectives and we will try to provide some flexibility. If they cant read it on the dated facts and trendlines, hospitalizations, indepth data and positive data, then we are not able to accommodate that and we will be compelled to enforce it in a thoughtful and judicious way and we are confident the best majority, in the spirit of collaboration, will work with us to work through those issues and we know we have a lot of work. The guidelines for the variances will be out next tuesday for many of the sectors that can potentially get the benefit of these variations. So that is a preview for next tuesday as well. Our son enough to not me have my dr. , your dr. , an expert in this space say the most important parts about the guidelines and guidance and, of course, we will be available to answer any questions. Dr. . Thank you, governor. It is great to be with you again. Today, as the governor said, i want to walk you through what we look forward to beginning tomorrow, in terms of additional sectors coming back. As well as the regional process. Weve been describing hard at work here and ready to put out the next day pixel this is a reminder that californias decision to modify the stay at home order is based on science, data and Public Health. We have been looking at the data and updating you on a daily basis, as well as explaining how we believe we are in what we call our range or zone of facility with our data across the state. That gives us confidence to move into stage two of modifying our stay at home order. What does it mean to move into stage ii . It does not mean a return to normal. We know covid19 is still spreading. Daily the governor updates the number of new cases. Even, despite increased testing, we see a number of new cases, we still know that the virus is alive in california. And your good efforts have helped suppress it. But it is still there spreading. We know we will gradually reopen california only as we can reduce the risk of all californians from contracting covid19. So what starts tomorrow, friday, may 8th. Weve been talking about that date for over a week. We talked about how retailers are doing more Curbside Pickup, potentially delivery and all done in the physically distanced way with those modifications. We are encouraging retailers to install hand free devices. Maybe it is not direct payment like a cashier but a click and swipe type of methodology. We will see a lot more Hand Sanitizer outside the door. You will see staff from the retailers coming out here car potentially to deliver goods with clouds and a mask on. What does it mean for manufacturers . It means the normal manufacturing plant may have people further apart before. It may mean break rooms are closed down in exchange for other seating. Warehouses might look like manufacturing businesses as well. Maybe the delivery trucks are filled with sanitation materials. And the people doing the deliveries will have different personal protective equipment than they did before covid19 became a reality. We know that this will be a gradual move into stage two. We will be able to add more businesses and sectors at the data allows us, is the guidances creative and as we watch as people begin to move in california more and more, we can suppress through testing, Contact Tracing capabilities across the state. So we dont lose the important games all californians had helped contribute to over the past many weeks. This gradual move into stage two soon rather than later, offices who could not tell the work will be open. Seated dining in restaurants. Any of you look forward to that day we are looking forward to that, but only when we could put out guidelines with specifications on how those restaurants are set up. We know and are confident that the data in your region across the state can be supported so we dont have an increased spread of covid19. Shopping malls, the ability to not just go to pick up something you ordered online from that favorite store but to be able to go to the mall in a low risk way. After museums. Something i think we are looking forward to having open. But under the guidelines of how to do that in the physically distanced way with the safest conditions we can create during this covid19. We are putting out industrywide guidance in these guidances will allow us as the public to know how our retailers and our industries are setting themselves up in a covid19. As they returned back to work. These guidances will allow us to have detailed risk assessments done in the training of employees on how to limit the spread of covid19 and how to screen for symptoms, possibly temperature checks and symptom checks on a daily basis and as we talked about staying home and someone is sick. We will Ask Industries to implement sitespecific protection plans, cleaning and disinfecting in the physical distancing guidelines weve been talking about for many many weeks. I want to talk about what the governor mentioned earlier in the week that dr. Angel walked us through as well. And just a few minutes ago the government said a little more about this concept of regional variance. We know covid19 has impacted different communities and counties across the state in very different ways. Some counties with few cases and ignored the no deaths for many days contributing to the excellent data we have seen across the state. And we know some counties can move safely further into stage ii as they can attest to a number of the things i will walk you through in the moment that they are able to achieve these are based on California Department of Public Health criteria. So in order to achieve or attest to the regional variants criteria we need the Public Health officer and let me think the Public Health officers across the state for their tremendous work. Not just locally but statewide coming together having very challenging conversations and thinking through hard decisions and keeping californians safe using data and health throughout the many weeks and the work continues as we consider this regional variants criteria. Things like counties being able to attest that theyve had less than or no more than one case per 10,000 people in the last 14 days. No covid related death that they are able to protect our essential workers, Grocery Store workers in transit workers with protective gear and they are able to support those same workers when they are sick or exposed to covid19 and we have adequate testing. A minimum of 1. 5 test per residence and we are able to do the Contact Tracing with diseased detectives the governors been talking about with 15 contact tracers were per 100,000 residents and furthermore we can support a good number of those residents in our counties that experience homelessness and may become covid19 positive. We also, as the governor mentioned, we depend on our partnership with our Hospital Systems and our counties. We want to make sure each county is able to work with their Hospital Systems and have at least 35 capacity for search. We talked about early on we look to add 50,000 beds across the state for potential covid 19 search. When you break this down at the county level in the hospitals its a minimum of 35 in each of those systems to be able to potentially handle the surge in covid19 cases. Furthermore, these hospitals have a robust plan to protect their Hospital Workforce the ppe and other policies and procedures that keep them safe and we talked about vulnerable populations and we know many of her Skilled Nursing facilities and congregate care facilities must have ppe and in order to test a Public Health officer must be able to say the Skilled Nursing facilities have more than 14 days supply of pe as well as an ability to order additional pe from suppliers on that 14 days is running low. And also, as the governor mentioned, we need to make sure that each county has the ability to understand their data and pull back from some modifications. Reinstitute modifications in other cases based on data in their own countywide situation. The department of Public Health and the California Department of Public Health will pose these guidelines to test for regional variants on the cd ph website and we are building a team at the state to provide Technical Assistance to the counties to review their attestations to ensure all these different criteria are met those will be publicly posted for you in your communities to understand what your county is doing to make sure they make your communities safe as possible as we look to reopen certain parts of our communities and businesses in the days and weeks to come. And with that i will turn it back to the governor. Thank you. Thank you, dr. Gallienne. That is the broad stroke of what we are advancing today. Specific guidelines in the retail manufacturing and considerations of time, and are in place and businesses are different even within sectors and i know very well well. Not to belabor the point and make often but it is a big point of pride that ive had the privilege in my life to be involved in starting up many businesses in this state and they deeply understand no one of the business is the same as that of the business meaning everything is unique and distinctive depending on type, location and a million different factors we are trying to include enough flexibility that allow for some variation even with within the guidelines and we want folks to know its an iterative and dynamic process. This is not etched in stone and we want to work with people across sectors and to address unintended consequences with these meaningful modifications to the stay at home order. These are meaningful modifications and they say that with my eyes wide open in this sense. And when we move through phase two roughly 70 of the economy has been impacted in terms of its opportunity to adjust, modify and adapt to the new realities of this phase. That may sound significant but it is very insignificant because the modifications are real restrictions in terms of congress and the biggest restriction is customer confidence. Just because you open a business and have the ability to do Curbside Pickup and take the product and put it in the trunk to provide for social distancing doesnt mean a customer will show up or workers showing up and all of this is focused on not just a Business Opportunity but the responsibility we have to one another in the employees and all of us have to one another as customers to make sure that we integrate in the spirit of this phase the kind of attitudes and processes and procedures and commonsense sense application of these rules that will allow us to make Real Progress. Frequency and duration are very different. We are moving away now from essential and nonessential to lower risk and looking more specifically within that lower risk sector at the variations in frequency in the time and manner to which these businesses engage with customers and how that impacts risks to customers and more broadly the community. We provide checklist and encourage establishments, particular customer facing establishments. Put checklists up so people know and you feel more confident why these things are being done and sanitation and all these other things in terms of physically moving things around to the extent possible to allow people to feel safe and protected. Those are employees and not just customers. Those checklist can be very advantageous. I remind people this includes auto dealers they were part of the previous phase. We did update the guidance for auto dealers in construction. We did update guidance on construction and real estate was part of the last phase and we did update the guidance in the real a state sector. All of that has been updated and as we move in we put the guidance out. Its up now on the covid19. See a. Gov website. And i will close with this. Anticipate with these regional variances with these county based variances come when we get the guidelines out. This is fundamental. Tuesday we will put the guidelines out that many will move to self certified and that has to be done with an initial phone conversation and our department of Public Health. All of this is made public and everybody will know exactly what the rules of the road are in the expectations are in respective communities. As soon as next week we will see a lot of energy in that space. Close with what we do on a daily basis. Like the doctor said on the daily numbers. We had positive news consistent with dr. Gallis point that we have seen up the flattening of the curve in icus and hospital admissions for weeks and weeks well beyond the 14 day cdc guidelines, both in the icu space and hospitalization space we saw declines yesterday versus the previous day and we saw in the p yletter numbers. People under investigation and those two categories as well. Thats always a wonderful day when we see all four of those indicators turning green or moving in the right direction. Stubbornly, as dr. Galli reference, the death numbers continue to be a point of devastation for families, loved ones who are lost in frustration for all of us in terms of coming to grips with the magnitude we are up against. The emergency is over. We can go back to the way things can be. Of her comments from people. Tell that to the 92 families destroyed because they lost a loved one to this virus. This by no stretch of the imagination is over. We want to contain the spread. We are making Real Progress in the state because you all practiced physical distancing and you are abided broadly by the stay at home order. We are not out of the woods and we are very, very cognizant of the fact and we modify and anticipate more engagement and obviously more engagement and mixing of individuals and people potentially get put it risk of contracting the disease. Its a welldefined disease and thats why its so important that that monitoring the guidelines under the new playbook put out today are enacted and enforced. Containment plans are critical. These plans are foundational for our success so we can continue to move through this next phase into the third phase. Finally the fourth phase when we have immunity in vaccine and we go back to festivals and concerts and huge sporting events that define so much of our lives and enjoyment before this crisis. We have a lot of work to do before we get there that work will be decided by you and our individual behaviors and how that impacts others and collectively our efforts here to modify and predicated on the data that will decide and determine as quickly or how quickly we move into those next phases. Those are broad strokes. We, of course, look forward to answering any questions. Dr. Galli is here as well to be more specific in responses related to the modification. Julie cart. Thank you for taking the question. Governor, this is regarding the vendors that your administration is paying for services. Would you please describe the vetting private process during the pandemic emergency and how it varies turning normal procedures and you think the flooding has been sufficient giving that the state has wired half a billion dollars to a company that has been in business for three days. Not a dime was lost in the state of california. We were in the wild, wild west as dollars were protected and protocols put into place that were much more strength and after that specific incident. I have the director of the officer of Emergency Services, mark, he can speak specifically and relate his confidence in what we are doing currently as it relates to the vendors. Thank you, governor and thank you for the question. Really, the difference between Emergency Procurements and normal procurements is during an emergency phase time is of the essence. In this particular event, covid 19 we were in an extra requirement for enhanced ability to get ppe out to the Public Health dividers and thats our house healthcare workers and First Responders this was more complex and that we were dealing with a condition where we had a worldwide shortage of a common commodity that literally every Healthcare Provider and government in the world was trying to obtain. And so vetting was important. We put together a vetting team of individuals. In these individuals really were a combination of individuals from our Public Health department and office of Emergency Services and our department of General Services and we pulled in expertise from logistics and incorporated expertise outside that i mentioned before in Previous Press conferences our ability to engage ngos and other entities that have done work in asia and for commodity providers to help us ensure the vetting had been done in an appropriate and efficient manner. Again a lot of this was being done in real time very rapidly. The idea was to try to get as many of these commodities as possible. As the governor mentioned, this was the wild wild west. There were thousands and thousands of individuals and organizations reaching out to us that required all of these aspects to be vetted. We were looking for large commodity purposes. We did, through that vetting process had the ability to find the most appropriate commodity that could deliver for us in a timely fashion. We broaden our partners from the federal government. Both from fema and we established and tied into the task force and the fbi and the department of justice to ensure all the different commodities we were obtaining the people we were dealing with were legitimate and we found a lot of fraud. A lot of promises not kept and the inability of providers that say they can provide for us and then they could not. That was basically the vetting process and it continues to go on today and through that vetting process we were only able to get through a very small percentage of legitimate organizations and companies that could provide us the commodities we needed. Good news. No money wasted. Lesson learned. New procedures put in place and let me punctuate that 21. 1 was wonderful number i received. 21. 1 million procedure masks in the inventory we are getting out in real time and it reinforces getting the project in and make sure we get out in real time and its foundational in terms of announcements and in the next phase variations so the front lines are defined more broadly in the Retail Sector and hospitality sector and the like of this appropriate gear next question. Thank you, governor. I have questions about to industries. You mentioned the Restaurant Industry and you said it could open soon for dining. Does that mean a matter of weeks or months. What are you looking at their and for sports the nfl is announcing its schedule. Are you comfortable with games being played without fans if players can get adequate testing and what do you think sports will look like youre in the state of california. Is difficult to imagine a stadium filled until we have immunity or vaccine. Its difficult for me to imagine broadly what leaks do 11 or two other key personnel or players test positive. To that quarantined the rest of the Team Offenses practicing with defense and they tested positive , what happens to the rest of the line . What happens for the game next weekend and it is inconceivable to me that its not a likely scenario. Its a challenging question. I know its being asked by Major League Baseball by the commissioner in the nfl never had the privilege of speaking with many of them including the players unions and associations. Its very fluid and i think it should be. They should be very sensitive to the needs of the communities of which they are identified and where they practice and play. We are working across the spectrum that includes soccer and many different leaks and affiliations and all that really want to get back and many of us and ive talked a lot about my own background in baseball allies substantially im here because of what sports did for me and so when i say this that im passionate i really am and how uniting sports can be at a time when people feel so torn apart and so anxious and they think they are incredibly important in terms of the spirit and pride that the community and state and nation can build. I hope i would be able to answer that question sooner than later. Its a tough question for the leaks to answer because they must have a safety first health first mindset and there are conditions that persist in the state and the nation that make reopening very, very challenging. Restaurants, the likelihood of some counties meeting all the criteria of the variance that dr. Galli put forward happening after we put in the dieting guidelines and i think its high in certain parts of the state and so can see some move quickly and work collaboratively state and with their county board of supervisors and the Health Directors that but the tracing position and trigger plans and measurements that allow them to pull back and they abide by the guidelines and prepare for them and we can see that happening in the next week or so. Thank you, governor. Can you clarify why churches and salons are not in phase three and phase two. What makes them more highrisk and what factors do you weigh. We are looking at the science, the frequency duration, time and looking at low risk high reward. Low risk low reward and looking at a series of conditions and criteria as well as best practices from other states and nations. All of those things in the advisory committees we have going into making that determination. Let me be specific to nail salons. This started in the state of california. I want to remind you and everyone on that. Im very worried about that and as you may know many informed me that many of the practices you would otherwise expect of a modification were already in play with many salons with people who had procedure masks on and were using gloves and advancing higher levels of sanitation. That has to be factored in and our Health Directors and experts in the console i received a very worried about moving precipitously into the next phase. We hope to get there shortly but right now all of our Health Indicators and Health Directives and Health Directors across the state put some red flags in that space. You may know this and we may have written about this and if you have thank you and if you havent take a look. A few weeks back we added guidelines to clarify for faithbased leaders and we had a series of phone calls and zoom calls and conferences with faithbased leaders maintaining in the current phase one that they can continue as essential the incredible work they do serving the community. Our homeless and are seniors and our children with the guidelines we put out in childcare put out by many faith leaders across the state. There are substantial augmentations that were already made in that space for faith communities. Our fear is this. Congregations of people mixing from far and wide coming together in an enclosed space at large scales is a point of concern and anxiety but know that we are already working on guidelines for fiscal distancing and we make further accommodations in that space happened earlier. Again, none of this is etched in stone. I grew up in the church. You been listening to the daily news conference. If you want to continue we are streaming live on her website at ktvu. Com. Things have changed so quickly. The governor emphasizing the state was 21 million surplus a year ago and 90 days ago all the sudden we are looking good for this budget season but now a 10 billion shortfall moving forward. But saying that, gasia, we are in a zone of stability. Some low risk businesses can reopen with Curbside Pickup. We have more information next week when people can eat inside the restaurants. A lot of this will be county driven. That is know covid related deaths for 14 days and adequate testing and tracing as been talked a lot about. States to is here tomorrow but its not back to normal. Is just nudging up the dimmer. But go to mark tamayo and talk about the weather. A lot of sunshine behind me and blue skies in San Francisco in the same can be said for the entire bay area and temperatures will trend up. Take a look at the forecast as we jump to the maps. Sunny for all and hot temperatures inland. The inland spots approaching low to mid 90s with the main source of the heat is this big area of High Pressure building in from southern california. With that today and tomorrow the hottest days of the week inland and we will call things off over the weekend. It is hard to believe with this pattern setting up we are talking rain chances into next week. Current numbers are warming up in concord and livermore. Both 86 degrees. San jose 84. San francisco 88. With the rain forecast model we have of dry weather pattern until the weekend by monday into tuesday. Highs in the afternoon in the 70s and a quick look ahead we will call things off into early next week. Thanks for watching, everyone. More news right now on the ktvu app. Our news cast next is at 4 00 p. M. Enough sun. Why your vitamin d level is more important than ever. And unemployment skyrocketing. Bills piling. I dont feel like i have any hope for the future. Dr. Oz we have a step by step guide to get money in your pocket and food on your table today. Are you having crazy quarantine dream dreams . We have the answer why coming up next. Dr. Oz it is day 108 of the coronavirus pandemic in america. A new study out of the u. K. Is proposing an interesting question. D

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