Liberia Fast Facts Here’s a look at Liberia, a West African nation, which borders the North Atlantic Ocean and lies between Sierra Leone and Cote d’Ivoire. About Liberia Area: 111,369 square kilometers, a little larger than Tennessee Population: 5,214,030 (2021 est.) Median age: 18 years Capital: Monrovia (named for US President James Monroe) Ethnic Groups: Kpelle 20.3%, Bassa 13.4%, Grebo 10%, Gio 8%, Mano 7.9%, Kru 6%, Lorma 5.1%, Kissi 4.8%, Gola 4.4%, Krahn 4%, Vai 4%, Mandingo 3.2%, Gbandi 3%, Mende 1.3%, Sapo 1.3%, other Liberian 1.7%, other African 1.4% and non-African .1% (2008 est.) Religion:Christian 85.6%, Muslim 12.2%, Traditional 0.6%, other 0.2%, none 1.5% (2008 est.) Unemployment: 2.8% (2014 est.) English is the official language. 1822 – The first freed US slaves arrive in Liberia. 1847 – Liberia gains its independence. Joseph Jenkins Roberts, a freed slave from Virginia, becomes the first president. For 133 years, Liberia is ruled by the True Whig Party, whose government and constitution are modeled after the United States.